WDW Should Not Open in July. Discuss.

Should WDW open in July?

  • Yes. I'd definitely go if I had the chance.

    Votes: 133 26.3%
  • No. Not in July, but I would go before a vaccine is available.

    Votes: 203 40.2%
  • No. Not in July, and I won't feel safe going until there is a vaccine.

    Votes: 169 33.5%

  • Total voters
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i suspect it will be a bigger financial hit to them if they have to close again than if they simply stayed closed longer. on a smaller scale, by way of example-we had a local bar/restaurant reopen recently and within a few weeks a covid outbreak was traced to it (group of people not following the place's social distancing-all got it, one server who served them and had tested negative immediately prior to reopening ended up coming down with it as well). they initially planned to close, re-sanitize, make sure remaining staff was clear. then they ran the numbers. all that food they had restocked would have to be tossed/replaced as well as the cost of re sanitizing when the same thing could happen the same night they reopened. they decided to stay closed for now and several other restaurant/bars cancelled plans to transition from to go to open dining. at the scale of all the food and other perishables disney must have to bring in, the size of their properties and cost to sanitize if there's a large scale outbreak. that would be hard for any company to recover from.

i also think about the employees-it's no secret how difficult the unemployment process has been in most states. think about what a pain/financial hardship it would be to go back to work, have you unemployment case close and then a few weeks or a month later have to turn around, reestablish your claim and then wait god knows how long to get your first check:worried:
There are people in FL who haven't received a dime since all of this started. Florida's unemployment system is abysmal, by political design.
There are people in FL who haven't received a dime since all of this started. Florida's unemployment system is abysmal, by political design.

here in washington state the residents wait to get their funds yet nigerian scammers managed to successfully file and already collect hundreds of millions in bogus claims. it's nuts.
Europe isn't one country. The United States is.
The rest of the world is marveling at the failure of our federal government.

Im with you on the disappointment and embarrassment of our countries response. However Trump said early on the states would get to manage this on their own. So in a sense we are treating the US like Europe. Thats why some states with competent leadership are doing well and while the ones without that are doing poorly. You cant look at the US as a whole really in terms of whats going on in each state. But you can definitely look at the US as whole for the mind blowing failure of leadership out of Washington.
Im with you on the disappointment and embarrassment of our countries response. However Trump said early on the states would get to manage this on their own. So in a sense we are treating the US like Europe. Thats why some states with competent leadership are doing well and while the ones without that are doing poorly. You cant look at the US as a whole really in terms of whats going on in each state. But you can definitely look at the US as whole for the mind blowing failure of leadership out of Washington.

All true. And good info for US residents making decisions about where to go on vacation or evaluating info for upcoming elections or whatever. But the PP was complaining that other countries aren't separating out individual US states, and that's just not a realistic expectation, and nearly impossible to implement policy-wise. (Can you imagine the airport if people from Wisconsin were allowed to travel somewhere and people from Florida weren't?)
Reading through these posts are just ridiculous. Why pass judgment on people who are going to the parks *responsibly*, following all rules and guidelines, and taking the necessary precautions? There’s literally no way that you COULDN’T follow the rules at Disney- they are rules for a reason and they are/will be enforced.

If YOU feel unsafe going, then don’t go. No one is forcing you. But that’s a PERSONAL choice. Just like deciding to go is because you do feel safe enough to do so. All these hypotheticals, “grandma” things, they’re all for one reason- to make people feel bad about doing something that is inherently *not* wrong. The parks are open because it was deemed safe to do so. The precautions are in place for a reason. Take your judgment somewhere else if you come here to make people feel bad because you wanna feel a little bit better about yourself. If they decide to delay the reopening (which I doubt), then those going on a trip in July may not have a choice. But until then, let people make their own decisions without calling them stupid or selfish, when they are nothing of the sort.

Things are not necessarily opening because it’s safe to do so. And my issue is that everyone should be doing their part to get through this as quickly as possible. The longer people just go out and do whatever they want the longer the virus sticks around, the longer the people in nursing homes will be isolated and not allowed to see their families, the longer the healthcare workers are exposed and potentially get sick themselves, the more it spreads and kills people. People just want to do what they want to do. It’s America after all. It makes me sad that people only think of themselves and their own pleasure. Like going to a theme park is a need. It’s really not and I think it wouldn’t be the end of the world to wait till it’s safer and then go. The sense of entitlement in our country never ceases to amaze me. Your PERSONAL choice unfortunately doesn’t affect just you.
in order for a bsns on private property (like wdw) to enforce they would have to call in local law enforcement and press charges on a personal basis. that means a bsns has to be willing and able to have enough security personnel to deal with each and every 'offender', and then take them into their custody to then call in local law enforcement who can choose to or not to press charges.

Disney does not have to call local law enforcement, they can simply tell the violator to leave the property and escort them out.... unless things get violent, then local law enforcement would handle it (and they already have a large presence around Disney property, not calling in officers from offsite to handle things). Disney has a large security team, and if it became apparent that not complying with mask requirement would get people kicked out, then I believe people would be more likely to follow the rules. As expensive as Disney is, being kicked out is more of a fine than law enforcement would issue.
Disney does not have to call local law enforcement, they can simply tell the violator to leave the property and escort them out.... unless things get violent, then local law enforcement would handle it (and they already have a large presence around Disney property, not calling in officers from offsite to handle things). Disney has a large security team, and if it became apparent that not complying with mask requirement would get people kicked out, then I believe people would be more likely to follow the rules. As expensive as Disney is, being kicked out is more of a fine than law enforcement would issue.

everyone's seen the videos of physical fights between merchants/their security and those who refuse to wear masks who are denied entry or told to leave a business. i have no doubt that someone paying as much as they will to enter the parks, if they are adamantly against wearing a mask will not hesitate to remove that mask immediately upon entrance and let the chips fall where they may up to and including fighting with a disney security person. that's NOT something i would want to see and i suspect disney doesn't want people seeing it/recording it/watching it around the world so do i believe they will heavily enforce masks? NO. i believe they will require them for entry, they will instruct staff to remind people to wear them, they will tell security to issue warnings but i suspect there is already a line they've told security not to cross b/c the last thing they want is to have their brand name damaged, their parks the site of anti mask protesters or subjected to the violence other businesses that have attempted to enforce have and are currently being subjected to.
Because many of our leaders are not being wise. Just because the government tells me it's safe doesn't mean it is so. (Water in Flint as just one example.) Because it is harmful. It will spread disease. Going somewhere unnecessary like a theme park makes it harder to do more necessary things like going to grocery store. Please, please people what you do affects others. Don't go...for your loved ones if
Things are not necessarily opening because it’s safe to do so. And my issue is that everyone should be doing their part to get through this as quickly as possible. The longer people just go out and do whatever they want the longer the virus sticks around, the longer the people in nursing homes will be isolated and not allowed to see their families, the longer the healthcare workers are exposed and potentially get sick themselves, the more it spreads and kills people. People just want to do what they want to do. It’s America after all. It makes me sad that people only think of themselves and their own pleasure. Like going to a theme park is a need. It’s really not and I think it wouldn’t be the end of the world to wait till it’s safer and then go. The sense of entitlement in our country never ceases to amaze me. Your PERSONAL choice unfortunately doesn’t affect just you.

I’m not going to argue with you, but many of you assume anyone who is going is an absolute idiot who is going to go see their sick grandmother immediately after boarding the plane. Please know many of us are smarter than that and your situation does not reflect everyone elses. I live with one roommate and have no choice but to quarantine upon return. Which I will do. And I’m sure many others will as well if necessary.
everyone's seen the videos of physical fights between merchants/their security and those who refuse to wear masks who are denied entry or told to leave a business. i have no doubt that someone paying as much as they will to enter the parks, if they are adamantly against wearing a mask will not hesitate to remove that mask immediately upon entrance and let the chips fall where they may up to and including fighting with a disney security person. that's NOT something i would want to see and i suspect disney doesn't want people seeing it/recording it/watching it around the world so do i believe they will heavily enforce masks? NO. i believe they will require them for entry, they will instruct staff to remind people to wear them, they will tell security to issue warnings but i suspect there is already a line they've told security not to cross b/c the last thing they want is to have their brand name damaged, their parks the site of anti mask protesters or subjected to the violence other businesses that have attempted to enforce have and are currently being subjected to.

Sadly you're right. Its guaranteed to happen : (
Think you need to scroll down to the "Treat people with ease" section and continue reading....

Headlines, gotta get those clicks, am I right?
That actually doesn't support your claim that they are tracing or asking people if they were at protests.
They aren't
I’m not going to argue with you, but many of you assume anyone who is going is an absolute idiot who is going to go see their sick grandmother immediately after boarding the plane. Please know many of us are smarter than that and your situation does not reflect everyone elses. I live with one roommate and have no choice but to quarantine upon return. Which I will do. And I’m sure many others will as well if necessary.

i want to say that i have the highest level of respect for anyone, in the BEST of conditions, who has the stamina to do wdw in july. you have stamina and some kind of genetic gift that i marvel at. i can barely tolerate the humidity there during the winter-summer????? i would be a puddle exiting the airport. my last trip to orlando was during what the local news deemed an 'unseasonable cold snap' last december. lifeguards at pools were in heavy coats, water parks were closed, everyone we saw was in long sleeves with knit hats...........we were sweltering in shorts and tank tops.

summer vacationers to wdw are amazing.
Same here, although in DC area I think they are asking people if they attended a protest. We've had some of the largest protests in the country and no uptick.
The numbers are down for the DMV overall. I think it comes down to the fact that the majority of the population live out in the suburbs in Maryland and Virginia and drive everywhere instead of taking public transportation. Add in the fact that DC itself is a very small area, so it's not a megapolis like NYC, Chicago, etc. where millions of people live in close quarters.
That actually doesn't support your claim that they are tracing or asking people if they were at protests.
They aren't

It shows that there is a very valid reason why they don't ask specifics like that......

Trying to get information, not doors slammed.

It isn't as sensational as it seems by the headline, that's my point.
The numbers are down for the DMV overall. I think it comes down to the fact that the majority of the population live out in the suburbs in Maryland and Virginia and drive everywhere instead of taking public transportation. Add in the fact that DC itself is a very small area, so it's not a megapolis like NYC, Chicago, etc. where millions of people live in close quarters.

Kind of tells you what the real factors are, doesn't it?
Things are not necessarily opening because it’s safe to do so. And my issue is that everyone should be doing their part to get through this as quickly as possible. The longer people just go out and do whatever they want the longer the virus sticks around, the longer the people in nursing homes will be isolated and not allowed to see their families, the longer the healthcare workers are exposed and potentially get sick themselves, the more it spreads and kills people. People just want to do what they want to do. It’s America after all. It makes me sad that people only think of themselves and their own pleasure. Like going to a theme park is a need. It’s really not and I think it wouldn’t be the end of the world to wait till it’s safer and then go. The sense of entitlement in our country never ceases to amaze me. Your PERSONAL choice unfortunately doesn’t affect just you.

We don't have a coordinated effort and on top of that alot of people are irresponsible or selfish.
And alot of mixed signals have been sent by the government and media.
At first it was masks don't do anything and now it's masks are important. And when you have government officials saying, well we were lying earlier because there weren't enough mask, that doesn't instill trust.

Then we have people saying we need to stay in, slowly open Phase 1, Phase 2, Phase 3, not have fans at baseball or NBA games or concerts and yet we turn a blind eye to protesters/rioters/and conventions who are immediately going to phase 4. We have an NBA bubble with no fans because we are so worried about spread and then down the street we have daily super spreader protests or conventions. And people somehow rationalizing that oh protests and conventions, those things are different, those things are safe.
The real factors are if people are social distancing or not.
Large gatherings with zero social distance are super spreaders.

And not wearing masks...

It's weird to me that people are pushing this protest narrative.

The numbers are down for the DMV overall. I think it comes down to the fact that the majority of the population live out in the suburbs in Maryland and Virginia and drive everywhere instead of taking public transportation. Add in the fact that DC itself is a very small area, so it's not a megapolis like NYC, Chicago, etc. where millions of people live in close quarters.

I think it's more of the above.

And if protests were the reason, you can't pivot to "oh there's other factors" when the data doesn't work in your favor.....

The goalposts are most effective when firmly planted.
everyone's seen the videos of physical fights between merchants/their security and those who refuse to wear masks who are denied entry or told to leave a business. i have no doubt that someone paying as much as they will to enter the parks, if they are adamantly against wearing a mask will not hesitate to remove that mask immediately upon entrance and let the chips fall where they may up to and including fighting with a disney security person. that's NOT something i would want to see and i suspect disney doesn't want people seeing it/recording it/watching it around the world so do i believe they will heavily enforce masks? NO. i believe they will require them for entry, they will instruct staff to remind people to wear them, they will tell security to issue warnings but i suspect there is already a line they've told security not to cross b/c the last thing they want is to have their brand name damaged, their parks the site of anti mask protesters or subjected to the violence other businesses that have attempted to enforce have and are currently being subjected to.
Disney deals with 'difficult' people on a daily basis (when they were open)... people are frequently escorted out of the parks without making a big scene as they are trained to. As said, I think once word gets out that people will be asked to leave if they don't comply with mask wearing, then people who plan on not following the rules will not visit the parks, or comply with rules if they do. Disney feels their ability to reopen is dependent on safety measures being followed, don't think they are going to 'give in' to non-compliance.

Universal has had fairly good mask compliance according to most accounts I have read (other than Volcano Bay, but the rules are pretty 'loose' there.) Granted, Disney will probably have a higher crowd than Universal...but no one is going not knowing what the policy is. And assume Disney will go with the alternate face shield policy for 'medical' conditions that Universal implemented, so no medical excuses for not wearing a mask.
The numbers are down for the DMV overall. I think it comes down to the fact that the majority of the population live out in the suburbs in Maryland and Virginia and drive everywhere instead of taking public transportation. Add in the fact that DC itself is a very small area, so it's not a megapolis like NYC, Chicago, etc. where millions of people live in close quarters.

Well, not comparable to New York City, but we have a very large of segment of the population in Maryland, VA, and DC that use the Metro, Metrobus, commuter buses, and vanpools. That's all come to a screeching halt, for sure, and people are avoiding those modes of transportation these days (though they are still running). People are still using them but at a fraction of what they did before.

And while we are more spread out that New York or Chicago, my area still had an over 20% positivity rate in April and May, even with expanded testing. It's come way down.
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