We ate HOW much?? 10 days of total gluttony at WDW, with pics! UPDATE 9/2/12!

Hey Bonnie

Glad you guys are all ok, I too thought that you had suffered due to Hurricane Sandy. Horrible that you had a flood , our business ishome improvements and dealing with issues like yours so I know how devastating it can be. But you sound all good now. I Would love to hear more of your trippie if you can manage it and will look forward to a new one with you.
We are coming over to WDW and staying at OKW in July for 2 weeks and so excited about it !!

take care and look forward to hearing from you again.
You have been one busy lady. You made it all issues sound so easy to have happen. I am sure I would have lost it somewhere along the way. Glad your life is as back to normal as possible. I have been enjoying your food reviews. Stay healthy and "dry".

Bonnie it's so great to see you on! I'm so happy that you and your family were fine through Sandy. :goodvibes Actually, I thought that it may have affected you and that's why you hadn't been on.

Wow so sorry about all the damage. What a nightmare. I remember living with my mom when she was remodeling her kitchen and the entire house was a dusty mess and that was only for 2 weeks! So I can't imagine what it's been like for.

Is your back doing better now?

Hi!!!! I have also been thinking about you throughout these past few months. How is everything? Omg, how old is the baby already?

My back is much better. It only took a little while for it to get better this time. The physical therapy works wonders and I do it as a warm up before working out. Plus I only do exercises that the physical therapist says are safe for me so that helps too.

Miss you!!!
Hey Bonnie

Glad you guys are all ok, I too thought that you had suffered due to Hurricane Sandy. Horrible that you had a flood , our business ishome improvements and dealing with issues like yours so I know how devastating it can be. But you sound all good now. I Would love to hear more of your trippie if you can manage it and will look forward to a new one with you.
We are coming over to WDW and staying at OKW in July for 2 weeks and so excited about it !!

take care and look forward to hearing from you again.

Hi! Wow, 2 weeks at WDW, that's amazing! It's nice being able to go on long trips. We find them very relaxing with the balance of just going to the pool and sleeping in a couple of days.

You have been one busy lady. You made it all issues sound so easy to have happen. I am sure I would have lost it somewhere along the way. Glad your life is as back to normal as possible. I have been enjoying your food reviews. Stay healthy and "dry".

Oh believe me, I did lose it sometimes throughout this whole ordeal. Sometimes I would be in the house at night and just cry. I would come home and after they did construction all day the house was so dusty and everything was moved around so much and packed in boxes. It was very overwhelming knowing how much had to be done to put everything back together. So at times I would get very down. But much of the time I would remind myself that everything would be fine, that no one got hurt and that once it is over we would appreciate our home more than we even did before. All of that helped. The boys were upset at first but we reminded them that it's just things and that the most important thing is that no one got hurt because things can be replaced whereas people cannot. Plus we got them involved in redecorating and choosing things like the paint color for their rooms, and looking at furniture together. We tried to make that fun for them and now they love the house. Today DH and I are going to choose the new carpet for the bedrooms and my parents are watching the boys. Things are so much better now that the main level is finished, the upstairs is all painted and the basement is in order. So when spring break comes next month, we can really relax!

Another wonderful thing...my sister got engaged in October right before the storm hit...she's getting married next month and we're all so excited! Her fiancé is a really wonderful man. He was at WDW with us in July and he loved it too! :)

Also, my 8-year-old Philip was chosen to sing in his second grade show in May with just 4 other boys for the song "when I'm 64"! They're doing a Beatles tribute for the show and he is so excited. He had to audition and he got to be a special part of this small group! I can't wait!!

So now we have really good things to look forward to and we're very excited!
Hi!!!! I have also been thinking about you throughout these past few months. How is everything? Omg, how old is the baby already?

My back is much better. It only took a little while for it to get better this time. The physical therapy works wonders and I do it as a warm up before working out. Plus I only do exercises that the physical therapist says are safe for me so that helps too.

Miss you!!!

Can you believe that he's already 4 1/2 months!? Time has flew by. Sad, but fun!

So happy to hear that your back is doing better.

Miss you too and hopefully you'll find some time to come back to the DIS regularly! :goodvibes
Can you believe that he's already 4 1/2 months!? Time has flew by. Sad, but fun!

So happy to hear that your back is doing better.

Miss you too and hopefully you'll find some time to come back to the DIS regularly! :goodvibes

Oh my, he is already 4 1/2 months (5 by now)?!?! I can't believe it! :goodvibes

Yes, time has flown and keeps going by too quickly. I look at my big one and can't believe he's over 8 years old already! Enjoy every second with him...the years will pass quickly. We spend as much time as possible with the boys and we love it and wouldn't have it any other way. There will come a day when they will want to be with their friends more than us so we have to enjoy this time with them now! And then they will grow up and appreciate everything we have done for them, and they will come back and want to be with us again! :)

I wish I had more time to be on the DIS. So busy with work, helping the boys with school work, etc....the days pass by so quickly. We have 2 more weeks and then we will be on Spring break for 11 days so we're looking forward to that time with the boys. We're lucky we work in schools and have the same vacations with them...I thank my lucky stars every day that I have a job I love, and that allows me all this time with my children. And the fact that Eric is also a teacher is even better!

Our cruise is just over 4 months away, and shortly after we get back I get to book Disney again!! :cool1: In the next few months we will decide the dates we will go in July 2014. Probably mid-month again. So we have at least a few days after July 4th to hit the road, take our time getting down there, and then enjoy! :thumbsup2
obviously late to the party but wanted to say how much I am enjoying your reviews

along with others I have read I think yours has convinced us to change going to Kona instead of Ohana's and Beirgarten is now a must!

We too are from New York (I was born in Brooklyn) so we are always hesitant to go to Italian places while on vacation but we might hit up Via Nappoli during out next trip this coming October.

Hope that back is doing well


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