We Ate WDW! 10 Days on Free DDP with LOTS of PHOTOS!! COMPLETED!

Eeyore's Tailfinder

DIS Veteran
Aug 19, 2006
Boy, have I been waiting a long time for this! For months before our trip I'd been studying the menus and the food porn thread, as well as various Dining TRs (I am a big fan of Brenda's!) before painstakingly making our ADRs. Now we were in Orlando for 21 days, however 11 of those were on I Drive and as most of you guys are American, I won't post the I Drive food pics and get straight to the good stuff :) This was our first time to Florida and the World.

So I'd better introduce the cast huh?!

Me - I'm Hayley and 21 years old. I love to eat out! I'm not really a fussy eater, but I am fussy when it comes to meat... I hate fat on meat - it's just offputting! But I really love a good steak. My 3 main food groups would be Seafood, Chocolate, and Cheese, and maybe some pasta and cheesecake thrown in. I just loves me some cheesecake. I try to order mussels off the menu whenever I can and I love trying new things. I don't like banana flavoured things, cherry flavoured things, and cinnamon!

DBF - He's 24 and likes most of the same things as me, except that he really hates seafood. He loves steak like me and that will become apparent throughout the TR! He is also a fellow massive cheesecake fan, and he just loves spicy things. He's not so keen on pasta, but loves a good pizza!

Pinocchio's Village Haus Lunch DONE!
Cinderella's Royal Table Dinner DONE!
Cosmic Ray's Lunch DONE!
Whispering Canyon Cafe Dinner DONE!
Leaning Palms Lunch DONE!
Boma Dinner DONE!
Electric Umbrella Lunch DONE!
Club Cool DONE!
Biergarten Dinner DONE!
Margarita Stand Snack DONE!
Kringla Bakeri og Cafe Snack DONE!
Lotus Blossom Cafe Lunch DONE!
Le Cellier Dinner DONE!
Sci-Fi Dine In Lunch DONE!
50s Prime Time Cafe Dinner DONE!
Flame Tree BBQ Lunch DONE!
'Ohana Dinner DONE!
Toy Story Pizza Planet Lunch DONE!
Tony's Town Square Dinner DONE!
Crystal Palace Breakfast DONE!
Wolfgang Puck Express Lunch DONE!
Goofy's Candy Co. Snack DONE!
Raglan Road Dinner DONE!

Wolfgang Puck Express Lunch (Take 2!) DONE!
Kona Cafe Dinner DONE!
Chef Mickey Breakfast DONE!
Aloha Isle Snack DONE!
Our first ever meal in the World was to be at Pinocchio Village Haus in Fantasyland, Magic Kingdom. I am one of the weird people who actually likes the ride It's a Small World, so I loved the idea of overlooking the ride. However the deal clincher had to be of course, those Figaro Fries. I had been dreaming about these fries ever since I had seen them in the Food Porn thread, but I had to say I was a bit scared of trying them as they looked soooo good and I was afraid they wouldn't live up to expectation... but we would soon find out!

We entered PVH via the door closest to IASW and looked around for a table we could grab. I immediately spotted one right by the window overlooking IASW so we rushed over before anyone else could bag our primo location.

It was actually so good to sit down, as today was the day we had moved from I Drive to ASMo and we hadn't stopped all day. However one of us needed to go get the food, and since I was the one who actually understood DDP I volunteered to go get it. I think this was the worst queue that I encountered at a CS place the whole time in WDW, however it was EMH and it was around 12pm that we got there. I think I queued for around 15-20 mins. I ordered:

Me: Chicken Strips & Fries, Chocolate Cake, Sprite and Figaro Fries

Els: Pepperoni Pizza & Fries, Chocolate Cake and Sprite

Free DDP Cost: 2 CS & 1 Snack
OOP Cost: $24.95
I have to point out with the OOP cost, I am going by the DIS Menus alone as I haven't yet sorted out my receipts so they don't include tax and don't include tips, but hopefully they'll give you some idea of cost.

This was my first attempt at using DDP and it went quite well - for some reason I had 2 receipts, one for the CS credits and one for the snack credit. The reason we had ordered so much food was, for some reason we thought that it was salad that came with the pizza - so Els could get my fries, and I'd get the figaro fries... so we got a ton of food!!


Free Food!


Chicken Strips


Figaro Fries


Chocolate Cake


Pepperoni Pizza

H: The Chicken Strips and Fries were just run of the mill - they weren't bad but not awesome either. However, the Figaro Fries did not disappoint! Oh my gosh I am so glad I got them! The toppings work so well together, it's just awesome! However what I got was waaaay too much food, but that was my bad!!

E: This was good pizza, made better by the fact that it was our first meal in the Magic Kingdom!

Ambience: The view was really cool - it just made me realise that we were finally here in Disney World watching everyone go by on IASW. It was very busy and quite loud in here though, but it's something you would expect from an eaterie in Fantasyland! It wasn't bad where we were sitting though as we were out of the main dining room.

H RATING: 9/10 - I just loved the Figaro Fries
E RATING: 7/10
WOULD WE EAT HERE AGAIN? YES! We have it down on our list for next year already - however I'll just get the Figaro Fries!
This was about to be our first TS Meal in Disney World and we were so looking forward to it. Before we'd even booked our vacation, and as soon as I knew that you could eat in the Castle I was determined to eat there. I'd decided on Dinner, as we were paying OOP and I felt it was the best value since it wasn't much more expensive than breakfast and lunch - we weren't too bothered about Princess - and when I found out they had Tortellini on the dinner menu, it was sorted. I love tortellini and can hardly ever find it when we go out to eat, even at Italian restaurants - so I would make the most of it. I had sort of prepared myself for the worst as CRT hadn't exactly fared well from reviewers on the boards, but I really wanted to eat at the Castle, and that's what it was all about.


CRT from the outside

Well we nearly didn't make it! We were around 15mins late and I was so worried, but I needn't have been since the girl on the desk was so nice. She asked all about our DLRP pins. We went into the small waiting area to have our photo taken with Cinderella, and the guy working was so nice! He spotted my First Time badge and I told him this was going to be my first autograph, he said, well I better make this a special one then hadn't I and took my book. He told Cinderella and she was so sweet, asking all about our day and then I realised that the guy had stuck a Cindy sticker in my book!

We were shouted immediately after we had our photo taken and felt so special as we made our way up the winding staircase, stopping for a few quick photos on the way.

We were greeted by a server and led to our seat... could it really be...a bit further... YES! IT IS! We were led to THE TABLE - you know, the table for two in the window overlooking Fantasyland! Oh my gosh, if this wasn't pixie dust I don't know what was! I had been debating whether to ask for this table but didn't in the end - and now we'd got it! I couldn't believe it and felt so special as we sat down! We had truly an awesome view, and I think we got a perfect time (we had a 7.35pm reservation and sat down around 8pm) since we got to see Fantasyland grow darker and see all the lights come on! The whole time we were eating we could see flashes go off below of people taking photos of the Castle and restaurant and it felt really cool that we were there!

Our view

Happy to be in the Castle!

Happy just to be in WDW!

Us at the Pixie Dust Table

We got a great server and he explained everything that needed to be. He promptly brought out our drinks (2 Sprites) and some bread:

I was just really excited to be eating some form of pretzel bread! The different butters were really nice too - something tells me it was Honey Macadamia, but I could be wrong. I really loved the bread, but Els wasn't too keen on it. We ordered and our starters came in really good time.

We both got the Vegetable Spring Roll with soy bean and bok choy salad and ginger-garlic sauce:


It was really good, hot and fresh, and we both really liked it. It had different vegetables in from the Spring Rolls we have at home, but we really liked the difference! It was also quite a big portion!

Next up were the entrees, and they were paced out really well. I of course got the Cheese Tortellini with julienne vegetables, garlic marinara Sauce and fresh Romano:


I know these aren't very good photos as they just don't do it justice - it was really good! The pasta was done just right and the sauce on it was really good! I really enjoyed it!

Els really didn't know what to have, and plumped for the Roast Prime Rib of Beef with gratin potatoes and a cabernet sauce. I was really worried about it, as I'd seen some photos of Prime Rib and it wasn't a cut that I would choose at all, and I wasn't sure Els would either since it seems just so fatty. However I was really really suprised when this came out:

It was a much better cut than I was thinking, and he really enjoyed it, and was quite relieved! I tried a piece (for reviewing's sake of course!) and it was really good and so tender!

Dessert was next, and I got the Chocolate Cream Cheese Buckle with choclate ice cream and drizzled with chocolate sauce:

It was just SO good. The tartness of the cream cheese went really well with the chocolate and it was very moist.

Els got the Raspberry Sorbet:

He wasn't too keen on this, as he said it was too bitter for him. I love raspberry flavoured stuff, so I might have enjoyed it - however I was too busy eating my chocolate buckle to have a bite!

Whilst we were eating dessert, the little show began (our server informed us) and I wasn't expecting Suzy and Perla to stop but they did:



So that was a nice suprise! We also watched the Fairy Godmother sing:

After the show, we finished up our desserts and left a tip for our server, even though one was included in the price as he had been very good with us. We grudgingly left our little table and made our way back down the stairs, stopping to take one smiley photo on the way:

Ambience: It had a really nice ambience in here - C'mon, what can beat eating in Cinderella's Castle? The show was really cute, we got to meet Cinderella, got a photo package, and the view was just the icing on the cake. This was truly Disney Magic!

H RATING: 9/10
E RATING: 7/10
WOULD WE EAT HERE AGAIN? Yes, the food was good enough to eat here again, but we had a wonderful experience here this time and it's the sort of thing you only do once (but I am tempted to do it again!)

OOP Cost:
$39.99 per adult (plus tax)
I am settling in for your reviews, and love them so far! I am definately going to have to try those Figaro Fries; they look awesome!
Great reviews and pictures, so glad you enjoyed your dining and trip! That's nice you got great tables at Pinnochio's and CRT, since you appreciated the view so much!

I just got back from WDW and wanted to try the Figaro Fries but didn't. Had I seen your pictures before I left on the trip, I know that somehow, I would have found room and tried them, they look so yummy in your pix of them!

Can't wait to read more of your reviews!
I have visited WDW 20 times and had NEVER heard of Figaro fries, we leave in 33 days and Im gonny try em, thanx for the cool info and pic........
We were back in MK today, and were looking for some more free food. I had originally planned we would eat at Pecos Bill's, but since we were in Tomorrowland anyway, we decided we would eat at Cosmic Ray's. We found a table and I got served really really quickly.

We both got exactly the same thing, which was a Bacon Double Cheeseburger, Fries and a Sprite, but I got a Brownie whilst Els had Carrot Cake.


I think this was a pretty good cheeseburger! We also loved the toppings bar, and the fact that it had cooked onions!

Ambience: The fact that they have different queues for different items was cool, but I bet it could get annoying if your family all wanted different things. This is quite a big place, and they have 2 toppings bars I believe (could be more) but it still got quite busy, and a family were very glad when we offered them our table when we got up. The alien DJ is really cute!

H RATING: 6/10
E RATING: 6/10 - He says "The food was good, but the lack of seating was obvious"
WOULD WE EAT HERE AGAIN? Yes, but there are lots of other CS in MK we want to try

DDP Cost: 2 CS Credits


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