We can do it! -Disney bride weight loss group

Moonpie said:
Gahh!!! :guilty: Second day of teaching work, and I haven't been able to go to the gym! Too much to do! Can't..........put...sentences...together! Must...do...wedding...prep! Must...fall...asleep...

I am SO WITH YOU on that! We started last Wednesday and it has taken me until today to get back into the swing of things without feeling completely exhausted! Although, now we are off for at least a day and a half because of Ernesto so we'll have to start all over again :rolleyes:
hey everyone,

i have been sooo bad :sad2: i cant even get back on my diet. i am so stressed about money and the wedding and i just turn to food all the time. every time i get stressed i think chocolate. so now i am depressed because i cant diet and stressed and its not a good combination for me :guilty: sounds like everyone is doing so well. i am gonna try tomorrow to start wish me luck, but sometimes i just never know what to eat whats right or whats wrong.i just always know the end result being that i will fail and it makes me not even want to bother. i need some encouragement guys please help!!!! :grouphug: good luck to everyone else ;)
Belle83007 said:
hey everyone,

i have been sooo bad :sad2: i cant even get back on my diet. i am so stressed about money and the wedding and i just turn to food all the time. every time i get stressed i think chocolate. so now i am depressed because i cant diet and stressed and its not a good combination for me :guilty: sounds like everyone is doing so well. i am gonna try tomorrow to start wish me luck, but sometimes i just never know what to eat whats right or whats wrong.i just always know the end result being that i will fail and it makes me not even want to bother. i need some encouragement guys please help!!!! :grouphug: good luck to everyone else ;)

I'm right there with ya!! You're not alone!
School starting back up has totally kicked my booty!
I have been doing some reading and i found that some things that can cause you to not lose weight are being low in your omega 3's Also if you dont get enough of your amino acids you can keep your self from losing weight.
I forget which amino acid that is the most important but i buy this liquid amino acid complex frm puritans pride. I also have found that eating smaller meals sveral times a day is better then not eating or eating 3 big meals. And then to tuck in your tummy you can do 30 sit ups a day but you can divide them up and do them slow count to 10 each way. This really makes your musscles work harder then if you do it fast. You dont need to come up all the way either just enough to get your shoulders off the floor a couple inches some people call it a crunch.
Eating 5-6 meals throughout the day is better for you because it keeps your metabolism working at a steady pace... it's also good for your energy because your blood sugar stays constant. :sunny:
ilovemymac said:
And then to tuck in your tummy you can do 30 sit ups a day but you can divide them up and do them slow count to 10 each way. This really makes your musscles work harder then if you do it fast. You dont need to come up all the way either just enough to get your shoulders off the floor a couple inches some people call it a crunch.

Another one to work the opposite muscles as a sit up is to lay on your back on the floor, put your hands under your booty (palm down ;) ) and put your legs at a 90 degree angle up in the air. Then, slowly lower your legs (toes pointed) to the ground. Stop when you are about 2 inches from the floor, hold, and then slowly come back up. Repeating this will work wonders for your abs!!!
I think we should all de-stress a little bit we are Getting married after all and this wedding planning stuff is suppose to be fun(or atleast that's what I'm told)We should all take today to breathe and re-boot and Start again fresh tomorrow. We can do it!!!:goodvibes
soontobewed07 said:
I think we should all de-stress a little bit we are Getting married after all and this wedding planning stuff is suppose to be fun(or atleast that's what I'm told)We should all take today to breathe and re-boot and Start again fresh tomorrow. We can do it!!!:goodvibes

Sounds good to me, I have cramps SO bad today, someone give me a BROWNIE!!!! :teeth:

Sorry if that was TMI ;)
soontobewed07 said:
I think we should all de-stress a little bit we are Getting married after all and this wedding planning stuff is suppose to be fun(or atleast that's what I'm told)We should all take today to breathe and re-boot and Start again fresh tomorrow. We can do it!!!:goodvibes
Okay! I'm way to beat to prance around on the treadmill today anyway. :thumbsup2
soontobewed07 said:
I think we should all de-stress a little bit we are Getting married after all and this wedding planning stuff is suppose to be fun(or atleast that's what I'm told)We should all take today to breathe and re-boot and Start again fresh tomorrow. We can do it!!!:goodvibes

Thats what i said to myself yesterday, but it didnt work because i had pepperoni pizza and some stromboli for dinner tonight :guilty: I am with you i will try to start new tomorrow :goodvibes good luck to everyone :thumbsup2 besides i have to start looking for my gown soon so maybe that will keep me strong princess: hopefully!!
Just checking in! I walked about 3.5 miles today! It took me and my friend about an hour....
We also decided to give up icecream for Sept!
We made a deal that the first one to cave has to buy the other a pedicure....If we both make it the whole month than we both get pedicures at the end!!

I hope I can stick with this as Ice cream is a big vise for me!

Keep up the great work ladies!!
i really need to tuck in my stomache before our wedding in Dec. no matter how much weight i lose i never seem to lose my belly and it drives me crazy. I look at pictures and see my stomache and im grossed out. I have tried sit ups but i dont seem to get any result from that. Any ideas or machines you have used or done that you have seen results from?

Ok girls, here's a question. If I reach my goal I would like to lose about 70-80 pounds by July. I'm wondering what will happen with my dress. I haven't bought one yet because I'm afraid if I do it won't fit anymore. I know you can get it altered, but what if I change by 4 sizes or something? Can it really be altered that much??? Wouldn't that cost a LOT? Should I wait a little while so it wouldn't be 'as' big of a difference? How late can I wait? Should I leave 6 months, 4 months? What do you think? Thanks!!!!
I don't know about all bridal salons but I know that at My davids Bridal (portage MI) They told me I could get a different size dress if I lost/gained wt. However the dress has to stay at their store and cannot leave it.

MY story- I ordered an Oleg Cassini Test (http://www.davidsbridal.com/bridal_gowns_detail.jsp?stid=2638&prodgroup=92)dress that did not come in Women's sizes. I ordered the largest size, a 16 in hopes of loosing enough weight. I talked with the store MANAGER (not just my consultant) about it. She told me that I could order another dress if it looked like mine wouldn't fit in time. However now time has passed the dress is avaiable in women's sizes so I can just order it larger....I haven't decied what I want to do yet. My dress has come in and I have tried it on at the store but it doesn't fit....I'm waiting until Oct to see If I have lost enough weight for it to fit, if not I'm getting a larger size.

Hope that helped a bit!
SRUAlmn said:
Ok girls, here's a question. If I reach my goal I would like to lose about 70-80 pounds by July. I'm wondering what will happen with my dress. I haven't bought one yet because I'm afraid if I do it won't fit anymore. I know you can get it altered, but what if I change by 4 sizes or something? Can it really be altered that much??? Wouldn't that cost a LOT? Should I wait a little while so it wouldn't be 'as' big of a difference? How late can I wait? Should I leave 6 months, 4 months? What do you think? Thanks!!!!
Someone, I think it was maybe Nkkilala, said that her dress shoppe would exchange it for a smaller one when it came in if she needed it. When you order it, ask about that option. Of course, then you'd have to allow for order/delivery time.

I am not doing a very good job on my diet! I had a good first few days while my BF was out of town, but then had this party and that party....Luckily, in some way, I go back to school and a schedule this week! My BF asked me yesterday if I think I can do it, and I said yes without hesitation. It's only 20 pounds...He "says" I have to get to 130 if I want my dessert party! I think it is his way of motivating me!
ItGirl753 said:
It's only 20 pounds...He "says" I have to get to 130 if I want my dessert party! I think it is his way of motivating me!

That's a good motivation! I need something like that. Maybe I should tell myself I can get Cinderella's Carriage if I reach my goal! ;)

Thanks for the help about dress size everyone. I will check about that option when I find my dress. Does anyone know how much time you have to leave normally for delivery if I'd have to get a new size? Thanks again!
SRUAlmn said:
Ok girls, here's a question. If I reach my goal I would like to lose about 70-80 pounds by July. I'm wondering what will happen with my dress. I haven't bought one yet because I'm afraid if I do it won't fit anymore. I know you can get it altered, but what if I change by 4 sizes or something? Can it really be altered that much??? Wouldn't that cost a LOT? Should I wait a little while so it wouldn't be 'as' big of a difference? How late can I wait? Should I leave 6 months, 4 months? What do you think? Thanks!!!!

I don't know where you want to get your dress from, but the place where I got mine had me order the dress as soon as I possibly could. I ordered it in February and got it in July! It's a really high end bridal shop with fabulous service, and they do alter the dress as much as you need it. They also made sure to order the dress about 2 sizes bigger than I was in February. That's a standard thing they do, because they know people may gain weight while wedding planning. It's much easier to take a dress in, then to let it out. :) I say you should order your dress as soon as you can so that you don't run into any problems later on with any alterations you need to get, or with getting the dress of your dreams on time for your wedding. :)
OK guys... here's the deal. I just saw our engagement pics we had taken in August by Randy Chapman. Randy did a fabulous job with the pictures but I couldn't believe how round I looked~!!! :scared1: HOLY COW!! I have to lose weight!!!! This is serious girls!!! :sad2: My body is happy here, but I am NOT!!! We want to have children soon after we get married (we already have a 10 year old daughter - excuse me... 10 1/2 :rotfl: ) but we would like to have 3 more... about a year or so apart... I'm not young anymore and we want to enjoy our children. :goodvibes But, I don't want to be one of those women who keeps all the baby fat from child to child and just keeps getting bigger... I am predisposed to that type of thing... my entire mother's side of the family is like that!!!! Tonight has NOT been a good night.... ARGH!!!!! :sad1: My DF has been supportive and tells me he loves me and will help me any way he can. He thinks I'm beautiful and tells me he'll help me lose weight after each child and continue to eat better. I feel like it's never going to happen right now... :guilty:
happylalagirl said:
Tonight has NOT been a good night.... ARGH!!!!! :sad1: My DF has been supportive and tells me he loves me and will help me any way he can. He thinks I'm beautiful and tells me he'll help me lose weight after each child and continue to eat better. I feel like it's never going to happen right now... :guilty:

I TOTALLY feel you on this one! I got my school ID card on Friday and my face is SO round and puffy!! It was really depressing. It's so funny how the person I see in the mirror and the person I feel I look like is not at all what I look like in pictures. I'm a skinny girl fighting to get out!! :rotfl:

My fiance is the same way as yours and sometimes that's part of the problem. I figure, if he loves me how I am, why does it matter. However, I don't love me how I am so it does. I just tease him sometimes that I wish he'd tell me I'm fat so it would motivate me. He, of course, said he will never do that!


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