We got Covid on a Disney trip

The title refers to a Disney Trip and not Disney specifically... We all know a Disney Trip includes the whole deal before during and after.
And if you think not one case of COVID Symptoms or illness has been related to a Disney Trip, you have arrived in lalaland".
I’m sorry to hear you got sick, but I’m glad it sounds like you’re doing better.

We went to WDW in September and we came back unscathed as far as COVID. However, we apparently did catch some other mystery physical ailment there. The only noticeable symptom was that we weighed a few extra pounds when we got back. Not sure when exactly we caught it, but we definitely got it at some point during our trip.
Sounds like you are both doing well so that's good. I'm not surprised given the amount of people you came in contact with before, during and after the actual Disney part. I'm surprised we don't hear of more cases since the bubble isn't really a bubble. We always come home from a WDW trip with some ailment or another, I'm thinking odds of getting sick are better than the odds of not getting sick when in such a large crowd of people. We came home in Jan. (me and my adult son) with some sort of mystery ailment. He was feeling bad the day we left for home, I started feeling bad two days after we got home. Both of us had fevers, coughing, aches. I was having a hard time breathing and figured I had walking pneumonia (which he confirmed since he is a RT). Lasted about 2 weeks for both of us, neither went to the doctor since we knew there wasn't anything they could do that we weren't already doing at home. Covid? Maybe who knows since it wasn't being talked about that early in the game.
I am scheduled to be there 12/28-1/4 after cancelling several trips already; this is making me reconsider. We would be driving down and not taking Disney transportation or taking off masks anytime when indoors (obviously not eating indoors) but this does bring home the risks. Hmmm.
We have a trip planned 12/26-12/31. Direct flights and we plan on using Disney transportation. Our plan is a 14 day quarantine before and after the trip.
The title refers to a Disney Trip and not Disney specifically... We all know a Disney Trip includes the whole deal before during and after.
And if you think not one case of COVID Symptoms or illness has been related to a Disney Trip, you have arrived in lalaland".

Just pointing out that the title was recently changed - it originally said "in Disney" not the much more accurate "on a Disney trip". See the first few posts to confirm.
It doesn’t matter what the title is, the point is they likely HAD COVID already while at Disney, just not symptomatic yet. I think it was good for people to know that even the best precautions won’t keep you entirely safe. Those in a higher risk category need this info.
COVID is out there. One cannot say 100% for sure where they got it from. My sister recently had it (my other sister had it months ago) and she has no clue where she picked it up - and everyone else she came into contact with prior to testing positive tested negative.

I am sure the possibilities are really great in Disney of course. We came back less than a month ago and I told everyone who asked, we felt safer in the Disney bubble than we do here at home. Supermarkets are always busy. Now, right before this Thanksgiving Holiday, it's a mad house. As well as Costco (which I refuse to go to).

Hope you are feeling better.
It doesn’t matter what the title is, the point is they likely HAD COVID already while at Disney, just not symptomatic yet. I think it was good for people to know that even the best precautions won’t keep you entirely safe. Those in a higher risk category need this info.
I completely disagree. Knowing what we did before the trip it is not likely we had Covi
It doesn’t matter what the title is, the point is they likely HAD COVID already while at Disney, just not symptomatic yet. I think it was good for people to know that even the best precautions won’t keep you entirely safe. Those in a higher risk category need this info.
Knowing what we did before the trip it is very unlikely we had it before our trip. We live in a part of the country with very low positive rate. I'm 99% we got while we were there.
Knowing what we did before the trip it is very unlikely we had it before our trip. We live in a part of the country with very low positive rate. I'm 99% we got while we were there.

Yes, but if you caught it at Disney you were also spreading it at Disney which was the point of my comment. It doesn't really matter where exactly you got it - you were symptomatic just after you got home, so you were contagious for several days before you became ill. So for people who are thinking that they are less likely to come into contact with Covid at Disney, this is a cautionary tale. For high risk people this is critical information to know. There's no amount of screening that will pick up asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic carriers of Covid. Some studies have shown that you are more contagious the few days leading up to symptoms.

Yes, but if you caught it at Disney you were also spreading it at Disney which was the point of my comment. It doesn't really matter where exactly you got it - you were symptomatic just after you got home, so you were contagious for several days before you became ill. So for people who are thinking that they are less likely to come into contact with Covid at Disney, this is a cautionary tale. For high risk people this is critical information to know. There's no amount of screening that will pick up asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic carriers of Covid. Some studies have shown that you are more contagious the few days leading up to symptoms.


Your statement saying no amount of screening will pick up cases is very accurate. I didn’t have a fever or cough the entire time I had COVID. So I was walking around in the parks days leading up to losing the taste and smell and didn’t know a thing. I have to wonder how many not only asymptomatic cases but how many people are walking around with some form of symptom but think “I don’t have a fever” and still go to the parks. I’m not naive - if people are spending money to be at WDW, they’ll pop a Tylenol and keep going along thinking I’m spending money to be here so I might as well go.
Your statement saying no amount of screening will pick up cases is very accurate.

Well, SOME amount of screening will pick up asymptomatic cases. Travel screenings where negative tests are required, for one.

My husband was exposed at work. He is quarantining right now. A coworker was supposed fly to Boston Wednesday for a work related trip. He took a PCR test Monday to get clearance to travel. He got a positive result Tuesday morning. No trip for him. Everyone who had close contact with him now quarantining until Dec 8. The coworker is 100% asymptomatic. Says he feels great, and he even performed a pretty grueling physical fitness test Tuesday morning (the Combat Fitness Test, for people familiar with the military).

If airlines start requiring tests prior to travel, it will catch a LOT of asymptomatic people. It won't help with people who drive or day visitors, but I have to wonder how many positive test results in the last week were due to people needing or wanting to get tested ahead of Thanksgiving travel.

Regardless, people need to know that the temperature screenings they are doing at theme parks is completely useless. I told Disney that in a survey they sent me about the measures they have taken. It provides a false sense of security. If you go to WDW, you WILL be around people who have the virus.
Well, SOME amount of screening will pick up asymptomatic cases. Travel screenings where negative tests are required, for one.

Agreed. I'm having a medical procedure on Monday. I had to go for a pre-op check-up and a blood draw yesterday. I was screened before I entered the office, meaning they took my temperature and asked me if I have been exposed. I have to go for a Covid test tomorrow for a confirmed negative test before I can have the procedure Monday. Everybody in my house has to quarantine for the weekend.
Anytime we are in a public place, we have the risk of picking up a virus especially one that is very concerning as this one. I know that us Disney Lovers believe that Disney is a magical place that is spared every adverse situation, but in reality it’s not. Hope you are well as much I I love Disney and try to go every two years, last trip November 2019, we won’t be back until 2022 after the vaccine has taken a hold of the world, no pun intended. Playing it safe until we can enjoy everything at Disney once it’s fully open.
Anytime we are in a public place, we have the risk of picking up a virus especially one that is very concerning as this one. I know that us Disney Lovers believe that Disney is a magical place that is spared every adverse situation, but in reality it’s not. Hope you are well as much I I love Disney and try to go every two years, last trip November 2019, we won’t be back until 2022 after the vaccine has taken a hold of the world, no pun intended. Playing it safe until we can enjoy everything at Disney once it’s fully open.

We have the same plan! 2022!
I hope you feel better soon. I know you’ll get people who say it could have happened here or there and that’s true; however, I’ve been there done that and bought the “I went to Disney World and all I got was COVID” t-shirt. We were there 10 days after driving there and driving home. I got symptoms the day before we left so day 9. Yes it could have happened anywhere but judging that we were there for that length of time, no planes, wore masks, hand washing and hand sanitizer constantly etc etc - it can happen and will happen at WDW. There’s a large crowd, winding queues, bottlenecks, restaurants etc. we knew the risk going but figured if we took precautions (like driving, one bedroom villa to cook meals, brought air purifier for room and wash clothes) we would be fine. It can happen. Thanks for your report - at the end of the day, just be cautious everyone. I was lucky that it was a mild case but remember, Disney doesn’t live in a vacuum - there will be cases. stay safe everyone. OP, thanks for sharing your story.
I’ve had 3 sets of friends that have been during this time. 2 of the 3 were there for 2
weeks each. They also drove and tested negative before leaving. They are also convinced they contracted coronavirus there as well. I won’t get into the details but I think it’s absolutely possible to contract it there and it doesn’t really matter the how. It’s a risk that we all agreed to when still entering the gates of WDW.

Just because it’s not talked about, doesn’t mean it doesn’t/didn’t/won’t happen.

Glad you’re doing well.

ETA:: Talk to text was not kind to me 😂 smh
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Yes, but if you caught it at Disney you were also spreading it at Disney which was the point of my comment. It doesn't really matter where exactly you got it - you were symptomatic just after you got home, so you were contagious for several days before you became ill. So for people who are thinking that they are less likely to come into contact with Covid at Disney, this is a cautionary tale. For high risk people this is critical information to know. There's no amount of screening that will pick up asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic carriers of Covid. Some studies have shown that you are more contagious the few days leading up to symptoms.

I understand now. Thanks for he explanation ☺️
Luckily we missed you guys when we were in WDW 11/4 thru 11/11. :)

We flew and switched 3 different resorts: AK, Dolphin, SSR. We took a cab from the Dolphin to SSR because the Dolphin had just opened and they were unsure about luggage transfer. My BIL was having ankle surgery 4 days after our return and post vacation he tested negative for Covid. None of us had/has any symptoms.
I am trying to better understand the risk of eating indoors at a restaurant. All the articles seem to suggest it is high which seems logical but so hard to know based on various accounts like these that maybe outdoors is not as safe as we think. For the OP and MasonDuo, curious if you ate indoors anywhere during your trips? Thanks in advance. I want 2019 back :(
We decided to restrict ourselves to picking up food from our favorite restaurants. Not fast food stuff, real food. So far so good. Eating well at home. I find our local favorite with great local fish entrees actually increases the portions on take out for some reason. More difficult in Disney obviously. That’s why we have cancelled 2 trips so far. Likely more cancellations to come.


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