Wearing PJs to Walmart

You have to wonder if people who go out in pajamas ever bother to shower.
Seriously? You question people that run to the store because they need to grab a few things, and they're only going to be there a few minutes because they don't feel a costume change is needed in the middle of their day? Maybe they just got home and put their jammies on and remembered they needed milk? I practically LIVE in pajamas on my days off because I'm a homebody, but as far as hygiene goes, I can't go a day without showering. I think you can tell a big difference in someone who is just being lazy (which I totally am on my days off) and those who are just filthy.
Live and let live.

I used to think it was something I'd never do, until I had a pipe burst in my studio apartment at 6 am and the pajamas I was wearing were the only dry clothes I had. Eventually, I had to clear out so the plumber and clean up guys could do their thing. I picked up my friend who wore pajamas in solidarity, and we eventually got food at a restaurant (I asked if we could be seated wearing pajamas, first). It was the end of a very difficult week, and very surreal to be so physically comfortable and emotionally uncomfortable at the same time, but I think being in pajamas weirdly helped the situation.
I love that your friend wore pajamas too! lol I got tickled at "solidarity". hahaha!
Is there any line you think is too far? Here’s a take on this I’m wondering about. I’m on vacation right now and am sitting on a fairly well-screened balcony overlooking the bustling pool area. There are some extremely skimpy thong bikinis being worn, which is to be expected. I’m lounging in a tank top and underpants after a long day of sightseeing. My underwear covers a lot more than much of the swimwear. If you saw somebody wearing something similar at the pool, would you (people in general, not necessarily you personally) judge it?
I think if you got your drawls wet in the pool, everyone would know they were drawls. lol I have had a swimsuit on under a t shirt and been on the porch wondering if my neighbors think I just don't have pants on. :jester: Honestly, how would anyone really know?
How did you ever get any sleep at night?
Honestly it wasn't as hard as you might expect. The place was originally a single family home, with slave quarters behind, built like a tank in the late 1800s. Our apartment was in the back, facing the courtyard, which was surrounded by a thick brick wall. Street noise was so muffled it became like white noise.
I worked for the Disney Store back in it's heyday in the 90s into the early 2000s. We used to have monthly themed cast member meetings after the store (in a large mall) was closed. Sometimes that involved wearing pajamas, costumes, etc... Friends and I always met for some appetizers first. Wearing pajamas in public isn't new. As long as people don't get in my face, I don't care what they wear.
This makes me think of how back when I was a kid in the 70's and 80's, I used to get a new outfit to fly on a plane. It wasn't until I was an adult that I saw people in comfortable clothes on planes. It was just how you did it back then. It was a big deal to fly. You popped off that jet, into your Grandparents arms looking spiffy! lol
That was our family too. Flying was an event and we dressed up for it. I laugh now when I try to find the comfiest clothes to travel in.
Is there any line you think is too far? Here’s a take on this I’m wondering about. I’m on vacation right now and am sitting on a fairly well-screened balcony overlooking the bustling pool area. There are some extremely skimpy thong bikinis being worn, which is to be expected. I’m lounging in a tank top and underpants after a long day of sightseeing. My underwear covers a lot more than much of the swimwear. If you saw somebody wearing something similar at the pool, would you (people in general, not necessarily you personally) judge it?
That’s what I always say when I hear people complaining about women in sports bras with no shirt (in an appropriate setting). If a bathing suit is ok, why isn’t a sports bra? If a man is topless, what’s wrong with a sports bra?

Yes, many people would judge you in your underwear even with more coverage than the skimpy swimsuits. I would have in the past as well, but I’m over being concerned with what anyone is wearing.

I don’t go out in pajamas or just a sports bra or even shorts because I’ve had too many years of being told that I “don’t have the body for it” and that lives in my head at all times now. I do not dress up to go out in public either. For the most part, I wear whatever I think will allow me to most blend into the background. I have come along way in recent years, though, in that I will wear my exercise clothes in to a store if I’m dressed to exercise and need to do a quick errand.


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