Weather? Rain?


Earning My Ears
Aug 21, 2013
Can someone who is there now tell me what the weather is like? I see a lot of rain on the weather channel, how bad or not bad is it? We leave in 5 days & am starting to worry about it because the forecast has lots of rain
Can someone who is there now tell me what the weather is like? I see a lot of rain on the weather channel, how bad or not bad is it? We leave in 5 days & am starting to worry about it because the forecast has lots of rain

I am not there now but this time of year it is common in Florida to get a rain shower a day. We went this time last year and saw rain everyday between 12-3pm but it always let up quickly! Not sure what you are looking at but some sites will tell what hours to expect rain. Maybe that will give you a good estimate if it's a whole day of rain or just the usual mid day shower. :thumbsup2
it will rain almost every day in florida in summer. plan on it. and it will go away quickly, andmaybe come back.

make sure to pack umbrelas and more importantly ponchos. you can buy disposable ponchos for a buck or two int he camping section at most walmart and target stores.

jsut dont he ponchos and head on out!!


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