Weather Warnings....How Long Does it Take...


<font color=FF99FF>You don't have to be clever and
Jul 24, 2002
I have a question for all of you "Dis Pro's" out there. Now, I know that there has only been 1 hurricaine to actually hit Disney World, but I'm sure that over the years there have been plenty of "side effects" of Hurricaines, and storms that have hit WDW. Now, for those of you that have delt with it in the past, about how long BEFORE the date of my trip should I start looking for "Tropical Depressions", to see if they will effect my trip. I know there's nothing I can do about it, and I also know it will probably rain every day..... but I sure would like a little advanced warning if I'm going to have to skip water parks, and plan more indoor stuff during my trip.

It seems like it is usually a week to ten days before something in the "Southern Caribbean" makes it's way up to Florida, but I'd like some facts from folks that have experience.

The only prediction a person can make about a hurricane (or tropical depression) is that they are unpredictable. They make all kinds of last minute bends and turns.
On a visit we made one year in late Aug and early Sept, the day we left for WDW, we thought for sure we would be impacted by torrential rainfall from a hurricane. Ironically. the hurricane stayed offshore pulling the moisture out into the ocean. Where we would have normally experienced afternoon rainfalls, it didn't rain at all while we were there. (Boy, was it hot, though!)
If you are going during hurricane season, don't worry about it too much. But, it never hurts to have a plan B activity for rain --even if there is no hurricane on the horizon. On the other hand, some folks really like it when it rains because it tends to thin the crowds out a bit. ;)

-DC :)
We went to Disney World eary-August last year. It rained a LOT. Especially the day we went to Epcott. I avoided a ride everyone else went on so I wouldn't get wet. Turned out they didn't get wet at all and it started raining and got all windy like a hurricane while they were gone.

All I wanted to say is DON'T BRING YOUR OWN PONCHO UNLESS IT'S A REALLY GOOD ONE! Get the ones in disney world. I felt soaked with the ones we had and i ended up buying a disney one anyway.


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