
Mrsdisneyb2b Is anyone else having registry issues? I know I am and it's driving me nuts. DF and I really have mostly everything we need. We put things on the registry that we would love to have but wouldn't buy ourselves (which I thought was the purpose of it?)
Well there were a few comments made that "We have expensive taste" on things like our sheets etc. The truth is, is that, we really use grose sheets, like the ones that arent even number thread count and wanted to start our marriage with REAL 350 thread count cotton sheets... Now those of you who sleep with nice sheets know, that these at times can be expensive.
But I didn't feel like 70 dollars for a good set is that bad? So we have now added some "cheap sheets'' on. I am not happy about this though...

My mom says I should ignore them and leave what I have on. However I worry about everything and anything that is said to me, or about me....yes, I am one of those lol...

We are also planning on doing the disney registry and I am worried that then people will think we are being greedy or something of that nature.

I wonder why people turn your wedding into their own problems? It makes me sad that we decided to make them happy and stay here for the wedding, and yet it is still not enough...

Okay so, enough complaining... good news...My MOH's shower will be soon! And I am beyond excited. I have already stalked her registry and I think I've come up with a pretty awesome idea for her gifts... a morning basket (things like her coffee maker, expresso sets etc and then little odds and ends here and there, sugar, powdered creamer...etc)

Registries can be fun... if they're not your own lolol

Put whatever you want on there, it's YOUR registry! If anyone says anything otherwise just tell them that you and DF have decided on what you need for your new life together and it may be expensive but you will be using it everynight. Don't feel pressured to put anything up there you dont want.

Also, I see nothing wrong with 2 registrys, most of my girlfriends that are getting married have at LEAST 2 registrys. DF and I are planning on crate and barrel and disney because we have lived together for 2 1/2 years and dont really need too much. People can always give you a gift card and avoid the reg altogether too.

I'm sure it will all work out, registrys can be fun :) Good luck:goodvibes
Also, I see nothing wrong with 2 registrys, most of my girlfriends that are getting married have at LEAST 2 registrys. DF and I are planning on crate and barrel and disney because we have lived together for 2 1/2 years and dont really need too much. People can always give you a gift card and avoid the reg altogether too.

We were having fun! Until people said something:confused3

But you are right its OUR registry!!!!!:scared1: (can i be a bridezilla?)
Wearing His Heart

I know the picture in my beginning part of the pj has the "ring" however here is the real ring and my wedding band:

Clearer view

When df and I had first started talking about marriage I didn't say anything except that I didn't care about rings. Shortly after that he said to me "I promise to marry you in the future" and then proceeded to give me the plastic ring off of an orange juice container.:rotfl2:

Now, many may have thought I was INSANE but, I wore that ring FOR A YEAR! It was a promise and like I had said, I didn't care what it was as long as he made the promise thats what that ring represented...

Well, when he proposed, the plastic ring had broken months before... and he said "Jen you're the love of my life, you are my heart will you marry me"

And so I am "wearing his heart" every day.

The band I picked out. I wanted something differnet and "magical" looking. Witht his ring and band it was very hard to find something to match and so when we found this we were hooked!!:cheer2:
OMG, don't even worry about what people say about your registry! Don't change it for them!!! We don't really need anything either, we've been living together for almost 2 years, and we already bought our house so anything we NEEDED we went out and bought. So, the registry was kinda fun because we just picked random things we want... including more expensive sheets! I believe ours are $70 a set too. I must admit though, when I saw the prices I kinda freaked!:lmao: I would never spend $70 on sheets for myself, but I would LOVE to have them! And if someone thinks that they're too expensive, than whatever, they don't buy them! People just like to complain... just let it go in one ear and out the other!
OMG, don't even worry about what people say about your registry! Don't change it for them!!! We don't really need anything either, we've been living together for almost 2 years, and we already bought our house so anything we NEEDED we went out and bought. So, the registry was kinda fun because we just picked random things we want... including more expensive sheets! I believe ours are $70 a set too. I must admit though, when I saw the prices I kinda freaked!:lmao: I would never spend $70 on sheets for myself, but I would LOVE to have them! And if someone thinks that they're too expensive, than whatever, they don't buy them! People just like to complain... just let it go in one ear and out the other!

I know...its kind of silly now that I'm thinking about it. The point in the registry is things for us, nice things to start our lives with. Not going to the dollar store and getting sheets made from toilet paper:rotfl2:

Then never know
Here Comes The Theme...​

Usually when I post I am not at home, I am at work. And they have alot of sites blocked so I can barely post any pictures.
But, I'm home:cool1:
So Now I can update my crazy wedding things!
:woohoo: :woohoo:
The color scheme:Blue dresses, the brown sash, brown shoes and pink favorite!


These are the actual dresses for the bridesmaids. They will be the blue/brown. The second is the Junior bridesmaids dress. I am still a bit hesitant about it...she is only 12 and I worryit is too revealing...



This is the look we are hoping to go with for the Groomsmen. Brown shoes brown belt. We are nixing the blue shirts because of sweat...:laughing:


My adorable Flower girl and Ring Bearer outfits:


And my monogram...which i worked way too hard on only to hear "I dont know about the starfish"--meanie family members:mad:

Up next: I am working on a "Playbill" for the church. See, our family says we are a fairytale come to life, and this is the next chapter in our, when Iwent to see little mermaid I got the idea of making our wedding ceremony into a "play".... here is the front cover of what I have so far:

I drew it and incorporated "us".... DF added the color!
The beach: Our favorite thing in the world
The snapple bottles: engagement, we love our tea
Umbrella:Every single holiday or special event was showered by rain for us!
How exciting for your SIL! You have a lot of exciting things going on, good for you!

The ring is gorgeous hun! Love it!
Oooh just saw your colors and everything.. Gorgeous! love the playbill!
Aww, your stuff is so cute!! I love everything!

Where are your bridesmaid dresses from? My brother's fiance is looking for blue and brown bridesmaid dresses for her wedding! She would love them!
How exciting for your SIL! You have a lot of exciting things going on, good for you!

The ring is gorgeous hun! Love it!

I am beyond excited! She had a really terrible experience with the first and was afriad to have this is a really big (and exciting) deal!!!!!

Oooh just saw your colors and everything.. Gorgeous! love the playbill!

THANK YOU!!! I cant wait to post the rest of it. I worked for three months on it but it doesn't want to show up nice... mean playbill!
Aww, your stuff is so cute!! I love everything!

Where are your bridesmaid dresses from? My brother's fiance is looking for blue and brown bridesmaid dresses for her wedding! She would love them!

The bridesmaid dresses are watters wtoo collection and they are really inexpensive. I thought they would be ALOT and they are around 160. However, you can find them online for cheaper!!!:banana:
Put whatever you want on there, it's YOUR registry! If anyone says anything otherwise just tell them that you and DF have decided on what you need for your new life together and it may be expensive but you will be using it everynight. Don't feel pressured to put anything up there you dont want.

Also, I see nothing wrong with 2 registrys, most of my girlfriends that are getting married have at LEAST 2 registrys. DF and I are planning on crate and barrel and disney because we have lived together for 2 1/2 years and dont really need too much. People can always give you a gift card and avoid the reg altogether too.

I'm sure it will all work out, registrys can be fun :) Good luck:goodvibes

I agree!!! You put whatever you want on your registry. I had 60.00 sheets and 80.00 sheet sets and got both so people will buy it. They just like to complain. Actually the first things that went off of my registry was all the expensive things...:rotfl: People just like to complain. Oh and you can have 2 registries. I had 3! One at Bed, Bath and Beyond, one at Target and one at and they are all empty. Actually people complained at my shower that they had to think up something to get me because all my stuff was gone so I say register wherever you want for whatever you want and tell everyone to keep quiet. :thumbsup2
I agree!!! You put whatever you want on your registry. I had 60.00 sheets and 80.00 sheet sets and got both so people will buy it. They just like to complain. Actually the first things that went off of my registry was all the expensive things...:rotfl: People just like to complain. Oh and you can have 2 registries. I had 3! One at Bed, Bath and Beyond, one at Target and one at and they are all empty. Actually people complained at my shower that they had to think up something to get me because all my stuff was gone so I say register wherever you want for whatever you want and tell everyone to keep quiet. :thumbsup2

Hmmm...will you be my guide?:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
I need you as my conscience to tell people off when they start to bother me!!!!!!!
My mom has been very stressed lately. I know that she is worried about my wedding, and throwing me a bridal shower... but I fear that it has taken a toll on her.
A little background on my mom... She is my favorite person in the entire world. :hug: Mother Theresa witha little attitude. I wish when I have children she would raise them so that they would come out like her...
She had cancer in her uterus that they found in July right before her birthday and in October had a hysterectomy. She has recovered beautifully and quicker than expected...:yay: but still wasn't able to make her disney vacation in December which she has been dreaming about. Her first time tehre Itook her for her birthday, two years ago and she was like a little kid. It was so much fun! I felt like the mom taking her daughter!

After the registry fiasco two days ago, I decided to make two registries and then the third will be the disney registry...for anyone who doesnt find anything to get me on the next...So, this was easier and less stressful for mom...

The problem is, I've been noticing lately that her short term memory isn't that great. :confused3 She also suffers from Epstein Barr Syndrom and Cronic Fatique... and I worry that my wedding and shower is taking a toll on her...
I am very close to telling her that I would like to be in charge of my shower and that I want her to tell me when it is just to ease the stress. However, I know since my sister will probably never get married, and I am my moms first, that this will hurt her.
I know alot of you go through similar situations, so I thought that maybe, I would be able to get some insight. I dont mean to be a downer....I apoligize about this. Its just a very hard decision to make:headache:
Ive asked my df and he said to just let her do it herself, and fmil said the same...however they are not the brides... you know?

Any suggestions?:surfweb:
Okay, with the other post, I decided to let you guys in on my next project: Hidden Mickeys.

I am not sure how I am going to go about these little guys. Originally I had planned on putting three little diamonds on the bottoms of my shoes, however, I decided on the JV and 7.17 instead...

I saw one bride had put them in her veil. I was thinking of doing this as well...but what about my dress? Do you think it would be hard to find? lol...maybe I could do a "Find the hidden mickey" game at the wedding!!! lol

My mom had ordered the William Sonoma Build A Bear cake pans and we decided that as a surprise for DF we would make two cakes, a bride and groom, and turn them into disneymooners! We would make the little mickey ears, and make a few small pins, etc. I'm beyond excited about this because, I will have the week before to start to make their accessories! And, this will be something special for df and I to cut into at the wedding...How we're getting it there without him knowing...who knows!! lol:rotfl:

So thats something that we will be working on next. I've decided to get a planner for the reception as well though too, because I dont want mom to have that to worry about along with everything else....:scared1:

Yesterday I received my "Place" cards from Vista print for the guests. They read:

If you've been taking pictures
from this morning through tonight
we'd love for you to share them
Just upload them to our sight!

And then we have a snapfish account set up that the guests can log into and upload their digital pictures. Another bride I know did this and I thought it was such a cute idea. She got some adorable pictures too!
Sorry to hear about your mom, I went through a silmilar situation with my grandma when I was planning a wedding 5 years ago that never happened (long story). Why not ask you sister or another close female in your family to offer to help her out, I am guessing she doesn't want you to have to help since it's "your day" but I can understand your concern. If she says no then you just have to let her do it on her own, my grandma was super stubborn and didnt want any help, but she finally let my cousin help her. Hopefully it all works out though, let me know...
Glad the registry all worked out, just let people complain, most people love to :lmao: I cant wait to see your cakes, let us know how they come out.

I am totally stealing the picture idea too! Who knows what pics might end up there lol!


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