Week of Oct 16 - 2006 Half-Full Marathon Info/Training Thread

wtpclc said:
I need help with shirt graphics!
Can anyone take a Photo Shop Pro file (*.psp) and turn it into something that Corel 12 or Adobe Illustrator 10.0.3 can read??

This is the last thing I need to get everything square with the printer. Please pm me or e-mail me with your e-mail if you can help. TIA!


Carrie, I'll talk to the printer. Paintshop Pro can produce about 20 different graphics formats. Corel 12 can import about 20 different graphic formats, there's got to be some cross-over there. I'm a little concerned that the printer is so rigid to insist it has to be Corel 12. Corel 12 is very versatile.

Maybe you've emailed me and I didn't check my email? I check now!
Lisa-- I'm so sorry to hear about your knee. But I guess the good news is that it is something that can be fixed rather speedily. Good luck!

Krista-- great news on the alien pace :rotfl2:

Bree-- You could do something very passive aggresive and say to this show-off, "wow, you're truly amazing! I could never run without training the way you can. Imagine if you trained how good you could be? Its a shame you don't have the time to train..." You'd be "dishing it out" and he'd be eating it up :rotfl: But I suppose passive aggresiveness never really solves anything. So I'll tell you what I used to tell DD when people got to her "let it roll off like water off a duck's back". She'd say "what in the world does a duck have to do with it????" So much for Mom's wisdom.

I did an 8 miler on the bike path. I came in short on daylight but luckily brought a pocket flashlight with me. Realizing I messed up on time, I went straight to the pharmacy to get DD's script; sweaty and stinky. While I waited I saw they had a special on protein bars, so I was standing there grabbing one after another until I had a delicate balance of an enormous pile of protein bars in my arms and I realized what I was wearing. When I rushed home from DDs dr apt I quickly changed into my running clothes with only one thought in mind: weather appropriate clothes. Now I'm standing in the brightly lit Shaws, stinky and sweaty, and I notice I'm wearing a purple shirt with hot pink stitching and greenish-gray capris with neon yellow strips down the sides. Just about as mis-matched as one could be. I then realized, "I've crossed over". I looked around and decided, "I'm no longer 'one of them'". I'm not quite sure where I've crossed over to, but its a world where appropriate dress and hygiene are no longer top priorities. Of course for my poor children's sake I will try my best to fake normalcy as much as possible. :rotfl: Then again I was pretty strange when I was a physics student, too.

Signing off now :faint:
Hi, everyone, and thanks to all for the good wishes!

Minnie - It's great that you were able to get in three miles and your pace sounds great, but I hope you are listening to your body and not pushing too hard. It would be a shame to inflame something. Have you tried aleve? That is what my doctor prescribed for my inflamed sacroiliac joint and I would think that if your pain is related to sciatica, that might help. I'm glad you have an appointment scheduled with someone who understands the rigors of training. Good luck!

Krista -- Congrats on that awesome pace!! :Pinkbounc I hope you and Stephen have a fabulous time in WDW. Have you stayed at BCV before? That is our home resort and we absolutely love it there. It is so beautiful. Here's some :goodvibes: and :wizard: for a Wilma-less trip! Enjoy!

Sunny -- that story is hysterical! :rotfl2: :rotfl: :rotfl2: Don't worry, though, I am sure your kids are so incredibly proud of you that they don't even think about whether mom's clothes coordinate. :love:
Quick shirt update. I will be able to do PayPal for all orders at the rate I gave.
My FL geography is not good, but I'm thinking this one's headed towards Mel's side. Prayers for everyone who could be in WIlma's way!
Sunny-that story is hilarious! One a.m. after I had worked out at the gym (at DH work) DH called me & said DS had forgotten his backpack & I needed to take it to him since it had his homework & lunch in it. Well DS goes to school on the other side of town so I didnt have time to go home & clean up first. I thought I could at least get away with dropping it off at the office for him. Well no-they tell me to just go on back to his classroom & give it to him. So not only did the office staff get to see me all sweaty & gross but his teacher & whole class too!! By this time I decided what the heck & stopped on the way home at a store to run an errand. (I would normally not go into stores like this) So I totally understand where you are coming from. And to think when I was in high school I wouldnt go to the gas station unless I was fully made up princess:

Minnie-awesome job!!!! Keep it up & be careful at the same time. It's a delicate balance between the 2 so you dont get injured further.

Today was xt- I did 5.5 miles on bike & will do pilates this afternoon. This exercising thing is actually beginning to feel good. Now I know I have been abducted by aliens!!!

Krista-great job on the run! I am so jealous you are getting to go to WDW. Watch out for Wilma, she looks like a mean "you know what" :scared:
wtpclc said:
My FL geography is not good, but I'm thinking this one's headed towards Mel's side. Prayers for everyone who could be in WIlma's way!

Yeah, we're definitely on Wilma Watch. Right now, it's projected to land south of us, but it's 160 miles wide, so we'll feel something. It's really too early to tell for sure, but I'm thinking I'll move my LR from Sat to Fri :umbrella: THings don't look good for DD12s soccer tournament this weekend. :guilty: Bad part is, if it's far enough north, Orlando and Lisa, Nancy, Bill and Lynnda may be affected too.

:wizard: :wizard: for all of us...maybe it'll just cut through the Everglades and not bother anyone.
TiffJ said:
Sunny-that story is hilarious! One a.m. after I had worked out at the gym (at DH work) DH called me & said DS had forgotten his backpack & I needed to take it to him since it had his homework & lunch in it. Well DS goes to school on the other side of town so I didnt have time to go home & clean up first. I thought I could at least get away with dropping it off at the office for him. Well no-they tell me to just go on back to his classroom & give it to him. So not only did the office staff get to see me all sweaty & gross but his teacher & whole class too!! By this time I decided what the heck & stopped on the way home at a store to run an errand. (I would normally not go into stores like this) So I totally understand where you are coming from. And to think when I was in high school I wouldnt go to the gas station unless I was fully made up princess:

:rotfl: Yes it appears to be a "slippery slope" we've gotten ourselve onto. I was the same way, had to be showered and "presentable" to be seen in public. The other "dangerous" aspect of this slipping is the whole shirt thing. I often find myself thinking "I should be able to just change my shirt right here, afterall I'm wearing a sports bra" but then I realize that "normal" people in a store parking lot would probably look down on such behavior :blush: Then there's the whole peeing in the woods thing (which I haven't sunken to as of yet). Ah, the life of a runner :rotfl2:

Mel :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: Sending Wilma far away from you! Stay safe!

I wimped out of the 5AM run again today. I was really mad at myself because on Weds that's the only way to get my two workouts in (run and weight session). But it turned out to be great. I did lower body weights at lunchtime and then did a 2.5 mile run on the TM. I did 2 miles in 16:38 :cool1: The weight session was one of the best I've had in a while so once again I learned the lesson of rest... It was a very short run, but I got a run in all the same. Its not the getting out of bed that I'm wimping out on, its the fact that there is no good route to run near my house that is really safe in the dark (sidewalks the whole way, etc). I have to keep brainstorming on this.

oh and i meant to say, I did a 60 second burst at 8.6 mph :cool1:

plutosmyfav said:
:rotfl: Yes it appears to be a "slippery slope" we've gotten ourselve onto. I was the same way, had to be showered and "presentable" to be seen in public. The other "dangerous" aspect of this slipping is the whole shirt thing. I often find myself thinking "I should be able to just change my shirt right here, afterall I'm wearing a sports bra" but then I realize that "normal" people in a store parking lot would probably look down on such behavior :blush: Then there's the whole peeing in the woods thing (which I haven't sunken to as of yet). Ah, the life of a runner :rotfl2:

Sunny - soon you'll among the rest of us....peeing in the woods and going to eat lunch/and or coffee all stinky after a run is a right of passage for a runner. As for the mis-matched clothes...you're own your own there, matching is an obsession of mine ..... ;) Looking cute on race day is a toal MUST! :rotfl:

Krista - I'm so jealous you're going to the "World" but I'm on the 11 day countdown, so get Mickey all prepped for me :teeth:

Did cycle class last night and today is my rest day before our 8 & 16 double long runs tomorrow and Friday.

For all you guys possibly in Wilma's path, I am praying for you....I know everyone is so tired of these hurricanes. I really hope it slows down before it hits the gulf.

Until later,
BIG DOGS, Little dogs, ......any pups out there?? :dog2:

I have been mostly lurking on this board since January and am so impressed with all the athletes on this board. You are truly inspiring! But is there anybody else out there who isn't at the 16 minute pace yet?

I have been walking regularly since January, about 10 miles per week, training to train, until the 14 week mark for MFM. So...I am following the schedule to walk the half, but still haven't made it to a pace to avoid the sweepers. I am starting to get concerned. Been thinking about switching to a W/R combination, but at 50 yrs old I want to be careful. Did anyone complete the half last year just walking?? Anybody planning to "just" walk the half this year?

I am so excited about earning a Donald Duck medal! Gotta be sure that I avoid the sweepers!! Thanks in advance for any words of wisdom.
Pat - I am 53 and using the MFM book to train with. I can walk about a 16.5 min mile outdoors. I can't walk that fast on my treadmill because it doesn't go below a 1% grade. I was able to walk faster on the treadmills at the gym which start with a 0% grade. I am hoping to get where I can walk at least a 15 min mile but just finishing in the allowed time is the first priority.

I have thought about trying to put a little jogging in the mix but will wait until I have been walking and cross training more consistently. This group is great with the encouragement. We can become online training buddies if you want. I skipped last nights cross training but intend to do the walking on the treadmill tomorrow night. Monday night treadmill consisted of 5 min warmup, 30 min walk and 5 min cooldown. I only managed 2.15 miles so I was slow. Will need to work on getting faster.
Hi Kathy,

thanks for the encouraging words. I have found this group to be so inspiring. Last Jan I was a confirmed couch potato, and now I am so much more active. Of course WDW is true motivation! Just the thought of crossing the finish line in Disney is enough to give me goose bumps.
Pat-I completed the 1/2 last year with only walking. I went really slack after I signed up last year and didn't exercise, etc. like I should have but was determined to give it a try. You can do it and if you are that close to the 16 min. mile already, you will be fine.
Pat -- As everyone keeps telling me, we still have 11+ weeks to train, and you are very close to your pace already, so just keep doing what you are doing and keep up the hard work!

That being said, I moved up my 30 minute walk + speed/form drills from tomorrow to today because of a big commitment tomorrow night (our family was named Family of the Year by Special Olympics for our state and we'll be honored at the "Night of Heroes" tomorrow night for our commitment and volunteerism.)

So, tonight, I did a 5 minute warmup and 30 minute walk at avg pace 15:24

Then speed/form drills:

1 minute at 13:52 2 minutes at 15:21
1 minute at 14:16 2 minutes at 15:51
1 minute at 13:29 2 minutes at 15:49
1 minute at 13:23

I know I did some stuff wrong, and I had some problems because some of the "intervals" weren't on straightaways. But I am pleased to see that the "speed" parts were good paces. I am really going to work on improving that stuff. Overall, I did 2.95 in 45:00 (15:15 pace overall). Wish I'd remembered to "lap" after the warmup 5 minutes to see the pace without that, but this is good. I'm pretty pleased. I hope everyone else had a good day. Sunny -- isn't this your mid-week LR?
To those of you that said be careful - YOU WERE RIGHT!!!!

Unfortunately I was in high discomfort during the end of the run and by this morning I could barely hobble to the shower. I took several pain killers and by mid day/early evening I was back to being comfortable. Now this evening the upper thigh area is tight again and the outner knee is aching once again :guilty: so I'm off to soak in a hot tub.

Tomorrow is a planned training day and I'm not sure what to do. I don't know if this is something that I can run through or not :confused3 I sure don't want to loose 2 weeks of training to wait to see the physical therapist. I've got another chiro apt tomorrow so maybe that will help :rolleyes:

Happy Training Everyone :earboy2:
Welcome Pat!!! So glad you decided to post. Keep up the hard work!

Crosstrained tonight. Took the boy to gym and he played in "the room" aka childcare, while I swam 1000 mtrs. Then we played together in the pool. He was worn out in time for bed!!!!! YEA!!!! Bree, we saw no naked strangers and I was determined not to be one!!!! Escaped the locker room without any birthday suit incidents!

Tomorrow is long run of 14 miles. I am still a little fatigued after this past weekend's adventure race, but I think I just try to take it easy on the pace. I am, of course, running with my external commando, EC, so the easy on the pace idea may not be an option. I have firmly decided to walk the water stops as I think that will help distribute the muscle work. Because of this, EC is bringing her big ol' dog to run the first 7 miles with us. He actually stops to "make water" amoung other things!! I will probably try to cross train again friday by pulling the boy around the historic military park with the bike. I am thinking about taking pics as the leaves are beautiful and then i can show you guys one of my favorite places to workout!
I am so sorry that so many of us are dealing with these aches. I wish for all to make it through in a good way.

I am among those on the list too. Working with that achilles tendonitis. Have some script anti-inflamatories and going to get new shoes tomorrow. Have my inserts and doc said to lift them up a bit more with 1/4 inch heal pad under the inserts. I have not done anything since Sunday. Not sure if I can work in a XT on elliptical...if that will work, but I am still optimistic that things will work out. I know I have been working hard and that this time away will not keep me down.

You travelers going to WDW, hope you have a good trip.

You FL folks, PD your way.

I love that things are starting to come together for us.

Welcome to Pat. You can do this. Being 50 is a great way to celebrate with this event. Congrats to you. I am older and still trying to catch my breath over trying to do "the big one."
Yes, MelR, if you can pull the boy, you can certainly carry a little bitty digital camera to take pictures for those of us not fortunate to have seen the sun in a while. If we hadn't went to WDW for Columbus Day weekend I would be going absolutely bonkers at this point.

:wizard: For the FL residents and those that will be visiting. Hopefully the storm tracks south and misses any heavily populated area.

Did 40 minutes moderate/hard today, 4.27 miles. Didn't feel great but not too bad either. It's a very lecture/mtg intensive week with 7 hours M, 11.25 hrs T, 8.5 today, then 8 Th and F. And it's a fairly intensive week on the training program with 6 workout days. I thought about going and doing my long run with the Maine Track Club group Sat morning but they start at 7 am sharp and its about a 45 min drive. I have a deep suspicion that Sat morning my strongest desire will be to sleep in so I'll probably run my 12 by myself along the coast. I have to accomplish a lot academically this weekend since this week will be mostly a wash and the following weekend I'll be in DC for a conference and to work medical at the Marine Corps Marathon.

Time for bed. Good job everyone with your training and here's to many more alien moments.
Pat-just keep up the good work, you're doing great. As someone here said-just signing up & training for this thing is awesome by itself. My mom is doing this with me, she's 64 and she is walking the entire thing. It hurts her knees too much too jog. Although her pace is much better than mine. She started out in better shape than me. I'm working hard so I dont get left in the dust by a 64 yo Nana of 11 :rotfl: And dont forget that even 1 week when you are training can bring great improvements!

Cam-Congrats :cheer2: :cheer2: That is so awesome, you should be very proud of yourself & your family. You guys must have helped out with some pretty great things to get that award.

Minnie= here's some :wizard: I hope you get better soon!!

Keep up the good work everyone!
Welcome, Pat! I know there were lots of WISH walkers last year and there will be lots of walkers again this year. You are doing great! I'm so glad you joined us :grouphug:

MelRhoads said:
I am thinking about taking pics as the leaves are beautiful and then i can show you guys one of my favorite places to workout!

Wow, great minds run on the same track! Just yesterday I remembered we had talked about posting our routes and I decided I was going to bring my camera on the BP so I could show y'all my beautiful training grounds. I thought it would be nice to put together a scrap book with bibs, and picts, too. My BP is getting quite beautiful with the leaves, too. However, night running is out. The leaves and pine needles make it impossible to see where the edges are at night. There are no lights on the path and the flashlight didn't quite cut it. :(

Lynn-- you don't have sun yet? We got ours back. Its quite nice today. I'm scheduled for an 8 miler today but my knee thinks tomorrow might be better so I think I'll switch and do upper body weights today.


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