Week of Oct 23 - 2006 Half-Full Marathon Info/Training Thread

Colleen-Thanks! I've been working really hard. And as it gets closer, I am getting so excited that it makes me want to work even harder. There is no way that sweeper bus is catching me.

Minnie-I am so sorry you are having so much trouble. I hope you get it taken care of soon!

Carrie-those pics are beautiful. I wish I has somewhere pretty like that. Just my neighborhood & the track around a man made lake at DH work.

I hope all those in FL are doing ok riding out Wilma. I am so sick of these hurricanes!! I know you guys must be.

Today is my off day so I get to have lunch with a friend while kids are as school :Pinkbounc Have a great training week everyone!
Funny, even though it will be beautiful still, I don't think many will be jealous when it's white! lol.

I hope everyone is safe and dry in FL!

Got 60 min to do tonight. Feeling much better than yesterday, but still have a slightly sore hip and sore calf. Trying to really hydrate today to help those muscles out.

Steve & Krista- Keeping up training at WDW deservs a woo hoo! It's got to be kind of inspirational too, though.

Have a great week everyone!
princessmomma said:
I have meaning to ask if anyone here knows of marathons that have the Clydesdale/Athena categories. I heard that some races have the Athena category at 140 lbs and others are over 170 lbs. Hmm, I meet to requirement for both weights. :rolleyes1

Where can I research these races? Anyone??

I like "Athena". The weight divisions I always see are Clydesdale/Fillies :rolleyes: Ya, I'm a Fillie. My half had the C/F divisions. I don't know of any full marathons specifically. If there's a marathon you're interested in, check out their webpage or previous results and you'll be able to see if they have the weight division.

Carrie-- your route looks beautiful! I especially like the water scene. My route turns white, too :cold:

I feel great after a day of rest. Ready to run again :cool1:
I am way behind. My dad passed away unexpectedly, :sad1: and I've spent the past week and a half in Florida with my mom. I managed to get last week's LR in a couple of days late, but I should have done 10 miles on Friday, and I haven't run at all since 5 miles on Wednesday. Today it is raining (northern band of Wilma moisture), and no way can I do 10 miles on a TM. I'm thinking 3 today, 10 tomorrow, and put off this week's LR until maybe Sunday. Grrr, once you get off schedule it is hard to make up ground. But priorities are priorities, and Mom needed me.
lacool - Soo sorry for your loss. I'm sure your training will recover. You did have much more importatn things to deal with. Hope you and your mom are doing ok!
Just a quick note to all the WISHERS in Wilma's path, pls. be safe & good luck. Hope it's over quick!


Didn't read the posts...Lacool, I am so sorry to hear about your loss, good thoughts are with you, hang in there!
Greetings everyone,

As part of my goofy training, I felt it was important to get a full marathon in so that I would know what to expect. So yesterday, my LR was a marathon! :banana: I can even walk today, and nothing is exceptionally sore today. I finished in about 5:45, which translates to just over 13 minutes/mile pace. Not bad for a first marathon. I took it nice and slow with lots of walk breaks (particularly over the 2nd half--see below) because WDW marathon is only a couple of months away.

Lessons learned during my marathon:

Start out slow! Other people have mentioned this, and I can add my experience as proof of their wisdom. My first half split was 2:23 (11 minute pace) and I was doing great. However, the hills between miles 10 and 16 at that pace caused my feet to hurt during the run, which slowed me down significantly over the 2nd half. I began to try different things to keep me moving--did some 3r/1w, did some run 500 steps/walk 250 steps, did some run to the next traffic signal/walk to the next traffic signal. Bottom line is the fact that I never stopped moving.

Don't get caught up with the speed of the people around you. This is related to the "Start out slow" rule. My running group was going at 11 minute pace, and I was planning on closer to 12:30 pace to save myself for the Goofy. I was caught up with the excitement of the race and the faster pace of my group, which caused me to go much faster than anticipated. Stick to your race plan.

Just because something didn't hurt on your longest long run, doesn't mean it won't happen on your marathon. I never developed any blisters on any of my long runs (some of them even faster than the 11 minute pace that I was running), but I got one by mile 8. I used the same socks, shoes, and everything as my 20-miler.

Does anyone take an 8-hour tylenol before they do a long run? I didn't, but I was wishing that I did. I am going to try one before my next long run to see how I respond to it.

Crossing the finish line with all of those cheering people is the greatest feeling in the world!!! That feeling made all of the aches and soreness go away.

My wife did the half yesterday, and set a PR! :banana: She finished under 3 hours. Her time was faster than my 2nd half split! I am so proud of her.

Happy training everyone, keep warm and dry!

lacool-- So sorry for your loss. :hug: Take care of yourself.

Paul -- Awesome! Congratulations to you and your DW!!

Good luck to everyone in hurricane country. I can't imagine how uncertain and scary that is. Sending you :goodvibes: and :wizard:
lacool--sorry about your loss. Your training will recover but as someone said, you've got more important things going on. Don't forget that working out can be a great stress release. Even though it may not be a quality training workout--you may have some psychological benefit from the exercise.

Paul--yes, I will probably be taking a Tylenol-8 b/c of my injury. I would have last year as well for the marathon, but I was having trouble keeping things down due to the flu, so no drugs for me for the run! Congrats on your finish!

Very blustery day--I've been a bad girl and stepping outside..but we have no trees on our property...the ones that were on the edge last year were taken down by those hurricanes.

No damage, not much debris..winds in the 30s at a minimum. Neighbor behind us had one of her screen panels come loose. But nothing else to exciting to report.
Prayers out to all involved in the path of Wilma.
TiffJ said:
Yes, I definitely like the sound of Women running the World. I am very interested in that, but the Tri would be such a huge accomplishment for me that I am still really thinking about it. I have to have something to work towards so I don’t become a couch potato again after the 1/2 is over. My friend (who is supportive, but doesn’t understand this new interest of mine) said-why don’t you just keep exercising to stay healthy. Well that is good in theory but not in my nature. I need a good reason to keep at it. If I wasn’t doing the 1/2 I would never have walked 5 miles last weekend

I think the university has advanced adult swim classes. I am going to look into it. Also need to check out the very confusing bike situation. Getting healthy sure is getting expensive (especially when you factor in all these trips to WDW I will need to be doing) because of course I think marathon weekend needs to be an annual trip.

Today was a 40 min walk day. It was cold this a.m. so it was hard to get going below 15 min pace. I thought it was going to end up being a stonker but I ended up doing better than expected. Ave 14:41 incl warm up.

Tomorrow is a 3 mile LR. Not so long to me anymore. Will prob end up being more because I will need to get DS out for some training too. He is so excited about the 5k. That is a bonus side affect to all my training. DS7 is getting really into this racing thing too.
I just loved your report! It sums it all so nicely. Yep! You got it all right! I am with you all the way. You have a great pace going and it is certain that you will be successful in January. I love your forward thinking.

Minnie, I’m sending prayers and PD your way. I hope your struggles can get settled down soon and that magically you find you are on your way again. Hope you can get through it all somehow. I’d carry ya if I could.

xterratri said:
…and also planning a weekend trip for the Minnie Marathon. I just can't pass up a race called Women Run the World. :teeth:
Loved your report as well. The divers waving sounded sweet. I looked for a USMS group here and apparently we don’t swim in Cleveland OH. Not a great surprise. I so love the Women Run the World idea too. Wish I could make magic happen here and find a way to play for that one.

Terri, hoping you can continue on your path of no strain pain. Good idea of TV riding during the game.

Lisa, thinking of you and the ortho day. Sorry you had to miss it. Like your phone call post!

Cam, you are really on with that pace for sure. Thinking of you while you were waiting on those scores. That is stress for sure.

Pat, sorry that I can’t recall the distance to MGM and back ½ mile maybe. Steve thanks for that post, I guess I remembered. It sounds like you will be staying at a resort near the Boardwalk? I know around the lake there at the Boardwalk is 0.8 of a mile. If you are in the area stop over at the Dolphin or the Swan for a brochure on a walking trek that they have mapped out. I have done their course and it keeps it interesting. Going around BW lake too many times gets boring to me. Better yet, I found the link to swandolphin.com and the 4 mile course is mapped out at this link: Joggin Map Swan Dolphin

Christa, I am glad to read of your progress.

I am sitting around not getting anything done as yet. I have had plans scuttled with the tendonitis and the inability to get to the gym to do anything at all. This week I hope will be the key to a better time of it.

Mel, you are making great progress. Hoping that you will find consistency soon. It will get there as long as you keep at it.

Sunny, I like what you said about cold weather running. I would say the same. I usually travel with a bandanna in my hand for the nose thing. Your pace is lightening. You will be finished with your nap by the time I get through the halfway point of the full. Dream of me will ya? I know I could use the happy thoughts tat day. ;)

Carrie, beautiful pics.

Solotraveler you are cruising for sure.

Colleen, your slow run would be lightening fast for me. You too will be finished napping b4 I get halfway through. Oh well, I am still hoping to make it. Who knows?

Crzy4pooh, well you had a light show on your trek! I’m thinking I would not have liked that very much for sure.

Steve and Krista! Hope you are having a great time. Great to hear from you and that you got your runs in.

lacool - Soo sorry for your loss. Prayers to you and family as you deal with all of it.

Paul, congratulations to you and DW! Thank you so much for your words of wisdom. I am reaching out for all the words that I can find. I am sometimes terrified of all of this.

I can’t believe I just said that! But you know, it’s true and I know it is a lot mental, I am so trying to work on my mental aspect to get me through that physical part. I guess my uncertainty is the physical. I need to get a lot longer trek in b4 so I can know I have it in me. When I got that longer trek in as I trained for the half I had the epiphany and then I KNEW. I am waiting for the moment in my marathon training.
OK - I'm going to have to find a baby sitter this weekend to do a long run. I am planning on doing my 15 miler this week and there is a trail run in the local state park that is 15 miles!!!! Usually I run on Thurs, but since the tr is this weekend, I thought I might as well participate. The only problem is that Phil is on call and I'm striking out with sitters for the boy.

Here is a link to the boy's first mostly sucessful rock climb. By the way, I didn't try to get him to do this, he wanted to. I was fine with him running around in the dirt and playing with buzz and woody!!!!
Melissa-- Awesome picture! He is a cutie! :lovestruc
If I lived closer, I'd be glad to babysit for you!
I miss when my son was that young! :sad:
lacool- so terribly sorry for your loss.

tigerlily- you definitely have it in you!!

Things are not going as planned as far as the Goofy training goes. After 11 days of walking the parks on vacation at WDW earlier this month, which included the Race For the Taste 10K, followed by a Vegas/Disneyland trip this past week, I've developed what I think is either plantar faciitis or a heel spur on my left foot. The pain is becoming intolerable, so I am going to an orthopaedic on Thursday. I will continue to try to manage through the pain as best as I can. Continuing to ice it, ibuprofen, stretching, etc. I am getting anxious about getting it managed ASAP as I really need to ramp up the training from here on out...

Good luck, Sara. I have had heel spurs and know that they are unbearably painful. Be sure to stretch that foot from the toe back as frequently as you remember it. You might also want to look for a footwheel and use that whenever you are sitting still. It helped me a lot.
Tiger Lily 03 said:
I am reaching out for all the words that I can find. I am sometimes terrified of all of this.

Lily, sometimes I have these thoughts as well. I was kind of feeling down this weekend and DH help me put things in perspective. I think it is MFM where Bingham quotes that only 1% (or less, can't remember) of the population will train and compete in a marathon. In our training, we are all doing so much more than the masses. We should all be extremely proud of ourselves. I am determined to make it through the training plan and hope my head is screwed on straight when it comes time for race day. JB also has a good article in Runner's World mag this month. I read it this morning and it was inspirational.

Also in Runner's World there is an article on the importance of potassium in training. I had a banana for breakfast before my 60 minute run yesterday and I really felt great. May just be psychological, but hey, I will take it. I can summarize the article is anyone is interested.

Lacool-- I am so sorry to hear of your loss. As other's have said, you must do what is most important right now and let training fall into place later. Any exercise will do you good if you can get it in right now. My thoughts are with you.

MelR-- He is such a cutie!!!! You must be so proud! I hope you can find a sitter for the TR, that sounds like a great way to get the LR in.

Lilly-- I know exactly what you mean about wanting to have the "know for sure" feeling. You'll get it! I know you will :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: Here's :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: to send that tendonitis flying. Billy Blanks says, "the body doesn't lead, the body follows. The mind and the spirit lead". I can't tell you how many times I quote that to myself on a LR. Keep the optimism :flower:

lacool- so sorry for your loss. there's still plenty of time so focus on what you need to right now and don't feel guilty.

lily- you can do it!!!! Never underestimate the importance of the mental aspect of training. Everyone has bad days but we just keep going. The reward will be that Donald or Mickey medal at that end but more importantly the feeling of accomplishment you get.

I hope the Floridians stayed safe today. We're supposed to get the remnants tomorrow with 2-4 inches of rain and winds up to 50 mph. I thought the 70-80 mph winds we got during the blizzard last winter were bad so I'm glad that we don't get what you guys in Florida do.

Congrats to the NM folks on your marathon and half marathon finishes.

Sunny- Home in upstate NY there is a 50K called Tug Hill Tourathon but I haven't raced cross country skiing since high school. The fitness level required to skate ski is impressive and I struggled last winter because I had gotten way out of shape between not having any goal races to keep me honest and being overwhelmed with the academic work. This year that won't happen and I'm looking forward to figuring out whether cross country ski workouts count as cross training or whether they substitute for a run or two. There's a local area called Harris Farms that sells glass bottled milk year round and is a cross country area during the winter to which I'll get a season's pass. Very pretty if you can stand the white stuff. I'm weird though because given a choice between going snowboarding or cross country skiing, I'll choose cross country every time. It's all my mom's fault- she gave in to my asking and got me my first skis at age 4. I didn't learn to downhill until I was 9, I think.

Did the 60 minutes on the training plan today, 6.23 miles. Realized that last week's total of 26 miles was the most I've ran in a week since the last time I did a marathon. Anyone detect why I never ran very well in races :rolleyes: It's amazing what happens when you actually follow a training plan rather than just randomly train. I'm going to follow that approach for triathlon season next year too. Should be interesting. There's a 10 miler Thanksgiving Day in the Syracuse area but it will depend on when Grandma is expecting us that day whether I get to do it.

:wizard: for the injuries and to everyone, keep plugging away.
...but we made out alright.

THanks very much for the P&PD! We were lucky enough to be on the good side of the hurricane yet again. My parents evacuated last night up to our house once they predicted Wilma would be a cat 3 by landfall. DH and I did some plywood cross-training yesterday afternoon, but were driven in by some nasty lightning, so didn't get all the boards up. Santa may bring us real hurricane shutters this year. ;)
Wilma was a fast chick and was out of here by lunchtime today. Frances and Jeanne last year were much worse...they both pounded on us for two days. We lost a small tree this time...no major damage around town. Hope everyone else is okay too :wizard:

I did get my run in today...albeit in gusty winds. My pace was putzy...avg of 15:06. But it's fall now...down to 69 degrees. I doubt I'll get much sympathy from you guys, but I was out in long sleeves and pants today ;)

Steve...I think you and Krista will enjoy the next couple days much more. :earsboy: :earsgirl:

Carrie...LOVE the photos!

Solo...Carrie's right...30 degrees is MUCH too cold for me :cold: How do you do it?

Paul and Beckie...congrats on your respective races!

Leigh Ann...so sorry for your loss :grouphug:

Sara...good to see you back, but sorry to hear of the sore feet!

MelR...what a fabulous photo of the boy!

Cam...have you heard anything on the SAT scores yet? :goodvibes

Lily...I alternate between being terrified and feeling like I can take on the world. I know you'll be great in the marathon! I still want to be able to do the half like you did...with enough time to stop, take pics and enjoy the experience and not feel like I have to spend the whole time looking over my shoulder for the sweepers. Just let us know when you're ready to do your 20-miler...we'll be happy to cheer you on :cheer2:

Good training everyone!
Hello - well after my depressed post on Saturday morning, I panicked - and ended up doing my scheduled 10 miles on Sunday instead of the 'I've got a half next week' 6 miles I planned. Made me feel better about the marathon, not so sure what'll happen next Sunday - I've been training at such a slow pace I've forgotten what running a 10 minute mile feels like, but that's the pace I've got to keep up for at least 11 of them to beat my time last year!! I have a feeling it's going to be messy - but I'll let you all know on Monday.

Hope everyone escaped the blustery day okay. Helen


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