Weight Watchers Chat - Part II

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Thought this was a timely article on today's WW site... hope it offers some inspiration for some...

Yes, working out can be fun! Here are ideas to help you move beyond "having" to exercise to actually enjoying it.

We've all made an early dash to the grocery store and witnessed that woman jogging. She looks graceful as she bounds through the neighborhood, and we wonder what on earth made her get up so early on a Saturday and dive into her running shoes. The answer, of course, is that she moved beyond the "need" to exercise and entered that mysterious land where she "wants" to.

We all possess the ability to tap into that place. In fact, it's kind of like Dorothy's red slippers — you've had it all along. It's called play. Or, it's what exercise professionals like to refer to as "the fun factor." The theory goes that if it's enjoyable, it won't be a chore, and you'll want to do it.

Tapping into your enthusiasmThere are two ways to increase the fun in your workout: minimize monotony and maximize enjoyment. Another clue: this doesn't involve checking heart rates or concerning yourself with aerobic thresholds.

"Explore doing things you loved to do as a kid, things that were naturally athletic," says Ingrid Bacci, author of The Art of Effortless Living (Vision Works). "Rolling on the floor or down a hill, wrestling, running, rollerblading...it's all about feeling your body and feeling the elements — water, wind, earth — against your body."

Researchers even say that engaging in fun physical activities seems to have a stress-reducing component that goes beyond ordinary exercise. But only you can define fun for you. If you're a social animal, maybe try out group activities such as walking, team volleyball, square dancing, a running club or soccer.

If the wild calls, consider mountain biking or trekking. For those who crave singular, intense tasks, try rock-climbing or marathons. But the key is to investigate, experiment and try a variety of activities.

Experiment with your inner athleteRemember, even athletes get the blues — or at least bored. "I've always enjoyed exercise, but like anyone, I can get in a rut, especially when I'm not improving," says Bacci. For her, the rut arrived when she felt her tennis game stalled. "So I did something a lot of people might consider odd," she says. "Instead of focusing on my game, I started focusing on my body while I played."

Bacci thought about her feet when she was running on the court, the feeling of the racquet in her hand, and her shoulders and face. And her game improved by leaps and bounds. "I was getting more in touch with myself, instead of trying to perform or achieve some goal."

The moral of the story: stop trying so hard and focus instead on being curious about the sensation of your body as you play. Let yourself be interested in how you feel and as you do that you can do whatever you are doing with less effort and tension. And more fun!
:laughing:I actually had to eat my words today...I really wanted to get my run in before DH left for work this morning since I have a lot of school work to do during the day and he wanted to leave at 6:30. I had to get up at 4:55 to be able to get up, get dressed, get to the gym and get home by 6:30 :eek:

:cool1:WOO HOO - Congrats on getting your run in - I love (usually) my morning workouts!
Ok...gave into my craving last night and ate a bunch of bad pizza and fried food with DBF. Used every last WP and AP that I had left BUT didn't go into the negatives :cool1: And now magically today I don't have any desire for pizza or bad food yay! It was driving me crazy I wanted pizza every day all week...finally had to give in or it wasn't going to go away!

Back OP today...had cereal with milk and oj for breakfast and for "linner" I had baked haddock and scallops with broccoli, butternut squash and cole slaw...only have 5pp left for the day but I am working tonight until 10 so that's why I had such a big lunch, I'll have something small when I get home.

This is an :offtopic: question...but hopefully someone on here can give some insight...like I've mentioned DBF and I are moving to our first place together on Sunday...the realtor told me to call the gas and electric companies today to set that up so we did. Electric went fine and will be ready when we move in. Gas however isn't working out so well...they said they can't come turn it on for another TWO WEEKS?! That seems pretty unreasonable that we are going to have to wait so long. It makes me not want to even move in yet if we can't have heat, hot water, or be able to cook! I don't want my microwave to be my only cooking option...(I could get a hot plate but don't wanna do that either! And don't want cold showers or no heat!!) Any suggestions? Is this normal?!
Ok...gave into my craving last night and ate a bunch of bad pizza and fried food with DBF. Used every last WP and AP that I had left BUT didn't go into the negatives :cool1: And now magically today I don't have any desire for pizza or bad food yay! It was driving me crazy I wanted pizza every day all week...finally had to give in or it wasn't going to go away!

Back OP today...had cereal with milk and oj for breakfast and for "linner" I had baked haddock and scallops with broccoli, butternut squash and cole slaw...only have 5pp left for the day but I am working tonight until 10 so that's why I had such a big lunch, I'll have something small when I get home.

This is what I LOVE about Weight Watchers. You never have to deprive yourself, just count points, work it in,then get back on plan.

Sorry, I don't have any advice about the gas company. I do think it's unreasonable to have no stove/oven, hot water or heat for so long. Do the current residents have gas? Could you make an arrangement with them to keep it on until it gets switched? If there are current residents it should just be a matter of transferring the account into your name (at least that was how the electric co I worked for in college handled it). Good luck :goodvibes
I'm stuffed....No meat today so I made pasta. 1 cup whole wheat pasta, a ton of veggies (zuccini, brocolli, cauliflower, spinach, tomatoes, & mushrooms) cooked in chicken broth with garlic & shallots. A cup of low fat marinara on top & fresh basil. Yummy!
Is anybody else having trouble finding eggplant in the stores?

I went to three different supermarkets - no eggplant anywhere. Finally found some scrawny little eggplants in a small market only to find they were $5.99 per pound. :scared1:

My planned eggplant parmigiana dinner was scrapped - had breakfast for dinner instead. French toast made with WW multi-grain bread, lean ham ("fried" up in a non-stick pan), a banana and a big mug of hot cocoa. Ahh, comfort food.

(It was only after I ate that I remembered it was Friday and I shouldn't have eaten meat :sad2:.)

- Laura
Is anybody else having trouble finding eggplant in the stores?

I went to three different supermarkets - no eggplant anywhere. Finally found some scrawny little eggplants in a small market only to find they were $5.99 per pound. :scared1:

They didn't have eggplant at my grocery store a couple of weeks ago. Recently they have had signs in all the produce aisles saying that due to recent bad/cold weather in the place where a lot of the produce comes from that there was a possibility of limited supply and unfortunately higher prices. HTH.
I'm stuffed....No meat today so I made pasta. 1 cup whole wheat pasta, a ton of veggies (zuccini, brocolli, cauliflower, spinach, tomatoes, & mushrooms) cooked in chicken broth with garlic & shallots. A cup of low fat marinara on top & fresh basil. Yummy!
That sounds good!!

I too had to stay away from meat today...for me it is a challenge b/c I do not eat fish!! So for lunch I had a peanut butter sandwich then we went to the fish fry tonight....a HUGE challenge.

Last time we went I only had a baked potato and I spent the night grazing for other foods - not really satisfied. So today I planned so I could have a slice of cheese pizza (this is what they have for the kids ;) )

So that worked out well for me but I really need to find some good choices for Fridays so I am going to try that!!
I also had to go meatless, I usually have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch but dinner is hard bc I'm allergic to shellfish and I only eat mahi mahi(my husband usually catches it and we have enough for lent, but this time he caught yellow tail and I won't eat that).

My cousin shared this recipe with me. You can make it WW friendly by changing the tortillas to low carb ones. http://annies-eats.net/2011/01/25/spicy-bean-burritos/
Popping in ... I skipped my meeting today in favor of the Cubs Opening Day. Beer, pizza and a hot dog were consumed at the ballpark. My challenge continues with a big swim meet in Minneapolis for the rest of the weekend (yes, I'll drive my car nearly 1,000 miles this weekend) but I think I'll do better there. I won't be back on the thread until Monday morning ... everyone have a good weekend!
I had a gain of.4 this week. Not to bad though because I didn't track like I should have and it is TOM. I will come off next week. (I hope). I want to focus on getting more exercise this week and tracking more.
Popping in ... I skipped my meeting today in favor of the Cubs Opening Day. Beer, pizza and a hot dog were consumed at the ballpark. My challenge continues with a big swim meet in Minneapolis for the rest of the weekend (yes, I'll drive my car nearly 1,000 miles this weekend) but I think I'll do better there. I won't be back on the thread until Monday morning ... everyone have a good weekend!

robin, I am sure you are gone already, but have fun and good luck to your DD with her swim meet :).

I had a gain of.4 this week. Not to bad though because I didn't track like I should have and it is TOM. I will come off next week. (I hope). I want to focus on getting more exercise this week and tracking more.

sorry about the gain, it's a curse to be a girl sometimes ;). :thumbsup2 on your goals for next week. Good luck!

Stephanie -- I think you may have a cookie press. Am I right??? I was just wondering if you've ever used it to make meringue cookies. I want to make some today and was thinking I may be able to make them with mine. Any idea??

Stephanie -- I think you may have a cookie press. Am I right??? I was just wondering if you've ever used it to make meringue cookies. I want to make some today and was thinking I may be able to make them with mine. Any idea??

Yes, I do have a cookie press. I've never thought of making meringue cookies with it though. I never have luck with meringue cookies :confused3 but the last time I made them I used my pastry bag. It might work they may come a little flatter though. I know I am not being much help, let me know how they come.
Did you ever make the cookies with the angel food cake mix, the SF Jelly and the mini chocolate chips?
Did you ever make the cookies with the angel food cake mix, the SF Jelly and the mini chocolate chips?

No I haven't. What are they like (and what is SF Jelly?). They don't sound like they'd be too many points.
Yes, I do have a cookie press. I've never thought of making meringue cookies with it though. I never have luck with meringue cookies :confused3 but the last time I made them I used my pastry bag. It might work they may come a little flatter though. I know I am not being much help, let me know how they come.

I never even thought of using my pastry bag. That may work better; I think I'll go with that. It will certainly be easier to clean! :goodvibes
I never even thought of using my pastry bag. That may work better; I think I'll go with that. It will certainly be easier to clean! :goodvibes

Yes, it is really easy and you can control the amount and pressure :thumbsup2. Let us know how they come.
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