Weight Watchers Chat -- Part III

That is fantastic progress with the running. I am so not a runner, but have thought about starting the Couch to 5K program, in order to try to start running to increase my activity. Since you went from a non runner to someone who can run, any tips you can provide? I, just in my second week of WW and want to learn everything I can to improve my chances for success!

I'm using the Cool Running program. I don't have a phone that accepts apps, so the fancier ones aren't of use to me, and I'd rather use my music anyway. So I write out what I'm doing that week, put it on the treadmill (with the exact times written out b/c I don't want to do math, not even "time" math, while I'm running!) and just do it.

Although I tend to be an "all or nothing" person (and the "nothing" is what got me to 80+ pounds overweight) but I'm trying to change that. Last week was the official week 3, but my lungs were still just dying at the end...so this week I repeated Week 3 and I feel GREAT for having done that.

Now, I'll admit that I used to be a runner, but that was a long, long time ago, and back then I mainly ran to keep our dog healthy or b/c my rowing coach made me run. This is the first self-directed running time.

Today's WI I gained .2. I was due the gain, since it's only my 2nd gain since February! And I think it's TOM, so even more expected.
I'm using the Cool Running program. I don't have a phone that accepts apps, so the fancier ones aren't of use to me, and I'd rather use my music anyway. So I write out what I'm doing that week, put it on the treadmill (with the exact times written out b/c I don't want to do math, not even "time" math, while I'm running!) and just do it.

Although I tend to be an "all or nothing" person (and the "nothing" is what got me to 80+ pounds overweight) but I'm trying to change that. Last week was the official week 3, but my lungs were still just dying at the end...so this week I repeated Week 3 and I feel GREAT for having done that.

Now, I'll admit that I used to be a runner, but that was a long, long time ago, and back then I mainly ran to keep our dog healthy or b/c my rowing coach made me run. This is the first self-directed running time.

Today's WI I gained .2. I was due the gain, since it's only my 2nd gain since February! And I think it's TOM, so even more expected.

I think you're making great progress!! I totally relate to the all or nothing way of thinking. You have a great attitude about your small weight gain it will be off before you know it!! :thumbsup2

I too was up 80lbs. I'm down 24.2 and made my 10% this week :)!! I lost 1.4 and landed at exactly 200 lbs!! I mean, really, I couldn't have lost just another .2!! :rolleyes: Just kidding- I'm happy with my progress - slow and steady. This weekend has been a struggle. I bought the WW mini pizzas and the triple chocolate i.c.bars. Even though they're WW products, I've been overeating them. Starchy foods & i.c. are my weaknesses and I think I'll do better to avoid them for a while . So, they're out of the house now and I'm off to workout - have a great day everyone!!

I think you're making great progress!! I totally relate to the all or nothing way of thinking. You have a great attitude about your small weight gain it will be off before you know it!! :thumbsup2

I too was up 80lbs. I'm down 24.2 and made my 10% this week :)!! I lost 1.4 and landed at exactly 200 lbs!! I mean, really, I couldn't have lost just another .2!! :rolleyes:

Thank you! Gains in my past WW attempts threw me off course, and I'm really trying to accept them this time. I know I did nothing "wrong", it's just biology, right? And even if I had done something wrong, hopefully I enjoyed it, LOL. I've really been looking to my brother and sister in law for inspiration. They've never been overweight, but they go up and down by small amounts. If a pair of pants is tighter, they take care of that *immediately*, and not by buying new pants or deciding that the dryer shrunk the pants! They face it, change something (exercise more and/or eat less), and deal with it. So if they can accept the occasional gain, so can I!

Congrats on the 10%! It's so exciting!
Thank you! Gains in my past WW attempts threw me off course, and I'm really trying to accept them this time. I know I did nothing "wrong", it's just biology, right? And even if I had done something wrong, hopefully I enjoyed it, LOL. I've really been looking to my brother and sister in law for inspiration. They've never been overweight, but they go up and down by small amounts. If a pair of pants is tighter, they take care of that *immediately*, and not by buying new pants or deciding that the dryer shrunk the pants! They face it, change something (exercise more and/or eat less), and deal with it. So if they can accept the occasional gain, so can I!

Congrats on the 10%! It's so exciting!

I like your brother and sister-in-law's way of thinking. That is inspiring! Something a friend of mine used to do that couldn't have chocolate also inspires me. If she was somewhere that was serving something chocolate that she really wanted, she would watch someone else eat it (discreetly of course). She would think, "There's the first bite, tastes so good but that sure was fast. Second bite, yummm, well that didn't last long." And so she would go until the very last bite, "Well, that was quick, it's already gone. I missed about two minutes of pleasure." With that perspective, it is fairly easy to think to myself, "Well, I'll only enjoy it for two minutes, so I'll just skip those two minutes."
With that perspective, it is fairly easy to think to myself, "Well, I'll only enjoy it for two minutes, so I'll just skip those two minutes."

Interesting way of doing things! Sounds like it works; I'll keep it in the back of my mind for those extra-tempting times when I don't have the points for something! (February cruise perhaps?) I definitely know I'm more picky now. I want to *love* what I eat. Ha, it's like Anton Ego, or whatever the the name of the food critic from Ratatouille is. Only eat what you love!

Weigh-in day! I am down 1.4 pounds this week, 55.6 total!

Once again, amazing!
Okay, I finally braved the scales today...haven't weighed for two weeks, because I was off work last week and use the scales at work. Anyway, because of stress and other roadblocks, I was really scared to face the scales today. :scared:

Down 1 pound, yay!!
Scrappy_Tink said:
Okay, I finally braved the scales today...haven't weighed for two weeks, because I was off work last week and use the scales at work. Anyway, because of stress and other roadblocks, I was really scared to face the scales today. :scared:

Down 1 pound, yay!!

Yay! Good job! Never be afraid! The worst that can happen is you'll gain. If you do, figure out what you could have done differently and move on! Setbacks can teach us a lot. This is a marathon, not a sprint, y'all!

Thank you for your positive comments, everyone!
Hello :wave2:, My name is Jess and I just joined weight watchers on June 6th, 2012!!

My starting weight was 185.4, as of today - I weighed in at 172.3 = 13.1lbs lost!!!

Reason I started was I got married in May and saw those wedding pictures :scared: clearly the wedding stress got the best of my body.

I don't have a goal weight yet, but I hope to be right around 135/140 by the end of this. I can't wait to see what I can accomplish!

Can't wait to chat with everyone one here :thumbsup2
Hello :wave2:, My name is Jess and I just joined weight watchers on June 6th, 2012!!

My starting weight was 185.4, as of today - I weighed in at 172.3 = 13.1lbs lost!!!

Reason I started was I got married in May and saw those wedding pictures :scared: clearly the wedding stress got the best of my body.

I don't have a goal weight yet, but I hope to be right around 135/140 by the end of this. I can't wait to see what I can accomplish!

Can't wait to chat with everyone one here :thumbsup2
Welcome Jess, and congratulations!! We got married may 16th in 2009, and Honeymooned at the boardwalk too!!
Jessica527 said:
Hello :wave2:, My name is Jess and I just joined weight watchers on June 6th, 2012!!

My starting weight was 185.4, as of today - I weighed in at 172.3 = 13.1lbs lost!!!

Reason I started was I got married in May and saw those wedding pictures :scared: clearly the wedding stress got the best of my body.

I don't have a goal weight yet, but I hope to be right around 135/140 by the end of this. I can't wait to see what I can accomplish!

Can't wait to chat with everyone one here :thumbsup2

Welcome! I'm new to WW, too - I'm almost 2 weeks in. Congrats on you accomplishment so far.
NC State said:
Just start out slowly...don't over do it! You know your body and it will tell you when you are pushing too hard....slow down and enjoy the walk/run.

I started today and took it slow...I'm actually looking forward to the next run. I can't believe I just wrote that. Eek!
bumbershoot said:
I'm using the Cool Running program. I don't have a phone that accepts apps, so the fancier ones aren't of use to me, and I'd rather use my music anyway. So I write out what I'm doing that week, put it on the treadmill (with the exact times written out b/c I don't want to do math, not even "time" math, while I'm running!) and just do it.

I downloaded the app and started today. I think it is a program I can stick with. I was feeling a little intimidated thinking about the running part, but I just took it slow and it actually felt really good. Of course, it was just week 1, day 1, so I'm looking forward to see what kind of progress I make over the next few weeks. Thanks for the tip!
Okay, I finally braved the scales today...haven't weighed for two weeks, because I was off work last week and use the scales at work. Anyway, because of stress and other roadblocks, I was really scared to face the scales today. :scared:

Down 1 pound, yay!!

Glad you weighed in! Next time, WI regardless! If you were up 2 weeks ago, sure it would hurt a bit, BUT then you would know exactly what you lost after the gain. :)

Just keep going!

Today I start the official week 4 of the C25K. Even though I've been running more than week 3 said to, simply because it felt good while running, I'm a little scared of week 4!
Hi everyone! I have just finished reading the 2nd WW thread that was huge but very motivating! I have rejoined online WW and am really looking forward to making some real changes in my life. This time I am dragging my husband along in the journey. He isn't happy about it but he just had a dr appt a few weeks ago that showed his blood pressure and cholesterol are up and he is now prediabetic. :scared:

Soo.... I told him he is at a fork in the road. Change his health for the better and live a happier, healthier life, or travel down the road he is on and most likely die young. :faint: Harsh, but necessary. Otherwise he would have just ignored me as he has for the last few years.

We signed up together a couple weeks ago and have been tracking our weight but waited until after our summer bbq to start tracking points. So today was my second WI and I am down 1.6 lbs for a total of 5.2. Not bad considering the minimal changes I have made. The difficult part is going to be once I go back to school in the fall and the kids activities pick up. Right now I am just taking it one day, one meal at a time.

I am proud of my husband too. He is whining :rotfl: but today he tracked all of his breakfast points without me! Sounds silly, but that is a huge victory for us. :goodvibes:

I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you and joining you on this journey!



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