We're back!! A Magical Trip I wont forget! Update 01/10


Dreaming of my next vacation!
Nov 1, 2009
So we have been home just over one week and finally getting around to doing a Trip Report!

So the Crazy cast is Me (Erin), My DH (Chad) Grandma (mom) and the 3 sons Ethan Logan and Carson.


We started our trip on Tuesday Sept 25 after DH got off work at 6pm, drove down to Calgary and stayed the night (well some of it) at the In-Laws.


On the 26th we all got up at 3:30am, and the kids were super excited to go even with only 6hrs of sleep! So off to get Grandma, and go to the airport. Since Grandma has been doing Chemo treatments and such she was unable to walk through the airport, so I pushed her in a wheelchair with the rest of them trailing behind me. First thing we learned, by being with someone in a wheelchair they pushed us right through the line to customs and security! It was wonderful! We had about 30 min to kill before boarding so we battled kids running and off we went to our first stop Seattle.


With a pretty uneventful flight we landed in Seattle and had to go to our next gate, had about 1.5 hrs to wait between flights which let the kids run around again, and watch the planes land and such. Then they boarded earlier then planed, everything was great then the youndest started kicking the seat in front of us... Oh NO! So we were trying to get him to stop, but he did not want to be there, and poor DH was losing his cool. But we were taxing out to the rnway when the lady in front of us stood up, and started getting mad because she did not want to sit there. I understand this, I would have sat there, but was not given that option since we had 2 other children to watch. Thankfully another very understanding person switched seats and we were off. After many thanks to this lady, we managed to keep the seat kicking down to a minimum.

So we landed at LAX a little ahead of schedule, and were off to collect our luggage (well the one we had) and to find the bus. I tell you standing on this little island in the center of very busy traffic may not have been the best idea people! Especially since the little one figured out then how to undo his buckle on the stroller and after being on planes all day, just wanted to run! so after 45 mins (bus every 30 my butt!) it showed and thankfully we were picked up, as we took the last seats on the bus! Off to the hotel. Of course we were the last to be dropped off, but our room was ready and so were we to eat and relax!

Moms scooter was delivered to the hotel, so we all took a spin on it, and then DH went to McDonalds to get something for us to eat. Keep in mind we had been traveling all day and was unable to grab more then some muffins and candy to keep the kiddos happy!

I have to say that I was very impressed with Del Sol Inn, the room was very nice, clean, not huge, but with 2 queen beds and a set of bunkbeds what do u really expect! still could use some updating in the bathroom but clean!

OK so the boys were going to a Angels game that night, and we had about 3hrs to kill so into the pool we go. I was keeping the little one with me and mom originally, but those plans changed. Ethan was climbing on the side of the fence talking to me still in the pool with Carson, just as I said you should not be on there he dropped his iPod, and it ell into the hot tub!! OPPS! So since I had the little one to watch I couldn’t leave him in the pool, and run after it, but thankfully another person in the hot tub saw what happened and grabbed it for us. In the end we had Ethan stay back from the game, he needed to understand that was not alright to do, and we would never let them do it at home way was it alright to climb here. Plus why the heck did you do it with your iPod in your hand? (iPod update, a container of rice for 1 week and it was fine! And he is still grounded from it)

So DH and the middle son left for the game, Ethan, Carson and I went over to get my AP and their park hoppers. We were all very tired by now, no one has slept much in the past 24hrs and people were getting cranky! I put the kids in the room with my mom and was off to find some refreshments for us adults. I found this in record time, and man I don’t think a beer has tasted so good before!


Sorry not a clear picture!


The kids went to bed and the first day was complete. DH and Logan came back from the game early, they were both tired but very happy. On to day 1 in the parks!
sorry things have been so busy with work, life and getting ready for my next trip I have put this TR off! I will get on it later this week!
So we are on to Thursday, the 27th. Started nice and early, we are only 1 hour ahead of LA but that 630am wakeup was not cool. It started with the kids above us jumping around about 6am, and then all of us were up. So we had some breakfast at the hotel (really nothing there for selection) and then headed to the park at 930. Get there mom goes to get the pass and realizes she did not have her ID, crap back to the hotel I go. Crisis averted, and we got to go to California Adventure first thing. DH got in the RSR FP lineup.... 1 hour went by and then he emerged victorious, FP for 5 of us at 5:30pm!

Logan Catching a ride with Grandma!

We started our days at Bugs Life area, lines weren’t to bad, about 10-15 mins but the little one really did not understand all this. He turns 3 next year and has never really had to wait in lines and such at home. By the end of the trip he was a pro at this though. We had fun, the oldest had not been to DL since he was 4, and still remembered some of the rides, and even where to go!


After we did the Phineas and Ferb dance party, and Little Mermaid ride we had lunch on the pier by Goofy’s Sky School (Ethan did the SR line on that one!), a few things were purchased (2 boys wanted Agent P stuffies and let me tell you those saved the day on more then one occation), then over to California Screaming. We got Fp there, did a few other rides and then went back. Ethan got his first experiance on a great coaster. He loved it. After we went on a few times (Dh and I taking turns) it was time for a rest. Mom could not do everything, and she refused to take breaks unless we went back to the hotel so we did miss alot, but the trip was for her and the kids not us! Back to the hotel and then the pool again. The kids loved it in there.





After a rest, we went back to CA and straight to RSR for our Fp time, DH and the 2 oldest boys went on while I hung out with Mom and Carson. They had so much fun. Then it was my turn. Ethan came on with me, and I LOVED IT! After that we headed over to Luigi’s Tires, I have to say all of these rides were very accesible for my mom. Luigi’s Tires actually has a ramp, and they push a tire over to it, and my mom could load with no issues, they actually have it set up that she could take her scooter on the ride, but she could transfer. Big thumbs up to Disney for this!






After this we were all starving and there was barely a line up for Flos V8, Dh and I had the NY strip, and I think mom had turkey, but I could be wrong. We all really enjoyed it. We wandered around more, checked out Carsland with the neon, and decided that it was 8pm and closing time. Better get to bed as we have breakfast with Minnie in the morning.
Thanks for the TR, sounds like you had fun!! Nice pics of Carsland, I can't wait to see it, we'll be there @ the end of this month! Keep it coming! ;)
Thanks for the TR, sounds like you had fun!! Nice pics of Carsland, I can't wait to see it, we'll be there @ the end of this month! Keep it coming! ;)

Thanks! I will add more sometime over the next few days, my kids are on Fall break!

I will be back as well at the end of the month, I can't wait a friend and I are going for 3 days, quick trip but should be fun.
Opps so I kinda abandoned this! Maybe I should get back on it since I have already gone back to DL!!

So I need to start on day 2 int he parks.

Its Friday Sept 28th! We decided to do Minnie Breakfast at the Plaza Inn, as we have never done a character meal in the park, and it was a special time (Ethan turns 10 on the 29th!)

We got there early, and was seated right away, but first we had to get a awesome family picture taken!

So while here we met a few characters. Sorry about the bad pics, they were taken on our phone as we forgot to charge the camera the night before!




Sorry having internet issues and it bumped me offline! Back to pictures of breakfast friends!

Pooh Bear, we asked where Pigglet was.. he said playing, then we asked what bacon was made with and he responded like this!

We didn't have the interaction we had hoped for, as we were tucked in the corner and the characters seemed to always miss us. But thats alright we had fun with the ones that did come around!

Next we were off to do some fun things!

Went to tomorrow land and did a quick spin on Buzz, then the kids decided to do some driving!
Logan on Autotopia, man that was a bumpy ride!


Then off to Toon Town!

found Goofy hanging out

More driving!

We did Roger Rabbits spin, that was great it was a walk on, and then Ethan wanted to do Gagets coaster, its was short and sweet, but man was it hard getting on and off of!

it was starting to get warm by this time (around 12pm)and we were already having meltdown central, so back to the hotel for a break.

Cad went and got Subway for lunch and we all relaxed. After swimming for a bit, Logan was done, he was not having a good time and wanted to stay swimming, so Ethan Carson Grandma and I went back to the park about 5:30.
We made it as far as the bag check looked at each other and said, so who wants to go rest up for a busy day tomorrow? With the halloween party, the line ups were INSANE just to get in the park. We went to Denny's for supper, and then relaxed all evening at the hotel. the day was short at the park but the heat was killing us! We got the kids all asleep by 9pm, and asked mom if she minded Chad and I head to the park for a few hours by ourselves.

Carsland at night!



Ran into a old friend!

We grabbed a beer and pretzel, and found a spot just as the fireworks started, it was slightly blocked but still very nice!

After a quick cool down On Grizzly river rapids we made our way back to the hotel and crashed for the night!
Its Ethans Birthday!!!!
We had planned on all going to the park early, were all up getting dressed and ready, then Logan hit a wall at breakfast. He was done and needed some time to relax. When he gets even a little overtired he is hard to deal with! So mom and I stayed back and hung out with him, giving him a few hours to calm down while Ethan, Chad and Carson went to DL.

They did a bunch of rides before we got there, and even when we did at 10, the park was pretty empty for a saturday.

Ethan had a special shirt I had made as well to help celebrate!



On Orbitors





By now we had met up with Chad and the other 2. It was already getting hot, but there was no line at Pixie so we met a few friends



I think this is one of my favorite pictures! Logan did not like taking pics with girls so he sat it out and the Photopass Photographer saw a great opportunity for a nice shot!
So we wondered over to Adventure land and Critter country! Where we met this fellow!

But then after the kids scared him he took on Chad!


Met some more friends and went on Splash!


I am not sure where I was at this point!LOL

Birthday Ride!

By now it was getting late and we were hot and hungry. So we decided to take a break, and went back for lunch and a swim, but not before we met this lady!

Back to the hotel for swim and nap time! We all needed it if we were going to finish the night off!

Back to the park, and we made it about 45 mins before the parade so we found a great front row seat!
Carson was so into it!




By now the crowds were insane, we had a few more rides in tomorrow land, ate some Pasta for supper, and then started heading for the hub to catch a spot for fireworks. Now the little one was getting tired and so was Chad so he took Logan and Carson back to the hotel about 9pm, while mom Ethan and I found a spot for the fireworks. It is by far my favorite fireworks display!

We wondered back to the hotel, stopping for ice cream on the way out!LOL
Well not may people were following this, but just wanted to let those know why I haven't been on! Its was a long battle but we Lost my Mom to the cancer in March. I was very happy to have her with us on this last trip and will never forget her.
I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm glad you were able to have the trip with her and your boys.
So sorry to hear about your loss :grouphug:. It makes me want to hold my loved ones a little closer.

I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm glad you were able to have the trip with her and your boys.

Thank you! It is a relief that she is no longer suffering, and we know she is still around. In our hearts and memories she will never be gone. 3.5yrs of chemo treatments was hard on her, and she went with her family by her side.

Now I should finish this trip report!
Sunday we got up and Mom had decided she was tired and needed a morning off from the park but would go in the PM. So we got our stuff together and headed for rope drop.

First stop was fantasy land. I love the rides there! So onto Peterpan we went. Then over to Its a small World. The one in DL seems different from WDW, I like it a lot more. When we left the ride we noticed there was only one family waiting for this lovely Lady!

After talking with her for a bit, (again Logan refused to have a picture with a girl!) we decided to take the train over to the other side and go over to Splash Mountain. So off to New Orleans Station. We had an extremely great CM who explained all about the backdrops and such as we rode through them. It was all very interesting. He had worked there for many years, and you could tell he enjoyed his job.

We got off the train and saw this lovely couple standing there. So we got in line which went fairly fast. Carson didn't want to meet them so he stayed off to the side.

Next was Splash Mountain. We had discovered the Single rider line (thanks to the boards!) earlier in the week and decided to take advantage of it. Ethan would come with one of us, and then we would just meet up as we got off the ride at the picture area. It worked out well. the standby was 45 mins we were on the ride in 5! While we took turns going on splash, the other ones would go on Pooh Bears ride, it was a good trade off. Here was one of Ethans great ones!

By now we were all getting hungry, so where else to eat but Hungry Bear! I love the burgers and sweet potatoe fries. MMMMMMM:yay:

We had learned again from the boards to just ask for water at the counters and you can get ice water for free. I had brought some single serve juice crystals, for the water bottles, and we liked to use them with the meals, saved us a bit of cash, and was better then buying a ton of soda!

After a little more walking around we decided it was nap time and headed back to the hotel.

We had a great day so far, everyone was in a good mood so this was the night to tackle World of Color. Over to DCA after we ate (I forgot to write this down so not sure what we had!), We did Little Mermaid again and some other rides in the area, and this great family shot

we decided to head back over to the WofC area. We had forgotten to get FP earlier and the day and decided to take our chances of finding a decent spot. Well, we were in a roped off area and the show was about to start you could see but the view was not the best when a CM aproched us. He asked if we wanted to see the show from a special spot, the catch was, we could not take the scooter or stroller over there. My mom was the only one I worried about, but she said she could do it. So the cm helped mom walk over while we moved the kids. He placed us in a walkway that was all roped off, with no one in front of us you could see everything but the low lights. About 5 mins in, Carson decided he was tired and fell asleep. he was just to heavy, so I said since I was coming back in a few months I would go over to the stroller and put him in, and then they could watch. The show ended and Chad helped my mom back to the scooter, she made it through but by this time was weak and dizzy so she sat on her scooter while we waited for the crowd to thin out a bit.
On the way back to the hotel, the fireworks were going and we watched a bit from the sidewalk before heading in for the night.
Last day at the parks!

We took got to the opening of DCA and boogied over to Toy Story mania. The wait was already at 45 minutes, mom was able to take her scooter in the line so that made it easier and the kids did great. At this point Carson was a pro at waiting. we also had some tys stashed in grandmas basket to help!



After playing around with the glasses, it was finally our turn...I do not remember who won, just that we had a great time.

We hung around the pier for awhile, took turns on California Screaming and King Tritons, I went with mom and the 2 younger boys to Meet a friend who was visiting DL at the same time with her family, and found these 2 characters. I was impressed. Carson had been scared to go to a lot of the characters, which is why we are carrying him in a lot of pictures. But not Donald!!



Then Logan wanted a picture by himself with Duffy


and Carson wasn't so sure about him!

This was the hottest day yet, so we were all tired already.... back to the hotel for a swim and nap!


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