Westgate Problems


<font color=peach>Have A <font color=deeppink>Magi
Jun 24, 2002

Last year I posted here asking for advice to cancel my timeshare so we could buy into DVC. The problem was we were not aware of the 10 day cooling off period, so we arrived home and it was too late to cancel. We were advised by Closing Officer to not pay it, as we are not American Citiizens there is no credit checks so they cant really do anything. Every month they have been phoning and coming up with cheaper options for us so we will stay with them. We only paid $200 down payment, which was lucky. However, they have recently come back with a new deal and if we pay £120 we will have a new contract. If we do pay this and have a new contract will we then be able to cancel the whole timeshare contract within 10 days so technically we will no longer have a timeshare with them. Even though said it is a new contract and you will have the 10 day cooling off period I do not believe them, due to all the hassle we have had since signing. I really want to get out of Westgate, but I am worried that this will not be a full get out clause.

My dh just wants to pay the £120 because we want to move to the US and he is worried that it will effect us if we want to move out there. I find this hard to believe. If we do not have a credit record in the US how can this effect us? Sorry for asking here I just do not know where else to go to and I really want shot of Westgate once and for all.

Hi Michelle

I can imagine it would be very good to put this whole thing behind you. Can we assume they didn't put in writing the 'new deal' and the ability to cancel within 10 days?

There's lots of expertise over on the TUG site (Timeshare Users' Group) www.tug2.net If I were in your position, I'd post over there too and see what they had to say about Westgate's tactics.

Good luck getting it sorted.
They have not given us anything in writing yet. We still have not agreed to it just in case they do not send us anything and also in case its another tactic. I would love to buy into DVC but we cant really until this one has been settled. This will teach me not to rush into something. They made it look so nice and then came home the reviews I read oh my god they were awful. I am desperate to get out. They are going to call tonight and ask us if we want to go ahead and stop this other account going into default?
If you do business in England you are working under British law. I think.
If you do business in America you are working under American law. I think.

In America real estate transactions have to be in writing to be enforceable. In other words anything promised verbally doesn't mean a thing. It has to be in writing.

Your in a situation of minimizing your losses. Sit down and think this out.
What do you lose if you handle this incorrectly, and the best chances of losing big time is to make decisions without knowing the rules and facts.

If I was in your situation I would hire a lawyer who is an expert in Florida time share law and find out what your options are. It might cost you a couple hundred dollars but it is better than losing thousands.

I could tell you to just walk away from it. The problem is I am here in Illinois and don't know what the law is in Florida.


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