What’s the wettest you ever got at a Disney Theme Park?

My worst soaking in recent memory was my first day ever at Disneyland a few years ago (solo trip for one day at the parks at the end of a work convention). I went on Splash Mountain in the front seat early in the morning. I haven't ridden the Disneyland one enough times to know if it's consistently that bad in the front, but I remember around 6pm my pants and boxers were still damp. It was January and, although the weather was pleasant, it didn't get hot that day.

Couldn't dampen my spirits, though, as it WAS my first day ever at Disneyland after three plus decades of going to WDW. I was actually sick, as well, but you could have poured a few more buckets of water on me and I still would have had a smile on my face the entire day.

I came into this topic to talk about Disneyland’s Splash then I saw you’re post. The front on that ride is absolutely the wettest you’ll ever get consistently on any Disney ride in the United States. I’ve never been to any of the international parks so can’t say definitively if’s the wettest anywhere.

Your soaking comes after you go down the drop that goes down, up a little and then down again. When it goes down the 2nd time there, water just spills over the boat and completely drenches you.
Grizzly River Run a couple of years ago at Disneyland. We actually made it through the ride without getting too wet. Then, at the very end, we get caught in a geyser of water and we’re all soaked to the bone! It was June, but “june gloom” was in full effect and we were quite chilly!
The wettest I've ever got at a Disney Park is when I did Epcot in a tropical storm. Ponchos, Umbrellas, didn't matter every square inch of you was soaked...all day. Nobody was there, it was a great adventure. :)
September 2017, a couple days before a hurricane was due, I got absolutely DRENCHED in an afternoon downpour at AK. I was walking from Africa toward Pandora and had nowhere to stop and get shelter. I finally found the queue for FoP (for my first ever ride) and waited about 2 hours. Luckily for me, the mom ahead of me in line gave me a poncho that her teenage boys were too manly to use 😆😆 before we got to the indoor, air-conditioned portion of the queue, so I didn’t completely freeze to death. Totally worth it though, I love FoP.
Staying at OKW one April and we were back from the parks for the day. I had gotten the boys Mcdonalds for dinner bc to them that is a 5 star meal. DW and I were discussing what we were going yo do. She says "Would you go get me vegetable soup from All Star Sports" "Sure" I said. I walked out the door and it started sprinkling. By the time I got to my truck is was some of the hardest rain I have ever seen. When I got to ASSp it was raining harder than the tropical storm that hit us on vacation In Gulf Shores, AL one labor day. I parked the truck and ran through water that covered my shoes to the food court and walked in to get my wife her vegetable soup. I was hopeful that it would slack off while I was in the food court. It did not. I drove back to OKW which took 3 times as long as it should have bc no one was going over 15 mph. When I got back to OKW the closest parking spot to our room was as far away as it could have been without being in front of another building. It was comical at this point. No need to run as there was no way I could get any wetter I calmly strolled through shin high puddles back to our room. I opened the door dripping from head to toe and without missing a beat she looked at me and said "honey, is it raining?"
We were leaving Epcot after watching Illuminations many years ago. The sky opened up and started pouring. None of us had time to put our ponchos on. We ended up buying a beach towel in the store on the way out of Epcot so we could try to dr6 off while waiting for the bus. We laughed about it, at least.
We'd been standing in line for Everest when the heavens opened up. With so much time already committed, we weren't getting out of line. We thought they'd shut the ride down but they didn't. We thought "why not?" The rain took that ride to another thrill level! We went straight to Kali because how could it get any worse? As we headed out of the park later, we got a photo taken in our drenched clothes. It's one of our favorite Disney memories!
It was Labor Day weekend of 2008 and there was a tropical storm/hurricane off the coast. We were staying at AS Movies. It was late in the evening and our kids were 11, 8 and 2 at the time. We were all really tired and ready to go back to the room and crash. I had the bright idea to take the AS Sports bus since it was at the MK bus stop and we could walk to our resort from there. On the bus ride back our 2 year old fell asleep. By the time the bus arrived at the resort, rain was pouring down in sheets. I tried to put her under my poncho, but that didn't work. We had to walk from that resort to ours in the pouring rain with water swirling ankle deep all the way. We were drenched and the so was the stroller. It was really bad.

As far as rides go, Kali River Rapids has gotten us totally soaked every time we ride it.

Once riding on Big Splash Mountain, my daughter wanted me to ride in the front. When we went down the big hill, I ducked thinking all the water would hit her, but instead it all landed on my back and I got totally soaked! :-)
Are we talking rides or inclement weather? 😂

We've been soaked on Kali River Rapids before. Had it done so bad we had to go back and change. We tried to just let ourselves dry, but it was so humid and we just weren't drying at all. It started to chafe so bad that had to leave. Wasn't our favorite decision ever.

But the winner goes to our most recent trip in September. It had been raining mostly the whole time we were there, but off and on and little sprinkles mostly. It was refreshing. We didn't put on ponchos, and though we had umbrellas, we chose not to use them because the rain felt good on the hot days.

Well, we were at Magic Kingdom and got in line for Tomorrowland Speedway. No issues, no rain, nothing. It was a good day and going well. While we were on the ride, it starts pouring out of nowhere. It was raining so bad my mask soaked through in seconds and I could hardly breath through it. The water coming down my face and into my eyes was so heavy I could see. My contacts were completely waterlogged and I couldn't wipe the water out of my face because it's like I was standing under a shower head that wouldn't turn off.

It was absolutely awful. We left the park after that to go change too, because we were just soaked to the bone. Luckily, we had replacement masks in our bags, so that wasn't a problem, but it will always be remembered.
My very first trip in May-June 2010, and on arrival day! It was my DW's actual birthday and our wedding anniversary a few days prior, had a big dinner planned at Chef's de France. Queue oddly timed Florida rains... We made it but we were all SOAKED. Honestly, I remember now looking back we had a blast running through Epcot when most people were attempting to stay dry and my group was hopping around trying to miss all the puddles (more like lakes) on our way. Let's just say after that one we never forgot to pack ponchos ever again.
Are we talking rides or inclement weather? 😂
Op didn't specify which is why I took the conversation in that direction :duck:

I can only think of a couple times over all the years where I got "soaked" on a WDW ride. For the most part I feel like WDW water rides are pretty tame regarding getting soaked. Popeye & Bluto's Bilge-Rat Barges at IOA, now there's a ride that you will undoubtedly get soaked on.
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The week after Katrina, there were two or three more hurricanes stuck just off coast for the entire week......my buddy and I never really got dry all week. One day we rode the Lynx bus from TTC over IoA. We rode Bluto's Bilge Rats over and over cause we were already drenched, and the water in the ride was actually warmer than the rain.

Another year I flew down and stayed in a tent on site 1502, by Wednesday I had a moat. With the help of a Walmart Tarp; I stayed dry. On Sunday morning, as I was waiting for the van from the outpost, I had to pack my Ruck under the overhang of the comfort station. I left the tent wadded up with a scribbled FREE sign. There was no way I could pack it properly and not have water in all my gear.
We were caught in a storm at Hollywood Studios. We were sitting on the picnic tables under the pergola at Sunset Market until it lightened up and the lightning had passed. After that we left the park. Our shoes were soaked, so we all went to the outlet mall and bought new shoes.
I would like to amend my answer. At MK waiting for the park to open, the heavens opened and we had nowhere to hide! I am currently soaked to the bone, shoes sloshing, clothes drenched! I had an umbrella, but it was no match for the torrential downpour!

I had read a tip to bring an extra pair of socks in case it rains. Wish I had remembered that! I can deal with the soaked clothes, but walking through the park with soaking wet shoes and socks is no fun! 😫
Are we talking rides or inclement weather? 😂
A few years back, we were riding the ferry from MK back to the TTC at the end of the evening. About half way across the lagoon, a "monsoon" started. Sideways rain was already getting us very wet while on the boat. Then it arrived at the TTC and everyone was instructed to exit.

People eventually began running for cover at the TTC, but there was a big logjam where we could only shuffle off of the boat and slowly make our way across the open area before we could make a break for it to the covered areas.

Umbrellas and ponchos were useless. This storm was like having a heavy waterfall constantly dumped directly on your head plus someone spraying you from the side with a hose! It was almost like being UNDER the water in a pool.

We were soaked to the bone but, fortunately, the rain let up after a little while and we headed out to our car and only had to endure a short drive in our completely saturated clothes to the house we had rented to get dry and warm.
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We were miserable and finally had to go back to the hotel and change. I have never been so happy to be warm and dry!

My socks were so wet I hand to wring them out in the sink! 🤣
walking through the park with soaking wet shoes and socks is no fun!

In addition to my multiple Animal Kingdom towels I have purchased at the exit of Kali River Rapids, I also own Sea World socks from getting tired of walking around in wet socks and shoes.
In addition to my multiple Animal Kingdom towels I have purchased at the exit of Kali River Rapids, I also own Sea World socks from getting tired of walking around in wet socks and shoes.

I almost purchased a pair of socks at the Emporium but couldn’t bring myself to pay almost $20 for them!
I was in MK a few years ago when torrential rainfall started. It was probably ankle-deep water all over the place. I joined a group that was hiding just outside the exit doors of a show whose name I can't recall just now. We all knew that wasn't allowed, but still few people listened when a CM came by to ask us to move on. It wasn't getting better, so finally I unfurled my (mostly useless) umbrella and sloshed out to my car. That was by far the largest amount of rainfall I have ever seen in a theme park.
Years ago we were at MK and we had a reservation at Boma, but we wanted to do our fastpass before we left--for Splash Mountain. We'd been on it a few times during that trip and had never gotten too wet, so figured it was fine.

It was not.

We got SOAKED; every possible point during that ride that you could get wet, we did. Saying we were soaked to the bone does not feel like near enough to describe how wet we were. Furthermore, the water had an odd smell that day and we smelled awful and knew there was no way we could go to a restaurant smelling and looking the way we did. We booked it out of the park, rushed back to the hotel to change and take quick body showers, and then drove like we were on test track all the way to DAKL. We get there five minutes before our reservation, park, and head down to the restaurant...only to realize our reservation was for 5:15 and not 6:50.

Thankfully, it was a slow night and they seated us anyway (for the record, we were totally prepared to go eat at Mara instead and take the loss) and we had a great meal, but we had to pack those wet clothes in their own dirty laundry bag for the trip back in the suitcase.


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