What age did your kids start playing sports & what sport?


Let me tell ya about our 2008 trip out west...
Jun 27, 2001
Mandy is gonna play soccer this year & she's 5..
Let see...been a few years.

Geoff started t-ball in kindergarten (so 5).
Christin (my athlete) started karate at 3.......soccer at 4, tee ball at 5.
All my kids have started soccer at age 5. The boys started basketball at at 8 or 9 and my younger son started baseball at age 10.

My oldest son who is a senior in HS and has played a high level of competitve soccer has recently made the decision to quit after his last HS game. He says he is burned out even though his club team has a good chance to go to nationals this year. He has made the decision not to play in college. He will probably find some type of team to play on after he has taken a break.
DS8 started playing soccer at 5. He was still in pre-school but met the age requirement. Just decided this year not to continue on.

DS3 is anxiously awaiting his turn. We're looking into a general sports park district class for him to take until he's ready for the big league!
Cameron started soccer last spring at age 5. He was too young for the city league so he did it at the YMCA for the spring program and the fall program too. Now that hes 6, he will start in the city league in a few weeks...that is, if the snows melted by then.

He also took a basic skating class this fall, so that was at age 5 too (almost 6).

I plan to start Colton a little earlier, probably age 4 - 4 1/2, in both.
Soccer at 4 through the YMCA. They were just too precious. And when they were headed for the wrong goal, we didn't have the heart to tell them. :teeth:
DD since 5- Soccer, she used to pick the dandelions during the game LOL, now you should see her at 14, she plays club soccer, AAU BB, and AAU track.

DS since 5-T-Ball and hated it, he is 16 now and plays football, and wrestles.

DS since 5- has Down Syndrome and he has played Buddy Baseball (DH coaches) with our LL since then (he is 11), now he LOVES golf!

My DH and I give up a lot of time to take them to all of their practices and games but is worth every minute. Some of DS's friends have said that they wished their parents had encouraged them to do sports, during the summer they are always looking for something to do.

Enjoy it it is a great way to spend time together!:D
Oldest dd started playing soccer at 6 through the YMCA league. As a matter of fact the spring league starts in 2 weeks. Youngest dd will start in the fall soccer league. She is 5.

I don't know if this counts, but dd's have been taking swimming lessons since they were 3. Not really for the sport of it, but for the safety of it.
Hmmmmm.... organized sports, or just sports?

Our oldest DS discovered the Little Tykes basketball hoop at 6 months. He stood in front of the TV while we pitched a plastic squeaky ball which he hit with his plastic squeaky bat when he had just started walking. DS#2 just tried to keep up.... he was 2 years younger and tried to do everything his brother did.

Organized sports.... Each started T-ball when they were 3 - playing with mostly 5 and 6 year olds.

Now they are 12 (almost 13) and 11 - both love basketball and baseball..... they play on select teams out of town. Older DS just started running cross country and track - to stay in shape in the off season.
DD4 started Ballet & gymnastics at 3, dropped the gymnastics this year; her choice.
My youngest started T ball at 6, hes 14 now, and is one of the best players in the league. I think the earlier they start, the better, they don't have to be the best, my oldest was good, but no where near the all star his younger brother is, but it kept him off the street, also, if they like sports, they can learn alot about commitment and team work and thats important as they grow older! Good luck to your daughter!
My DD almost 14 started playing t-ball at age 5 and started bowling at age 4. She still plays softball and just stopped bowling this past winter. She has also taken karate(age 10) for one year and swimming lessons(ages 3-8) for several years.

My DS, now 12 started t-ball when he was age 5 and stopped about 3 years ago. He started bowling when he was 4 and stopped that this past winter. He doesn't really care for team sports. He has also taken tennis lessons(age 7-8) for two years, karate(age 8) for one year, swimming lessons(3-5) for several years.

If it's within my "limits" I usually let them try what they want. If they like it then they can continue. I never force them to do anything they really don't like.
DS- started skating at 3. Played hockey for the town and the high school varsity team. Also played baseball, wrestled,and was on the cross country team. We devoted a lot of time and travel into keeping him in sports(hs hockey practice was at 5am which meant beign at the rink at 4:30am 3 days a week)We enjoyed watching him and more importantly it kept him busy so he didn't have time to be hanging around.
DD- dancing at age 2 1/2. Softball started at 6. She participates in girl scouts, flute and chorus.
Other DD started gymnastics at 3. This is her 2nd year and she really enjoys it.

I think any extra curricular activity is helpful in keeping them out of troublke as they get older.
Both of my daughters started ballet and tap at 3 years old, and ice skating at 4 years old. My son started tot hockey at 3 and has played in a hockey league since he was 4. :D
My oldest DD started T-ball at 5 and continue to girls softball until at 9. she played soccer from age 7-9 and at 9 began cheerleading. She has since dropped all other organized sports and is a member of an AllStar cheerleading team at the age of 11. I believe this is her passion and she will continue to age.....whenever!!

Middle DD has started Tball last year at age 6 and will play again this year. She danced for 2 years but was bored!! She will begin cheerleading this year at the age of 7.

The baby DD is only 4 and has been dancing for 2 years. She can't wait to join her sisters in organized sports!!!

They all took swimming lessons but never swam on a team.

We are very lucky to live in a town that offers great sports activities for all the children.
DD started playing soccer when she was 6. She is 8 1/2 now and still loving it. She was swimming on the city swim team at 5 (one of the youngest!!) but gave that up, voluntarily, for soccer. DS starts T-ball this spring. He is 6. He did play soccer at 5 but hated it.
Travis started with ice hockey at age 4 1/2 and competitive swimming at age 5 (butterfly stroke was his strength).

He continued with hockey until he graduated from high school but he quit swimming at age 12.

He played football in high school.

He got two letters, one for hockey and one for football. He was a pretty good athlete, thank goodness. I don't know what his father would have done, otherwise :rolleyes:
My DD started basketball and softball at age 5. This is her 9th and final year of biddy basketball. She also plays basketball in an instructional league. She will tryout for high school team next season, when she enters 9th grade. She started softball at 5 and played 3 or 4 yrs, but joined again for this coming season.
My DS started basketball at 5 and is in his 4th year. He started baseball at 6 and will be starting his 3rd year.
I enjoy watching the kids play as I played basketball and softball and DH played golf, baseball and basketball.
We signed up my dd5, who will be 6 next month, for Pop Warner Cheerleading last fall. She was a mascot cheerleader, and cheered with the "older" girls (7 and 8 yo's). It was the cutest thing. We asked if she wanted to do it again this year (her choice this time rather than us making her do it), and she really wants to do it again. She's doing gymnastics right now, which she really loves, too.

My ds4, goes to preschool, and that's it. I can't see him in any organized sports at this age because of his transitioning and separation issues. I signed him up to do a gym&swim class at the Y and it took him 6 months to finally agree to go to that! However, I hope that he will want to follow in his daddy's footsteps and play Pop Warner football and high school football.

Youngest ds, 18 mo, is just too small for sports. He goes to a "gym" class with mommy at the Y and plays with kids his age. ;)


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