What are your favorite books?

My favorite book is The Hotel New Hampshire by John Irving.

That being said....I just finished Pillars of the Earth and World Without End.

I loved both. Was actually a bit depressed that there was not another one to start right away.

I thought they were AWESOME reads.


While I have not read World Without End (my wife has, but I have not), I would have to agree that Pillars of the Earth is an amazing book. I highly recommend!

I have read The Lord of the Rings trilogy at least a dozen times, so I guess that counts has my favorite.

Lately I have been reading the Patrick O'Brian Napoleonic Naval Series (the books the movie Master and Commander was based on). Excellent! I got into these after a Disney Cruise...

I also really like Stephen King's "The Stand", but you have to read the Unabridged version, if you can find it. The character development in this one is incredible! Oh, and the Green Mile, especially in it's original Serial format.
My Disney books are my favorite books. I just finished Realityland by David Koenig. It's a great behind the scenes look at the development and operations of WDW. I also love Since the World Began, also about WDW, all of Imagineer Jason Surrell's books and The Art and Flair of Mary Blair is wonderfull too.
My Disney books are my favorite books. I just finished Realityland by David Koenig. It's a great behind the scenes look at the development and operations of WDW. I also love Since the World Began, also about WDW, all of Imagineer Jason Surrell's books and The Art and Flair of Mary Blair is wonderfull too.

I read a review of Realityland and they said it was a little mean spirited against Disney. What did you think of it?

I like books about Disney too, but I've read one or two that are just all negative and nasty.
You guys are so great with your books! Keep them coming! Today I went to the library and borrowed Pillars of Earth, Gone For Good, and Falling Man. I can't wait to read them! (Yes, I actually go to the library like a good little nerd).

Kevin, I suggest you read anything by David Sedaris. He seems to have the same type of humor you do. He is hilarious. If you read the book Me Talk Pretty Some Day, he has a story about teaching people from other cultures about how we celebrate Easter that will knock you over laughing!

I think I've read everything by David Sedaris. He makes me laugh.
Eventhough I'm a believer, I liked The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins. I think it's a good introduction to evolution. Evolution explains so much about the world, even why moths fly around lights.

Another recent read that I really enjoyed was Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides.

I also like Sedaris, and David Rakoff, whose style is pretty similar. For people who like that kind of humor, I recommend the This American Life podcast.
Eventhough I'm a believer, I liked The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins. I think it's a good introduction to evolution. Evolution explains so much about the world, even why moths fly around lights.

Another recent read that I really enjoyed was Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides.

I also like Sedaris, and David Rakoff, whose style is pretty similar. For people who like that kind of humor, I recommend the This American Life podcast.

We love This American Life! Have you seen the Showtime show? Sarah Vowell is also in the same vein, her humor particularly when discussing viewing the X-Files in Chattanooga had us laughing out loud. She is also a contributor for This American Life and has a few books under her belt as well.
Hi everyone,
my faves are the harry potter books. Can't choose between the goblet of fire, half blood prince , prisoner of azkaban or deathly hallows tho.
But if i was pushed probably POA.
My Disney books are my favorite books. I just finished Realityland by David Koenig. It's a great behind the scenes look at the development and operations of WDW. I also love Since the World Began, also about WDW, all of Imagineer Jason Surrell's books and The Art and Flair of Mary Blair is wonderfull too.

I haven't had a chance to read these but they are on my list. I recently listened to another podcast (blasphemy I know) and they discussed their top 5 must have disney books for Disney Geeks. I was wondering if the podcast crew has their favorite Disney "must have" books? And why they are in their favorite list.

I am always on the look out for any books that have lots of concept art. My son is autistic and LOVES Disney. He believes he is going to design attractions at Disney World when he gets older (he is 11 yrs now) and will spend hours drawing new rides/attractions. Any suggestions? Thank you!
I think I've read everything by David Sedaris. He makes me laugh.

If you enjoy reading the books you really ought to listen to him read his books! The audio versions are even better since it's the author giving emphasis, etc where intended. David Sedaris is hilarious!:rotfl2:
If you enjoy reading the books you really ought to listen to him read his books! The audio versions are even better since it's the author giving emphasis, etc where intended. David Sedaris is hilarious!:rotfl2:

His sister Amy is also quite an accomplished writer and actress! We love her in this house, if she's on Letterman we always have to watch.

She wrote a VERY funny entertaining guide that is quite retro and I laughed out loud in Barnes and Noble when I was reading it!
I am another Terry Pratchett fan. As is DH, and it was my sister that introduced me to his work. We own an extensive collection. I remember my sister reading the first bit of Wyrd Sisters to me - she had not read MacBeth so she really didn't get all of the humour. I told her she should borrow my MacBeth and then read Wyrd Sisters again. It would be funnier.

I have moved towards reading more non-fiction & biographies now. I have recently read Valerie Bertinelli's Losing It, and I am currenlty reading Dropped Threads 2. (I am behind as vol. 3 has been out for a while).

Dropped Threads are a series of books with short essays by Canadian authors telling stories of their lives - things that one would expect or hope to learn from mothers telling daughters etc, but that don't get told. The first one was inspiring, this second one so far is a little darker. I may look around for some of the books mentioned here.
I picked up Ruth Reichl's memoirs a few weeks ago at Half Price Books (what a wonderful chain!). Reichl was the food critic for the New York Times. She's written three memoirs. The first is Tender at the Bone: Growing Up at the Table. It was a touching memoir of growing up and how she learned about food. The second is Comfort Me With Apples on life in Berkeley, becoming a chef, then a critic. The third is Sapphires and Garlic which is about her time as the restaurant critic for the New York Times.

If you like food, I think you'll find a lot to enjoy in these memoirs. Her style remind me a bit of the way Kevin reviews restaurants, although I like Kevin's reviews better. :) She does seem to share Kevin's opinion that the good restaurants aren't necessarily the popular ones. She also does something that I enjoy that Kevin does as well - she explains what her expectations for a particular dish are, how she thinks something should taste, and it gives you the opportunity to figure out whether or not you agree with her.
I picked up Ruth Reichl's memoirs a few weeks ago at Half Price Books (what a wonderful chain!). Reichl was the food critic for the New York Times. She's written three memoirs. The first is Tender at the Bone: Growing Up at the Table. It was a touching memoir of growing up and how she learned about food. The second is Comfort Me With Apples on life in Berkeley, becoming a chef, then a critic. The third is Sapphires and Garlic which is about her time as the restaurant critic for the New York Times.

If you like food, I think you'll find a lot to enjoy in these memoirs. Her style remind me a bit of the way Kevin reviews restaurants, although I like Kevin's reviews better. :) She does seem to share Kevin's opinion that the good restaurants aren't necessarily the popular ones. She also does something that I enjoy that Kevin does as well - she explains what her expectations for a particular dish are, how she thinks something should taste, and it gives you the opportunity to figure out whether or not you agree with her.

I am going to check these out on Audible. Sounds like something I would enjoy!

My fave of the moment is Carl Sagan's "Cosmos".
My constant guilty pleasure is anything Stephen King.(no big surprise there)
I love to read my DD19's books...she usually has whatever Augusten Burroughs has written, Chuck Palahniuk, and David Sedaris.
I'm starting to read the Sam Harris/Richard Dawkins/Christopher Hitchens stuff...finally, something that makes sense to me.
I really loved The Last Lecture, I read it in about two hours.

Has anyone else read it yet?

It even has an AWESOME cast member appreciation story!:goodvibes
The Pillars of the Earth has always been one of my favorites, I've read it 3 or 4 times in the last 15 years. When World Without End came out I went out and bought it that first day, got home and read the first chapter then just thought, I'd be so sad when it was over. I put it up for now and I'm "saving" it for when I need a really good book. As far as other favorites, any of the older Stephen Kings, all the John Ivirings ( esp son of the circus and cider house rules) and The Historian and Roots and Power of One... I guess its too hard to have just one favorite!:) One of those Sony readers sounds very practicle, I'm currently trying to narrow down my book list for our upcoming trip to just paperbacks that I don't mind leaving behind because I'm concerned about going overweight with the limited luggage. Plus it sounds easy enough to use around town at appointments and stuff instead of carrying a big book.
My favorite book is Animal Farm By George Orwell.

My favorite author is Mark Twain.

My favorite Disney book is DisneyWar by James Stewart.


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