what did you buy while you were at WDW???

I haven't read the previous responses here, but your DS might enjoy shopping at the ESPN store on the Boardwalk or the Mickey Sports store at DTD.....my DH always finds a new hat or tee that is sports related.
quick question: can you buy those things that go around your license plate??? Don't know what they are called, but they kind of frame your license plate.
I used to collect the Winnie the Pooh designer plush from the department store in Japan had just one to go Rabbit and they stopped carrying them...:sad1:

small figurines, the plush inspired by the countries, a few pins, pens, shirts are usual items for me.

My DH has bought a nice blanket from Mexico, a hand carved chess set from a shop in Adventureland.

Other cool non-Disney things I've gotten from Japan a really nice tote style purse w/ intricate needlepoint like design on it, a necklace as well from there. I love the cloth wallets, etc in China. and I got a cloth bread basket from France (it's just like one my sister bought me in the real France)

We're also fan's of the Christmas store.

This year so far on the wish list of souvineers:
my DS(9): pressed penny book and pennies, any new Toy Story stuffed animal he doesn't have, something PoC inspired and something from China

my DD (9): a pin lanyard and pins, a shell braclet she saw a picture of here on the boards, polynesian themed things for her room and American Girl style Disney doll clothes, and a new charm for her Disney charm bracelet

my DD (5): a countries passport, an autograph book, the disney little pony stuff, anything Ariel or Princess, maybe start her Disney charm bracelet this year.

for my DD (18 mo.): hope to get her first haircut there in the MK Barber Shop and get first haircut ears, get 1st visit button (free)

me: WDW themed music CD's, cloth round zipper pouches from China, collectible glass mugs from Liberty Square in MK, sounvineer picture packages to split w/ DMom from our character meals, Christmas ornaments for us and kids

not sure DH has anything in his radar yet

I have to say generally we do good w/ our shoping but being on our every 3-years plan...we may buy a bit more than average. But I try to stick to wish lists and a general set amount of spending money. This trip I'm also designating a small carry on (that going will carry our 1-day essentials if DME delays our luggage) to fill up as we buy. Once full well we either need to stop or determine any last must buys....

Where do you get disney Little Pony stuff? I am assuming these are like My Little Pony? My girls are into My Little Pony and I would be interested where I can find this type of souvenier when we go in late April.


I always buy Christmas ornaments and decorations on every trip. I also buy a few pins, plush dolls or animals and tee's for my nieces
We were there for free dining Sept 2007 and besides the 3 extra pounds I brought home, we got a Mickey Garden from the Land (DD7) and a mickey mouse head kitchen timer which I already broke with a crash to the floor during a Christmas baking frenzy!!

I did Tinkerbell gifts with my daughter each morning which way cut down on the gimmes!!!:worship:
the licence plate frames are in the world of disney store and in test track..the my little pony items are in the downtown toy store, my friends granddaughter wanted that and we asked all over and were told my little pony isnt disney but we found it in the toy store..they have a fill up the basket with as much as possible for $18.00 all little pony accesories.
I bought myself a Muppet purse and Kermit wallet at the gift shop right off Muppets 3D, a pink Minnie Mouse t-shirt at the World of Disney store, a charm bracelet I made at Tink's Treasures and an elephant for my best friend at the gift shop in China in Epcot.
We bought t shirts, hats. i bought a mini stuffed Grumpy, Jedi Mickey. the strangest thing i bought is a rubber skull from the pirate of the Caribbean ride.
It sits on my computer desk.
April 30-May 11th 2008 Shades of Green!!!!:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
WOW what didn't we buy. I got addicted to pins. DS17 at the time also got into pin collecting but he also had a great time filling boxes with Mr. Potato Head pieces. I think he has about 5 of them in his Frat room. DH fave purchase was a Rugby ball from Epcot(don't tell anyone but he actually slept with it for a couple nights) DS4 was in to the light up toys, hats and Legos from DTD.
I did get a pearl and it is now a necklace I wear alot. We also bought Mickey Ear Ornaments and had them engraved with our names and the year. We will do that when we go back in December.
the licence plate frames are in the world of disney store and in test track..the my little pony items are in the downtown toy store, my friends granddaughter wanted that and we asked all over and were told my little pony isnt disney but we found it in the toy store..they have a fill up the basket with as much as possible for $18.00 all little pony accesories.

So are the little pony things special for Disney with Disney type accessories or are they just regular My little Pony stuff you would find at Target or Toys R Us? Not sure if we are going to downtown Disney yet!


I want to add as nice as the ship it home option is ...it can be very dangerous :rotfl:

I just got 3 big boxes this afternoon from Disney and most of it I had forgotten I bought :rotfl:

3 frames .... cinderella gloves/purse to go with my DD outfit she got at BBB ... a GF blanket.... a cindy bank.... another photo book for my DD BBB pics I totally forgot I bought... a donald duck doll DD conned daddy into buying her and having it shipped home AFTER I SAID NO MORE STUFFED ANIMALS :rotfl:

I swear she was like a gambling addict in Vegas :rotfl:

The girl is stuffed animal crazy and Disney is the Mecca for those furry creatures....

Anyway back to what I was saying.... the ship it home option makes it so easy to forget all you bought UNTIL it starts coming in the mail :rotfl:
I am curious to see what people have purchased at WDW, apparrel, souveniors, hats, fun stuff, etc. We are leaving for WDW in 29 days. My son is 15 and I am thinking there wont' be much for his interest. He is an athletic type kid so his wardrobe is pretty much anything to do with FB or wrestling. But on the ohter hand my daughter is 17 and loves to shop so she will make up for his less interest.

As just two adults, I'm not sure if our list would help, but I'll share anyways :goodvibes We bought:

-Pajamas, sweatshirt, t-shirt
-A Christmas ornament from Epcot/Germany
-Pearl & setting from pick-a-pearl in Epcot/Japan
-Disney Theme Park Edition Monopoly!!:cool1:

As for ideas for your son:
Not sure if your son would be interested, but DTD has an ESPN Zone store. I could swear when we were at WDW recently, we also saw some sort of Disney athletics store, but I can't seem to find it on the list of DTD stores-it might have been in one of the parks...I think it was called "Sport Mickey" or something-:confused3 anyone know?

Your son might also be interested in checking out the store at Epcot/UK that sells soccer gear (british football). I've noticed that stuff seems to be popular amongst kids his age where we live anyways.

Also, is he a Star Wars fan? Great store in DHS sells this stuff and I noticed lots of kids your sons age in there.

Worse comes to worse, I'm sure he'd settle for a treat from Goofy's Candy Co. in DTD :goodvibes

Minnie Mouse Backpack - it is red patent with white dots covered with silver glitter, and has minnie on the front. My 4 yr old loves it and so do I!! My 7 and 8 yr old princesses bought jewelry (the cheap kind) and were happy with that. We don't buy many souvenirs, but will splurge sometimes.
I'm 18, although i was 17 the last time i went. I got a cute disney backpack, the ones that pull together with the strings, and I got a zip up hoodie, a pair of earings. My best friend bought a PoC hoodie, as well we bought friendship necklaces for each other to remember the trip where we spent most of our money though was at the malls around as we are canadian and you have stores we dont have up here
On my previous trips i have bought stuffies and picture frames. I always buy a tee or a hoodie. last time i took $500 to spend and didnt spend it all but im taking more this time and i think i will deffinatly spend it all as i came home and found myself wishing i had bought things i had passes over and as i dont really want to spen large amounts of money on the many people that want me to bring them things i normally buy a couple packs of pens or something similar to give out to people
I usually pick up some sort of jewelry, usually a necklace, earrings, or a charm for my Italian charm bracelet.
My 15yo loved the Disney Sports theme shop at DTD (not sure what it is called), he bought an American Football with Mickey on it. He didnt spend much else in the Parks, preferring to spend his money on a trips to the Premium outlets and Florida Mall.


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