What do you do with all your photos?

We bought a fantastic digital photo frame from Big W, it sits next to the TV and it's great to hear one of the kids comment on a photo that pops up randomly. Our DD had just turned 5 when we went in 2009, and she remembers so much of that trip because we are always seeing the photos!

I also got a photo book made and sent it to my in-laws in London. It was kind of the least I could do since they had us at their place for 3 weeks!

We got some amazing pictures of New York at night from the top of Rockerfeller Centre, with the Empire State Building right in the middle - and I would love to make one of them into an entire wall picture for DS13's room. It would be amazing to go to sleep looking at that every night! Not sure where I would get that done though!? :confused3
I think snapfish.com.au offers poster prints

I've been satisfied with their quality and if you sign up to them you get email offers from time to time.

Otherwise there are printing places around for posters that don't do photos but rather specialize in posters, but they may well be much more.
Busy busy, you can get photos made into wallpaper. I don't know where, but you can. That would be cool.

So happyfingers, is that why you're called happyfingers? Because you're so crafty? Your board looks great.

Thanks hellosue. I'll look into that too.

And shuttergirl, now I know your real name :) I like knowing peoples real names. Mine is Trudie by the way :) and I'm definitely going to get my pics done in Matt next time.

I've just been sitting here comparing my digital pics on my calibrated screen to the prints from Harvey Norman. They've overexposed the brights and underexposed the darks. HOw they managed that, I don't know :( They look terrible though and I'm ashamed to look at them and admit I took them.
I am thinking of making a collage on my dining table and covering it with glass - I have a beautiful new (well almost) dining table and have had it covered with a table protector since I got it as we use it every day. But I am thinking of putting a thin piece of ply with photos (felt or similar on the back to protect the table) and a piece of glass on top. I have seen it done on a sideboard and it is a great conversation piece. Depends on the price of glass and if I have enough suitable photos. Otherwise I will do something similar to happy fingers - you can buy large framed pictures pretty cheaply in go lo or similar stores - will use a frame like that rather than making my own.

I just bought a new camera on the weekend so hopefully will have enough time to learn how to use it before our trip and hope to have some gorgeous photos when we get back. Tried it out on my dog today - he wasnt a very cooperative subject - kept wanting to come and lick me:laughing::laughing:
you can make them as small or as large as you like


this is us doing the luge in queenstown new zealand



HappyFingers these look great, it is a wonderful idea. I can't help but chuckle at the colour of your wall, Dis board green:lmao::lmao:

its a feature wall
the painting is a work in progress, the other walls are a much lighter shade of green

i called myself happyfingers because i kept getting into trouble on the motorbike forums for my strong opinions and warped sense of humor (the bikeies just couldnt hack my ability to insult in a very clever way, if required, bikies they are so sensative, lol)

so happyfingers as meaning "very loose with a keyboard"
ive been banned from many motorbike forums just for having strong opinions and not being afraid to take on the mods, but they always win in the end as they have the magic ban button, still its just a forum and being banned from a bikie forum is no great loss, and certainly not when you can just respawn with a different handle and get stuck into them all over again :rotfl2:

i used to spend a lot of time at a place called labusas.org, its a very full on type forum with some really violent bikie type people with very big guns :rotfl:, they dont like it when you declare that you are not fond of gun laws, they get very cranky :confused3 pirate: :banana:
the place has very few rules and unless you are ready for the barage of rude and offensive post you will get (even worse if female) please dont go there :rolleyes1

i dont go there much now because i sold my 300kph zx12r ninja a few years back as i just got a little scared of the things power, i could handle the power, i was just a little eager to abuse it yeh !, it went very fast and could do some very impressive and highly illegal wheelies, now i have a nice slow 1 cylinder cross country motorbike and i enjoy the ability to go off road if i please, its all set up for serious cross country riding

so what i wanted to say now that ive gone way off track is
the ipad makes a very good and convincing digital photo frame
just get a stand and when you are not using it for whatever else you can have it running threw a slideshow of your favorite pictures

Battymum you can also if you have a old coffee table stick all your pictures on it (make copies) then at bunnings you can buy a very clear type self leveling laquer which is perfect for these very applications, once dry it becomes a solid and permanent feature, i made one, ill see if i can find a picture of it, the laquer cost about $80 for enough to do a whole coffee table, you need to make a watertight border around your coffee table then just mix it up and pour it on, it will level itself out and set, looks great
Busy busy, you can get photos made into wallpaper. I don't know where, but you can. That would be cool.

So happyfingers, is that why you're called happyfingers? Because you're so crafty? Your board looks great.

Thanks hellosue. I'll look into that too.

And shuttergirl, now I know your real name :) I like knowing peoples real names. Mine is Trudie by the way :) and I'm definitely going to get my pics done in Matt next time.

I've just been sitting here comparing my digital pics on my calibrated screen to the prints from Harvey Norman. They've overexposed the brights and underexposed the darks. HOw they managed that, I don't know :( They look terrible though and I'm ashamed to look at them and admit I took them.

You should resurrect the thread where we introduced ourselves! At least, I think we had one...

Happy to share my name! Its Belinda
Battymum you can also if you have a old coffee table stick all your pictures on it (make copies) then at bunnings you can buy a very clear type self leveling laquer which is perfect for these very applications, once dry it becomes a solid and permanent feature, i made one, ill see if i can find a picture of it, the laquer cost about $80 for enough to do a whole coffee table, you need to make a watertight border around your coffee table then just mix it up and pour it on, it will level itself out and set, looks great

That's a great idea. Is it hard to make a water tight border? I shall go google right now...
I am thinking of making a collage on my dining table and covering it with glass - I have a beautiful new (well almost) dining table and have had it covered with a table protector since I got it as we use it every day. But I am thinking of putting a thin piece of ply with photos (felt or similar on the back to protect the table) and a piece of glass on top. I have seen it done on a sideboard and it is a great conversation piece. Depends on the price of glass and if I have enough suitable photos. Otherwise I will do something similar to happy fingers - you can buy large framed pictures pretty cheaply in go lo or similar stores - will use a frame like that rather than making my own.

I just bought a new camera on the weekend so hopefully will have enough time to learn how to use it before our trip and hope to have some gorgeous photos when we get back. Tried it out on my dog today - he wasnt a very cooperative subject - kept wanting to come and lick me:laughing::laughing:

You could use perspex instead of glass. They might cut it to size for you at bunnings. Great idea. That other stuff Happyfingers/ biker chic is talking about is called liquid glass, I think. I used it 15 years ago when I made some gifts for my Bridesmaids :rolleyes1

Nice to meet you Belinda. I was thinking about you today and was thinking that you might be a good Melody or Kim. :rotfl:
Tac some thin flexible plywood around the edge
Turn the table upside down on top of some cans or something
Then run some silicon around underneath
Let it dry and you have a tight seal
Once the lacuer drys your just remove the wood
Peel off any excess silicon and round the edges of the laquer with some mild grit sandpaper

Make sure when you pour the laquer that the table is level and there are no flys in the room, wet laquer is a great flytrap :laughing:

Just ask at bunnings for some self leveling clear laquer in the paint dept
And don't be scabby with it, buy the big container, you will need it, there is about 3 different sizes you can get
Ya gotta love bunnings.........
as for my pics, I add a few to a blog,print out a couple hundred at big W, pop them in albums and add comments.
The albums are my rainy day happy hour...sitting with a cuppa looking at my wdw trips makes me :cloud9:....
and i have to have something to show the DH for all the $$$ we spend every year on hols:rotfl2:he's a bloke, he needs tactile....
Got this from Snapfish tonight -

Don't let your digital photos just sit on your PC or camera - print it and share it as a Photo Book. They make great coffee table books or gifts, and there's many fun and sleek designs to choose from. See our suggestions below.

So hurry, we're only giving you 7 days to use your special $7 Photo Book offer* on the 13x18 cm Custom Softcover Photo Book. Just use coupon code PB7AU11 at checkout. Offer ends 11 July 2011.

*Terms & Conditions: The $7 Photo Book offer only applies to 13x18 cm, Custom Softcover Photo Book applied at checkout. Coupon code cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotion, but can be used multiple times. Offer is valid in Australia only. Coupon codes can only be used online. Post and packing charges apply.

Been missing for chunks as I have been busy trying to complete the scrapbook of our WDW trip before we go to the states. Thought I'd share the finished product with people who would understand! Many of the layouts were "borrowed" from the fantastic collection that is at mousescrappers.com

I think this is a great way to use photos that aren't quite good enough for that coffee table photo book or to really capture an emotion or vibe about an event or a place.

Finally shushh-another scrapbooker-though I only got started a few years ago but realised the albums I created after our first "big trip" in 1984 were effectively basic scrapbooking as I always included momentos, tickets, journal notes etc. Since its a 12 month project normally it nicely fills in the gap while waiting for the next big hol! I will check out your link next!!

I also did a large collage of pics from Expo 88 when it was in Bris (would work for a hol trip)-glued them onto backing card and framed it in one of Ikea's large photo frames (which were once the cheapest place to get them before Bargain Plus and others jumped on the bandwagon.) I had made a similar collage of our earlier 84 trip pinned onto hessian covered board we made but with no perpex or glass to protect it, it deteriorated over the years.

Now I also pick a few of my favourite shots and get them printed around 12" x 16" and put them in the doors of Ikea wall hung cupboards we have in the lounge (they show this in store) and every 12 months or so rotate them with some new ones.

I like our local Big W for printing-not impressed with Offcieworks btw-as bad as Harvey Norman- and wait for 10c or 9c prints, but have had prints done at other Big W stores not as good. My dad also likes K mart (none as handy as Big W to me).
Been missing for chunks as I have been busy trying to complete the scrapbook of our WDW trip before we go to the states. Thought I'd share the finished product with people who would understand! Many of the layouts were "borrowed" from the fantastic collection that is at mousescrappers.com

I think this is a great way to use photos that aren't quite good enough for that coffee table photo book or to really capture an emotion or vibe about an event or a place.

Oh my God-that is so good-my 2008 album inspired by our first trip to WDW was my first "real" scrapbook attempt. When I come to scrapbook the next trip I must also check out mousescrappers. Did you say that was a digital one-I haven't tried digital but I like mucking about hands on though no-where near as polished as most digital efforts.
Aussie Wendy, I dabbled in scrapbooking years back but never really got serious because materials were expensive and things were everywhere! Only just started digital scrapbooking recently and I love it. There are still things that look better the old fashion way but for me the convenience, the ease, the tidiness, and the cost won over! To answer your question, yes this was a digital album.

As with printing, i have to agree that the Big W prints are actually quite good. I use them too.

Ms Shuttergirl, yes it was time consuming. Took a lot longer than i expected! Because choice is near endless (there is so many freebies out there!) and I was indecisive, it took 1 day for 1 page at the quickest. I am still learning heaps, and it did get faster towards the end.


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