what has been the most stressful day of your life

The day my youngest was born. Started out as a normal, planned c-section but during some bonding in the recovery room we discovered that those cute noises he was making were because he was struggling to breathe. He went from there to the NICU where he stayed for the next 10 days. I'm not sure who was more stressed, DH or myself. For the first 5 days I was still in the hospital and DH was trying to take care of us and our other DS. Those 10 days were a blue but I remember thinking we would never get out of those rough days.
The day my oldest son was born. At one point he stopped breathing in utero. They said that he was under "stress" and was holding his breath, and if they didn't get him out ASAP, we'd lose him. They inserted some type of monitor to make sure he was okay, but began prepping me and the OR for a C-section. I had tried so hard and waited so long for this baby, I was so scared to have gone so far to lose him so quickly. I just laid there and prayed the hardest I'd ever prayed in my life. And then just as the nurse came back to wheel me away, the monitor started to register that he was breathing again. So scary!! Thankfully, he is now a healthy, happy 12 year old!
The day the dr. told me my mother wasn't going to make it had to be the worst of all. She had been put in the night before r. My sister stayed at night and my brother and I were going to switch off days. He decided to leave, which we thought was fine. So I am totally alone with Mom and the dr. comes in, calls me in the hall and says there is nothing they can do. I fell apart. It was so confusing. She was having troubles but she was awake and talking to me (not a lot but some). At that point I really needed someone besides that particular dr. (he had no bed side manner at all.
The day my dd#1 was born. I had preeclampsia and Hellp syndrome and things went from bad to get that baby out in what seemed like minutes. DH didn't even have time to call my parents who were in the lobby getting coffee. They came in at 10 to get me. Baby was out by 10:22. and then she didn't cry for what seemed like forever. Then there was issues with bleeding (me) and she had to go to the nicu and I didn't see her for 3 days and only then after I threatened to sign out AMA a walk down there. It was not a pretty week.
I have had many. The day my mom went into the hospital for gall bladder removal which then turned into her being dx with stage 4 lung cancer. She died 12 weeks later. The day 1 took my dad into the hospital to have his toe amputated which set off a series of events and led to us taking care of him for 3 weeks while he was bed ridden before he died. They days after my dad died and dealing with a horrible sibling who caused me daily stress about wanting what was her's. The day my son was in a pretty serious car accident while my dh was out of town hunting. The day my other son called me from jail and wanted me to bail him out (he didn't pay his tickets and was driving on a suspended license) and we had to leave him there for a few days as it was over a holiday weekend. The day my son said he was going to kill himself and we had to override his adult authority to have him admitted to a psychiatric ward in the hospital. Those were all very stressful days in my life.
The day my 18-month old son had a 6-hour surgery to repair his skull and reconstruct his forehead. The nurse came out every hour to update us, but so much could have gone wrong and we couldn't do a thing about it.

Close second would be the day my husband got caught in a rip current and was dragged about 125 yards out in the ocean. He had been snorkeling and I hadn't noticed he was gone until I heard someone yelling for help. We were a few miles from the nearest lifeguard and it seemed to take forever for ocean rescue to get there and get to him. I was sitting on the blanket with two little boys, completely helpless. The whole thing lasted less than 45 minutes, but it was a long 45 minutes (and then 6 hours in the ER).
I have two -- The day my husband was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and the day he died. In addition, there were many stressful days in between.
You are truly a survivor and inspiration. Thank god you had your cell phone, or you could still be roaming the Magic Kingdom. Forget about kids being macheted to death in Burundi, or attacked by bears, or whatever tribal warlords utilize, you are amazing:)

Yes, thank God for my cell phone. I would have died without it. I was able to post dozens of selfies of myself in panic mode so that my family and friends could share the utter misery and sympathize with me thru that terrible ordeal. That's the only thing that saved my life.

When I was 19 or 20, I actually did do something almost as bad. Six of us were at a mall food court, I had my keys on my tray, and I absentmindedly threw them away with the wrappers, napkins, and cup. I started to panic, "OMG, I just threw away my keys!!!! What am I going to do?!!!!"

One friend rolled her eyes, opened the door to the cabinet that contained the trash receptacle, pulled it out, and reached in to retrieve my keys. Then the rest of the group mercilessly ridiculed me. :o
I have two: one is the day my Dad had quadruple bypass surgery, the second is the day of his funeral.
The worst day of my life was the day my mom died but the days /years before it were even more stressful than the actual day. Watching her suffer with ALS for 3 years was worse .

Another stress time was miscarrying. I was put on bedrest after I started bleeding in hope that the baby would be alright but 3days miscarried.
I'll be serious now and say the most stressful day was when my father called to say my mother was in the hospital. They were at their vacation home and she suffered a massive stroke and collapsed. I was too upset to drive there, and had to track down DH who went out for the day. It took over four hours before we could get to the hospital.

My mother was in intensive care, and doctors were not optimistic about her recovery. She held on for two more days. I don't think she ever knew that I was there. By the time she died, it was actually sort of a relief, knowing that she wouldn't be suffering any longer.
The day I went for a follow up appointment after I had a liver resection due to multiple benign tumors. I was told that one of the tumors was cancerous and I had a bile leak that lead to an E. coli infection so I had to be admitted again. I could barely walk at that point.

This was a hospital that was 6 hours from home. So I had to get my DH to call my parents and tell them that I had cancer and would be staying there at n the hospital. My dad was so upset and he told my 19 year old. She then called me, hysterical over everything. Bad, bad day.

When I got to the transplant floor I was so dehydrated that they had a terrible time getting ivs in. They were calling in people from everywhere to try my veins. They needed 2 ivs but only had 1 and after 13 sticks I said no more. You will deal with only one.
The day I visited my dad in the hospital, after he was diagnosed with terminal cancer. My mom said the doctor had told him he was terminal, but when I got there, my dad didn't know. I think the doctor was young and inexperienced and didn't use the right phrasing. My dad kept saying, "Thank God I don't have cancer!" But, he did. Stage 4 pancreatic cancer, which has maybe a 2% survival rate. So, I was stuck telling him. My heart broke into a thousand pieces that day.


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