What I wish I would have known BEFORE getting to WDW!

I actually did very well and did not forget anything (because of the great tips on this board and the packing lists that I found). One thing I did was to split up the stuff between my DH's suitcase and mine in case one got lost (this was our first time flying so it was all new to me). Well guess what? My husbands luggage was lost! I thought I planned really well and split our clothes up so we would be OK. The problem was with the toothbrushes, toothpaste, medicine, ect. I had no idea what was in his suitcase and what was in mine. We used a town car service and it was way after midnight so we decided to skip the grocery store stop not thinking we really would need stuff. Luckily his suitcase showed up the next day and we were able to buy the few things we needed at the resort. My tip is next time I am buying travel size of everything like that and buying two of each so we will have it in both suitcases.
The last thing I do with these business cards is do a few up with my DD7's name on them with something like, "Hi, my name is ______, please call me mommy, ________, as she is very worried about me. I put my DMs, and my cel phone numbers on one side, along with a few colorful stickers. I put one in my DD's pocket, each day, or if she doesn't have a pocket, I'll put it in her shoe. Of course, now that she wears Crocs for the most part, I'll have to come up with another way-maybe I can make it smaller and put in on a simple chain, for around her neck. We've never lost her at WDW but I want to know that if she gets separated from us, that she'll have our numbers to call us.

We did this for all the kids in our group last year and put the cards in a badge holder attached to a lanyard. Worked out great.
I'm not sure about WDW, but in DLR the hotels had a little store where you could buy most of the usual travel items you might forget such as cameras, toiletries, most of the stuff you might forget.
Along with a power stip, I always pack an extension cord - sometimes hotel outlets are in very, very odd locations. And an extension cord doesn't really take up any room in the suitcase. (I like to be ready for anything. :flower3: ) :smickey:
I always bring a power stick because the outlets are always by the sink and I hate to leave my phone on the sink.
Those neck coolers with the gel in them that you soak in water and they expand. I wear them in the hottest sun and always feel cool.
A collapsible laundry basket. I hate the piles of dirty clothes my family leaves around the room and I can bring the basket right to the laundry and back to the room. I stay at DVC most of the time and do laundry. When I stay at a resort I don't.
Walmart flavored drink mixes are great. I always pack or buy a bunch.
CROCS. I know some people hate them but since I got my Crocs I haven't needed moleskins or a 2nd pair of shoes. My shoes don't rub, I haven't had a blister and they dry right away.
I'm not sure about WDW, but in DLR the hotels had a little store where you could buy most of the usual travel items you might forget such as cameras, toiletries, most of the stuff you might forget.

The problem is, at the resort shops, things can be quite a bit more expensive than if you bring from home. Especially things like batteries, disposable cameras, OTC medicines, etc.
Baby powder. Dump it all over your feet before you put your socks on. It works fantastic to soak up the sweat and keep your feet cool. Family of four for a week and no blisters.
O.k. I had sore blistered feet last time. What is moleskin (please no one laugh) an where do I get it?

Never mind already been answered.
I brought one of those plastic mini M&M tubes and stacked 2 quarters and one shinny penny over and over till it was full. My son loves to collect the pressed pennies.

I brought small candy things like tootsie pops and pop rocks yogos to give the kids a treat while waiting for shows to start.

I have two boys who love games...... They both have a Nintendo DS. I got them each a "nerdy" fanny pack and hooked a cord from the DS to the bag so there was no leaving it sitting on a bus or at a table or bench ect.... I think that was the best idea of all.

I brought a pop up hamper for the dirty clothes. That folded into me suitcase.

I planned all ADR around the shows and parades we wanted to see.

I packed a whole suitcase with snacks- oatmeal- pop tarts-and bottled water. Then when we were going home the food was gone and I filled the suitcase with all the STUFF we bought and collected.

That is all I can think of that hasn't already been posted!
August is hot, so remember extra t-shirts (nothing worse than a sweatty smelly t-shirt:scared1: )

Sun block:cool2: ! Man do they rip you off for sundry items at the stores:confused: !

A shoe tree. Huh, you say:confused3 ? We brought along a hanging shoe tree that holds 8 pair of shoes. Instead of tripping over shoes in the changing area, we placed our mocs, sandals, flip flops, sneakers and dress shoes in the tree out of the way. Ours folds flat and fits in the outside flap of the luggage.

More than one swim suit! You find out real fast how humid Florida can be and how long it takes a wet swim suit to dry hanging in the shower:sad2: !

Enjoy..... :thumbsup2 :banana:
1 tip I just read in Real Simple magazine that I hadn't thought of (or read yet) if you are flying, was to take a (digital) picture of your luggage, before you check it, that way if it gets lost, you'll have a picture of it for reference.

I bring at least 2 bathing suits for me, and even more for DD7. Since her suits are small and don't take up much room, I can bring 4-5. I always carry one with us into the parks (especially AK) for her to wear, to get wet. I keep it in a ziploc bag. :goodvibes

Dizneydaz said:
The last thing I do with these business cards is do a few up with my DD7's name on them with something like, "Hi, my name is ______, please call me mommy, ________, as she is very worried about me. I put my DMs, and my cel phone numbers on one side, along with a few colorful stickers. I put one in my DD's pocket, each day, or if she doesn't have a pocket, I'll put it in her shoe. Of course, now that she wears Crocs for the most part, I'll have to come up with another way-maybe I can make it smaller and put in on a simple chain, for around her neck. We've never lost her at WDW but I want to know that if she gets separated from us, that she'll have our numbers to call us. And yes, she does know my cel phone number, but if she's lost, and scared, she may forget it, or forget the area code. Better safe, than sorry. (Lost sight of her for about 3-4 min. once at SW in San Diego, and don't ever want to go through that again! )

That's a great idea. Not that I EVER want to test it out, but do you think people will look in DDs pocket? :confused3 It's a great idea as long as someone finds it!

Since she's 7 (and will be 8 in Sept.) I know she'll get it out of her pocket-especially if someone asks her if she knows her mommy's #. I'm not sure how really young kids would do with it. :confused3 Like I said, I'm pretty sure she can recite my cel phone number, but this is a "just in case" (especially if she forgets the area code.) And like you said, I hope I never have to test it out. ::scared:

Dizneydaz said:
. Of course, now that she wears Crocs for the most part, I'll have to come up with another way-maybe I can make it smaller and put in on a simple chain, for around her neck. We've never lost her at WDW but I want to know that if she gets separated from us, that she'll have our numbers to call us.

wahoostampingirl said:
We did this for all the kids in our group last year and put the cards in a badge holder attached to a lanyard. Worked out great.

Great idea-I hadn't thought of that yet. :goodvibes Thanks!
I second the medicine! DD1 got a temp the 1st day and we spent a ridiculous amount for a VERY small thing of tylenol. Also I always pick up ponchos at Walmart in the camping section.I'm going to add the glow sticks to my list!:thumbsup2
Also...I like to get one of those fan/water bottles at Walmart to hang from the stroller!Much cheaper than in the parks!
This might seem odd, but my husband and I packed one of those shammie towel things to the park each day. You know those extra absorbant towels? They were great for the rainstorms b/c we could dry off our hands or whatever else that got soaked while were out in the rain.:yay:

We live in Texas and take the shammies with us everywhere! We have found that if you whip one around in the air for a second or two they become extremely cool. We took our 3 mo. to Sea World last summer in the Texas July heat and he stayed cool and comfy using the shammie as a blanket. We actually had to keep wetting it because it would dry out completely. Also they kept his seat cool (when he got out of it) and his stroller was never hot because we layed ours on top.

We found ours at Wal-Mart in the automotive dept. They come in bright colors like aqua, purple, orange, pink, etc... Look for the Aqua-dry brand. They were about $4.50 while the other brand was about $9.00
We store ours in a large zip-loc when not in use. Oh and they wash well in the washing machine.

I can not stress how much these helped keep our child cool. I would see other babies all red cheeked and sweaty and our baby was completely comfortable the whole trip. Our 7 yr. old draped it over her shoulders and never once whined about being hot!!!

Have fun!
I've already added shammies to my packing list for keeping dry. Great idea about using them to keep cool too. :thumbsup2 I already have a bunch of them I got at Sam's Club a few months ago. Mine are orange.
In addition to some of the other things mentioned, don't forget to take a couple clippy-type clothespins. Great for closing bags of food like chips, etc, and for closing the curtains very tight.

Also, I also take a couple of nightlights. Buy the cheap ones and then it's no big deal if you forget to take them when you leave.
I have a suggestion. I had terrible blisters a few years ago. The only scissors I had was from those little travel sewing kits. It was so hard to cut. Now what I do is cut them in strips and different sizes before I leave on my trip, I put them in a zip lock with the extra bandaids.
water cameras
bug spray - they were bittin by SM!
shoe organizer for br door
rechargable batteries and charger
and disposable batteries
lots of memory disk


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