What is a GAC?


Earning My Ears
Mar 19, 2005
What is involved with a GAC? I have tried to find the information else where and was unable to. What services are available?

Here is my deal: I have a 3yr old who has Sensory integration problems, is feed through a g-tube, severe persistant asthma (neb treatments 3xdaily), GERD and on immunotherepy. Ryan would need quite, cool waiting places, and a clean cool place that he could be feed at. Are these places available? Are they resonable requests?

What else would you need a GAC for?

Thank you for your help in making this trip as enjoyable as possible for Ryan,
Heather :flower:
You can always take him to First Aid or the Baby Center to be fed. The GAC would be for a cool place to wait. Need to minimize heat exposure.
Those types of waiting places are not avilable on every ride and attraction.

In fact I'd say about half of them don't have any waiting area that is air conditioned and of those, about half don't have an out of the sun waiting place.

Additionally even where there is an air conditioned or not in the sun waiting place, it's not always quiet.

As Talking Hands already said, either First Aid or Baby Care Centers would be good, cool places to feed or give treaments to your child. If you want to leave any of your medical equipment, they will store it for you in First Aid. Either of those places are also cool, quiet places to rest (or just get away from all the commotion). Their location is marked on the park maps and you don't need a GAC or anything special to use either place.

GAC is the abbreviation we use on these boards for Guest Assistance Card so we don't have to type so much.
First, what it isn't:
It's not a pass, doesn't shorten or eliminate waiting in line, isn't meant to give any advantage or special treament to someone with a disability, and it isn't given just because someone has a specific diagnosis. Some people think all GACs are the same, but they are not.

What it is:
A tool to let CMs know what sorts of assistance/accomidation are needed by a person with a disability, especially an invisible disability.
In most cases, someone using a wheelchair or ecv, crutches, cane or has a cast doesn't need a GAC. That's because the CMs can see that they need an accessible line/entrance. There may be a need for a GAC if there are other needs besides the need for an accessible line (or CMs are not noticing the need).
It is based on needs and the "message" printed on the GAC reflects the needs. To request one, go to Guest Services in any park with the person with a disability. Explain the needs; no need to go into detail regarding diagnosis. Because even people with the exact same diagnosis might have very different needs, the messages stamped on each GAC is different, based on the needs.

As ducklite mentioned, just because you have a GAC doesn't necessarily mean that every attraction can provide that accomidation. For example, some attractions are outside, so they can't provide an air conditioned indoor space. Also, the time spent outside of attractions/queues is going to be at least as long as the amount of time spend in attractions. So other strategies to avoid heat/sun are important.
If you can go when it's cooler and during non-peak times, that will help a lot. Also, even during busy times, you will avoid the hottest part of the day and the biggest crowds if you can be at the parks right at opening.
Thank you for explaining all of this to me. My biggest concern was storing his med equip in the car and having it soooo far away if we do end up having an emergency. Knowing that the first aid will store this is a HUGE relief!

Most of the time Ryan will be fine w/ the heat it is mostly the sun that gets him. Places dont nessacarly have to AC, just out of direct sunlight. Because he is on steriods he burns very easily- Yes we do extra things to protect his delicate skin, but a little extra always helps.

Thank you! Leaving tomorrow :cool1:!


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