What is the easiest question that you've seen someone miss at the Millionaire Game?


Can't get enough Disney
Jul 15, 2001
I'm frightened that if I got in the hot seat I would miss the easiest question ever asked. Does anyone else have this fear and what are the questions that you've heard that should have been answered?

When I was there 2 years ago, I saw a guy miss a baseball question...

...buy me some peanuts and ____________________....

the answer was cracker jack and he didn't know it...Yikes

I just don't want to make a fool of myself but desperately want to give it a shot.:rolleyes: :confused:
I imagine that I would be nervous and miss the first question, too.
This one was my favorite that someone missed (I may be changing a few of the answers here)

What was the name of Walt Disney's sister?

A. Herbert
B. Raymond
C. Ruth
D. Roy

She must've been too nervous to even read it! I love it though, that is SO something I would do.
This was at the Millionare game a DCA:

What position does Barry Bonds Play?

D)Left Field

LEFT FIELD! DUR! But NO, this guy says pitcher. -_- I bet he was thinking of Barry Zito.

Erg, this guy was REALLY good at the fastest finger on like everyone. Like he was 1.43 seconds.

I have to say that i would have missed two of the previously posted questions too. I'm not american and have no idea about anything to do with baseball or anything specific to american culture. I do realise that WDW is in America but when the guests come from every corner of the world i think it a little unfair to ask questions you have no hope of knowing if your not American. Ok you can ask the audiance but on the first question?! That has to feel as bad as getting it wrong. I hope i don't come across as anti-disney cause i love the place just think the questions have an american bias.
I would have missed the Barry Bonds question....Ask me about football and I'll give you the right answer but don't ask me about baseball.
Originally posted by IrishAngel

I have to say that i would have missed two of the previously posted questions too. I'm not american and have no idea about anything to do with baseball or anything specific to american culture. I do realise that WDW is in America but when the guests come from every corner of the world i think it a little unfair to ask questions you have no hope of knowing if your not American. Ok you can ask the audiance but on the first question?! That has to feel as bad as getting it wrong. I hope i don't come across as anti-disney cause i love the place just think the questions have an american bias.

I'm an American and I would have missed the Barry Bonds question.
Originally posted by IrishAngel
I do realise that WDW is in America but when the guests come from every corner of the world i think it a little unfair to ask questions you have no hope of knowing if your not American . . . i love the place just think the questions have an american bias.

I was once knocked out of the hot seat on a question about the Chinese good luck color.

But your point is well taken. The game is definitely easier if you know about American pop culture and Disney trivia in particular.
I'm another that would have gotten Barry Bonds incorrect. But I really don't like baseball (I know un-American of me). The question someone got wrong that I absolutely groaned over was, "What is the name of Han Solo's furry co-pilot in Star Wars?" The answers were Fozzy, Greedo, Chewbacca, and I can't remember the fourth. It killed me because I had been #2 on the fastest finger for the hot seat.
Sorry. I'm one of those people who's a sports fanatic, so if someone misses a question to me it's like ***. I'm sorry if I offended anyone.
I can't remember the question, but it was something to the effect of either...

what color is a stop sign?


how many sides does a stop sign have?

either way......come on!
Don't forget to use your lifelines! If you aren't American or just don't know baseball, poll the audience!

They say the biggest mistake people make on Millionaire (on tv and in the parks) is being afraid to use lifelines too early.
Let me tell you from someone who's been in the hotseat a few times, it's a little different than sitting in the audience! The questions seem a lot harder when the lights are on you, everyone is watching you, the clock is ticking, and that music is playing, and your heart is beating so loud you can't hear anything else!
My first time at the show, was a few weeks after it opened early in the morning, and there were only a few hundred people in the audience. Only 3 people got the fastest finger right, which was a Disney movie question- me, my wife and one other person. I was shocked to say the least! First time in the show, I was not prepared at all, so I was very nervous. In the early days of the show, the first 3 question were all Disney related, either about an animated movie, or WDW. They were supposed to be easy! I breezed on thru the first 2 questions, and then there was a question about a movie released in 1959. I don't remember all of the answers, but 2 of them were Sleeping Beauty and American Beauty. Before I knew it, I blirted out "American Beauty, final answer!" Everybody, including me, was stunned! I got a button as a parting gift!
Thankfully, I've improved on that miserable performance since then (made it to 250,000 one time!), but I'll never be able to live that first time down.
I've never been lucky enough to make it to the hot seat but my daughter-in-law has and she says that even the simplest question becomes foreign to you once are up there under the lights, with all the large TV screens showing your face. She missed a very easy question, #4, that had to do with change. Something like if you had 3 quarters, 4 dimes, 2 nickels and 5 pennies, how much money would you have? Now a question can't get much easier than that, but not only couldn't she add up the amounts, she didn't even use a lifeline! She was so embarrassed! :-(
I completely forgot I had lifelines and missed a question along the lines of "when typing which finger do you use for the letter Q?"

I know I can't type and would have used a lifeline had I remembered they existed.

I must be the only one who noticed that there was only 1 female name on the list. Therefore, her name must have been Ruth, since that was the only woman's name offered. It is a good thing no one is timed in their answers, that adds more pressure.
Originally posted by Hollymom1229
I'm another that would have gotten Barry Bonds incorrect. But I really don't like baseball (I know un-American of me). The question someone got wrong that I absolutely groaned over was, "What is the name of Han Solo's furry co-pilot in Star Wars?" The answers were Fozzy, Greedo, Chewbacca, and I can't remember the fourth. It killed me because I had been #2 on the fastest finger for the hot seat.

I'm 35 years old and I have never seen a Star Wars movie.:eek:

I know Chewbacca is a character from SW, if the 4th choice was also a SW character, I'd be in trouble.


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