What is the going price for BWV and OKW resales right now?

Doctor P

<font color=navy><font color=navy>Chocolate covere
Jan 24, 2000
I notice that the general asking price appears to be $70 per point. What are the sellers actually getting for a resale (assuming that there are not a significant number of borrowed or banked points) right now? Just curious.
From today's email, it looks like the general asking price for BWV is $68 / point and the OKW seems to be $60 - $70 / point. The larger, hard to place contracts, are asking the lower amounts.

In today's economic climate, I'd certainly start negotiations at much less. Remember that many of these sellers bought at $55 - $62 / point and have had the use of the club for 2 - 8 years.
Was told last week VWL will probably be sold out by next month or so. With supply and demand and the impending price increase for BCV the older contracts may still hold their own. But like Doc I wonder what sellers are actually getting not what they are asking.
Doctor P

Prior to the tragic events of last week the resale market for DVC has been very buoyant.
I know because I have been watching it very closely and finally made the plunge last month.

A few points I have gathered....but obviously things have changed irrevocably since I purchased and I do not think that ANYTHING has had a chance to stabilise with all the future uncertainty. Even here in the UK, where our economy was strong, these appalling events will reflect on our lives for a very long time indeed.

1. BWV and VWL is more expensive to buy than OKW...not better just more contracts (supply and demand) and OKW DVC members paid a lower price in the beginning.

2. 150 point contracts are the most popular and are thus the most expensive. Over 200 points the prices soften slightly.

3. Attained prices through a Timeshare Store and A Timeshare Broker and the other specialist in Orlando are significantly higher than for example Stroman......but they have all the inventory and often waiting lists of buyers (including myself for 3 weeks).

4. In general the buyer is responsible for closing ($400) and maintenance fees of the points in the contract for THAT year.

5. If there are banked points the seller is often getting the ASKING price but may not ask for maintenance fees back for the banked points - only the current year. Selling at $68 -$70 per point for BWV and VWL and $64 - $67 for OKW. I offered $65 for BWV and $63 for OKW and both sellers were 'FIRM' on their prices

6. If the contract is intact with no banked, borrowed points I have no firsthand knowledge but guesstimate a selling price of BWV $66-$68 and OKW $62 -$66

7. If the contract has borrowed points, this is where the buyer has an advantage and can reasonably expect a discount. But Disney will buy back anything under $59.

I purchased a 150 OKW contract for a family member with 110 points intact for $61 per point, paid closing and split maintenance fees for 2001

I also purchased a BWV 150 contract with 50 points intact for 2001 - $63 per point, paid closing and SELLER paid maintenance for 2001.

I am happy with both contracts and the prices/speed in which I managed to purchase. Both were purchased from the two agents quoted above. I know both well having bought before and therefore was telephoned in the UK as soon as the contracts were on the market. Neither made the websites.

I have noticed that over the last week much more inventory is available on the websites for ATS and ATB. I presume this firstly means that their telephone clients are not prepared to commit to DVC as before and secondly buyers have a stronger position as there are more contracts out there. So the prices I have quoted above may well be less now

I hope this is helpful and provides some firsthand experience of what you are asking.

Once again, so sorry for appalling tragedy that has befallen the Western world. I am glad that the UK are standing 'shoulder to shoulder' in Operation Noble Eagle (or as a previous poster said Operation KTA)

God Bless America and I hope that all DVC members, friends and family are safe and well.

Pricing will unfortunately decrease with the advent of the terrorists attacks made here in America.


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