What is your least favourite Disney movie?

I try to find something to like in all of them, but of the WDAS animation portfolio, Chicken Little is indeed the bottom.
For the animated ones, I have three, and I count Pixar as well.

First off is The Incredibles. I can't really say why I didn't like it. I just found it boring.

Then there is The Little Mermaid. What as spoiled-rotten, self-centered brat who only fell in love with a man for his looks, if I remember correctly, and then changes who she is to be with this guy she hardly even knows.

But I think my very least favorite for the animated ones is The Black Cauldron. I hear people say it's underrated. But having seen it, I disagree. I wasn't that impressed. Later on, I read the books it was based on, Lloyd Alexander's Chronicles of Prydain. The Black Cauldron is the second in the series, and it's wonderful. The whole Chronicles of Prydain is a wonderful series, and Disney butchered it by combining The Book of Three and The Black Cauldron into one movie, cutting out key characters and destroying Eilonwy's character. The plot moved too fast, too. I even thought that before I read the books.
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For the animated ones, I have three, and I count Pixar as well.

First off is The Incredibles. I can't really say why I didn't like it. I just found it boring.

Then there is The Little Mermaid. What as spoiled-rotten, self-centered brat who only fell in love with a man for his looks, if I remember correctly, and then changes who she is to be with this guy she hardly even knows.

But I think my very least favorite for the animated ones is The Black Cauldron. I hear people say it's underrated. But having seen it, I disagree. I wasn't that impressed. Later on, I read the books it was based on, Lloyd Alexander's Chronicles of Prydain. The Black Cauldron is the second in the series, and it's wonderful. The whole Chronicles of Prydain is a wonderful series, and Disney butchered it by combining The Book of Three and The Black Cauldron into one movie, cutting out key characters and destroying Eilonwy's character. The plot moved too fast, too. I even thought that before I read the books.

I don't think Ariel is spoiled - I think she's oppressed. She's jsut rebelling against a system that makes her do things she doesn't want to do. Granted they don't get too deep with it in the story, but it's supposed to be very simple.

Black Cauldron is one that had so much potential, but it was interfered with during production. Katzenberg made them tone it down a lot. I can definitely see flashes of greatness in it, and a lot of the animation is really cool, but it just didn't come together which is unfortunate. I bet if they had been able to do it the way they wanted from the beginning it would have turned out much better.
I watched Sleeping Beauty today and I have to say it's one of my least favorites. It's an incredibly boring movie, while it's visually gorgeous the story is boring.
I watched Sleeping Beauty today and I have to say it's one of my least favorites. It's an incredibly boring movie, while it's visually gorgeous the story is boring.
Sleeping beauty may be the most consistently overrated movie in the Disney canon. You are right it looks amazing. And the music is good. But the story is so badly written and illogical its beyond logic. I don't know why its so badly written maybe they just felt like well it looks so good, who cares what the story is lol
I have to disagree about Sleeping Beauty. It's a great story - it's just not Aurora's story. Prince Philip is the star and it follows his journey from meeting a strange girl in the forest to standing up to his father to slaying dragons like a boss! Yes, it's simple, but no more so than Cinderella or the other Disney movies of the era. And everyone is right, it looks spectacular!
I have to disagree about Sleeping Beauty. It's a great story - it's just not Aurora's story. Prince Philip is the star and it follows his journey from meeting a strange girl in the forest to standing up to his father to slaying dragons like a boss! Yes, it's simple, but no more so than Cinderella or the other Disney movies of the era. And everyone is right, it looks spectacular!
It doesnt have to be The Godfather. But if you actually try and make sense of that plot and the Faries actions in that movie it literally makes zero sense. Nothing makes any sense in that movie. I don't know if the original story made anymore sense I will have to look into that.
I'm not exactly sure what doesn't make sense, at least in the fairytale setting. Like many of the older Disney films it is episodic and some parts don't seem to matter much, but they are there to be entertaining - like the fairies making the cake, etc. It's just a little cartoon humor. The fairies do make illogical decisions, but it's pretty clear that they're not that bright, but they don't necessarily always have to make sensible decisions in order for the narrative to make sense. Some of it does hinge on their mistakes, but they are established as prone to making them. Yeah, I might think that they should have played it safer, but they didn't. No worries, Philip took care of things.
the Fox and the Hound.
I know, I know, they were able to make a full-length feature about animals by re-using and tracing and replicating all that they had done in Bambi and Fantasia.
but what horrible subject matter
I'm not exactly sure what doesn't make sense, at least in the fairytale setting. Like many of the older Disney films it is episodic and some parts don't seem to matter much, but they are there to be entertaining - like the fairies making the cake, etc. It's just a little cartoon humor. The fairies do make illogical decisions, but it's pretty clear that they're not that bright, but they don't necessarily always have to make sensible decisions in order for the narrative to make sense. Some of it does hinge on their mistakes, but they are established as prone to making them. Yeah, I might think that they should have played it safer, but they didn't. No worries, Philip took care of things.
I think what bothers me is the whole plot literally revolves around people and specifically the fairies making one stupid mistake after another. Also somehow after taking care of sleeping beauty for 16 years, they can't cook can't sew ect. How they survived without magic beats me. Anyway the plot revolves around fairies who are god like beings acting stupid and they need to keep acting stupid and doing stupid things to forward the plot. I hate that type of plot. Its like watching a threes company sitcom or something.
the Fox and the Hound.
I know, I know, they were able to make a full-length feature about animals by re-using and tracing and replicating all that they had done in Bambi and Fantasia.
but what horrible subject matter
It is brutal. Its like Disney animations no country for old men. How they ever got that movie approved, and into theaters is beyond me. But it was a different time. And supposedly the movie did quite well at the box office. I guess sometimes we have to look at movies through the lens of what people wanted at the time moreso than how we look at things today? But sheesh that movie and to a lesser extent the rescuers shows you a snapshot of where America was at in its taste for animated movies at the time.
Pinocchio is effed up in my opinion. When Lampwick got turned into a donkey and cried for his mother, 4 year old me started sobbing. Pretty sure adult me still would. A children’s movie with human trafficking is pretty grim, even for Disney.
Pocahantas - just boring. I somewhat agree with others - Little Mermaid sends all the wrong messages. Defy your parents, run off, get yourself in trouble, then get rewarded for it? She never returns home. It seems like she didn't learn anything.
Pinocchio is effed up in my opinion. When Lampwick got turned into a donkey and cried for his mother, 4 year old me started sobbing. Pretty sure adult me still would. A children’s movie with human trafficking is pretty grim, even for Disney.
Pinocchio is pretty dark but I think it has a lot going for it in other ways. Compared to the Fox and the Hound Pincochio is a ray of sunshine. If anyone has the chance just watch the first 5 minutes of the Fox and the Hound the opening sequence and tell me if that is in anyway like any Disney movie or heck animated movie you have ever seen. Its like the opening to Taxi driver or something. I wouldn't even say the Fox and the Hound isn't a good movie. But is it a good Disney movie? No way.
I think Fox and the hound has my vote, too. It’s one of the only animated Disney movies I haven’t introduced to my kids.


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