What is your least favourite Disney movie?

Sword in the Stone was a fun, gag-filled movie but it also relied on duplicating scenes from previous movies to lessen production costs. You think they would have learned about Arthurian legend before they committed to getting the Black Cauldron onto the screen. LOL

I agree Pinocchio is really one of those confusing ones of HOW that could have ever been appropriate. I realize animation has changed so much and entertainment has also changed, but WOW. That movie just has not aged well.

Also I am not a huge fan of 101 Dalmatians. yes the puppies are cute and I love the Disney Channel cartoon from the '90's but again, another Disney movie about animals that just was awful, no matter how they work the comic relief with the bumbling henchmen and cute puppies.

Also there was nothing memorable about Home on the Range. I can at least tell you the basic premise of Chicken Little LOL
I also have to say I think my issue with sword in the stone is the whole Arthur story is just to me such a great fairy tale/legend and perfect for a great animated movie or movies, but I am not sure its ever lived up to its potential in the movies or tv. I think if anyone could make a great movie out of it would be Disney. I think Sword in the Stone is just safe and bland. One other crazy thing about Pinocchio I always thought was after he escapes from Pleasure Island no one seems to really bother or care about the rest of the kids on that island lol. I hope they called the police or something lol.
I have to say I really like 101 Dalmatians. I know its really awful what that crazy women wants to do to those puppies but I guess even if it was terrible I always felt all would end up good. I don't think its bad to have a bad guy or girl who is evil.

Cruella De Ville is the most evil Disney villain of all!
Cruella De Ville is the most evil Disney villain of all!
Yea she is that is for sure. She is just a lunatic. I read somewhere that the lady villain they had in the rescuers who was nuts, was suppose to be her. Madam Medusa I think it was. But the writers decided to make a villain just like Cruella for various reasons. Medusa was pretty evil as well.
Yea she is that is for sure. She is just a lunatic. I read somewhere that the lady villain they had in the rescuers who was nuts, was suppose to be her. Madam Medusa I think it was. But the writers decided to make a villain just like Cruella for various reasons. Medusa was pretty evil as well.

Yeah, Medusa is a peice of work too. Whatever happened to all of those kids who they didn't find? That said, it's about motivation - Many Disney villains want to rule or gain riches or have some other goal that at least makes sense - Cruella wanted to skin puppies for a coat! I mean, come on - even the most evil of evil wouldn't do that! My friends often joke that even the biggest bad guys, like Chernabog, would look at her like "What is wrong with you?"

Also, on the scale of really messed up Disney villains, I nominate Judge Frollo - that guy's got issues!
Ahhhhhh oh yes the Rescuers is also a dreadfully sad tale . redeemed by mice though! Who doesn't love Miss Bianca?

When I was very little, I might have even had a liitle crush on Miss Bianca. I think it was the voice - Eva Gabor. 😍
Ahhhhhh oh yes the Rescuers is also a dreadfully sad tale . redeemed by mice though! Who doesn't love Miss Bianca?
Yes. Rescuers is pretty dark. I find it really interesting going through these movies on Disney + really gives us all a snapshot in time on where Disney was and what product they were producing at any given time. How they evolved and really keep trying to evolve. I mean even if some of these animated films I don't like, you can really see Disney doesnt keep trying to do the same thing for very long. Even if sometimes it doesnt work that well.
Yes. Rescuers is pretty dark. I find it really interesting going through these movies on Disney + really gives us all a snapshot in time on where Disney was and what product they were producing at any given time. How they evolved and really keep trying to evolve. I mean even if some of these animated films I don't like, you can really see Disney doesnt keep trying to do the same thing for very long. Even if sometimes it doesnt work that well.

It's reflective of cinema, and society, in general. The 1970's were a bit of a dark time and the movies reflect that, at least until Star Wars taught us all how to believe again. It took a couple of years for others to catch up.
Yes. Rescuers is pretty dark. I find it really interesting going through these movies on Disney + really gives us all a snapshot in time on where Disney was and what product they were producing at any given time. How they evolved and really keep trying to evolve. I mean even if some of these animated films I don't like, you can really see Disney doesnt keep trying to do the same thing for very long. Even if sometimes it doesnt work that well.
Yes it seems that the animators used the same techniques for many movies - usually four of them have a similar technological Style, and then something technical was improved and they moved on. like the heavy-line style in Robin Hood, 101 D's, Aristocats, etc. was done because it was harder to line up all the different drawings with the multiplane cameras if they used light outlines. and then you can see this in the CGI - the crowd scenes in Hunchback and the herds in Lion King. They are working on a bunch of different projects and use the same tech on them, and then move along to something else.
Yes it seems that the animators used the same techniques for many movies - usually four of them have a similar technological Style, and then something technical was improved and they moved on. like the heavy-line style in Robin Hood, 101 D's, Aristocats, etc. was done because it was harder to line up all the different drawings with the multiplane cameras if they used light outlines. and then you can see this in the CGI - the crowd scenes in Hunchback and the herds in Lion King. They are working on a bunch of different projects and use the same tech on them, and then move along to something else.

The lines you refer to are the Xerography era, and was done to cut costs. After Sleeping Beauty was a financial disappointment, they looked for ways to make production cheaper. Walt never liked it, but it was either this or no animation at all. It is one reason these films are less well regarded. Personally, I don't necessarily find the style offputting, but the lifting of enitre scenes for other movies was definitely a bit of a cop-out.

The early CG you refer to is called CAPS - Computer Animation Production System. It was used sparingly in The Little Mermaid but became more prominent in the later "Renaissance" films. It contributes to their unique look and to many of the amazing shots they were able to create - things that were just impossible before. It really wowed audiences and was used for quite a while, eventually eclipsed by the full CGI capabilities of Pixar's RenderMan and eventually Disney's Hyperion.


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