What Kind of "Beans" for Calico/Cowboy Bean Dish?


DIS Veteran
Jul 20, 2003
I'm trying to clean out some canned goods from the pantry and decided I needed to use up some canned beans. I have northern, chili and red beans. Well I threw them in the crock pot to make calico beans and it doesn't look quite right. What kind would you suggest? What would be the difference in taste? I think next time I'll try pork and beans, butter and chili beans. My recipe says any of these are acceptable in this dish? :confused3 Anyone a bean expert? Thanks! :)
I'm pretty sure my recipe calls for butter beans, kidney beans and pork & beans. I'm definitely not a bean expert...I think they're all pretty much the same. :confused3 DH, however, insists kidney beans are different & insists that I use great northern for everything. He says the kidney beans have tough skin. :rolleyes:

The only ones I think are really different are black beans - and that's very subtle. Oh - and of course butter beans & limas are much starchier IMHO.

I think what you have sounds fine though.
I've seen recipes using Baked beans, kidney and lima beans. Some also add butter beans to the mix.
I have a calico bean recipe that I use all the time. It has butter, baby lima, northern, kidney and pork 'n beans.

What are chili beans?
I honestly just add any beans that the family likes. I don't follow a recipe. We like pork and beans, great northern, black beans, and kidney beans.


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