What time do you start your day?

I sleep 6 hours. Also get up at 5 for work. About every 3-4 months I have to do a couple weeks of night shift (5p to 5a) which is what I did the past 2 weeks and I'm having trouble coming back this week. I've been up til 2 am every night this week.

The (ex)wife said one day, "Can tell you're getting old, you don't sleep in on weekends." No, I am a night person and it took years and years to overcome that and get to bed at a decent hour on weekends. Still only sleeping 6 hours, I now just go to bed at a more normal midnight rather than 3 or 4 am.
Wish I could get by on 6 hours. This time of year my allergies are out of control and I could probably sleep 12 hours and not feel rested.
Work days 5am. 3 days off a week 11-12. I need lots of sleep so I can really sleep anytime. I have nothing to do in the am. More productive n the afternoon evening.
I'm a terrible morning person, so on average I get up at 7:30-7:45, get ready, arrive at work anywhere between 8 and 8:45. Work starts at 8.
5:15 a.m. I'm a morning person and this suits me perfectly. I get about two hours to do as I please before work. (I'm typically in bed by 9:30 p.m. so I get a good nights sleep.)
Retired, so no set time is necessary. We have a dog, and generally we all get up between 5:30 and 6:30.
My Monday-Friday at the office I set my alarm for 5:00 and probably hit the snooze once. When working from home I am more likely to drag out of bed about 7:30 or 8:00. Weekends are whenever I feel like it lol. Although I rarely stay in bed past 8:00.
If I go to sleep by 9p than I am up at 3:30a and if I can manage to stay up to 11p than I can sleep all the way to 7a. The hubs will sleep around 6 hours no matter what but he likes to lay in bed and snooze/relax until 9a - he resents having to start his day before 9:30a. LOL
I never used to get up early or be a morning person, but now I like to walk in the morning so on work days I get up around 5:30 am, on days off around 6:30 am.
I've never been able to sleep in. Ugh! Some days I really want to but I just can't. Which really stinks because I don't sleep well on most nights. But I usually use those quiet moments for my Bible reading time. I also use it as time to start my walking before it gets too hot and humid here in Alabama.
I go to bed around 9:30. Pre-COVID, up at 4:30 and in the office at 6. Now that I'm WFH, up at 5:15. I am a morning person in the sense that I'm most productive in the morning, but it does take me a while to get going. I'm not the type to be able to roll out of bed and head out the door/log in to work (not anymore anyway).

I do stay up later on weekends, but can't really sleep in, and usually end up taking a nap to make up for it.
I work a second shift so Ibget off at midnight, home by 12:30 and I stay up until 4 am usually then wake up around noon.
When dgd4 was in school and dd was at work . I would get up at 8 am get dgd up and ready and at bus stop bus came and I’d would go back to sleep.

Last week my boss wanted me to come in the next morning after working until midnight. I looked at him and was like u know I don’t go to bed until 4 am right? So I went in at noon and still wasn’t perky until a couple hours later
I am finding that as I get older ‘sleeping in” is a thing of the past. Most mornings I have been waking up around 4:00 - 4:30 to start the day. This is actually an improvement over not sleeping through the night which was a problem for several years.

It’s funny, because when we had to quarantine back in March, one of my first thoughts was that it would nice not to “have” to get up so early. Unfortunately, my brain had other plans for that and I am waking earlier than ever.

I'm back to starting at 5am...blah. I am not, nor have I ever been a morning person. On non-working days I don't get out of bed until at least 8. I don't think it'll ever change; I feel like I get my best sleep between around 4-9am.
If I go to sleep by 9p than I am up at 3:30a and if I can manage to stay up to 11p than I can sleep all the way to 7a. The hubs will sleep around 6 hours no matter what but he likes to lay in bed and snooze/relax until 9a - he resents having to start his day before 9:30a. LOL
I'm with your husband...that's a pretty good way to put it :)
I turn in at midnight and am up between 5:30 and 6:00 am, seven days a week no matter where I am. It’s so habituated now I couldn’t change it if I wanted to but I actually like my routine just fine. :faint: I do have a sleep deficit that builds up over the course of a work-week but I handle that with long, luxurious afternoon naps on the weekend.
Ahhh...naps...I love naps :)
Gosh, I feel like a slacker. I love to sleep. Always have. When I have to go to work I go to bed around 9:30 and get up at 5:30. This is not easy and I hate getting up in the morning. When I don't have a schedule I usually go to bed at around 11:00 and can sleep to anywhere from 8:00 to 11:00. I can't imagine getting 6 or less hours of sleep for days on end. Of course when my son was a baby/toddler I did it but I always felt tired and foggy headed.

Ten hours makes me feel the best. I never nap, actually hate it. Why have 2 times a day that you have to wake up and feel groggy and awful??


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