What time should I make the ADR?


Near to Tigger's House
Sep 21, 2009
Quick question. On one of our AK days the park closes at 5 pm and we will stay until close. I am booking House of Blues that evening and need to make it as early as possible as DD will be hungry. How much time should I allow and where is the best resort to change buses to get to DTD? Is 6.30 pm too early? Is 7 pm better? Just keeping in mind that buses to DTD from the resorts in general are not as frequent as the park buses.
Just realized I should have posted this on the Dining Reservations board. Please feel free to move if appropriate. :goodvibes
Since you are at AK why don't you go back to AKL and then take the DTD from there. It seems that would be a quick run and who knows maybe the DTD bus will pull up right after you get dropped off - 6:30 should be ok.
If leavN the Park at 5 that means for me outside the gate I would take the bus 2 the AKL then leave from there to DTD,I would make my ressie for 7 u can always walk around or see if they can sit you early.
Thanks, that's what I will do. AKL to change buses and make the ressie for whatever time I can get around 6.45 or 7. I will just make it clear to DD that we won't be hanging around for the "closing show" that day. :)
Just want to thank all of you for your wonderful advice. :grouphug: I managed to get every one of my ressies today for exactly the times I wanted. :banana: I decided to make the HoB reservation for 7.15 pm and that's exactly what I got. No waiting for the phone lines to open.


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