What to avoid

I so agree with many of these posts. Stitch is awful. However, everyone knows their own child....but I have a suggestion. Research every single ride. When our boy/girl twins were 6 we first took them to WDW. My DD is just one of those kids who will go on any ride -- fearless. My DS however is AD/HD with complications and not as brave. While we waited in queue for each ride, I described in absolute detail what the ride will do. Armed with that knowledge, he was ok for 90% of the rides. There were only two he had trouble with -- Tower of Terror was one. He kept saying, "not sure I want to do this!" and I said it was ok if we exited ... no problem, but heck just try it out. He did and when he exited the ride, did that boy peacock thing of "oh yea that was a piece of cake!!" LOL The other was a Universal Studios ride called Earthquake. They picked him for a preliminary show on stage and I didn't have the chance to describe the ride to him and he freaked.

So bottom line is to find out what each ride is all about and talk about it first.
I really love POP, but I cannot walk through their food court at breakfast time. All those smells mixed together are just awful.
Stitch is horrible. My 4 year old screamed the entire time. It's dark, smelly, and it hurts your shoulders. I hope to never go on that ride again. My 4 year old also dislikes Bug's Life, but it is one of my favorites. I'm hoping on this trip he will go and enjoy it.
I agree. We watched the france movie and fell asleep. I felt energized afterwards. So if you are looking for a pick me up rest break this is it.

We rode this 3 times on the last trip and the doors were open for us to escape every time. I would not skip it...partly becuase it is a cool, air conditioned, sit-down break from the heat and walking in Epcot!! LOL!!
I have to smile because 3 of our favorites are are someone else's skip list:

It's A Small World
Chef Mickey's at breakfast
Kali River Rapids

Agree that you need to start gently with the little ones. Our 3 year old was able to get through Bug's Life and the various dark, 3D shows as time went on during our week, but other kids screamed and had to be taken out by their parents. I don't know your kids' ages, but as suggested, do your research ahead of time.

Food-wise, would skip ABC Commissary in HS. Loved dinner at Boma.

More Favorites:
Turtle Talk with Crush
Soarin' and Splash Mountain-- 3 year old not tall enough, tho'
Buzz Lightyear Spin
Monster's Inc Laugh Floor
Stitch's Great Escape in MK. We all disliked it very much.

I totally agree with you! The first and only time i went on it the shoulder restraint kept on coming down forcing me to be "hunched" over the whole ride! I was trapped in my seat forced to smell stiches "burrito burps"!! :crazy2:

Worst ride ever!!
When my son was six Space Mountain scared him. He didn't like not being able to see where he was going and it gave him motion sickness. He was also scared of Stitch's Great Escape in MK. In AK Bug's Life and Dinosaur were too much for him. At HS he didn't care for the Tower of Terror because of the scary dark parts and some motion sickness.
Avoid the ABC Commisary in the Disney Studios. When some place can't even make edible sausage patties, you know they have issues.:crazy2:

Also avoid the Stitch ride. I was prepared to be scared, and I was bored instead.
We waited in a long line for Stich's Great Escape. Never again. Matter of fact if I were the only one in line I still wouldn't do it.
I know my DH would tell you to avoid Dinosouar! At AK. I personally love that ride but since DH is a taller, broader guy, all that whipping around really takes a toll on him.

I avoid Space Mountain at all costs. If you have ever had to ride this while the lights were ON, you'll understand why.

9 dragons at Epcot. Once apon a time, it was GREAT food but that was 7 years ago. Our last visit, it was truly awful. I can make better chinese food at home, and I'm French! lol.
Here's something you may want to avoid with very small toddlers, Rainforest cafe. My 3 yr old was fine but a little one yr old at the next table was terrified of the snake overhead & the noises & other animals. Great thread btw.
I know my DH would tell you to avoid Dinosouar! At AK. I personally love that ride but since DH is a taller, broader guy, all that whipping around really takes a toll on him.

I avoid Space Mountain at all costs. If you have ever had to ride this while the lights were ON, you'll understand why.

9 dragons at Epcot. Once apon a time, it was GREAT food but that was 7 years ago. Our last visit, it was truly awful. I can make better chinese food at home, and I'm French! lol.

You've got my curiosity up. What's up with Space Mountain?
I'll admit that to me it was the most over-rated ride at WDW. I guess it might be fun for people who never get to ride real roller coasters.
The 1st ride I rode as a kid. I still won't ride it. My poor parents had trouble getting me on everything after that!:scared1:
In 2007 we saw the Jedi Training Academy presentation at DHS, and our 4-year-old son was selected to participate. All went well until Darth Vader came out, which was totally unexpected, and he spent the rest of the time trying to hide behind the Jedi helpers. Best to watch the whole show before you encourage your younger ones to "audition.":sad2:
Luau wasn't awful as food was reasonably good. Certainly know it wasn't worth two ADR's and would never do it again at that expense.
Luau wasn't awful as food was reasonably good. Certainly know it wasn't worth two ADR's and would never do it again at that expense.

Totally agree! The one glass of sangria I had definitely did not make it worth 2 credits. I didn't hate it, but I kept thinking 2 credits?:confused3 I guess it was because of paying the performers.


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