What 'unusual' thing is sold out at your supermarket?

Chocolate milk- gone in 3 stores. Regular milk was plentiful, just the chocolate is gone.

We had plenty of chocolate milk and 1%(bleh) but the others were sold out. It is fascinating how different regions sell out of different things. It is even different in certain parts of my city. My sister is 20 miles away and the stores by her have plenty of toilet paper and other foods.
I'm in the UK and visited five supermarkets today - eggs, long-life milk, painkillers, anti-bacterial gel, pasta (except wholemeal!) and rice all sold out. Toilet Paper is selling like hot cakes. The atmosphere was weird, not panicking as such but on the way there, I found the experience stressful. I'm vegetarian and the frozen vegetarian sections almost all sold out, hence why I visited so many stores to build up my supplies. I have underlying health issues (diabetes & high blood pressure) and the UK government is advising that people like me will 'soon' have to self isolate for four months! And they're telling us not to hoard... Fortunately I have a nice garden to sit in outside, if I was in an apartment I think I'd got nuts. Four months!
My family is being told the same as far as isolating. I'm not panic buying in the least but if I am going to have to provide food for two sections of my family for 4 months I need to think clearly.
A family member is post transplant, over 60, type 1 diabetic and has to use a wheelchair often due to another condition. They also have severe stomach issues.
Another family member who we just dropped food off to reminded me that although food was great, whisky was better. I made an additional trip today lol...
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Btw not sure about other people but gluten free / pea / lentil pasta is still readily available. Vegan food very available.
We have bought lasagne sheets because pasta is out but people aren't buying lasagne sheets. The sheets are just the same thing imho!
The running joke these days seems to be that Toilet Paper is selling out everywhere. This was certainly true of our local supermarket when Kevin and I went yesterday. Luckily I am a longtime TP hoarder and we have enough to get through this and probably sell some for profit....

I was shocked by the other stuff that was sold out in our supermarket. For example the Cheez Its section looked like it had been looted. However the canned foods were stocked full :)

What is something that is sold out at your local supermarket that surprises you?
Coffee Creamer....
I just don’t get it.

I wanted to make fajitas and there were no onions in the store. All kinds of other produce, but no onions. I grabbed a bag of shallots and they worked just fine!

This is not the first time I heard of onions being in short supply...I'm glad people are eating their vegetables, I guess?
I live in AZ. Some interesting observations from the grocery store today:

  • the Mexican food aisle looked like a horde of locusts went through it. No tortillas whatsoever. There were some jars of salsa left, but only the super bland stuff that nobody here is willing to eat.
  • Chorizo sausage was all out. Regular breakfast sausage? There was still some of that.
  • Cheese almost all gone except the fancy more expensive cheese.
  • Meat department very well picked over.
  • In fruit & veg dept, absolutely no potatoes at all, but you could get plenty of any other kind of fruit or veg. Oh...strawberries also all totally sold out.
  • Top Ramen and any competitor product of instant noodles totally sold out.
  • Full aisles of coffee, soda, booze.
  • Full aisles of milk, eggs, butter, cream
  • Dog food almost totally gone, but plenty of food & litter available for your cat.
  • No tortillas in the entire store, but there was as much bread available as you wanted.
My conclusion? If Armageddon happens here and we can't have our Mexican foods, Arizonans are going freak out. Haha!
Our store was out of staples, frozen food, etc. the odd item was Bacon?! Why bacon of all things. Apparently people only know how to stock up on junk, because they were not buying fresh fruit or veggies.
Went this morning on a tp hunt. Thought 9am Monday would be quiet but it was way more busy than I would have expected.

First store had zero tp and second had a few packs so I picked one up. The cashier said “don’t tell anyone” which I thought was funny. She said people have been calling non stop and they’ve had to stop people from buying everything they have.
In Iowa it isn't terrible. We still have lots of fresh meat and produce. But no toilet paper or Gatorade. Also Pedialite. UGH. I hope people aren't hoarding that. I mean, people with babies need it (of course, maybe people with babies are the ones hoarding it!!). The weirdest thing to me was that ALL the cleaning supplies were gone. I just wanted to buy some toilet cleaner and there was none on the shelves. I guess people practicing self distancing are going to get a lot of cleaning done over the next few weeks.
Low sodium bacon was sold out and the regular versions were left. Most of the fresh produce was gone and I got the last 2 sliced fresh white mushrooms.

The only white milk was left this was whole milk and we took it out of the cart and gave it to a woman who needed it for the elderly man that she was in charge of his food and other needs. We had taken one of the True Moo chocolate milk for dh's coffee.
Interesting observation, you can’t get eggs, frozen chicken or fresh chicken, but the feed stores near me still have baby chickens.

I suspect more people are going to have chickens after this.
Potatoes and rolls/buns, other than that and paper goods our store was pretty well stocked.
I went to buy some shelf stable milk, and specifically was looking for oat milk - but that was cleaned out. They had plenty of other types (almond, flax, etc.) but all out of oat milk

I think the fact it is the best in coffee might have pushed some people who normally don't go for that type of milk to oak milk specifically


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