what volunteer activity did you do for your GAD pass?


DIS Veteran
Sep 22, 2009
I was just wondering what people did for their volunteer activity under the give a day get a day program.

My sister and I volunteered at a no kill animal shelter mainly cleaning industrial size cat cages and industrial sized kitty boxes. we did not, however, have to mess with their turkey or mule (both abandoned to them as well). we stuck to what we know lol and took care of healthy and sick cats for the day. i've never worked harder for a day at the mk but it was worth it.
We did a community clean up. Once a month on a Friday our community has a free outdoor movie and a lot of arts and crafts people display their work. The next morning we got there at 7am and helped clean up. It was actually nice meeting the people and knowing that you were helping the community. We offered to help anytime they need us.
Painted and cleaned at a local co-op nursery school. The director of the school was so happy with how everything looked.
We ran a water station for one of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's Team in Training events. The LSS helps train and support runners who compete in marathons all over the country. We handed out water, gatorade and power gels and cheered for the runners on the Chicago lakefront. It was a bit chilly and windy but we had a wonderful time.
We made Project Linus blankets. Wish there had been other options (not that PL isn't wonderful, we'd just made them some blankets with my girl scout troop. Did again for GAD.) All we had locally was Red Cross Blood Drive and my DD was too young. PL was in the next state (which is only an hour away, and near my mom's anyway...)

As an aside, a cast member last week told me by far the most common volunteering he'd heard GAD-ers do was Project Linus. Also met a director of a Habitat for Humanity who had tried to get her group into the program, but it closed before they could get their application through. :(
We did highway cleanup for the American Heritage Wildlife Foundation. Basically a two mile walk, picking up trash. It was 2 hour drive with 4 irritable kids & DH got a speeding ticket before we even got out of our town, but it was a great experience anyway. :)
We participated in Project Yellow ribbon-care packages for our troops. We were really limited with what we could do as a family. My girls really enjoyed it, and my oldest wrote the sweetest note thanking the troop her box was going to for protecting us. She even purchased some items with her own money, and doesn't know yet that we received the vouchers for volunteering.
We volunteered at a local school doing a massive planting project, with the purpose of creating rain gardens with plants that will hold the water rather than allowing it to run off into storm drains when it rains hard. It involved a lot of shoveling and mulching, and my husband had to haul wheelbarrows full of dirt for a few hours, so we were all sore but happy the next day. It was a very satisfying feeling to have helped out, but I don't envy the teachers and students who will have to weed the enormous gardens!!!

We leaving for Disney 4 weeks from today and will use the fast pass option at all 4 parks!!!
We worked the sign up table at the MS walk last Saturday...it was a breeze just 2 hours.
I plan to volunteer again next year too.

:goodvibesWe just finished our volunteer time this morning at a local wildlife and enviromental reserve near our hometown called 1000 Islands.We spent our time hauling and spreading out wood chips for the walking trails.It really was a lot of fun because I even registered my sister and her DH and my DNephew to help too and we had a great time all together as a family.:grouphug:1000 Islands even provided all the volunteers for the day with a very nice lunch as a thankyou. I have to say all in all it was an awesome day and time!!! Can't wait till we are in DW and we all look back and remember how we worked for that extra day, and I know we will appreciate it even more!!!:woohoo::lovestruc
We helped take down the Holiday Lights at our zoo. Hard work, but the zoo really appreciated it. Thank goodness for boots and long underwear - there was 8 inches of snow on the ground we had to wade through and the wind chill was 15 degrees.

We worked for 6 hours and definitely earned our GADs. :wizard:
We picked citrus for the Society of St. Andrew, a group that gleans extra produce from farms and gives it to food banks. Our group collected 7,000 pounds of grapefruit!

It was a wonderful morning and we'd love to do it again! :goodvibes
My DH, DD and DS made 12 blankets for Binky Patrol. In January, I helped out prepping for a MLK event with Boston Cares. Since then, I have volunteered over 100 more hours with Boston Cares and am shooting for the Presidential Gold Volunteer Medal this year, which requires adults to volunteer at least 500 hours in a year.

I hope others are continuing to volunteer too!
We spent all day last Saturday painting the offices of the local United Way. We put in at least 9 hours on Saturday and then I offered to show up on Sunday to finish up some of the rooms that were left unfinished... so I put in another 6 hours. I am a very experienced painter, so I really wanted to help make it look extra nice!

The people at the United Way are writing up an article about Greg and I... and I was invited to be a member of the local Disaster Volunteer Center Team, which I started training for this morning.

I had a great time as a volunteer and feel like I really earned the voucher... as well as made some great contacts in the community!
We volunteered to help separate and bag donated shoes for Haiti children. (Before the earthquake) It was 20 pairs of shoes per bag, marked and placed in a truck. Even if DS was too young (5yrs old) he helped sort shoes with me. Of course, it took longer because he was in such a rush "1, 5, 7, 20...done Mommy!"


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