what volunteer activity did you do for your GAD pass?

My husband and I volunteered at Bundles Of Love. Bundles of Love is an organization that provides clothing, bedding and necessities for infants in need. The provide correctly sized clothing for premature infants of all sizes, infant burial garments and keepsakes for families who have suffered the loss of a baby, provide "comfort" items such as quilts, hats and booties for sick infants in hospital intensive care units.

My DH and I worked the snap presses to put snaps on buntings. We worked for about 6 hours each. We then took home boxes of flannel for receiving blankets to sew and also burp cloths. I made 150 receiving blankets and burp clothes. I turned them in and received about the same amount. I do this once a month. DH folds and boxes them and delivers them back to Bundles of Love. We did our first volunteering in February. We will continue with this as long as we can. We are also going to buy a snap press to take home sleepers and rompers and bibs that need to have snaps applied to them.

This is such a wonderful organization. I even had to buy a new serger to use. LOL

Sylvia in MN
I just wanted to give a round of applause to everyone who voluntEARed under this program!!! :cheer2:
We made blankets for Binky Patrol of GA. It was a great experience, DD loved making the blankets and we will do it again and donate to our local Project Linus chapter. I never knew those places existed until GAD came out and everyone started talking about PL on here.
Project Linus and it was great! Even though DS3 was "too young" to participate, he picked out the fabric for the blankets that we made - he was so proud!

I got to spend some QT with sis-in-law to show me how to make tie blankets (she is the tie blanket zen master). DH actually got in on the action too. Our volunteer time came around the time of the Haiti quake. The chapter leader said that because of the Disney program they had more than enough blankets to meet the local Red Cross needs AND have enough for our local hospitals too. She said that within a week of the earthquake, our chapter had sent out over 300 blankets with missionary workers and Red Cross workers headed for Haiti.

So cool to be a part of that. :goodvibes:
My family cleaned up a hiking trail. We took a wheelbarrow with us and filled it up along the way with all kinds of trash - water bottles, beer bottles, sunglasses, food wrappers, old pots, etc., etc., etc. We worked hard but it was a great way to spend a gorgeous Spring day.
I just completed my second "Disney" volunteer day.

Quick background Mom & I are going in Oct. We choose to do Jelly Bean day (you walk an street intersection where donation=Jelly Beans) for today.

I heard the GAD program was closing and the organization was able to put me in another event (casino night - drunk people and fake gambling= no fun) but my Mom couldn't do it. Disney screwed up my registration but with this organizations help ultimately we BOTH got our GAD vouchers!!!

Organization asked if we'd still do Jelly Bean days even though we didn't need it for Disney - of course we were still willing to help.

I can't tell you how much fun I had! I filled 2 cans FULL with dollars in 1.5 hrs! I made up little songs and danced my way down the street. I pretended I was a hot dog vendor at Wrigley Field and called out "Get your Jelly Beans here". I saw a neighbor and another Mom from my DS's school and they both made donations. It was a riot! Or at least it was for me - I don't think the others on the opposite side of the intersection were having as much fun.

Anyhow I just wanted to share. Thought I volunteer weekly this Disney program connected me with a new organization and it was a great experience.

The kids and I (DH was out of town for work) volunteered at the Boys and Girls Club of Lorain County. It was an awesome experience that benefited many different groups of people. We made thank you cards for police and firemen, made valentines for widowes, painted flower pots for seniors then planted seeds in them, packed boxes of food/necessities for the homeless, and much more.:goodvibes
DH,DD,DS, & me picked up trash along the road side for the local chapter of Keep America beautiful. We got to chose our area. We chose the road that we drive to school every day. We knew it was long enough to take the whole day to clean,plus we get to see the benefit of our work daily. It was actually fun. The fastpasses were definitely worth a few hours of sweating.
I did 10 blankets for my family for the Linus Project in Oneida NY and 2 for the Binky Patrol in Georgia when my mother decided to come with us.
The lady from the Binky Patrol was so gracious and appreciative of the 2 blankets I sent her. So last week I sent her another 8 blankets . And again, she sent me the nicest thank you for sending them to her. I think periodically I will continue to do so , as I really enjoy making them!:love:
I volunteered to work with youngsters at a local community event for kids. I basically got to play and act silly with kids for about 5 hours. It was fun.

My husband is building a website for a local humane organization.
We did a forest preserve brush clean-up. It was in February, snowed the day before and we had to cut down small trees (I thought brush was twigs and stuff...nope trees! Like some were 6 to 8 inches wide with hand saws!) It was a lot of work but I know that when we use the GAD FP in one week we will surely remember and feel good for what we did! Thank you Disney for the FP and for getting us out to help.
The GAD FP is definitely worth some hard work. It made things so much easier when we went in March. Even if the FP were all out for the day, there still was 1 machine open just for GAD FP.
We made 5 blankets for the local Project Linus chapter. Where we live the closest event to attend that we could all do (2 8 yr olds and 1 6 yr old) was about 2 1/2 hours. The blankets ended up the perfect thing because the kids could really help with them. We are heading to Disney for a day while we are in Daytona, and the kids keep saying we are going for our "blanket day". We are going to send blankets around Christmas too because they liked doing them.
I did some cat cage cleaning and miscellaneous office work for the local Humane Society, which I already foster animals for. I was so glad when they were able to join GAD because I got a GAD FP for work I'd be doing anyways!


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