What was I thinking???


DIS Veteran
Aug 10, 2007
Yesterday, DH & I on a rare day off together, decided to go to HS & check out the new Toy Story attraction. I really should scope out other forums on disboard, because then I would have realized that June was Star Wars Weekend month at HS. The park was over-run with Star Wars geeks:darth: :yoda: :chewy:

Our first clue that something was "amiss" was that at 1pm, we were directed to the Music parking area. This is the furthest lot from the entrance. Thankfully, our tram host was Quade (pronounced "Claude" :confused3 )


He was quite entertaining and had everyone laughing the whole time. Two of his most memorable quotes include: "...and if you look to the driver's left, you will see a Disney Tram. You just don't get THAT view from your front door!' and "Please watch your head when exiting the tram. If you don't watch your head, watch your mouth." Quade received a round of applause from the entire group on the tram!!

On we go to bag check & ticket stiles...


Then, we make our way to Toy Story...



All fast-passes had been distributed by the time we arrive. The stand-by line was over 90 minutes. The single rider was 45 minutes. We jumped into the single rider line. Which actually took only 20 minutes. Here's a couple of shots while waiting in line...

The ceiling:



Safety first:


We finally get to the queue to be directed to our assigned car, when a family of 7 in the regular stand-by line has difficulty understanding that all seven of them cannot sit "together"! They can be in one vehicle, but the vehicle is comprised of two cars, with a total of 4 seats holding two people in each seat. Now mind you, these cars are visible through-out the entire queue. The Attraction Hostess was very patient with them and finally took each person and walked them individually to their assigned row. She turned back to us rolling her eyes all the way. DH & I smiled and nodded our understanding. I told her (quietly) that people tend to unpack their brains along with their clothes while at WDW. She laughed and told DH & I to hop in line 8 & ride together!! Schmoozing does have it's benefits. Here's the hostess with the mostest!!


For those of you who enjoy Buzz Lightyear at the MK, you're gonna LOVE Toy Story. That's all I'm going to say about the ride!

When we exited T.S., we were confronted by....


And then The Iceman Cometh...


We worked our way thru the crowds to the Backlot Tour...


When we exited the tour, the Lights, Cameras, Motors show was letting out and the crowd was virtually impossible to get thru. By this time, DH & I had been at HS for 2.5 hours & had been on only 2 attractions. When it's real crowded and as hot as it was (96 degrees & very humid), we just don't enjoy ourselves, so we worked our way to the exit (took about 25 minutes from Backlot) and headed home.

We did not have Quade for our tram host on the way out, but he was on the tram ahead of us.... so we hollered our fair-well's...

SOunds like a great time...but photobucket must be down...NONE of the pics are visible!!!! :(
Best 3 hour trip report I've ever seen. I can see the pics.
I see
"This image or video has been moved or deleted"

Refresh your page and see if they are still there.
Rog--- I am new to posting from Photobucket. I think I'm the culprit. After I posted, I deleted my images from "My Album". DH said that's the problem. However, I don't know why that would 'splain why 2 goofy can see them.

I don't have time right now,,,, but I will try to rectify the situation later today...if I can.

Great pics and TR. Toy Story Ride is the main reason we have decided to add park tickets to our trip to the Fort in Oct. Well there is more but this one is top of the list. I just can't wait another year to visit Disney, we're there gotta do the parks!


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