What was the strangest interaction you ever had with a character?

my strangest interaction with a character was in DL, i was must have been about 7 at the time eating my lunch and brer bear came up to me and sat on my knee then he pulled my mum over to sit on his knee! quite heavy for a wee 7yo, i found it funny though! :)
We were in the Polynesian lobby when the Character Caravan came through. We got in line to see a particularly rambunctious Baloo. We got some pictures, and then Baloo started goofing around with DH, appearing to punch him, slap him, etc (I knew what he was doing because DH is built like a football player and people always comment about it and joke around with him, but since Baloo couldn't "talk" this was his way of kidding him).

Well DS, who was 5 at the time, thought Baloo was really "beating up Dad" and and began screaming hysterically. Baloo tried to go over to him but DS wanted no part of him. It took us a while to calm him down. Now DS thinks it's funny but for a long while he didn't like Baloo. :teeth:
We had taken my DS to eat at Cinderella's Castle, after the meal as we were leaving my DW went to the restroom and my DS and I went to the lobby to wait for her. My DS saw Jasmine and ran over to talk to her, I got the video camera out and began to film the whole thing. Jasmine talked to my son for a moment and then began flirting with me! No Lie. I've got the whole thing on video. I told my DW what had happened and she said I was crazy, when we returned to the hotel later I showed her the footage, she didn't know whether to laugh or be angry. I don't think she cares for Jasmine to this day!

the only thing i can think of , happened when i was a kid. we went to chef mickeys, and i was so excited about having the characters over...and someone brought me something, maybe a waitress with juice or maybe mom or dad with something, and i was j ust staring up chip and dale and wasn't paying any attention.

they got mad at me and wouldn't sign my autograph book, because i didn't say THANKYOU to whomever. LOL

use your manners folks! my mom was in hysterics! she knew that i always used my manners, and the one time i get caught .... :rolleyes:

and when dh and i went to disney af ew years ago, we were at garden grill for lunch. when we went it was 2ish in the afternoon and it was dead in there! only a few other tables. so we had lots of interaction with the characters. mickey sat down with us fora while, we had a nice conversation...things like "is it hard to be with the guests watching them eat?" ~sometimes~ "how about now, are you hungry?" ~big nod! belly rub!~ "ok here have a bite" ~ hands on hips as if to say 'sure tease me' ~
every time mickey came by after that he would reach for my fork to try to take a bite, or would pretend to take my plate. LOL dh loved it.
When I was 8 and my brother was 6 (20ys ago) Friar Tuck from Robin Hood comes running out of the gate picked my brother and I up and fell to the ground with us. He just jumped in the air and fell right on his butt with us sitting on his lap. It was so much fun. I still have the picture of us on the ground with Friar Tuck
funny but a little weird...we were eating at what is now the concourse( don't remember if it was called that 10 yrs ago) and chip and dale came in...it was late and only one other family was there but i dont' even think it was a character meal so not sure why they( c&d) were there..anyway they would not let the 4 teenage girls alone..everytime one got up to get food ( it was a buffet then) they would chase them all around the place. their handler kept coming over and dragging them "back stage" and 2 mins. later they'd be back...guess even the cms who play them are "bad boys"! :rotfl:
At the BC Cape May Breakfast Goofy accidently wacked me in the face with his very large face/nose. Boy let me tell you it hurt so bad I was almost crying. He did get down on the floor and apologize., but it really ruined the start of the day, I was in so much pain we had to detour back to the swan so I could go get some tylenol. It was several hours later before I was feeling better.
I had to kiss the feet of that bad king-lion out of Robin Hood. Thank the Mouse he had washed his feet that morning, lol!

I also once told Dale (or is it Chip?) that my mom looks like him, because she also has a red nose and her hair was being "Goofy" (that happens after a day out in the snow at DLP), and after that, the chipmunk made fun out of my mom!! And the next day again. hehehe
I have a few, not quite as memorable as the Minnie flipping the bird, though!! Omg..that is hilairous!!!

The first day at MGM last year, we saw Pooh....my youngest dd and I waited on line to meet him and finally got up there. DD is a dancer and was wearing a dance shirt. Pooh noticed and made her dance with him, it was so cute. I wish DH had the video camera out. He hugged her over and over.

Both my DD's met Stitch and raved how they got kisses from him, I was jealous of course and wanted "Stitch kisses" too.
We finally met him and he gave all us girls sweet kisses, then DH got a big "SLURP" lick...it was so funny! DH turned bright red!
When we met the Incredibles, DH was wearing his Incredibles shirt and Mrs. Incredible made a huge deal out of it and acted like she was 'stealing' him from me!! DH loved it!!
I kissed Dopey and he fainted...it was very cute...then he came back a little later to get another kiss
This first story is not about a traditional character, but it's still funny (to me at least) nontheless.

It was back in 1998 and I was on a marching band trip to WDW. My friends and I had decided to spend some time in the newly opened AK. I had spotted, I don't know what you would call it, an actor perhaps, on stilts dressed up as a man riding a large bird. Well I wanted a picture of it.

It seemed like the bird/man/stilt thing was standing still so with my camera firmerly attached to my face I started to walk towards it. Well, you know how things in your camera lense appear farther away than what they actually are? By the time that I had snapped my picture and taken my camera away from my face I was literally 4 inches away from the thing and now had a very large bird face directly in my face.

Boy was I surprized and boy did I scream. My friends just laughed and laughed and laughed, and the man on the stilts just laughed and laughed and laughed.

My other story happened in Oct. My Hubby and I had spotted Capt. Hook and Smee just outside the PotC. I went to have my picture taken with them. While up there Hook motioned that he wanted money for the picture to which I told him that I had none. While this conversation was going on I had my back to Smee who upon hearing I had no money started to go through my backpack and located my wallet and proceeded to pull it out and hand it over to Hook.

My Hubby with the camera caught the whole thing. It makes for a truely funny sequence of pictures.
We were in the Toon Town Judge's Tent in line to see the Princesses. My daughters were dressed as Belle and Sleeping Beauty. The doors opened and the first princess sitting there was Aurora. Just as Ava (aka Sleeping Beauty) walked up to see Aurora, the song from Sleeping Beauty came over the speaker (Once Upon a Dream). Aurora stood up and said, "This is our song. Shall we dance?" She took Ava's hand and twirled her around and danced with her.

I am kicking myself for not having my camcorder out! I was practically in tears since it was such perfect timing. I will never forget it, and I don't think my daughter will either.
I was at Crystal Palace with a friend, and we were talking with Tigger ... I had asked him something about Pooh, and he was being very animated in his response. Tigger's tail managed to find the beverage of the teenager sitting at the next table, dumping the (I think it was sprite) in said teenager's lap. Both of the teenager's parents start laughing, as do I and the friend I'm dining with, and the nearest character handler. (The now soaked teenager, obviously, wasn't very amused)
We were eating breakfast at Ohana's one morning and Goofy visited our table. As Goofy was leaving our table, his pants fell down! After a brief minute, he grabbed them, pulled them up and ran through a door out of the dining area. He came back to our table and acted all embarrassed. :blush:
We took my DH's twin boys to WDW for their graduation present. We were eating lunch at (oh shoot - what's it called? The one that goes in a circle @ The Land...). Anyway - Chip and Dale came around and the boys were goofing around with the crayons they had at the table (as only 18 year old boys can do... :rolleyes2 ). I don't remember if it was Chip or Dale, but he grabbed a crayon from one of the boys and threw it into the scene! (near the farmhouse) Just chucked it out there. I'm sure half the diners there heard the boys exclaim "DUDE!!!"

My sister and I were at DL for New Year's and visited Santa's Reindeer Round Up (something like that), a Christmas-themed area.

One thing we wanted to do was buy a Christmas cookie and decorate it. For $5, you got a large cookie, two tubs of frosting, and sprinkles (don't tell my mom I spent $5 on a cookie and it wasn't even from Sleepy Hollow!).

While my DS and I were decorating, Chip came over and looked like he could really go for the cookie. He bumped my sister down the bench of the picnic table, took the knife and started decorating her cookie! It was so cute. When he was done, he held it up and my sister and I started clapping.

There weren't a lot of people around, and it was so nice to have a random interaction like that without waiting in line or being at a character breakfast. It was really cute.

Here's my DS with her finished cookie (Chip did a lot of the hat, the splash of green on Mickey's left ear, and the errant red streak on his face). I would have taken a picture of Chip except I had frosting all over my hands (and yes, I licked them clean when I was done. I'm a young 25, and I washed my hands before eating!!)

I have a few good stories.

The first story was in dec 2005. My mom and I were walking through the osborne festival of lights and we found goofy dressed as santa. We got in line and when we got to goofy he only had 5 minutes left. I tried to hurry and get our picture taken but as I was walking away goofy grabbed my hand and we danced to winter wonderland.
My next story is my DFiance and I were going into AK and as we were walking, Baloo comes up and shoves DFiance out of the way and escorts me to the turn styles. The same day we had to run out to the car, and coming back I stopped at the restrooms. As I am coming out of the restrooms, the chipmunks are taking a break and walked right by us, and put their hands on their hips. My fiance did the same thing back and then they put their fists up pretending to want to fight.
Last Story.
My fiance and I were at the Garden Grill. Chip came over while our server was getting our drinks and saw we didn't have anything on our table so he bangs our salt and pepper shakers and climbs on our booth and waves to get the server's attention and got the attention of the rest of the restaraunt.
We have had some fun: Chip and Dale played keep away with my DS4 hat. It was hillarious and all 3 kids trying to get it back. They had it on their heads, noses, and tossing it back and forth. Then, we took a pic with all 3 kids and it is my all0time fav. pic with them all laughing so hard.

The bus in Epcot was just leaving when we walked up and we were trying to help DD7 take a pic with her camera and DD9 came running back to us and said Did you see me dancing with Mickey and Minnie----WHAT????? We missed it--could NOT believe that! she was very excited though!!!

At DL, my daughter was then almost 3 and the whole trip, would have NOTHING to do with some characters and LOVED some--we couldn't figure out the deciding factor for her. She was in love with Alladin at the time and we got tons of one on one time with he and Jasmine after a show for some reason. They played hide and seek on the stage and he played peeka boo and she was very verbal and they teased each other--then, she refused to take her pic with him, but would with Jasmine. HMMMMM....
Last day of trip, we did a character meal and Baloo came out and she asked if it was a boy or girl? We said Why? Because girls only should take pics with girls. :rotfl: Sure enough, all the pics she did were with girls and none with boys :rotfl:
mum and i were in chef mickeys at DLP.mum and i were chatting and suddenly she stopped and was staring right passed me.As i tried to turn to see whst she was looking at,one of the country bears snuck up behind me and pulled up the hood on my jacket!He held on to it really tight so i couldn't move or see anything!!!Poor mum was laughing too much to even think about taking a photo!!!
From that day on we have called him the naughty bear!!!


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