What was the strangest interaction you ever had with a character?

When I was a little kid, I was terrified of Stromboli. I would hide under something and cry if anyone mentioned him. My parents still tease me about it. :rolleyes1 So when my husband and I were at the MK for our honeymoon and we saw Stromboli, we had to get a picture with him.

My sweetheart of a husband walks up and says "Hi Stromboli, my wife is afraid of you." Stromboli turns to me, throws his arms up in the air, and starts chasing me! I might have shrieked a little bit and jumped behind DH. It was a very small shriek! DH, of course, thinks it's the funniest thing he's ever seen. After my heart stopped racing, we took a photo, which I will have to find. DH is all cuddled up to Stromboli and I'm on the other side kind of pulling away from him with a (mostly faked) panicked look on my face. My family thinks it's the greatest photo ever.

That is too funny! :rotfl: you absolutely MUST post this photo!
Minnie saved my family's life in DL.

The following is a accurate, true and unbiased account of events witnessed by Dabby, Tinkershell's DH (most of the time):

The year was 2001 but I remember it like it was yesterday. The day had been long and taxing so we decided to head to Toontown for some autographs.

A number of choice characters had assembled in front of Minnie's abode and Tinkershell and the kids were in the process of ensnaring Pluto in a slowly shrinking circle of extended autograph books and jumbo pens. In their single-minded pursuit of Pluto's paw print, they had blatantly disregarded the clearly posted warnings against standing on the toontown trolley tracks.

I was relaxing on a bench by a fountain when, to my horror, I saw the aforementioned trolley careen around the corner and bear down on my unsuspecting family. In my mind, I sprang to my feet and swept my family to safety. In reality, I'm woefully out of shape and I could tell that by the time I rebuttoned my pants and struggled to my feet, my wife and precious children would be goners.

I was just about to shield my eyes from the inevitable carnage when, literally out of nowhere, Minnie appeared on the scene. In total disregard for her own celebrity safety, that brave and suprisingly stylish mouse stepped in front of that rampaging trolley of death and calmly ushered my family to safety.

As we showered Minnie with thanks, she simply clasped her hands together and did a quick little shake over each of her shoulders in that time honored hero's gesture and then, without ever uttering a word, disappeared back into her home.....and out of my life, forever.

Sure, I've seen Minnie from time to time since then but she never gives any indication that she remembers that fateful day. I'm sure she has her reasons. As for me, I'll always have a special place in my heart for Minnie Mouse.
When we were at the Garden Grill in the Land one of the waiters was trying to move chairs to make up a table for 6. everytime he moved the chair Chip or Dale would move it back! so the waiter with one of the other waitresses tied the chipmonks hands together with their neckercheifs!! not to say once the character handler came round to check he didn't look impressed with chip, Dale or the waiting staff!
Here is the funniest one for us.

We waited in line to meet Sully. When it was our turn Sully was "dancing" by swaying back and forth. My DD went to give him a hug. Sully hugged her and kept dancing. So he was swaying her back and forth too. It was really cute.


I try to get a picture of him hugging her but by the time I snapped it this is what I got.......


It cracks me up everytime I look at it. :lmao:
The first one happened about 10 years ago I think. My mom took me and my brother to Disney and we were in the MK watching the parade at the time. They had a Hercules float and Hades was standing on it. He pointed right at my mom and motioned for her to go with him. We still joke to this day that Hades was flirting with her!

Second, last September me and DBF were at LTT having dinner before MNSSHP. It was his first trip ever to the world! He was dressed as a vampire (coudln't get him to do anything disney) and goofy kept coming around and biting his neck!

I try to get a picture of him hugging her but by the time I snapped it this is what I got.......


It cracks me up everytime I look at it. :lmao:

O MY!!! that is the funniest thing ive EVER seen!!! :rotfl2:
so i know i've had some really interesting interactions with characters but my most memorable character interaction wasn't even with me...

we were at the MNSSHP and walking through Fantasyland when we saw Snow White and all 7 dwarves lined up for pictures. The line was kinda long so we were not going to wait but we did notice a group of guests, that we had seen earlier that night, next in line. We decided to stay and watch the interaction take place because the seven guests in the group each had on a T-shirt with each of the dwarves printed on front. When the 7 dwarves saw these guests, they went absolutely crazy. Each one found their matching counterpart in the group of guests and singled them out, all while staying in character (Grumpy was mad that the guest Grumpy had a shirt like that, etc.) The picture they had taken ended up being so cute but a video would have been even better. I swear it could have been a WDW commercial!
has anyone seen the clip where tigger punches a teenage boy in the face??!
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On DD's 5th birthday, we had 2 funny interactions. The first was when she met Chip n Dale in Toontown. I'm not sure why, but they decided that she needed a birthday tickle. And they wouldn't stop!! It was hysterical! :lmao:

A little while later, we were thrilled to see Alice by the Teacups. DD was wearing an Alice pin, and she was very excited to show it to Alice. The Mad Hatter was also there, but DD wanted nothing to do with him.:rotfl2: She even asked him not to sign her book and not to be in our picture! Well, he insisted on signing the book anyway, and when it came time for a picture, he climbed into a tree and made sure that he could still be seen in the background. What a card!! ;)
This was not so much strange as embarrassing...

We were at Toontown and Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum were in the lobby area. They started picking on my DD who was 4 at the time, scrubbing the top of her head. It made her mad and she kicked one of them in the ankle!
On DD's 5th birthday, we had 2 funny interactions. The first was when she met Chip n Dale in Toontown. I'm not sure why, but they decided that she needed a birthday tickle. And they wouldn't stop!! It was hysterical! :lmao:

A little while later, we were thrilled to see Alice by the Teacups. DD was wearing an Alice pin, and she was very excited to show it to Alice. The Mad Hatter was also there, but DD wanted nothing to do with him.:rotfl2: She even asked him not to sign her book and not to be in our picture! Well, he insisted on signing the book anyway, and when it came time for a picture, he climbed into a tree and made sure that he could still be seen in the background. What a card!! ;)

Oh man, I LOVE your Alice and Mad Hatter picture. Absolutely hysterical!
This didn't happen in WDW but in DLP. We were eating at cafe micky when Capt. Hook came around. He kept coming back to my table and suddenly he took some paper and a pen and wrote down if I would like to meet up later in one of the bars... I didn't really wanted to cause I had no idea of what this guy looked like in real life. First it seemed like a joke, but he kept saying that he would be off at 11 and then we could meet up... It was so wierd and I didn't do it, but I have now been asked out by Capt. Hook....
My son went to get Darth Vader's autograph using my daughters princess pen. Well Vader looked at the pen shook his head no, and dropped the pen on the floor and took a balck marker from someone else. My son did not get it being only 3 but we sure laughed
My son went to get Darth Vader's autograph using my daughters princess pen. Well Vader looked at the pen shook his head no, and dropped the pen on the floor and took a balck marker from someone else. My son did not get it being only 3 but we sure laughed

This is kinda like one that we had on the last trip
The queen of hearts was signing and when my sister got up there, she had a different signing book sold by disney and there were pictures of other chracters ( mickey, minnie, donald ect)

So the queen took the pen scribbled all over the other chracters then whe would not sign the paper without her bowing and it was just all funny

Good one with Darth Vader:lmao:
I just ran across these pictures and remembered this thread about strange interactions. Several years ago my daughter handed Pinocchio a pen shaped like a little bat to get an autograph. He started pretending to play baseball. The other characters saw him and tried to take the pen away. Pinocchio started running around the tent and Robin Hood and the Sheriff of Nottingham started fighting. The next thing we know they're rolling around on the floor. Everybody in the area was laughing. We also have video of it. Here's the pictures.


I just ran across these pictures and remembered this thread about strange interactions. Several years ago my daughter handed Pinocchio a pen shaped like a little bat to get an autograph. He started pretending to play baseball. The other characters saw him and tried to take the pen away. Pinocchio started running around the tent and Robin Hood and the Sheriff of Nottingham started fighting. The next thing we know they're rolling around on the floor. Everybody in the area was laughing. We also have video of it. Here's the pictures.



That is priceless.:rotfl2:
Mine happened in 2001. My hubby and I were just walking around Epcot one day. Off in the distance Dopey was ending up his greet time and was walking away when all of a sudden Dopey pointed at me. He turned to his spotter, tapped her, then pointed at me and started jumping up and down like a maniac. The spotter told me to come over, Dopey *ran* over to me and met me.

When Dopey got up to me I got one of the biggest bear hugs I have ever gotten. He was jumping and making kissing noises and wouldn't let go of me. He pointed to my hubby and to 'ask' who he was. I told Dopey I was dating him and Dopey clapped and jumped. He grabbed me again into another bear hug and just squeezed. It was weird because I pretty much knew that Dopey KNEW me. Of course, i could not figure out how Dopey and I had known each other. We took some pictures of Dopey hugging me and jumping all over me.

I eventually found out a few years later that a girl I had attended summer camp with had worked at Disney in the entertainment area. She was actually the proper height to be a 'friend' of Dopey. So perhaps I had run across her that day.
:tigger: On our first trip, not quite a Disneymoon, but a few months after we were married, DW & I went to meet the Pooh characters at the meet'n'greet in Toontown, more as a way to get out of the afternoon sun for a while than anything else... we did Tigger first and established a bit of a rapport... I was wearing a tiger t-shirt and we tried to help Tigger and the dad of a little boy who were after us in line, but the little boy was too scared.

We moved on to Pooh, and then were "talking" to Eeyore, we'd given our camcorder to a CM, and suddenly Tigger came running over and slid on the ground, bumped into my legs and almost knocked me over. It's the story we tell most about our trip...

Eight years later, we had told the story of how Tigger bounced Daddy and shown the video to DD, then 3, just prior to her first trip to MK. We did breakfast at CP, and when Tigger got to our table I greetd him like a long lost buddy, asking him if he remembered last time when he bounced me. Tigger stared at the ceiling, scratched his chin and then nodded enthusiastically. DD was completely awestruck, and I still tear up thinking at the look on her face at that moment. Thanks Tigger!! :tigger:


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