What will WE celebrate? (PTR)


<font color=royalblue>DH is going to freak out at
Sep 14, 2008
First and foremost, we will celebrate that we are going to Disneyland :yay:

A little back-story to get you started.

Born and raised in California, I've had many opportunities to go to Disneyland and naturally I've wanted to take my children there to relive my childhood memories. My husband, well, he just doesn't get it. :confused3 He goes, and he says he enjoys it, but I know that secretly he would like to go elsewhere and experience new things. Blashpemy, I say! Our last family Disneyland trip was in August 2007 (for which we redeemed our frequent flyer miles to go - see, this is how I justify the frequent trips to my DH, if we don't have to pay so much then it's a bargain we just can't refuse!). Last summer my two oldest children started getting the itch to go again and I said, look, it's just not in the budget for this year and I knew I was going to have an uphill battle in talking DH into yet another trip so soon after our last trip. So I told the girls, I tell you what, if we can SAVE the money ourselves to go, how can he say no? ;) So the girls have been faithfully depositing all their birthday money, garage sale money, etc into our trusty Disneyland Fund.


This trip was originally scheduled in September 2008, then moved to February 2009, then to May 2009 and now finally to June 2009. This one I expect will STICK.

Our last "Family" trip (I say that in quotes because SOME of us have been since then ;) ) was August 2007. My third daughter was just 2 at that time and she was unfortunately afraid of pretty much everything while we were there. As you all know how much of a build-up to a Disneyland trip there is, it was somewhat of a let-down for my husband and I. We kept trying to get her to uncover her eyes, which in todder-speak became uncover da eyes. Well, the very LAST ride of the very LAST day, I took all the kids on It's a Small World while hubby ran off to experience one ride he couldn't go home without even going on (and I don't even remember which ride it was!). Well that last ride, we got her to open her eyes and she LOVED it. Hubby was disappointed that he missed this.

At that moment, hubby decided that we MUST go back so he can see her enjoying herself. But, we couldn't afford yet another DL trip so soon. We came home, crunched some numbers and did some scheming. Hence, operation uncover da eyes was born. But we had to be a little sneaky about it since we couldn't exactly take all the kids down again. So, we busted out yet another set of frequent flyer miles (which as it turns out totally depleted our account, but that's ok) to reserve a hotel room for a Friday-Sunday quickie trip down in October 2007. The older two girls were with their dad for the weekend so my husband, myself, the two toddlers and my mom headed down for the weekend without telling the girls. We drove down late Friday night, went to the park on Saturday and drove home on Sunday without them even knowing. :lmao:

At this point if you're thinking I'm a horrible mom for sneaking down to Disneyland without some of my kids, let me interject that since my ex (the girls dad) and I divorced, there has been this unspoken "keeping up with the joneses" mentality between us and the girls have been the lucky beneficiaries of about a bajillion trips to DL in the past 6 years. Unhealthy, I know ;) but I can think of worse addictions :laughing: So I didn't feel so bad not taking them with us as they have gone without us quite a few times in the past too. Incidentally, we pulled it off and they were none the wiser for about 6-9 months until my oldest found pictures on my mom's computer.

Since then, I also chapperoned my oldest daughter's band trip down to play in the Disney Magic Music Days in April 2008. :thumbsup2 An awesome experience! And it was a great time to have some one-on-one time with my oldest child (nevermind the other 85 band members that were there :laughing: )

So that should bring you up to speed.

Our current trip is planned for June 12-17. We got two rooms at the HoJo entertainment guide rate :thumbsup2 In our party this time is Me (SAHM to 4 kids), DD1 Celeste (14), DD2 Jasmine who will be turning 10 on 6/16 and will get to celebrate her birthday in the HAPPIEST PLACE ON EARTH! DD3 Quincy (3.5), DS Ryan (2.5) and DH Ed.

Now to wet your appetite, here's some pictures from Disneyland trips past. See how we roll! :rotfl:

Yes we're addicts

THIS is why I love Disneyland. A rare affectionate moment between my oldest two.


Ryan's first trip to Disneyland, August 2007

Me and Celeste, DMMD, April 2008

See that kid right in the middle? That's Celeste performing for DMMD!

Ed and Quincy (with her eyes uncovered!), October 2007
What a sweet family. I did have to chuckle about the keeping up with Joneses!!! :rotfl2: My parents divorced when I was 11 & reaped the benefits of only seeing daddy once a month!!!

Your little guy covering his eyes is so precious, but at least he finally took a peek on the last day. Now he'll know what to expect & hopefully be ready to "SEE" it on this next trip.

I love that your kids stashed away their money for this trip. I think it will have more meaning, knowing they helped pay for it. They'll appreciate more!

Can't wait to read more as your trip draws near & if you get bored you could take a peek at mine......we're leaving in 4 days!!!!

:banana: Doing the happy dance!!
What a sweet family. I did have to chuckle about the keeping up with Joneses!!! :rotfl2: My parents divorced when I was 11 & reaped the benefits of only seeing daddy once a month!!!

Your little guy covering his eyes is so precious, but at least he finally took a peek on the last day. Now he'll know what to expect & hopefully be ready to "SEE" it on this next trip.

I love that your kids stashed away their money for this trip. I think it will have more meaning, knowing they helped pay for it. They'll appreciate more!

Can't wait to read more as your trip draws near & if you get bored you could take a peek at mine......we're leaving in 4 days!!!!

:banana: Doing the happy dance!!

Thanks for checking it out! I'm going to read your trip report right now!
How cute. I look forward to "sharing" your trip with you!:goodvibes
Today is officially 100 days until we leave for Disneyland! :goodvibes

Lately DH and I have been reflecting on how truly blessed we are. Some issues we have been struggling with have started to resolve and we feel like things are just starting to go our way. So here is a list of some of the things we are going to be celebrating at Disneyland.

~ DH got laid off last year and was so nervous about getting a new job. It turns out he got a new job within 12 days of searching and this job is really challenging him in all the right ways. And he just got a nice raise. Goooo DH!

~ DH and I just celebrated our 5th anniversary last month.

~ My ex got a job and is finally paying his back child-support! :banana:

~ I am completing my LAST prerequisite this semester for the nursing program and will get to apply next year.

~ Ryan, my little guy (who just turned 2 in December) totally took it upon himself to potty train last month. He was by far my easiest, and earliest, child to potty train. We are now a completely 100% DIAPER FREE HOUSEHOLD!!! Oh it is so liberating to say that. I look forward to not having to pack a diaper bag to take into the park! I printed out a list of the non-automatic flushing potties from Happiest Potties on Earth for the trip! :thumbsup2

So in the next 100 days here are some of the things I hope to accomplish:

Create a loose plan of when we'll be where
Make PS reservations somewhere right after April 13 (that is our 60 day mark)
Order park tickets
Lose 10 pounds (I can do this, right?)
Watch some of the Disney movies with the little kids to hopefully start getting them excited about the characters
Get a pedicure with my two oldest girls
Create a recipe for something to take along for breakfast*

*Ok so I like to cook, and I like to eat healthy stuff. Frankly I just like to eat ;) We will be eating breakfasts in the hotel and I'm sure the kids will be fine with donuts and chocolate milk and all that garbage, but I want to bring something that's a) healthy b) filling and c) kind of a meal all in one. I'm thinking some whole grain muffins with blueberries or pumpkin or something in them. That way I won't have to have a seperate fruit. Stay tuned and see if I come up with anything good.

Now, what's the fun of a post without pictures? For your enjoyment, here's a picture I love of my oldest two on the Mark Twain.

Congrats on your hubby finding work.....my hubby & son got laid off 3 weeks before Christmas & have had zero luck in finding work. We're living off the adoption payments we receive on our 4 youngest, foster care payments on the 2 children in our care (but that ends this Friday, so $1200 less when we come back) & unemployment...which really is only a drop in the bucket. We're a bit panicked about what the future holds, but are putting those feelings on the back burner until we return...don't want to ruin this trip!

That's funny about the auto-flush toilets.....my kids hated those as well. I'd usually hover over them (for the shadow) in hopes that it wouldn't flush until they were at the stall door & going out.....lol It was quite a sight my leaning over & lifting them off & pulling up pants while attempting to keep the thing quiet!!! Wish I had known about the website list!! :rotfl: My daughter had potty-trained prior to our trip, but we decided to take pull-ups for in the park, because of not wanting to leave the line right before boarding a ride. This actually was a life-saver because the park was crowded & we stood in lines for the bathroom & at 2 & new to the potty thing.....we would have had many, many accidents. Just a suggestion....otherwise you could find yourself with a lot of wet outfits. :scared1:

It sounds like things are falling into place in your life & I wish you continued happiness. Keep us updated on the plans....they sound good so far!
I was in the mall yesterday and I stopped in the Disney store. I found this cars magnet playset on clearance for only $5 :cool1:


what a bargain. I looked around but no matching princess or girly one. So I went online when I got home and found this one.


I thought those would be great for the car ride down to Disneyland, since we have an 8-ish hour drive when we go.

I'm trying to narrow down some plans on my schedule, but without it being overplanned. My kids are more fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants kind of kids, while I'm not. But you know, Disneyland is all about the kids. Or that's what we tell ourselves anyway. :lmao:

Friday 6/12

Jen sleep late ;)
Ed go to work a normal day
Jen load up the car in the morning
Jen go to grocery store to get last minute odds-and-ends
Pack a dinner to eat in the car
Leave here around 4 p.m.
Arrive at the HoJo around midnight

Saturday 6/13

do not attempt to wake up early and be at the park at opening
have breakfast in our hotel room
get to the park whenever
possibly take the two younger kids back to the hotel for a nap in the afternoon
dinner at Ariel's Grotto
do not stay at the park late, prepare for MM the next day (leave after fireworks?)

Sunday 6/14

wake up at the crack of dawn
eat breakfast in our hotel room
leave the hotel at 6:15 a.m. to be at the park for Magic Morning
bring little kids back to hotel for a nap in the afternoon; older two can stay at the park with one parent or can come back and swim
return to the park for dinner

Monday 6/15

eat breakfast at our hotel room
be at the park by opening time
bring the little kids back to the hotel for nap in the afternoon
return to the park for dinner

Tuesday 6/16

same as Monday ;)
This is DD's 10th Birthday!
Lunch at the Celebration Roundup
Possibly dinner at the Blue Bayou or wherever she wants.

Wednesday 6/17

Sleep in
check out of hotel
eat breakfast somewhere
drive home :sad1:

Dining at the park is one of my favorite things. :thumbsup2 My family all knows about this and they are accomodating. So I figure I've got 8 park meals to plan (we will eat breakfast in our hotel room). These are our for-sures:

1 Dinner at Ariel's Grotto
2 Lunch at Celebration Roundup
3 Hungry Bear
4 Riverbelle Terrace
5 Rancho del Zocalo
6 I want to try Cafe Orleans
7 Am I the only one on The DIS who likes Village Haus?
8 I figure I ought to leave one open for somebody else :rolleyes1 Maybe this will end up being Blue Bayou? Or what's the one in DCA where I can make ressies and have good seating for the parade? The Trattoria?
You are not the only one on the Dis that likes Village Haus. I am with you there! The reason is, because it is one of the few places in the parks that have pizza, burgers and chicken nuggets/strips all in one restaraunt!! :thumbsup2 With our kids, that is a good good thing. We will probably be stopping here often!

I loved reading your schedule, and it sounds like fun! I really enjoy eating in the parks too, and some of your must do's will be similiar to ours this time. I love Rancho del Zocalo, and Hungry Bear Restaraunt and will be giving Cafe Orleans a try. Yummmmy!
I forgot to add this in my trip report. I got busted by my MIL last week. :guilty: I posted my facebook status as 100 days until Disneyland! Well apparently she read it and she said to my DH: "I thought you guys weren't going to go to Disneyland for a long time and I thought that was a good idea." I asked DH what that was all about and he said that she is miffed that we go out there but don't come to visit her. OOPS.

I was planning on updating my FB status a gazillion times for Disneyland - Jennifer is in the happiest place on earth; Jennifer is eating in the Hungry Bear; Jennifer is riding Space Mountain (wow that would be crazy to text and ride that at the same time, I wonder if it's possible :cool2: ) I think now I'll have to keep that to a minimum so as not to rub salt in the wound.
Loving your TR so far!
I too love the "keeping with the Joneses". I have been in the same boat!!! And hooooorray for your ex that he got a job to help out with the kids! Mine has been unemployed for 11 months now and hasn't paid a dime. He blames the economy but I wonder what his excuse has been for the past 4 years that he's been in and out of work. :confused3 Oh well!!!

I look forward to reading more!!! We just got back last week and won't be going again until December....we're hoping anyway!
Well since this is my thread and you're all my captive audience :rotfl2: I can post whatever I want, huh? So I think I'll post these random pictures of this one night we did a Disney themed dinner at my house a few years ago. No, no special occasion. Just 'cause.

The crew and our spread. Everything had a Disney theme. We had Minnie's mixed fruit, Frontierland wagon wheels, Haunted Mansion mashed potatoes (hey, the kids named some of these, not me, so I don't "get" all the names...)


Our disney themed games and movies.


Guests of honor.


Our drinks: Jungle Cruise Coolers.


Mickey Mouse shaped grilled cheese sandwiches.


My (then) little girl Quincy in her hat that was too big.

It has been a long time since I've updated, and just recently I started to feel a little panicky that it's coming SOON!

The big thing that has happened is my oldest DD has been having a very difficult time with depression lately. We are working to get her meds straightened out and hopefully lift her spirits, but it has been a LONG and DIFFICULT process. She has been hospitalized three times in the past two months. :sad1: We are being proactive though, and there is looking like there is some hope on the horizon. I had thought that we might need to postpone our trip for the third time. But the kids are all so excited and we really need to resume some normalcy in the family.

I purchased our tickets a few weeks ago. I was able to get a good deal on the website, I think it was 5 days for the price of 3? or something. We had only planned to go to the park for four days initially but it was actually CHEAPER to buy 5-day hoppers! :cool1: So...I don't know if this means we'll be able to extend our trip one more day? The biggest concern would be DH's work schedule. But we may add on 1/2 day at the beginning or end of our trip.

I booked some dining ressies yesterday. We will have a 6 p.m. dinner at Ariel's Grotto on Sunday 6/14 (the second evening we'll be in DL), and a 12-noon lunch at the Celebration Roundup BBQ on Wednesday 6/16 - which is DD2's 10th birthday! Initially that was going to be the big thing for our last day, but now it might not be our last day after all! Ha! I would like to also order a cake for her, but I'm not sure if we'll eat at any other restaurants that we could have it delivered. Still, I think being in Disneyland on your 10th birthday is pretty special anyway!

I have made a complete vacation plan for our trip, which includes to-do lists starting from 60-days out, down to 2 weeks, 1 week, and so on, a packing list for myself & the two littlest kids (3 and 2) and a packing list for each of the older girls, tentative schedules for the parks... It is a super all-inclusive list that I'd love to be able to share here but I don't know exactly how? I'd be super-duper happy to email it to anyone if interested! :thumbsup2

Now, how obsessed would I be if I was already packing? :rotfl2: I do have a tote bag that I intend to carry on the stroller and as I find stuff to take, I toss it in the bag!

I also have been scouring craigslist for a second-hand double-stroller. This will probably be the last time we'd really have any use for a double (DD3 will be 4 in June, DS will be 2.5). So I don't really want to pay full price for something I'll only use for a week. I'm also considering getting a second umbrella-stroller and some of those hooky thingees and hooking them together.

I'm hoping the birthday fairy brings me a new camera for my birthday ;) (June 5 ~ right before we leave), because I'm afraid my old one won't hold up too well.


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