What's your favorite Pixar Movie?

My favourite pixer movies are Toy Story,A Bug's Life,Toy Story 2 and Finding Nemo. I like this movies very much and when I used to get free time from my busy schedule I am watching this movies. I enjoy them a lot and never tired of watching it.
I like Monter Inc best.I think it has the best story, very unique.
Even though everytime I hear the song it reminds me of old song called Rocking Chair, did they get sued for that?
Mine is Wall-E by far.

Something about the Guy's and Dolls feel to the film always warms my heart. Also the lack of dialogue for a major part of the film, actually aiding the narative is amazing to me till this day.

I'm with you on Wall-E...if that isn't already obvious :laughing: It's not just a great Pixar film, it's one of my favorite films in general.
My favorites are Finding Nemo, Wall-E, and Up. Monster's Inc and Toy Story 3 comes in a close second.
1. Finding Nemo - saw it 4x in the theatre, and bought it as soon as the DVD was available, so many layers and wonderful story/animation :love:

2. Monsters, Inc - went and bought it because of Nemo

3. Wall-E - my son's favorite and it was okay the first time, meh the first hundred times, then it just started growing on me until now I love it, just not as much as Nemo and Monsters.
is is a tough question I love all the pixar movies. But if I have to pick 1 it would probably be Up.


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