When Did I Get Voted Off of Skinny Island & Why is This Fat Shadow Stalking Me?

Just got back from the grocery store. Success!!! I made a list and stuck to it. In fact, I was even able to eliminate some of the "extra" food. Of course, I had sticker shock at the checkout. Holy carp, eating healthy costs a lot.:scared1: But, I made some healthier choices and I actually read some labels. A good start.

Dawn, I'll get you my stats on Monday. That is my "typical" weigh in day anyway.
It's 3:15 and I finished my 9 mile run at 11:30. So far, I have managed to avoid the pizza!

I am going to commit to eating 5 servings of fruits and veggies a day. Right now, I average about 2 on a good day. My hope is that eating more healthy food will decrease the amount of junk food I eat.

For those of you who are intimidated to go to a gym, feel my pain. I ran on the track at our campus rec center surrounded by size 2 18 and 19 year olds. At some point you have to realize that nobody is paying any attention to you and just get on with your workout. That said, I will be glad when our sidewalks are not covered in ice and I can run outside again.

I'll be sending stats in before Monday. My weight is artifically low because of the water weight I lose when I run. Sadly, it will be back to normal by Monday morning.
Hello everyone :yay:heres hoping I can join. I am a big lurker so I'm hoping by joining will help me be more open & accountable. So here I go!! First name Screen name: Mary,TB'swidow. What your goal is for fitness: To be a healthy strong woman for my surprise Dd & my grandkids. Food hardest to eat in moderation: really everything I'm a big carb and red meat eater & I hate the good for you veggies.Favorite good for you food: to be honest like pp said I don't like food that's good for you that's where I struggle.Favorite form of exercise: I like walking an weights.What your goal is for yourself when you get to skinny island:Same as others shop in normal clothes sections to be able to keep up with youngest Dd. Family: DD#1 Amanda 26 Ds Travis 22 and my surprise DD#2 Kaitlyn 10 Son-inlaw Jimmy 28 Dgrs James 7 & Damien 5. As you can tell by my screen name I am a widow which I have been for the last 8yrs an I call my DD#2 a surprise because I didn't think I could have anymore children so she was a huge shock:scared1:but the lord gave her to me because he knew Dh was gonna lose his battle with lung cancer at the age of 44 so she is really the driving motivator for me.
Good evening everyone!

I want to have my goal for the first month to be to stop drinking coke and start drinking 1/2 my body weight in water... I might just turn into a fish. I am loosely keeping track of my calories (I say loosely because I'm not logging it online anywhere.).

We are on the dining plan when we go to Disney next month. I plan on staying away from coke while there, but I will probably have some fruity drinks. ;) But other than that I'm not making any promises. :rolleyes1

BTW with the head ache I've got today, it kinda feels like someone did hit me over the head with a shovel. :rotfl:
DH and I just got back from watching Dear John - Seriously, bring tissues! We didn't have popcorn -yeah. The smell of the popcorn is so intoxicating when you walk in the door, I'm glad DH didn't even ask.

Just entered in all my calories for the day and I'm a little over (1708 and my range is 1200-1550). Yesterday I was over too, DH and I went to dinner at an Italian restaurant and I had tea no sugar, salad w/ dressing on side and used very little of it, 4 slices of garlic bread - they were pretty small on roll cut into smaller pieces but did have butter on them, and eggplant parmisagna. I ate all the eggplant and cheese and only 2 bites of the spagetti. Sitting here really wanting a coconut popcicle........but since I'm over today I'm not going too! Tomorrow and the rest of the week till the Biggest Loser challenge WI on Friday I am going to be good and eat on the low side of my calories.

One day at a time, one step at a time. I'd really like to exercise tomorrow. Hopefully I can make myself.

For those that have husband's or Fiance's deploying - I know what that is like. My DH is in the Air National Guard full time and has gone over to Kuwait, Afganistan and othe places many times. I'm here to talk if you need to and I totally understand not having anyone to talk to (like another deployed wife). I wasn't close to anyone and really spent most of these deployments without anyone - except for a few occasions here and there. The worst was his deployment to Kuwait/Iraq in 2003 at the start of the war. That one was really hard.
Dawn, thank you SO much for creating this thread. I'm looking forward to working alongside of you all to getting to our goals. :goodvibes

What your Goal Is for Fitness: I want to feel good when I look in the mirror, like shopping for clothes and feel like a "sexy chick."

Food that you Find Hardest to Eat in Moderation: Salt and Carbs. Potatoes and Cheese. Cannot get enough.

Favorite Good Food for You: Avocado and hummus. Of course I have these with tortilla chips and pretzels. :rolleyes1

Favorite Form of Exercise: I hate exercise. I want to like it. I do. I yearn for the runners high people talk about. I can't find it. Elliptical with the right music is ok. Like kick boxing. Have heard Wii Fit is fun... may try that.

What Your Goal is For Yourself when you get to Skinny Island: Marching off to the pool bar/snack bar without feeling I need to cover myself.

Family: It's me and my dog. And a boyfriend I feel like I don't deserve. I'd like to work on that too. Yikes... this thread IS like therapy!

:wave: to all the new posters!!! This is so exciting!

Amiee!!! :yay: :hug: How are you my other Texas sista!! My other Texas sista is suppose to be joining us eliz991, maybe she'll wait until she gets back from her trip. We need to wish her good Disney magic, she broke her toe just a few days ago :scared: and she leaves in less than a week. :guilty: Poor baby.
Thank you for your kind words. Knowing yourself and what silly or stupid things your capable (at least for me) is half the battle. :laughing:

:hug: Millie!!! I'm great. So excited about this thread!! So glad you're on here. Can't wait to meet another Texas Sista :) That stinks about her toe. Hopefully she'll be ok with a supportive shoe or a scooter!!

Knowing yourself is a big part of it, for sure!

I am so proud of you! Even being aware of the fact you have a choice to make is such a huge accomplishment! Even if you had eaten there - being aware of what you eat vs eating aimlessly is huge!

Great thought process and great analogy!

Great job and remember..don't kill yourself the first week and never go back! Talk to a trainer there about how to start and slowly build!

Thanks for sharing that and I hope we all get better at the end of this journey in loving oursleves!

Thank you!!! :goodvibes

Thanks for all the ideas Dawn!! I'm committing to continued tracking of the food, since I'm already mostly in the habit and adding exercise in via the gym. And I will be telling the trainers that there's a reason I didn't audition for the Biggest Loser! I KNOW I need to ease into it.

DAWN!!! IT's 8pm!! Where's your food log?!!!



I find that I'm at my worst when watching TV. Reaching for those -os are just so easy when my hands are idle... so I've taken up knitting over Christmas and I keep it next to the couch. I find that if my hands are occupied, I don't think about snacks and my lovely cream colored scarf in progress won't be covered in greasy orange powder. So double WIN!

I totally need to break out the crocheting again. Except my blanket I'm making is burnt orange. Kinda defeats the cheeto proofing!!! :lmao:

Just got back from the grocery store. Success!!! I made a list and stuck to it. In fact, I was even able to eliminate some of the "extra" food. Of course, I had sticker shock at the checkout. Holy carp, eating healthy costs a lot.:scared1: But, I made some healthier choices and I actually read some labels. A good start.

Dawn, I'll get you my stats on Monday. That is my "typical" weigh in day anyway.

:cheer2: for healthy shopping!! I had a bit of a sticker shock too. Had to remind myself that it's better to pay more for groceries than for medical bills down the road! :scared:

Just catching up from yesterday. Dawn I will email you info later this evening or tomorrow.

Bonus for me today was I ATE BREAKFAST AND LUNCH!:cool1:

I was also so proud of DH. We were out today around lunch time and usually he would have headed to the nearest drive thru but instead he didn't say anything, came home and when we go in he offered to make lunch. I was so proud of him:lovestruc

:woohoo: for eating breakfast and lunch!!! That's great!! Your hubby gets a :yay: too!

DH and I just got back from watching Dear John - Seriously, bring tissues! We didn't have popcorn -yeah. The smell of the popcorn is so intoxicating when you walk in the door, I'm glad DH didn't even ask.

Just entered in all my calories for the day and I'm a little over (1708 and my range is 1200-1550). Yesterday I was over too, DH and I went to dinner at an Italian restaurant and I had tea no sugar, salad w/ dressing on side and used very little of it, 4 slices of garlic bread - they were pretty small on roll cut into smaller pieces but did have butter on them, and eggplant parmisagna. I ate all the eggplant and cheese and only 2 bites of the spagetti. Sitting here really wanting a coconut popcicle........but since I'm over today I'm not going too! Tomorrow and the rest of the week till the Biggest Loser challenge WI on Friday I am going to be good and eat on the low side of my calories.

One day at a time, one step at a time. I'd really like to exercise tomorrow. Hopefully I can make myself.

WTG on skipping the popcorn and tracking your calories!!!!!

Family: It's me and my dog. And a boyfriend I feel like I don't deserve. I'd like to work on that too. Yikes... this thread IS like therapy!

Girl. I get it. The not deserving someone feeling. Just sayin'. You're not alone in feeling this way. I think there are probably lots of us on this thread that feel that way. :hug:
This whole "not deserving" thing...that's what I've been feeling all my life. Now, I'm here to say that we all DO deserve it. We deserve incredible men in our lives, we deserve to be pampered and taken care of...we deserve to be treated with respect. We are NOT second class citizens just because we are overweight. Overweight is NOT a character flaw. We are good people and we deserve the good things in our lives.

Sorry for the soapbox, but honestly~~ it was said that fat was a weakness...a character flaw... by someone who has many of her own character flaws, and I've just deleted a description of them all! :laughing:

So, girls, accept and celebrate the good things in your lives. You have drawn them to you by being the amazing incredible people that you all are, and the people who know you are darn lucky to have you!
This whole "not deserving" thing...that's what I've been feeling all my life. Now, I'm here to say that we all DO deserve it. We deserve incredible men in our lives, we deserve to be pampered and taken care of...we deserve to be treated with respect. We are NOT second class citizens just because we are overweight. Overweight is NOT a character flaw. We are good people and we deserve the good things in our lives.

Sorry for the soapbox, but honestly~~ it was said that fat was a weakness...a character flaw... by someone who has many of her own character flaws, and I've just deleted a description of them all! :laughing:

So, girls, accept and celebrate the good things in your lives. You have drawn them to you by being the amazing incredible people that you all are, and the people who know you are darn lucky to have you!

Sing it Sista'!

Well said. I have to work on reminding myself everyday that I'm worthy of love. I'm worthy of happiness. Maybe I do know what some of my demons are. Whoa.


BUT there are some days I think he doesn't deserve me!! :lmao: Mainly when he ticks me off. That's a big jump for me, EVEN if it's in jest. KWIM?
This whole "not deserving" thing...that's what I've been feeling all my life. Now, I'm here to say that we all DO deserve it. We deserve incredible men in our lives, we deserve to be pampered and taken care of...we deserve to be treated with respect. We are NOT second class citizens just because we are overweight. Overweight is NOT a character flaw. We are good people and we deserve the good things in our lives.

Sorry for the soapbox, but honestly~~ it was said that fat was a weakness...a character flaw... by someone who has many of her own character flaws, and I've just deleted a description of them all! :laughing:

So, girls, accept and celebrate the good things in your lives. You have drawn them to you by being the amazing incredible people that you all are, and the people who know you are darn lucky to have you!


I have spent so much of my life telling my self that I can have "that" when I lose weight. "That" being whatever it is I am wanting and am believing I don't deserve.

Its just that old low self esteem getting in the way and the sad thing is having a low self esteem is one of the main things that will keep a person from losing weight. Time to tell ourselves "we are worth it and we do deserve it! NOW! not in 20 pounds."
Dawn, thank you SO much for creating this thread. I'm looking forward to working alongside of you all to getting to our goals. :goodvibes

What your Goal Is for Fitness: I want to feel good when I look in the mirror, like shopping for clothes and feel like a "sexy chick."

Favorite Good Food for You: Avocado and hummus. Of course I have these with tortilla chips and pretzels. :rolleyes1

Yummy - Two of my favorite foods, I could live my whole life on these two foods and be happy, lol :cloud9:

This whole "not deserving" thing...that's what I've been feeling all my life. Now, I'm here to say that we all DO deserve it. We deserve incredible men in our lives, we deserve to be pampered and taken care of...we deserve to be treated with respect. We are NOT second class citizens just because we are overweight. Overweight is NOT a character flaw. We are good people and we deserve the good things in our lives.

Sorry for the soapbox, but honestly~~ it was said that fat was a weakness...a character flaw... by someone who has many of her own character flaws, and I've just deleted a description of them all! :laughing:

So, girls, accept and celebrate the good things in your lives. You have drawn them to you by being the amazing incredible people that you all are, and the people who know you are darn lucky to have you!

I totally agree with this - We all DESERVE all of these things!! I had to remind DH tonight after we got done watching the movies. He opened the car door, and then walked over to his. I left the door open and said - Be a gentleman and close it, lol. It was fun to harrass him and he actually did it, lol!!


I have spent so much of my life telling my self that I can have "that" when I lose weight. "That" being whatever it is I am wanting and am believing I don't deserve.

Its just that old low self esteem getting in the way and the sad thing is having a low self esteem is one of the main things that will keep a person from losing weight. Time to tell ourselves "we are worth it and we do deserve it! NOW! not in 20 pounds."

We are worth it NOW!!!
I need my hair done again - well over a month ago but whose counting! I will have to post some pics when it's all done! Just for you!:3dglasses

I'm holding you to it Dawn. :goodvibes

And I said all the best to you. And I forgot this - all the best to everyone - especially those who have just found WISH! :thumbsup2
Just got back from the grocery store. Success!!! I made a list and stuck to it. In fact, I was even able to eliminate some of the "extra" food. Of course, I had sticker shock at the checkout. Holy carp, eating healthy costs a lot.:scared1: But, I made some healthier choices and I actually read some labels. A good start.

Dawn, I'll get you my stats on Monday. That is my "typical" weigh in day anyway.

Isn't it crazy?! I can understand fresh fruits and veggies going up and down by what's in season (although, its hard to tell sometimes what is in season!) but the fat free margarine being more expensive than the full fat version just doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. :confused3

I spent Friday night reading labels and trying to make those choices (while trying to navigate around all those stocking up for the Superbowl--have never seen so many men, looking lost, in the grocery store at one time before!!:scared1:) and it is also time consuming! I assume it will get easier.

One thing that I am doing differently this time is not buying two versions of everything. DD and I eat the same fresh fruits and veggies for the most part but I have always bought both the fat free and full fat versions of everything. Not so this time. I figure dd and dh do not need all that extra fat either, so they get the same thing I do. Except mayo--I promised dh I would always buy hm the regular version of that.
I wrote this on the Biggest Loser thread about eating and Super Bowl snacks today. Just thought it could be useful here too.

Remember to take it one hour at a time tomorrow. Drink lots of water, keep alcholic drinks to a minimum or even try not to drink them since they usually cause you to eat more automatically. Journal what your eating tomorrow. Don't mindlessly eat. Don't stand at the dip bowl or in the kitchen and eat. Even if you take it and sit down and eat in front of the TV, put it on your plate after measuring out what your going to eat (and writing it down). Mindless eating in the kitchen or dipping and eating at the bowl will add on extra calories because your not as likely to feel like you ate, you'll do it too fast and you won't be as likely to write it down. Sit down before you take any bites of food and write it down and become accountable before you eat it. If you know before you bite, your more likely to limit your eating as well as maybe decide to make better choices. You can do this, We can do this. Enjoy yourself, but keep yourself in check.

What are you going to do to succeed today?

Here is my plan:

DH is getting wings and I'm lucky - I'm vegetarian now so I won't be partaking and it won't be hard to forgo those

I plan on making hummus and a recipe I haven't tried yet for a artichoke dip (just artichokes, garlic cloves and Olive oil). Apparently the artichoke dip is really good and creamy (becomes roasted). I may actually take the dip and make a panini with it or else just eat both with some of Mary's Gone Crackers (my current favorite healthy cracker).
This whole "not deserving" thing...that's what I've been feeling all my life. Now, I'm here to say that we all DO deserve it. We deserve incredible men in our lives, we deserve to be pampered and taken care of...we deserve to be treated with respect. We are NOT second class citizens just because we are overweight. Overweight is NOT a character flaw. We are good people and we deserve the good things in our lives.

Sorry for the soapbox, but honestly~~ it was said that fat was a weakness...a character flaw... by someone who has many of her own character flaws, and I've just deleted a description of them all! :laughing:

So, girls, accept and celebrate the good things in your lives. You have drawn them to you by being the amazing incredible people that you all are, and the people who know you are darn lucky to have you!

:worship: Love it! Thank you! :goodvibes
I'll join you because I believe we can all use lots of accountability and being around others who are going what we are going through.
Well said! Wecome! :goodvibes
Favorite Form of Exercise: Lifting weights, mostly for the upper body. I love the feeling you get when you have been consistantly lifting weights. I just think muscles on arms and shoulders look really great on women.
I agree...I used to love my arms! Great visual! Thanks!

Bonus for me today was I ATE BREAKFAST AND LUNCH!:cool1:
Great Job! Keep it up!
I was also so proud of DH. We were out today around lunch time and usually he would have headed to the nearest drive thru but instead he didn't say anything, came home and when we go in he offered to make lunch. I was so proud of him:lovestruc
So great he is on board for you right now!
Like you, Dizneydawn, I have a lot of genetic things that are screaming at me to lose the weight. Heart problems are a big issue with both my mom's and my dad's family. I know the weight has to go, its just needing to get going. Heart issues on my Dad's side as well and I love that motto!

Just got back from the grocery store. Success!!! I made a list and stuck to it. In fact, I was even able to eliminate some of the "extra" food. Of course, I had sticker shock at the checkout. Holy carp, eating healthy costs a lot.:scared1: It totally does but I just keep looking at the health care costs I incur and will if I don's lose this weight! But, I made some healthier choices and I actually read some labels. A good start.
So proud of you Stacy!

It's 3:15 and I finished my 9 mile run at 11:30. So far, I have managed to avoid the pizza!
Great job and totally motivating for us!

For those of you who are intimidated to go to a gym, feel my pain. I ran on the track at our campus rec center surrounded by size 2 18 and 19 year olds. At some point you have to realize that nobody is paying any attention to you and just get on with your workout. That said, I will be glad when our sidewalks are not covered in ice and I can run outside again.
Crack me up! I did water aerobics next to a girl with a rockin body and one probably 40 pounds heavy but young with a bikini on the other day! The first was in shape and the second had ****sters that stayed in place! :rotfl2:

I call my DD#2 a surprise because I didn't think I could have anymore children so she was a huge shock:scared1:but the lord gave her to me because he knew Dh was gonna lose his battle with lung cancer at the age of 44 so she is really the driving motivator for me.
Thank you for sharing that with us. I hope you stay here! :cutie:
Good evening everyone!

I want to have my goal for the first month to be to stop drinking coke and start drinking 1/2 my body weight in water... I might just turn into a fish. I am loosely keeping track of my calories (I say loosely because I'm not logging it online anywhere.).
Great Goal!

DH and I just got back from watching Dear John - Seriously, bring tissues! We didn't have popcorn -yeah. The smell of the popcorn is so intoxicating when you walk in the door, I'm glad DH didn't even ask.
That is a huge accomplishment! HUGE!!

Dawn, thank you SO much for creating this thread. I'm looking forward to working alongside of you all to getting to our goals. :goodvibes
Yeah that you found us! :cool1:
Family: It's me and my dog. And a boyfriend I feel like I don't deserve. I'd like to work on that too. Yikes... this thread IS like therapy!
Cheap Therapy! Gotta love it! :rotfl:

Thanks for all the ideas Dawn!! I'm committing to continued tracking of the food, since I'm already mostly in the habit and adding exercise in via the gym. And I will be telling the trainers that there's a reason I didn't audition for the Biggest Loser! I KNOW I need to ease into it.
Great idea! That's why I chose that one as well!

DAWN!!! IT's 8pm!! Where's your food log?!!!
It's comming...viruses abound at this house lately!



This whole "not deserving" thing...that's what I've been feeling all my life. Now, I'm here to say that we all DO deserve it. /QUOTE]
I printed the whole post! It was exactly what I needed!:hug:

BUT there are some days I think he doesn't deserve me!! :lmao: Mainly when he ticks me off. That's a big jump for me, EVEN if it's in jest. KWIM?
It is always good to know you deserve to be valued and that you are valuable!

I have spent so much of my life telling my self that I can have "that" when I lose weight. "That" being whatever it is I am wanting and am believing I don't deserve.
Ahemmm...I keep saying I would only get married at goal weight so I get this!

I'm holding you to it Dawn. :goodvibes

And I said all the best to you. And I forgot this - all the best to everyone - especially those who have just found WISH! :thumbsup2
Thanks Lisa!!!!
I spent Friday night reading labels and trying to make those choices (while trying to navigate around all those stocking up for the Superbowl--have never seen so many men, looking lost, in the grocery store at one time before!!:scared1:) and it is also time consuming! I assume it will get easier.
Awesome having aplan if today is hard for you! Awesome!

Don't mindlessly eat. Don't stand at the dip bowl or in the kitchen and eat. Even if you take it and sit down and eat in front of the TV, put it on your plate after measuring out what your going to eat (and writing it down). Mindless eating in the kitchen or dipping and eating at the bowl will add on extra calories because your not as likely to feel like you ate, you'll do it too fast and you won't be as likely to write it down. Sit down before you take any bites of food and write it down and become accountable before you eat it. If you know before you bite, your more likely to limit your eating as well as maybe decide to make better choices. You can do this, We can do this. Enjoy yourself, but keep yourself in check.

I need to sit down and eat period! I find myslerf slamming even full meals without tasting it on the go at the stove.

Bad for digestion and not mind satisying either! GREAT ADVICE GUYS!!!!:grouphug:

Yesterday: I ate - 1 serving of chicken noodle soup, 1 1/2 servings of ravioli with one serving of sauce, one whole flat sandwich bread toasted with garlic and a one glass of punch.

Not a great food day as far as balanced...today will be better!

There is a virus on the home computer now - got it while taking pics for my last TR update from google...ugh! So it seems fixed now and I will load todays into sparkpeoople and post food plus their calories etc today!

Thanks for keeping me accountable! I appreciate it!

I am so excited for the start tom of all of this for us!!!!

The virus ate my sheet of names for the ensemble...will try and re-do today!
So yesterday was not a perfect eating day but it was such an improvement over what I wanted to eat, that I'm proud of myself. I hope this makes sense!

I went out to eat with my sister to Pei Wei. I shared an order of 4 crab wontons with my sister instead of an order of 8. I shared an order of Pad Thai Chicken with my 2 yr old son and we still brought half of it back home in a to go container.

We then went to the Outlet Mall and walked the entire loop, while shopping and pushing a stroller but still it was out and active and not tush on the couch.

I wanted a Itza Doozie from The Great American Cookie Co. Didn't get one. I wanted a Big Ol' Strawberry Banana Smoothie. Didn't get it. Didn't even walk past the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Company.

After we left there, I drove through Sonic, after looking up the point value on my Blackberry and ordered a small Cherry Limeade. It was 3 pts, so 10% of my daily allowance. But it satisfied my smoothie, icey, fruity craving and was a much smarter choice than a large Cherry Limeade or the smoothie I wanted at the outlet mall.

For dinner DS2 and I shared the rest of the Pad Thai and a small homemade cheese quesadilla, so I controlled the amount of cheese and butter added. I had a 2 point Slim Fast candy bar for dessert and chewed gum and drank water the rest of the night.

I did go over my point allowance for the day and into flex points. BUT I could have done so much worse. I wanted to do so much worse. But I fought the battles one at a time as they came and made smart informed choices.


There is still a little guilt lurkin that I didn't do perfectly. There were things I could have done better. I'm having to really work hard not to be so hard on myself and recognize that there were so many ways I improved upon my normal M.O, That even though I could have done better, I have to be proud and satisfied with how I did because I could have done so much worse. This is a marathon and I have to make choices that I can make the rest of my life and not be so strict that I quit in 2 days!

I'm so glad I have you ladies to share stuff like this with and know that y'all all understand!! :grouphug:

Plan for today - small point breakfast (HEB brand Instant Peaches and Cream Oatmeal 2pts) to save points for a late lunch/early dinner of chicken philly cheesesteaks and baked oven fries that DH is making. He's going to control the fat, amount of low fat cheese, add mushrooms and onions to make it go further and use a low sugar BBQ sauce to top it instead of a cheese sauce or ranch dressing. We aren't going to a Superbowl party so that's a huge break in food temptations right there!!

I wish everyone the best of luck today!!!!!


There is still a little guilt lurkin that I didn't do perfectly. There were things I could have done better. I'm having to really work hard not to be so hard on myself and recognize that there were so many ways I improved upon my normal M.O, That even though I could have done better, I have to be proud and satisfied with how I did because I could have done so much worse. This is a marathon and I have to make choices that I can make the rest of my life and not be so strict that I quit in 2 days!

Just remember there is no such thing as perfect. Even the size 2's aren't perfect (despite how I feel about them when they get on the treadmill next to me.) It's that little voice of guilt that can cause us to give up for an hour, a day, or forever. You did great!!!!!!! You thought about what you were eating, resisted temptations, and found alternatives. That means you celebrate, not feel guilty. :banana::woohoo::cool1:

As for me, I may have found a way to avoid ALL that superbowl badness today. I got sick. :sick: My throat feels like it has gravel in it and has swollen so I can't really even swallow. Looks like even my healthy nachos are out the window and I'll be sticking to chicken broth today. Not fun but it will read better on the scale tomorrow, right?
Just remember there is no such thing as perfect. Even the size 2's aren't perfect (despite how I feel about them when they get on the treadmill next to me.) It's that little voice of guilt that can cause us to give up for an hour, a day, or forever. You did great!!!!!!! You thought about what you were eating, resisted temptations, and found alternatives. That means you celebrate, not feel guilty. :banana::woohoo::cool1:

As for me, I may have found a way to avoid ALL that superbowl badness today. I got sick. :sick: My throat feels like it has gravel in it and has swollen so I can't really even swallow. Looks like even my healthy nachos are out the window and I'll be sticking to chicken broth today. Not fun but it will read better on the scale tomorrow, right?

Thanks for the words of encouragement. :flower3:

So sorry you're feeling rotten but way to keep a positive attitude about it and see the bright side about it. :woohoo: for having a plan and a back up plan that are both healthy.
So yesterday was not a perfect eating day but it was such an improvement over what I wanted to eat, that I'm proud of myself. I hope this makes sense!
I am busting with pride ofr you and all the choices you made yesterday! Tons of great ones and all with the mind of "is this doable?"


As for me, I may have found a way to avoid ALL that superbowl badness today. I got sick. :sick: My throat feels like it has gravel in it and has swollen so I can't really even swallow. Looks like even my healthy nachos are out the window and I'll be sticking to chicken broth today. Not fun but it will read better on the scale tomorrow, right?

Ohhh! Sorry you are sick and I wish you get better soon! The scale will be good to you tomorrow! That is the best thing of all the yuck!:cloud9:


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