~When I First Felt The Magic...FINALLY!~ April 2010 Trip Report


Currently: No HHN Depression
Sep 14, 2010
Well, yeah, first I have to say I'm a little late on this report. I originally was going to write it when I first joined the site, but I put it in the wrong place so I stopped. Now, I'm just going to post it in the right place, here.

First things first, introductions.


Hi, I'm Timmy! I'm one of the younger members of the DISers, as you can see most of my time on the Boards is spent in the TB. I've kinda branched out to here to read other TRs and the Attractions and Strategies area. I'm a huge die-hard Disney fan. I spend most of my free time either doing something Disney-related (researching, watching a movie, etc.) I even check the Disney wait times on the Undercover Tourist app on my iPod Touch. Everyone thinks I'm crazy and I take pride in that, though lately most can't stand it so I've tried to keep it on the down low. I also had been wanting to go to Disney since I was like 4 or 5 and waited almost ten years until I finally got to go last year. So you can guess I'm a young teenager.

Other members of this trip, include...


My mom, who is probably the next person in my family closest to being obsessed as I am. She isn't crazy about Disney, but knows the Florida area pretty well and the one who originally got me so obsessed. Lot of funny stories about her on this TR. She is also the primary photographer in this TR, so not a lot of pictures of her.


Next, is my dad, who is the big killjoy (always has to be one) of this TR. It's not that he hates Disney, it's just, he didn't have the bug. He's been there so many times and just think it has gotten worse and worse. He also would rather be rolling around in the snow during these times, not tanning in the summer heat.



(DOS is on top, DYS on bottom) I also have two little sisters. The older one (who is still younger than me) is the daredevil and huge roller-coaster enthusiast, so to be satisfied, there have to be some rides that terrify her. She just isn't an experience type of girl, which I hope some day she realizes experience is always better. So, she isn't hooked on Disney World at all, but wouldn't coming back. My other sister is a bit different. She'll basically go on anything I go on (I'm the chicken of the family), unless it has loud noises. That was the first thing we noticed going to Disney. She didn't enjoy loud noises. I don't get it, since she can go on Expedition Everest no problem and can't go on It's Tough To Be A Bug. It still befuddles me. (For their discretion, my sisters will be named DOS (older sister) and DYS(younger sister) or the plural of just my sisters)

This trip is a bit dated since it happened over a year ago in April. It still is my first trip and probably will always stand as the best. Here are some details:

WHEN? April 25th to April 30th of 2010
ACCOMMODATIONS? Animal Kingdom Lodge: Kidani Village
WHY? HOW? WHAT? My mom has always wanted to bring us here and finally convinced my dad to go. My mom went through a DVC member, so we stayed at the AKL villas. We also got the DDP (I'm pretty sure). We did decide to only use Magic Your Way tickets, so one park per day. Here is our schedule:

Day 1: Magic Kingdom
Day 2: Hollywood Studios
Day 3: Animal Kingdom
Day 4: Epcot
Day 5: Magic Kingdom

Without further ado, let's get this show on the road!



Introduction- Above

April 25, 2010

Chapter 1: A Whole New World with An Evil, Dark Sky (Part 1)- Page 1
Chapter 1: A Whole New World with An Evil, Dark Sky (Part 2)- Page 1

April 26, 2010

Chapter 2: On Sunny and Most Magical Sides (Part 1)- Page 1
Chapter 2: On Sunny and Most Magical Sides (Part 2)- Page 1
Chapter 3: In the Dis-Zone (Part 1)- Page 2
Chapter 3: In the Dis-Zone (Part 2)- Page 2
Chapter 4: A Buffet of Characters, Celebrations and "Horror!"- Page 3

April 27, 2010

Chapter 5: Aliens, Dancers and Officers, Oh My! (Part 1)- Page 3
Chapter 5: Aliens, Dancers and Officers, Oh My! (Part 2)- Page 3
Chapter 6: Fire And Water, Fire And Water, Fire And Water And... Bad Horror Movies?- Page 3
Chapter 7: We Be Singing and Dancing Around Echo Lake- Page 4
Chapter 8: "It was good, but we were Better!"- Page 4
Chapter 9: A Fantasmic-ly Good Time!- Page 4

April 28, 2010

Chapter 10: Waking Up To The Beat of the Drums
- Page 5
Chapter 11: Who Knew Asia was in The Neighborhood of Dinosaurs?- Page 5
Chapter 12: Into the Jungle We Go Hunting for Food and Adventure Hoping to Find Nemo- Page 6
Chapter 13: Nemo Follows Us to the Secret Watering Hole- Page 6

April 29, 2010

Chapter 14: The Character Invasion at Epcot!- Page 6
Chapter 15: A Trip Cut Short... FOR THEM!- Page 6
Chapter 16: Our Trek Around the Globe Commences!- Page 7
Chapter 17: The Best Thanksgiving Feast EVER with a Nice Surprise!- Page 8
Chapter 18: Ooh la la! Tres Bon (Crepes and Illuminations!)- Page 8

April 30, 2010

Chapter 19: It's Rope Drop, Yay!- Page 8
Chapter 20: Hidden Mickeys and 3D Glasses Have Always Gone Hand-In-Hand- Page 9
Chapter 21: The Real Story and Some Others- Page 9
Chapter 22: Just Won't Let Go That Easily!- Page 9

Chapter 23: When You Wish Upon A Star... Dreams Do Come True- Page 9


I'm Sorry... (Posted 5/5/11)
Quick Update (Posted 10/24/11)

So I'll begin with our first day *sigh* It was pretty crazy to start out with. We had to get up very early that day, though I was totally read. Probably got no sleep the night before. Then, I woke up and the realization hit me. I was going to Disney World and we had so much to get ready before leaving and getting on the plane. It was just not a good combination.

I got out of bed, right away and rushed to finish packing my carry-on bag. I, then ran outside my room, brushed my teeth and proceeded to run downstairs. My mom yelled at me to get dressed (as usual), though I told her I was going to have breakfast first. So I had my breakfast before anyone else (besides my mom and dad).

My dad was bringing down all the luggage, while my sisters came down right behind them, DOS already changed and DYS... well she isn't a morning person. Once I was finished with breakfast. I sat down and watched a bit TV. After awhile, I went upstairs to take a shower and get changed.

After I was finished, I was rearing and ready to go. We still had a few more minutes and all our luggage wasn't in. I was freaking out and just ran to the get car packed up. We did this so fast that once the car was finally packed up, we still had time to spare, though we still had the carry-ons to fit in the car. We waited a bit and then were rushing again. My parents were telling us to get into the car. We shockingly fit everything inside and were on our way within moments.

As I told you, it was a long car drive and really wasn't good when you're going to Disney World. We did finally arrive. Getting into the parking garage, getting to the terminal, putting on the tags for Magic Express, handing our checked bags in, going through security was very easy. But we were there fairly early and the airport was very quiet so we had time to kill. We walked around and bought some lunch, since we were probably going to arrive in Orlando a bit before dinner.

We had our early lunch and just checked out the terminal, which was very quaint and not crazy at all, which was nice for being a first time flyer. We just took it very nicely and it was a lot easier than I first thought when thinking of the airport and my parents' definition.

The plane arrived and we had to wait about 20 minutes before we could embark. Once we did, we got seats in the way back, which was nice since we weren't caught in the large group of people. Though my dad and DYS got stuck up further front.

We had a very nice flight and landed fine in Orlando. We luckily had almost zero turbulence on the way there. It was nice for my mom, who, though flown many times out of any of us, wasn't great with planes. She freaked out a lot. It was pretty funny, but anytime my mom freaks out its funny (wait until later in the TR).

So we landed fine in Orlando, got off the plane and were straight on our way to Disney World. We trammed over to the main terminal to go to the Magical Express. Now, this is where we hit a bump. We didn't know where it was. We walked around forever trying to find where the Magical Express until we asked someone, they directed us and we found it, all the way down on the bottom floor. We got into line for Animal Kingdom Villas (Kidani Village) and waited awhile for the bus to come.

When the bus finally came we were the first ones on and basically spread out amongst the bus. A few other families with much younger children came on and seemed to stay towards the front, as we were mostly toward the back. My mom of course had to talk with one person on the ride there (she's always "making friends" as my dad and I put it). It was a nice ride, though we couldn't understand our driver, his accent was so thick, but he was nice. Here is a picture of Minnie on the WDW sign-


Our resort was the last stop, so it was about a 30 minute drive. We had to stop at the Polynesian and POP Century before we finally got AKL. We got off the bus, got our carry-ons and ran inside the resort. We checked-in, which took a lot longer than expected, since my mom of course had questions. (*rolls eyes*) They tried to help us with everything and were very nice. We never really found a CM all week that wasn't nice. Our room was ready, since we got to the resort a little bit later than planned. So, we brought up our carry-ons and checked out the place.

We then decided to just check out the resort first, get reservations at the restaurant and then go swimming at the pool (with waterslide, might I add) out near the parking lot at our resort. We went down and walked around a bit. We checked out the gift shop, since Disney is probably the best place for souvenirs and we wanted to see everything. This was where we heard about the refillable mugs (I call them "magic mugs") and decided to buy those later tonight after dinner. After that, we went to see the Savannah, since that was just something not to miss when staying at one of the AKLs. I got some great pictures of animals with my phone-


(DYS just posing for me)




Hmm... I thought I had more. Oh well... moving on... before I got to go out into the Savannah, my mom made reservations at Sanaa (the only table service we didn't reserve before the vacation). They gave us beeper to let us when our table was open. Then, we went out into the Savannah where I got most of those pictures.

It was finally time and only a few minutes after Sanaa opened for dinner, our beeper went off. We, then right down to the restaurant. They let us in and we had great seats right in the direction of the huge window that surrounded the restaurant and where you could see the animals. BTW, the meal we had here, was the best meal I had in all of Disney and I had some great meals.

Our waitress was very nice. She was so good at advertising the specials, I decided to have the salmon special. It was so good. I wish I had a picture. The chef came out a bit after and came to ask how our meals were. I always love it when the chef comes out, they are so funny and very modest.

Once we were "almost full" of our main entree, we ordered our desserts. My mom, DOS and I all ordered the same dessert. It was a sampler and I think it may have been the crowd-pleaser for us three. I liked everything on the plate. They did two except for the little bowl of this ice cream. I definitely wish I could go back to Sanaa on my next trip. Even the meals were gorgeous, look at the sampler dessert dish, I was talking about-


It was kinda dark lighting, since outside it was getting dark out (Uh-oh) and I didn't get a great pic, but it was a beautiful plate with great taste! :goodvibes YUMMM... Alright, now we finally finished the meal, used our dining plan. We had to wait awhile, because my mom had our waitress explain the dining plan to us around this time. Oh mom! Once she was done, we left and went upstairs to go get ready for the pool.


Now, we went upstairs and took a beeline for the gift shop. We still had to buy the refillable mugs. We all bought one, except for my dad (told ya he was a killjoy, but he's still awesome and I think he still likes Disney though he won't admit it :goodvibes). Then, we all got our mugs filled with drinks, so we had something to quench our thirst while we walked around. I had Root Beer (just a notice, Root Beer is my favorite drink). We went right from there, to the elevator to our room.

Our luggage had arrived! *everyone cheers* It came a lot quicker than expected. We were happy nothing had been lost. Disney is so good :thumbsup2 We, all then got changed into our bathing suits to go swimming. Everyone called the rooms before me, so I walked around with my bathing suit and checked out the balcony we had. It wasn't a Savannah view, but it was directly over where the buses to the parks arrive at. So, at least we knew where they were and which bus stops were. Though, on this night, I noticed the sky was a menacing gray, not the usual which hinted for a storm.

I didn't say anything to anyone in my family since I really wanted to go to the pool, but... I wish I did. So, everyone finished changing so I could go change. We, then left the hotel room, took the elevator downstairs and went out to the pool. Little drops of rain were falling by now and there were some distant rolls of thunder, though we continued.

We got to the pool, when my mom thought she saw one of her friends there, the one who basically planned most of the trip for us and helped us out with our trip planning. Her kids were running up the path and she screamed out "Hey guys!" Then, noticed it wasn't them. Yeah, we were all embarrassed by this. We then kept on walking, when a lifeguard stopped us. She told us they heard thunder and were going to wait a half hour until opening the pool. If no more thunder then we could go in. My mom asked if we could just see the pool and the lifeguard was nice of us to let us go down.

Now, Disney is awesome when it comes to pools, because they are always themed, never just... the pool. At this pool, it was themed to be a pool out in somewhere in the polynesian area maybe. The waterslide was built in to rocks and then around the pool were tiki torches and a tiki bar. They did a nice job on this one. We, then turned around and went back to the hotel.

My mom then got a call from her actual friend, whom she thought was at the pool earlier. My mom and her friend's husband were going to go to walmart and buy some snacks to have at the hotel. They were staying at our neighboring resort, Jambo House. This call was made when the storm was pretty obviously getting bad. It was starting to get very windy out and humid.

We went inside and then before the elevator, we found a place, where we could sit on a porch overlooking the Savannah. All the animals were being brought in before the storm, so there wasn't much to see, but the breeze felt good and the calm before the storm is always gorgeous to see. Then, when my mom was about to leave, we went up to our room. But before, a lady totally freaked us out, by telling us this storm was coming from the hurricane in... Kentucky or something. It was so morbid and she was a CM!

Everyone got changed and my mom left. We decided to put on movies. DYS watched something in the bedroom and after taking out the pull-out beds, DOS and I watched Avatar in the main room. DOS was really freaking out about my mom in the storm, which wasn't a good vibe to have and I tried to calm her down. Then, I looked out the window and saw how rainy and stormy it was. I started panicking with her.

We called my mom to just be sure. DOS started yelling at her over the phone and then my mom hung up. We got our minds off of it by watching a bit of Avatar. DYS and my dad both went to bed pretty early. DYS slept in my parent's bed until my mom got home later that night. My sister and I watched until we were too tired to watch anymore that night than turned it off and went to sleep, too tired to wait for my mom to get home.

My mom came home a bit later and woke me up. I just woke up and looked, but went back to sleep. I was half-asleep that night because I was really excited for tomorrow. We were going to the Magic Kingdom!

CHAPTER 2: ON SUNNY AND MOST MAGICAL SIDES coming soon! :goodvibes
Loving this TR! I saw the link in your sig on the teen board (I'm a teen if you haven't guessed) and decided to check it out. I'm going on my first trip at the end of March, beginning of April, so it's a nice little preview. :thumbsup2 Can't wait for more! popcorn::
Thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying it. I will try to update soon. Though I'm leaving for Disney again myself in a week or so... I may have to do most of the rest when I come back. So, be patient :D
I'm here, timmy! Like I said before, I'm also the resident ride baby =^)

I was so excited by now. I'd already fallen in love with this place and I'd only been there one day! I was the first in the hotel room to wake up. Because I'm naturally an early riser, I stayed in my bed for awhile letting everyone sleep for sometime, since it was like 5:30 then. Yeah, obsessed much? Then, I just needed to stretch my legs out, because sleeping on a cot isn't exactly cloud nine.

I walked around the room a bit then decided to go look out the window. It was around 7 by now. It seemed another group of people had the same idea as me, get up early, get to the park early, because there was a family already getting on the bus. I was shocked, but then got down to business, trying to get my family up.

Now, in my family, mostly everyone likes to sleep no matter what. So, getting my sisters up wasn't an easy task. DYS was especially the hardest. She always is stubborn and fights back. DOS fights back a bit harder and I'm pretty sure I have the scars to prove it. Though, she gets up when she knows there is something fun to do. So she got up pretty easily, but still not too happy with me.

From hearing our bustling in the room, my mom and dad woke up. My mom came in to check on us as my dad slowly awoke. She then went to take a shower, to get ready for the day. We kinda just did nothing until my mom got out of the shower. My mom though did help get our breakfasts together before she went to take a shower so that was good. After my mom finished, my dad went in, then my sisters and I ended up last (of course!) After everyone had taken a shower, my mom got everything packed up for the day (we had a lot to bring cameras, phones, etc.) and by the time everyone was changed, we went downstairs to refill our mugs.

It took a bit of time for everyone to refill their mugs so I got a chance to look around the gift shop. Probably the one thing that interested me most were the pins. I saw them a lot, but didn't entirely understand what the point of them was (at the time). Well, hopefully I would find out today. :)

Once that was done, we just had to wait for my dad, who stayed up in the room, to clean up some things. When he was finished and came down, fully ready, we walked out to the buses.

Another cool thing about this resort, was wherever you were (except in the rooms), the played African music. Speakers were hidden everywhere and performers were spread all around the resort. It was pretty cool, until my mom started dancing. Than things turned for the EMBARASSING! DOS and I luckily were good at stopping her before things got much worse (as in she started getting other people to dance).

The bus stop was right outside the resort, which was nice. It seemed there was only one person waiting around there. They were gone pretty quickly. The MK bus was taking forever to get here (mostly because MK was the furthest park from us). When it finally arrived, we got on and DOS and I got seats at the back. We are the first stop on this bus, Jambo House is after us, so we get first dibs. Loading onto the bust was quick and we were off pretty quick.We stopped by Jambo House where only a few other people came on and then we were on our way to the Magic Kingdom.

Now, the first thing I noticed from being on the bus was how big WDW really is. They need a highway to be able to get around everywhere. I was in shock. I thought it was going to be a "In Walking Distance" type of place, but no, it was HUGE! It was about a ten to fifteen minute ride before we finally got to the Magic Kingdom. And you could also see everything above the tree line. I saw Cindy's castle pretty early on as well as Mt. Everest which was visible from mostly anywhere.

We finally got to Magic Kingdom, which I have to say by the way, has the best parking lot and entrance to the place. You have a great view to the Grand Floridian and the Seven Seas Lagoon. And it is so open, which I loved, you don't feel crowded. There was a ton of people already bustling into the place, but it was awesome either way.

We had to sneak around the crowds when we got off the bus to buy our tickets. See, we had the trip planned out already and everything, but we waited until we got there to buy our tickets. This was so we could decide if we'd rather have the Park Hopper option or just regular Magic Your Way tickets, which was our decision. So, my mom bought our tickets, which took sometime, since their was a line at Guest Services.

We finally got our tickets and immediately went to the ticket gates. My dad, my sisters and I went through smoothly. My mom though had to have her bag checked before she could go through. Pretty terrifying to think there could be a hold up at a Disney Park (except in the MMs on the TB LOL)! I remembered to take the Park Map and Times during this.

The bag check didn't take too long and we continued walking through to Main Street USA. It was awesome seeing everyone just moving along this great street. People always walk straight through main street, but seriously, I'm thinking next time I'm going to enjoy it for awhile. Right as we were about to go straight down towards the castle, some Main Street performers came in their little cards to perform to "I'm Walking Right Down The Middle of Main Street USA". We stopped to watch for a bit, but I really just wanted to go check out the rest of the place, Main Street could wait, so I pulled my mom along and we continued down along until we saw the Park icon, Cinderella Castle!

Until now, I had never known what to expect seeing it, but that it was huge and super gorgeous. You could really feel the Disney magic right there. We immediately took pictures on the spot (well it was more moving and taking pictures somewhat):



As we traveled down further to the castle, my dad took pictures of my sisters and I around the statue. Then, I took a picture of my mom and dad. I tried to get the castle in the shot, when I took my mom and dad's picture, but then you couldn't see my mom and dad. But the pictures we got were great:



Almost immediately after we took our pictures, we could hear musical. It was coming from the stage in front of the castle! Now, the stage bewildered me, because after watching videos as a kid of DisneyLAND, there was a bridge that went straight into Fantasyland, but this wasn't the case. I figured that out soon after. Moving on, Dream Along With Mickey had just begun on the Castle Stage. My mom made us stop to watch some of it. DYS was hoisted up onto my dad's shoulder so she could see it. We never got to see the whole show, but we saw was great. I wish now that we had seen the entire thing. My mom did take some pictures though-




I also took some of my own-



My mom also took two videos of the show. You can see my sisters and I running up in the first, then my hair in the second:

She also took a picture of my DYS on my dad's shoulders:


As to be classical Disney first-time tourists (well, my sisters and I), as we were from the start by going to MK, first, we had to go to Fantasyland first. So, we took the bridge around the moat of the castle (the moat was empty at the time) and went straight into probably the area of the park that MK is most known for, Fantasyland!

Am enjoying your TR so far and looking forward to reading more :thumbsup2

Am going to Disney for the first time in September so it's nice to hear about your first time experiences. We are also planning on making a Sanaa ADR so was pleased that it was your best meal of the trip!
Thanks! I'm glad you are enjoying it.

Oh, that's exciting! Have a great trip! :) Sanaa was my personal favorite, but the unanimous favorite on this trip was the Garden Grill in Epcot, which I'll talk about in later chapters.
Loving the TR so far!

I'm going to be staying at the AKL for the first time this upcoming trip, so I'm glad you like it so far. I'm kinda disappointed that it's going to take that long of a ride to get to MK, but I think the beauty of AKL should more than make up for it! :upsidedow

Can't wait to read what happens next and I'm glad you enjoyed your first trip to WDW.

This was my family's first time ever trip into Fantasyland and it had changed over they years since my parents had been there. (My dad, who went to WDW like right after it opened, asked about where 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea was). It seemed to be very crowded so we walked around and saw there was only a ten minute for Snow White's Scary Adventures. So, I pulled my family in that direction.

The Snow White Ride, I had only heard about recently before the trip. I learned most about WDW from movies and they only showed the popular rides of the time. So I had never heard of the ride until I checked out the website. It looked pretty cool, since it seemed to follow how Snow White handled the Evil Queen in her story, which I thought was the best part of that movie (Villain fan before I knew it right). So we got in line and were basically chauffered right onto the ride. Even though it was a quick wait, my mom got the chance to take a picture of DYS:


As the day went on after this ride, I felt it did live up to its name. I almost jumped out of my seat when the Evil Queen turned around to reveal her hag-gard disguise. I did not see it coming. And the ride was fairly dark from then on and it had quite a dark tone. But I got to wave to Dopey, my favorite disney guy protagonist, at the end. So I was happy :) Though, at the end, we found out my dad slept through the whole ride.

We wandered through Fantasyland some more and Winnie the Pooh was our next ride. This was around the area where a bunch of walls were blocking the refurbs. I could see Scuttle's Landing over them though. I never knew about the FLE at this time, so I was sorta confused. We waited a bit longer to get on Winnie the Pooh, but we got on.

I enjoyed this ride as well. Disney had not disappointed me yet. I love the Tigger part where you start to bounce up and down. It is such a great interaction in the ride. Then, the Heffelumps and Woozles room messed with mind. I felt so messed-up at the end. I love the special effect with Pooh that starts that area.

We got off and were led straight to the gift shop of course. Then, we kinda went into standstill as to where to go next. We then left the gift shop and travelled past the tea cups to Tomorrowland, where I was dragged to Space Mountain. I'll just go into my Space Mountain experience.

We have been transferred all the way to the back of Tomorrowland. I had never been on a roller coaster before Space Mountain. I was so scared. Especially walking through that queue and hearing all the screams "from space travellers before us". I was ready to turn around. We got to the point where we were just behind the loading area. My mom began talking about how dirty Disney had become (in this area), it looked like it hadn't been clean because it was kinda gross in the line. I was getting really nervous about going on the ride now and was about to turn around.

DOS, who is three years younger than me (a bit more since her birthday is two days after mine), gave me one of her silly bandz. If anyone knows what these are, they are basically just shaped rubber bands that people like to collect just because. She said she would let me keep it if I went on. She kinda made it sound like a lucky, magical bracelet, to give me bravery and stuff. So I went on the ride for it, since I liked the shape of the band.

I had such an awesome time on it, though I was sorta shaken up. I did get the band, but I gave it back, since I really didn't need it, but I wore it the entire ride so I had to thank my sister. I was wicked excited, since I'd gone on my first roller coaster and it was epic. We then bought our on-ride picture:


(Taken after the vacation at home)

I was starting to feel the Disney Magic more and more. Now, I was ready to take on this Magic Kingdom full force.

CHAPTER 3: IN THE DIS-ZONE coming soon!
Thanks for the reviews. Your descriptions of the rides is great - makes me feel like I am actually there riding them :cool1:

Am a bit gutted that FLE will be taking place whilst we are there - have read rumours that Snow White will be closing down - just hope it waits until we get our ride.
Thanks for the reviews. Your descriptions of the rides is great - makes me feel like I am actually there riding them :cool1:

Am a bit gutted that FLE will be taking place whilst we are there - have read rumours that Snow White will be closing down - just hope it waits until we get our ride.

Your welcome, I'm glad you are enjoying them :) Snow White is sadly getting closed down to make room for a new Princess M&G, but they are making a Snow White & Seven Dwarfs roller coaster in the expansion. I think that will be tons more fun, though Snow White's Scary Adventures was my first ride in WDW.
Loving the TR so far!

I'm going to be staying at the AKL for the first time this upcoming trip, so I'm glad you like it so far. I'm kinda disappointed that it's going to take that long of a ride to get to MK, but I think the beauty of AKL should more than make up for it! :upsidedow

Can't wait to read what happens next and I'm glad you enjoyed your first trip to WDW.

Thanks StitchLovesElvis, glad you are enjoying it! :)

Oh you are! Well have fun, it is a great place! They have lots of activities I never got to do there. The pool is great as well. It definitely makes up for being close to MK.

Awesome job Timmy:goodvibes

Thanks Zach :)
Are you gunna finish this??!?!?! I was really starting to get into your report.. dont leave us hanging! :)

Yup! I just had to find all my pictures that were on my laptop and get them on here. I also editted it up a bit. I'll try to get an update as quick as I can :) Thanks for reading and staying with! :goodvibes
I just wanted to post that I'm very sorry to all my readers who have been waiting for an update from me. I got caught up in my second TR since the trip was more recent, but I don't want to leave this one unfinished. I've done some editting to past chapters and the introduction. I'm currently working on the next chapter, so be ready. :mickeyjum

Another big announcement, in just 4 days it will be... MY BIRTHDAY! Yeah! So I just wanted to announce that. I will still get an update in, don't worry! :)

So after my epic triumph over Space Mountain I had a lot more confidence and was very excited for the rest of my day at the Magic Kingdom. We stayed in Tomorrowland a bit longer and went over to get in line for Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin. The line wasn't very long, but it did feel long. I think this was where we got a taste for long waits. We did get inside very swiftly and soon saw this guy:


Then, we were on the ride. I sat with DOS, while DYS, my mom and dad squished into one of their own:


The ride was pretty cool a lot better than I expected. I didn't like the fact you couldn't really shoot any thing because you could never see the laser, so it was a disappointment on that level, but the sets were just fantastic. I would probably go on it again.

After Buzz Lightyear my dad and DOS decided they wanted to ride Astro Orbitor, the ride in the middle of Tomorrowland. I really didn't have any interest in going on that ride since it didn't look like much, but DOS was really pushing it. DYS and my mom weren't really interested either, so we decided to bail them on this one. I took this opportunity to go check out the other side of the park since we pretty much did everything on this side (little did I know).

We kinda wandered a bit taking some bathroom breaks and such. My dad and DOS were taking awhile so we checked out a few places for souvenirs and food. Then, they finally showed up! They were pretty grumpy, so I'm guessing they had a less than stellar experience on Astro Orbitor. I will just give this story a quick few words: Annoyingly Happy Guy, Quick Ride, Long Wait and Added Antics. I guess you can see what happened there.

We proceeded to enter Frontierland. We headed on down through Frontierland and immediately saw some more character meet and greets. There was Donald and Goofy in their western attire, ready to meet & greet. Thus, there was a line and we decided against meeting them, but my mom took a picture of DYS in front of them:


We continued on down and soon saw the Country Bear Jamboree show. My mom was always raving about the shows at Disney and of course had to drag us into one. I was more in it for the attractions at this time, but my family actually agreed with her decision and I was disregarded, so we went on in.

The show was about to begin, so we didn't wait around in the lobby area before we were ushered into the show. After everyone was settled, the CM announced the beginning of the show and told us to wake up our MCs on the wall, as the curtains (doors) closed and the show began. I took out my phone to take non-flash pictures while it went on:







Then the finale came where flash pictures were allowed so my mom took out her camera then:



It turned out that I really enjoyed that show. It was very classic Disney and showed what the Country bears were really about. I loved the part with the little bear and his stuffed bear. I tried so hard to get a picture of him up close but was always late. Better luck next time!

After the show, it was about lunch time so everyone was a bit hungry. I really was pushing to go on Splash Mountain so we headed further down and saw Pecos Bill's. We went inside to get our meals. Unfortunatedly, we were having a bit of trouble with the kiosks and our Dining Plan card. We luckily powered through and got our meals. Everyone ordered burgers and I got a taco... well it really wasn't much of a taco since the thing was completely opened and I didn't notice the condiments bar with the toppings, though nothing really interested me. I did get a nice root beer so that sufficed for my failure of a taco. I did still eat it and it was... fairly good, though I divulged into my sister's burger and got some nourishment. Though, this was still very hard since the place was CROWDED.

When we got out of Pecos Bill's, we heard the parade was going to come by soon so we got across the street near Splash Mountain to watch the Celebrate A Dream Come True Parade from there. We, of course had to take pictures:








It was a great parade, the music was very nice and the floats were amazing. Sadly, I didn't know then they had a villains float and some other awesome floats, I would've come out earlier to see the parade. We did move back before the parade was fully over.

We now were planning to go back to Fantasyland and try "It's A Small World", when I looked over at Splash and saw some friends of ours, down there the same time as us on the ride. I told my mom and we tried to get their attention by calling out to them, but it was to no avail. So, we headed off back towards Fantasyland.

It was a bit of a walk from Frontierland to Fantasyland, since there was a lot of little things we had to go through to get there, but we got there soon enough. We found "It's A Small World" and got in line right away. The wait was a bit longer than some of our past waits, but we were inside so we got to look around at the classic Small World facade inside. I took a picture, but just as we moved so it's a bit fuzzy:


The line started moving a bit faster after taking that picture and soon enough we were in our boat. Then, we were off on the happiest voyage that ever sailed. My mom couldn't help herself but take pictures:







I had watched videos of this ride when I was younger, so it was nice to finally ride it. The song is kinda obnoxious, but with all the sets, you don't really notice it. Also, the language changes which makes it hard to understand. The ending was what frazzled me since there never was a little set with how to say "Hello and Goodbye" on wooden boards. I thought that was pretty cool, though the boats got backed up there. I still liked the ride (who wouldn't?)

After we got out of our boat and totally out of the ride, our next plan was to re-visit the lovely Frontierland to seek out some more thrills to quench my new thrill-seeking thirst...



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