Where do you want to retire? Migrate to?

While I'd love to retire to someplace that's relatively & consistently warm, we'll probably move back to West Virginia. My wife is from there and we have family and friends there. Also, West Virginia is a beautiful place with wonderful people. And, as morbid as the thought is, that's where our burial plots are.

I have very little family left in Pittsburgh and the friends I had have all moved away. Also, I honestly couldn't afford to live there now anyway. If we did want to visit, Pittsburgh would be just a 4-5 hour drive from where we would live in West Virginia.
Not when you live with Minnesota winters!
How are Canadian prairies any different? I live 90 minutes north of the Minnesota border.
We plan on being snowbirds and spend spring/fall/summer in our lovely cottage on our lake 2 hours north of the Minnesota border with lifelong friends.
We already live in a place where people want to retire (mentioned already in this thread a few times!), but I can't imagine staying here forever. My job has caused us to move several times, so we don't have roots anywhere nor have we lived within the same state as our family in years and years.

Reality is that we have a young (only) child and would love to land wherever he eventually lands (unless he has a job like mine and moves often, too!). If we had stayed DINKS, we'd probably land back home where we grew up (Texas). We miss the food ;)
I'm living in the home I'll be in for the rest of my life. My RV gives me the ability to do all of the traveling I want. So far it's worked really well for me and I don't plan to change a thing.
I've already moved from snowy states to a 55+ condo in Florida, and I'm not even quite 45 yet. I'll probably be here until I die or come into a large amount of money. And I'm talking like lottery or Publisher's Clearing House money. I'd stay in the same general area I'm currently in, but would like something more private if I can afford to hire out for taking care of yard/pool/etc.
The plan is to stay in the house if the kids stay local. If they move to two different cities, then we plan to buy condos in each city. Let’s hope that one doesn’t move to New York and one to LA.😂
We don't plan on staying in one spot at retirement. We have family in Florida, Texas, Colorado, and Oklahoma. Going to get an RV and spend time with our family as we want and see the country the rest of the time.
Same here, but problem is, where can you go to escape the 4 months of winter hibernation that you don't have to hibernate 4 months in the summer?

We had a conference call going with our plant in Tennessee. It was May. Asked what their temperature was. 105°. I can't imagine what that plant is like in the summer working. It's 115° here in western PA in the summer with mostly 80° days.

Personally, I can handle hot weather much better than driving on ice and dealing with a foot of snow. After 5 decades in this area, I'm just done with it. That being said, I still have a while to go before retirement and maybe I'll change my mind.

And for us, our parents are older and they need our help. We're not going anywhere as long as they need us here.
Personally, I can handle hot weather much better than driving on ice and dealing with a foot of snow. After 5 decades in this area, I'm just done with it. That being said, I still have a while to go before retirement and maybe I'll change my mind.

And for us, our parents are older and they need our help. We're not going anywhere as long as they need us here.
Sure. My problem is I spend several months wondering if this is the day I pass out at work and crack my head open on the concrete floor from the extreme heat. 3 decades of driving in snow and ice, that is a skills level issue and I have no problems with driving in any sort of winter weather.
Not when you live with Minnesota winters!
I live in N. Mn. and don't mind the winters. However, we get out here in Feb or March to warmer climes for a couple of weeks so that helps. Honestly, people around here seem to love winters as much as summer. There is skiing, ice skating, hockey, ice fishing(which is a big deal), curling and other outdoor sports.
Current plan is to stay right here in AZ, but if one of my kids ended up in Texas, I wouldn't mind living there.
When my years of caregiving ends, I plan to buy a small RV or camper van and travel around the country. If an area captures my heart, then I will consider settling there. I will not move to be near my children because I have seen too many instances among my peers of them doing exactly that only to have the kids pick up and move, leaving them trapped in a retirement community far from their family. I used to think I wanted to retire to Florida's gulf coast to be somewhat close to WDW but the appeal is quickly diminishing since WDW is no longer affordable or as enticing as it once was.
We live in So Cal and hope to retire in Boise, ID and travel during the winter. My daughter goes to Boise State and thinks she may want to stay there so we'll see. We still have a few more years before retirement and I need to be near my parents for now. The new Disney community in Rancho Mirage looks interesting, so that could be an option.
I find it intriguing to see so many comments of people saying they are going to retire wherever their kids are.
if you have more than 1 child, how do you pick which one to follow? If they move after you follow them, will you follow them again?

We have 2 adult kids that are still in our currant state. 1 will probably stay here and the other will probably move out of state in a few years.

although it came as no surprise to the kids, (they know we hate it here) neither one of them are too happy that we have decided to finally make the move to Florida.

Ugh. Just feeling guilty.


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