Where is the funnel cake? Updated 8/13/13 Finale!!

Hi Karla! Yikes, sorry about the boat/monorail issue after the SOA show. Just so odd that they wouldn't have everyone automatically covered for transportation. :confused3 But the food looked/sounded good! :thumbsup2

I'm still awaiting the funnel cake tales too.... bring it on! :)
I'm #1 of the 2 that are still on the edge of my seat. ;)

I really want to check out Landscapes of Flavor....I just keep reading good reviews.

Jill in CO

Could I be #2 of 2? I keep hearing good things about Lanscape of Flavors. With so many different options it is a must do for us on our next trip!

Count me in for the people who are interested in Landscape of Flavors. I stayed at POP twice in December and was tempted to go over there for a meal but really stayed too busy. Maybe soon.

For all of you, definitely go to Landscapes of Flavors, it will be worth your time. They have some standard stuff and some way out there flavors. I have a dinner review coming up so please stay tuned for that.

Hi Karla! Yikes, sorry about the boat/monorail issue after the SOA show. Just so odd that they wouldn't have everyone automatically covered for transportation. :confused3 But the food looked/sounded good! :thumbsup2

I'm still awaiting the funnel cake tales too.... bring it on! :)

Yeah Brenda,
That transportation issue left a bitter taste in our mouths. The food didn't, it was good and if I could get it again with out the show, sign me up. I didn't like the corny back story of the luau. The fire guy and dances were good though. I have this day at Epcot and one more day at MK, so where and when will I get that Funnel cake??? Please stay tuned!!!

So we were walking through the world showcase and decided that we should stuff ourselves even fuller than we already were, because this would be a smart choice. We had already tried Germanys snack gifts to the world and liked them, so I have ALWAYS wanted to try something from Frances snack shop. DD and I went in there while our guys were elsewhere. I thought we should each get something so I ended up with 4 selections. We decided on&
Mousse au chocolate - chocolate mousse
Creme puff - puff pastry with cream
Chocolate cake and
Strawberry tarte


The mousse was smooth and delicious and very light. I am not sure why I thought it would be heavy, but it wasnt, thank goodness for that.

The Creme puff was a little weird for me. The cream was light and creamy goodness. The pastry was the odd part, it was a bit stale tasting. I am not sure if that is normal or not, but I decided I didnt have enough room for all of it any way so I just ate some cream and everyone else did the same. We all loved the cream!

The chocolate cake was super rich and heavy but oh so heavenly yummy. I could only eat 2 bites of it but they were some of the best chocolate cake bites I have ever had. YUM!!!

The strawberry tarte was sweet, flaky and not really heavy. I only tried one bite because I was so full and we had lunch coming up at Le Cellier and I wanted to at least be able to pretend to be hungry.

Here are some other pictures of the goods that France sells.





Each of those goodies was about $4-4.50 or snack credit each. We used 4 credits for those yummies. I would, no, I will go back there again and buy some other goodies next time we are there.

We rate it a
4 :fish: Yummy, Sweet Goodness

Up next, Lunch at Le Cellier, one of our favorites!
I couldn't figure out how to quote with just the one picture but what you had was not a Napoleon. That was a cream puff so it could explain why you didn't enjoy it like you had hoped.

If you google "Disney Napoleon" you will see what a Napoleon actually looks like but I am not smart enough to post a picture LOL.
I couldn't figure out how to quote with just the one picture but what you had was not a Napoleon. That was a cream puff so it could explain why you didn't enjoy it like you had hoped.

If you google "Disney Napoleon" you will see what a Napoleon actually looks like but I am not smart enough to post a picture LOL.

I just realized that you have a Napoleon in your bottom pic. It is the powdered sugar covered pastry in the far left side of the picture:thumbsup2
I'm still following as we'll Karla. Wow, that bakery in France looks wonderful. We have somehow never found them in all the times we have been there. I am going to add it to my list for our next trip.
Great reviews...thanks so much for sharing. We did DxDP once, and it was way too much food for us.
Disneymomfanatic this is an excellent DR. I changed our ADR for our honeymoon from Le Cellier to Yachtsman Steakhouse; since the tables at LC are so close together and after your YS review glad I did. I can not wait to eat at YS again this June.
I'm still following as we'll Karla. Wow, that bakery in France looks wonderful. We have somehow never found them in all the times we have been there. I am going to add it to my list for our next trip.
We always knew it was there, but had never stopped in there. I am so glad we did this time, but next time I really need to have some room in my belly for that rich goodness.

Great reviews...thanks so much for sharing. We did DxDP once, and it was way too much food for us.

This was the 2nd time we did the DxDP and the first time we said we would never do it again but still did. This time my DH and I agreed that if we did it again, we would do a late breakfast or very early (first seating) lunch and many signature dinners. DH never wanted to do signatures before,but now that we have had Yachtsman steakhouse, he is sold!!!:lmao:

Disneymomfanatic this is an excellent DR. I changed our ADR for our honeymoon from Le Cellier to Yachtsman Steakhouse; since the tables at LC are so close together and after your YS review glad I did. I can not wait to eat at YS again this June.

I don't want to give too much away, but I agree with the choice. Come back tomorrow for my review and see what you think.

Hey Y'all,
Thanks for still sticking with this tortured Dining Report. I will be getting another review up tomorrow night. It's Le Cellier!!! Thanks for the kind words.
Ahhhh the deliciousness of the goodies in France. It is always so difficult to decide exactly what I want. I admit that sometimes I just say heck give me both an apple tart and an eclair! ;) If I could get beyond craving all of the sweet treats I would try something like the quiche or the sandwiches - they look really good.
Ahhhh the deliciousness of the goodies in France. It is always so difficult to decide exactly what I want. I admit that sometimes I just say heck give me both an apple tart and an eclair! ;) If I could get beyond craving all of the sweet treats I would try something like the quiche or the sandwiches - they look really good.

I know Brenda! I want to try so many things and don't have the room in the belly. All those food babies, yikes! You have to let me know if you try those other items and what you think of them.

Free ddp? Seriously????!!!!!

I am as serious as a heart attack! They usually offer it in late August- early October (if I remember correctly) since it is traditionally a lower attendance period with all the families with kids going back to school. They offered free quick service plan for value resorts on property and regular dining plan for moderate and deluxe resort stays. There is a minimum stay required but depending on how you and your family eat, it could be worth your while. There is a big debate about the value of it over the years and some people always do it and some never do. Check it out and see if it works for your family. We like it because it is already paid for (except for the tips) and no money worries there. We upgraded to the deluxe plan for our stay.

So before we made our way over to Le Cellier for our long awaited, must do lunch reservation, we, for unknown reasons to our stomachs, went to Club Cool and purchased some frozen cokes, after having DS taste Beverly. He didnt like it and DD saw her brothers reaction and opted out. J




That cost us only 3 snack credits and some smiles watching our kids

Now our time for Le Cellier finally arrived and we made our way there to wait in that way too tiny waiting area. I realize that it is a small restaurant, but it is a favorite of many and fills up quickly. Now keep in mind that we were there the last week in August, August 29th specifically for this late lunch. I am asthmatic and very much in need of air conditioning so waiting outside is not an option, so we filed in. After about 15 minutes, we got a seat in the waiting area. The CMs were playing games with the children, it was a 20 questions game to guess what Disney character they were thinking about. My two little critters were gathering many stickers for correct answers. Does a moms heart good to know she taught her younguns all about Disney and their characters. I felt bad for some of the other kids there, so I told my kids to stop guessing. Then about another 15-20 minutes later, we got called to our seats. Lets go!!!

We have no earthly idea what province we sat in, but we didnt care as long as we could partake of their wonderful foods. Bring it on I say!

For our drinks, DS and I had coke (I know, boring!), DH had a lemonade, and DD went with the Niagra refresher.

We were really excited about choosing our appetizers. The kids were so happy to be able to pick seafood without DH or I balking at the prices. So, because they could get what they wanted, they chose
DD and DH had the Mussels (these are no longer on the menu)

These were very succulent and delicious. She has found her new favorite food. She is over the moon for mussels now and will get them any where she can. According to her, she found these very yummy.

DS saw shrimp on the menu so he went with the Rock Shrimp. Breaded and fried little shrimp served with pickles and a slightly spicy aoli type sauce. He didnt use the sauce at all but I loved it. He loved the shrimp by themselves. They were light and slightly sweet and oh so good! (sadly, they are no longer on the menu)

I went with the Canadian Cheddar Cheese Soup - made with Moosehead Beer and Bacon

I cannot resist this menu item. I cant stand beer, but the combination of cheese, bacon and the cooked off flavor of the beer is too yummy for me to resist. Then, if you add the pretzel bread dipped in it, oh my goodness, I could go for that all day long.

Now I will tell you that by the end of our appetizers, we were not too hungry but we were troopers (a bit crazy if you ask me, but I was gonna see this food plan through to the end! Thank goodness we are almost at the end of our trip-in terms of overly full tummies only)

For our entrees, we had long ago (read months worth of planning) decided what we wanted here and we stuck to them.
DD is now officially a carnivore, much to her fathers delight! :lmao: :rotfl2: She opted for the
Canadian "Prime" New York Strip, it was served with mashed potatoes for her. (it is not on the menu like this any more)

She loved this meat and she said the steak was juicy and good. I tried a bite (since I had to cut it for her) and her description was accurate.

DS went for the Salmon Filet (not on the menu any more) served over noodles with vegetables and what looks like a mango salsa.

He absolutely loved the salmon, and nothing else. He refused to touch the noodles or the salsa. I took a quick bite of the salmon and it was nice. It wasnt very seasoned which is most likely why he liked it. To me, it was ok but under seasoned, but to him it was great.

DH and I both had something for the first time. Since reading the Disboards, I have come to read many reviews of the Le Cellier Mushroom Filet Mignon - 8 oz. Canadian AAA Beef Tenderloin with wild mushroom risotto, white truffle butter sauce and micro chervil. I have seen the reviews run the gamut, but I was willing to take a chance on it. What I was trying to decide was whether to get the mashed potatoes or keep the original risotto. Since I was trying it for the first time, I opted to try it as is on the menu to see it in all its flavor glory.
I will say that I am not a filet lover normally as I usually opt for the ribeye choice if there is one. But on this trip, I was branching out and widening my palate. Since I loved the filet at Yachtsman, I thought I would love it here. So, here is the sad part. I liked it well enough, but I think I ate at the restaurants in the wrong order. I should have had Le Cellier first then Yachtsman. The entire time I was eating at LC, I had the other taste in my mind. The filet from Y totally outshined the one here. I was ok with the risotto, but after a couple of forkfuls, it started to be way too salty. So while I liked it here, it didnt come close to the filet at Yachtsman Steakhouse. DH liked his well enough because it was meat! :goodvibes


So now we are onto dessert. I didnt even finish my meat so I had no real room in my tummy and opted for a very light option, I went with the seasonal sorbet

It was light and refreshing and I would get it again. And I got this since it was our anniversary

DD and DS went with the Moose

It was what they wanted and they liked it. Isnt it amazing how wonderful a food can be or how refreshing it can be or how satisfying it can be if it is truly what you want!! :thumbsup2

DH went with the cheesecake with seasonal berries. It was a bit heavier than he was expecting on a full belly but he said it was delicious.

So, Le Cellier. We love this place even though it has its ups and downs and is very cramped in seating. It has always been a must do for our Disney Epcot days, but now that it is a 2 credit location for both lunch and dinner, we might rethink it for other signature places. We are torn for right now. We love it but if its a signature, we might like to try new signature places we havent been to before.

We rate this a

4 :fish: Love it but there are other places that are better. Our server Lyndsay was on point, friendly, knowledgeable, and her timing was impeccable. We would love to have her as our server again. We will see if it makes our list again.

Our total for this meal was $206.76 or 4 TS credits or $51.69/credit.(a good value)

Up next a few more snacks and Dinner at Biergarten. Is there Funnel cake in my near future???
Just wanted to say I really enjoyed your reviews! Your kids are adorable : )

We may try the deluxe dp for the first time for our upcoming Oct trip. We know it'll be a lot of food, we know some may go to waste but figure we're on vacation and why not go for it once.
Just wanted to say I really enjoyed your reviews! Your kids are adorable : )

We may try the deluxe dp for the first time for our upcoming Oct trip. We know it'll be a lot of food, we know some may go to waste but figure we're on vacation and why not go for it once.

Thank you very much for the kind words PlletierBears! I believe that statement about the DxDP, go for it. It is a lot of food but it's all (or a very large majority) good!!!

I absolutely enjoyed reading your review.

Thank you for reading siennasmama! I appreciate your kind words.

Hope you both stick around for the rest of the report!
Awwww.. Yachtsman ruined you! ;) I love the filet at LC but I agree, YSH is awesome! I had the filet at YSH again last week and I have to say, I was smiling big!

Since LC changed their lunch menu to match dinner I can't say that we will be back anytime soon. I don't want the huge/expensive filet. I do still love the soup and pretzel bread. :)
I agree with you and Brenda, LC is good, but YM is superb! Going to return back to YM in Sept and leave LC off the list, not worth the two credits. However if I do a solo sneak trip :rotfl2: I may pay OOP for LC.
Awwww.. Yachtsman ruined you! ;) I love the filet at LC but I agree, YSH is awesome! I had the filet at YSH again last week and I have to say, I was smiling big!

Since LC changed their lunch menu to match dinner I can't say that we will be back anytime soon. I don't want the huge/expensive filet. I do still love the soup and pretzel bread. :)

Yes Brenda, it did. Happily so! Now we know we can love the signatures(I knew I would but had to convince DH and now he is.) He wants to try new ones and go back to YSH. I think next time that IF we go back to LC, we will do it before YSH.

I agree with you and Brenda, LC is good, but YM is superb! Going to return back to YM in Sept and leave LC off the list, not worth the two credits. However if I do a solo sneak trip :rotfl2: I may pay OOP for LC.

We did lunch at LC because we didn't want to use 2 credits on it as it can go good or bad. We have always loved LC but that is because we hadn't done YSH. I would love to do a solo trip but would feel so guilty about it. I would try all the things and places I can't do with my wonderful family. Someday it will happen. I have to stop talking about all this good food, it's making me hungry.

I am hoping to get a new update up tonight for our dinner at Biergarten. :goodvibes
So it is dinner time and we head over to Germany to get our very first introduction to Biergarten. Yes, I have been to WDW 18 times and I am 50% German and NEVER eaten here. Why some inquiring minds might ask? Well, the only answer is that German food scares the living daylights out of me. Growing up, my dear father had my dear mother cook some horrendously horribly tasting foods that we were forced to eat full servings of no matter what!!! :scared1:(shudder) :sick: I have been scarred for life. So every time we were planning our next trip to Disney, my DH would say, Lets try Biergarten, I would ALWAYS find another restaurant to sub in. It always worked until this trip. He wouldnt take no for an answer. Ok buttercup, time to suck it up. So this finds me at the check in podium.






I get to the front of the line and the CM says that I can only check in 15 minutes ahead of time (we were there 20 minutes early). So I sat down for 5 minutes and got back in line. I was behind this person who had a dress on that oddly enough looked exactly like a black, plastic trash bag. :confused: I was really starting to wish I was at any other restaurant right about then. We checked in and had to wait for the other family that we would be dining with for the evening. Then a family came with a mom, dad, and 2 daughters (high school/college age). I looked at them and just the way they were talking I immediately thought please dont let us get seated with them. Why you might ask? Well, they showed up at the podium and were creating a ruckus. They were, wait for it, an hour late for their reservation and wanted to be seated ASAP.:confused3 I just knew they were our table mates. Guess what? I was so right. UGH!!! :sad2: So we all get seated and given the information about the buffet and drink orders were taken.



Now, I am no small girl, except in height, but this family, they were all large. They took the inner part of the table so that if they wanted to get up, we would all have to move. The father and mother were on the same side as DD and myself. The father had his chair taking up ¼ of our table plus his own. What did I do? I did not just let it go, I moved my DD over so that her chair was at the edge of our table and the father had to move over to his own table, which he did without even realizing he was doing it. Ok, so now that we have room to move and eat, lets go to the buffet. I stayed at the table while DH took the yungins up to the feast. They all managed to find some goodies to munch on. While they were gone, the oddest thing happened. I found myself trying to be nice and neighborly to our tablemates. I asked him about his Eagles shirt and whether he lived up there? He said he did and that he lived in King of Prussia. I said how weird, we live in Norristown. He then corrected himself and said they really lived in Bridgeport, but that he always says KoP since more people recognize that town. It turns out that this family lives about 5 minutes from us and lived about 2 blocks from my mother-in-law. I know its a small world, but good golly that was super odd. Turns out that they were really nice and it was all of our first times eating there. We shared what our vacations had been like up to that point and had a great time for the rest of our shared dinner.



As for the food, I skipped most of the crazy salads and stuck to foods that I knew. :eek: It may not have been as German an experience as I could have had, but it was good. It turns out that I would like to go back and try it again. The kids even liked it enough to try again some day.

I am including the menu from all ears

Cold Buffet Items
Gemischter Salat (Mixed Green Salad)
Tarragon-Mustard - Dressing
Krauter Dressing
Creamy Herb Dressing
Bayrischer Kraut Salat (Bavarian Cabbage Salad)
Gurken Salat (Cucumber-Dill Salad)
Rote Beete Salat (Pickled Red Beet Salad)
Nudel Salat (Macaroni Salad)
Bohnen Salat (Assorted Bean Salad)
Bayrischer Wurst Salat (Bavarian Sausage Salad)
Tomaten Salat mit Basilikum (Tomato Salad with Fresh Basil)
Kartoffel Salat (Warm German Potato Salad)
Wurst Platte mit Schinkenwurst, Landjager, und Bologna (Sausage Selection with sliced Ham Bologna, Landjager and Ring Bologna)
Senfgurken (Mustard Pickles)
Sulze mit Remouladen (Head Cheese with Sauce Remoulade)
Berliner Bouletten (Cold Meat Patties)

Soup will change with the Seasons

Cream of Potato and Leeks with Pretzel Croutons
Hot Buffet Items
Gegrilltes Brat Huhn mit Rosmary und Thymian (Rotisserie Chicken flavored with Rosemary and Thyme)
Eissbein-Gratin mit Gebackenen Zwiebeln (Pork Shank-Gratin with Fried Onions)
Gebratene Kartoffeln mit frischen Krautern (Roasted Potatoes with fresh Herbs)
Hausgemachte Spaetzle (Homemade Spaetzle)
Wurst Platte mit Gegrillter Bratwurst, Mini Regensburger und Kassler Ripchen
(Sausage Platter with Grilled Bratwurst, Mini Regensburger and Double-smoked Pork on Sauerkraut)
Frikadellen (Meat Patties in a red wine Sauce)

Weisswurst mit Senf und Pretzel Brautchen (Munich's famous white veal Sausages with Sweet Mustard and Pretzel Rolls)
Schwaebische Kaese Spaetzle mit glacierten Zwiebeln (Cheese Spatzle with glazed Onions)
Schnitzel Wiener Art (Breaded Pork Schnitzel Vienna Style)
Hausgemachtes Apfel Rotkohl
Braised Red Cabbage
Lachs Filet in Zitronen-Dill- Sahne Sauce (Salmon filet with a Lemon Dill Cream sauce Bremerhaven Style)
Glazed Carrots with Chives
Red Wine Sauce
Mushroom Sauce
Mini Frankfurters Sausages
Macaroni and Cheese

Crisp Pork Roast carved to order served with German Mustard, Apple Sauce and Apricot Compote
Freshly baked Veal Loaf carved to order with Bavarian Potato Salad
Dinner Buffet Only Add-Ons
Braised Beef Roulades
Sauerbraten (Marinated Pot Roast)
Potato Dumplings with Bread Crumb Butter
Herring Salad Schleswig Holsteiner Style
Dessert Buffet
Florentiner Cookies
Blackforest Cake
Bavarian Cheese Cake
Fresh Fruit Salad
Vanilla Pudding with Chocolate Chips
Rote Gruetze with Vanilla Sauce
Freshly Baked Apple Strudel with Vanilla Sauce
I dont usually like to take pictures of plates from buffets so I only took the one. I had fun taking pictures of the interior of the restaurant. I hope you enjoyed this installment.

Our overall thoughts of Biergarten was that we liked it enough to put it on our someday again we will do it. DH thinks that if our bellies had be sufficiently empty enough, we would have loved it even more than we did.

We are rating Biergarten a

3 ½ :fish: Nice service from Antonia with good food and interesting table mates. Good entertainment (even though we didnt pay much attention to it). We might have given it a 4 if we could have tried a few more items.

It would have cost us $140.54 or 4 TS credits or $35.14/credit.

Up next we have our last full day at Magic Kingdom and our last opportunity to get the ever elusive funnel cake&Or will it even happen at all??? Next, Breakfast at Crystal Palace.


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