Wheres your favorite place in WDW?

So many to choose from but how about 3
1. Mexico pavilion at EPCOT. Can feel the cold air blasting me right now! 2. Sitting on the PeopleMover over and over at MK. 3. Sitting in the American Adventure at EPCOT listening to Voices of Liberty. I could go on and on...such great place to watch the world go by.
On the front porch of the exhibition hall, just inside the main entrance to the MK. I like to sit on the benches and watch the sun set in the west. All the lights come up on the square and down main street. It's absolutely magical.
Hmm...... well I have a favorite experience and that is timing a ride on Big Thunder Mountain during the Wishes Fireworks. It is SOOO awesome weaving in and out of the mountain and catching glimpses of the fireworks exploding right above. It is surreal.

Other than that, I think my favorite place is sitting on the beach at the Polynesian Village with a Lapu Lapu next to someone special watching the fireworks and the water parade (I forgot what it is called) is also up there on my list.
Such a fun question, and almost impossible to answer!

HS during the Orborne family lights is probably my number one (today, lol).
Last trip, I loved hanging at the Laguna Bar at Coronado Springs, drinking a beer or two, chatting with other guests, sharing stories... one of my favorite memories from that trip.
Main Street, because the sights, sounds, and Dapper Dans always put me in the perfect Disney mood!
For some reason, I always love that stretch heading to Splash Mountain, passing Pirates, the Country Bear Jamboree, etc.
Anywhere inside AK / such a beautiful park, always enjoy my time there....(with exception of Dinosaur area LOL)
Can I cheat and pick a place at DL? I've only been there once, but I remember standing in the entrance to the castle, with people all around me, with tears in my eyes realizing that "Walt stood here". In all the trips I've had, I've never felt closer to the man that Walt was.

I'm going to cheat and pick DL too... my first kiss (or the one I count as my first kiss ;) ) was right by Snow White's wishing well at DL and for that reason it'll always be my favorite Disney place!


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