Who Fartleked?: Putting the FUN back in the RUN - all the way to Goofy '09

Just wanted to pop in and say how great it was to finally meet in person at the 5k. Thanks so much for cheering me on! I'm sure you had a great 15k and WDW vacation! :thumbsup2
Hey Scott,
Evidently, I am just following Kim around, posting comments. It was great to meet you this weekend. I saw your blogspot report - Thursday sounds like a crazy day. Glad things settled down after that. Hopefully the trip home will be uneventful-like.
Hey Scott,

Just wanted to stop by and say hi!:wave2: I've been reading your trip report on your blog....Great pictures and great report! :thumbsup2 It sounds like you and Amy had a great time!:goodvibes

Have a great week ahead!:goodvibes
Hi, Scott. Just wanted to pop in and say how much I enjoyed meeting you in person at WDW last week. I SO appreciate all the encouragement and support you have given me over the last few months. I have been reading your trip report on your blog - great job!! LOVE the pictures and it sounds like you guys had a blast. Really wish I had been able to muster up the energy to hang out with you guys at MK that night, but it wasn't to be. Maybe another opportunity will present itself later on for that.

Thanks for all the wonderful comments on my RR and TR. It was truly a life-changing experience for me and I am feeling very positive about continuing to remain active from now on. Hope to run into you again some time in person. In the meantime, I'll be following your blog to see what you and Amy are up to!

Have a great day!

Good LUCK on the Peach Tree gimpy...sure hope your tootsie is feeling better buddy! :hug:
I just thought people out there who remember Scott might want to send out some good vibes :goodvibes and positive thoughts. This afternoon he went into surgery for a badly broken leg sustained in a nasty mountain biking accident. He is in recovery now, awaiting word on his condition, but felt I needed a place to "go" where some old friends might have some good thoughts for him. He is a fighter and I know he'll be back out there running and biking and racing his marathons and duathlons. He was supposed to run Wine & Dine this fall but those plans are clearly on hold. n
Amy - it is so great to hear from you and have an update on Scott! He and I are Facebook friends, so I knew about the accident and impending surgery. I sure hope it went well. It seems like it's been rough going for him so far this fall - who can anticipate an accident like that??? I'll hold a good thought for him today!

Your Pilates studio sounds great. I'd love to hear more about it sometime.
Oh cool...wasn't sure if he had let FB land know too :). I'll post an update on here once I get word that he's doing ok. Poor guy :(.
Positive and healing thoughts for Scott from me! :hug: Good to "see" you too, Amy!
Amy!!! It's so good to hear from you! I am also friends w/ Scott on FB. I feel so bad for him. I know that having a tib/fib break is no fun. Although I did not have surgery... I'm actually thinking he may fare better in the long run. My leg/knee still bothers me so I'm hoping the surgery will make him good as new! I hope he is getting around quickly and can still make the Wine and Dine trip...even if there is no running involved. Being in the world and around the magic w/ some of his favorite people may lift his spirits.

It's good to hear you are building your business and that you are keeping busy. It sounds like you are well and that makes me happy. :goodvibes

Sending PD and good vibes Scotts way! :wizard:

Ohhhh Stacy :hug: So glad you are here :). Yeah I didn't realize he was on FB so I knew you guys would offer encouragement here. You can pass the word along that surgery went really well and he's recovering well, already feeling good and sitting up. I've had worrisome day knowing he was going through all that. Not sure if he'll make it down to the W&D....but I'm supposed to run it and not sure if I'm ready for that all.

How are you guys doing??? I miss you!!!
Hi Amy!!! :wave: It's good to "see" you!:goodvibes I've wondered how you guys have been doing lately. Thanks for letting us know about Scott's surgery. We'll definitely be praying for him. :hug:

That is so cool about your Pilates business and studio!:thumbsup2 How is everything else going?
I miss you too! You should get on facebook too. You could network your business some that way... Just an idea.

I'm glad to hear he made it through surgery well and is doing pretty good. :cool1: He is a very determined individual so i know he will recover quickly. The fact that he is already in good health and good physical condition will speed up the recovery process too.

We are doing well for the most part. I now only work PT as a substitute teacher and PT in retail. I have slacked off so much in the fitness/health circle it's ridiculous! After doing 3 half marathons last year, I think I just got burned out. I decided to take a break. However, I've never really restarted. I still teach water aerobics 2 nights a week but that's about the extent of my fitness. Since I'm no longer working full time you would think I would have plenty of time to work out. I do, but getting to the gym is just tough. I'm a schedule person and since I really don't have a schedule now, I just don't get much accomplished. We also had a miscarriage recently so that's kinda thrown me off too. We are trying again, but I'm just not sure what's going to happen. You worry that you won't get pregnant but at the same time you worry that if you do get pregnant you will lose it again or something might be wrong with it. I don't want to register for a race and then end up pregnant and not do it and then it's money down the drain... I've put some weight back on too. That's a little discouraging as well. On a positive note, I do enjoy not working full time and though we are not doing a race, we are going to Disney in January and taking my BIL, SIL and newphew. I'm really excited about that. We are staying at OKW in a 2 bedroom through our timeshare w/ RCI. Since I'm not doing any races, I've not been posting on the WISH board at all. There are so many members, it's very different now and each "team" has it's own thread. I mainly keep in touch w/ the WISHers I met through FB now. Once I sign up for another race, I may start posting again on WISH. I really need to get focused on losing weight again, eating better and get back to walking.

How are YOU? and the girls? I checked out your website! Very cool!!! I'm so glad things seem to be going you way! I think about you occassionally and wonder how you are doing. I knew you were busy and not posting much on the DIS. I am an advocate of Facebook. You don't have to post much and it's a relatively easy way to keep in touch w/ folks without taking up too much time. If you guys do make it to Wine and Dine I hope you have a great time! I'm sure you do that race no problem. Looks like a cool medal too. I think the relay is cool option! Maybe in the year or two we can make it down for that race.

As a side note, my sister and her family moved from Atlanta to Florida recently. They are about 40 min away from Orlando. She is hoping the climate and the less stressful job will help her with her health. I hope so.

Better run... Talked way more than I anticipated! It is so good to hear from you! Keep in touch and take care of yourself!!! :hug:

Just a quick update....He's back home and recovering well. Still a long road ahead but he's such a trooper i'm sure he'll be running within the year :).
That's great to hear! I'm sure he'll be running within the year too. As long as it took me to recover, I don't understand how hockey players can break a leg and back playing so soon... It's their job I guess...

Tell Scott we are thinking of him!

I'm glad to hear that Scott is home and recovering well. We'll be praying for him!:grouphug:

Thanks for the update, Amy!:hug:
Amy and Scott I wonder about you guys often. Scott I hope things go well for you and you get right back out there when the mds say it is ok.

Amy great to hear about the business- you will do well.

Still in Georgia/ New Jersey you guys?

Great to see a post from you.



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