Who here is not in the "clique" like me? Part 2

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:wave2: everyone!

lyzziesmom, don't you just hate when people try to change your plans? I'm overly anal, so trying to change my plans MONTHS out sends me into a tizzy. Just days before the trip: unacceptable! (This is one of the reasons my last trip had "issues").

Nicole, sending tons of pixiedust:
lyzziesmom said:
He still wasn't sold, until I mentioned how last time I was going to skip the fireworks and I was in Toontown when they started, I could see them perfectly and we had a bench all to ourselves, it was empty back there. shhhh don't tell anyone. Disaster #1 narrowly averted!!
This is soo funny. Nathan and I were in Toontown riding Goofy's Barnstormer about 5 times in a row during the fireworks!!! I kept trying to get a picture of them over the castle, but never quite made it!!! :rotfl2:
We had Minnie's house all to ourselves and everything. :ssst:
I've got Nathan to bed.(at least I think so) Last load of laundry is being dried and it's about time for my bedtime, too. Whoops, Nathan just got up for a drink. :rolleyes:

I was sad to have to delete my trip counter, but it was time. :sad2: (gently playing "taps" sniff sniff).

Talked to DH earlier. Things are in motion for MIL to be moved here by the end of October. She will live with us for awhile until she finds her own place. I am kind of relieved the stay here will not be permanent. I love her bunches, but enjoy our family privacy. I was tring to put myself in her position. When I get on in years I would like to think DS and his famly would be willing to help me under those circumstances. I can appreciate her not wanting to be a burden, I would feel the same way.

So...anybody else out there tonight? :wave2:
Hi, Lyzziesmom!!! :wave2: Got all the packing done? Any last minute ADR changes? :rolleyes1
Are the girlies in bed? Nathan's only been up once tonight. I expect him to make an appearance any minute.:|
Yep, the girls have been in bed since 8:00, I'm working on packing the carryons and gathering all the travel documents together. NO last minute ADR changes!! I'm simply not doing it!
Don't know if you will be online laer tomorrow or not, so......have a safe and fun trip. I'm crossing my fingers that the weather won't be a problem for you.
2x2s would say something eloquent, but all I can say is.....I WANT TO GO TOOO!!!!! :sad:

DonnaLeah said:
This is soo funny. Nathan and I were in Toontown riding Goofy's Barnstormer about 5 times in a row during the fireworks!!! I kept trying to get a picture of them over the castle, but never quite made it!!! :rotfl2:
We had Minnie's house all to ourselves and everything. :ssst:

Donna...that sounds so cool! We rode SM once at night during the fireworks...I think it was MVMCP. Speaking of DS, tomorrow and Friday are my work days so I will actually beat my child out of bed. :teeth:

Hey Amber #1000 :woohoo: :banana: :cheer2: :bounce: :yay: :dance3:

precious pixie...glad to hear you did well during the storm. :grouphug:

Dznyfan...sorry to hear about the x problem. I'm sending you guys some pixie dust hoping he will get a clue and take a hike. pixiedust: pixiedust:

pozey...did you say you cook too....you sound pretty handy... :wave:

linda...loved the picture of Kenny. He seems so well rounded...like he loves life. maybe you guys should move to LA and do some film (just kidding...I really wouldn' t wish that on a small child).

Ok girls...Amber, Ashley, Nicole....lyzziesmom....your trips sound wonderful...and 2xcited...your going too...who's not going...ME...POZEY...DZNYFAN....hey what's wrong with the Oklahoma people??? :sad:

lyzziesmom...I like your plan for WDW...I was thinking about you today and how productive you are....all as a single parent. :wave: My DH has been on a business trip this week and I always miss his help. Glad your parents able to help you....you guys are going to have a great time. Your parents look like they like to have fun. :goodvibes :thumbsup2

Hey 2xcited...you know how we freak out around here when you are missing. :scared1: :eek: :crazy2: :headache:

Well I guess Sophie and I will have a little snack. popcorn::
hi non-cliquers,

It's been a bit stressful here so I haven't really had time to come out and play. I am still trying to get the insurance thing worked out but I'm sure it will all work out. (it better!!! :teeth: ). Plus, there is a good chance I will be changing my schedule at bit at work. They want me to give up my Saturdays to incorporate two new hires. It sounds wonderful from one standpoint but I will be cutting my hours so financially I am a bit scared. We have been soooo slow at work and I am strict commission so I am watching every penny---except when I went to Target today. hehe ;) Anyway, again, I am sure it will all work out. It will just probably be pretty tight for a while.

Nicole----Good luck to you tomorrow!!! I will be thinking of you and praying that all goes well. pixiedust: pixiedust: :grouphug:

lindakmonty said:
2x2s...sure you're all invited...remember...pozey will be paying

And of course it will be held at the GF Wedding Pavillion, right?? At we're all staying at the GF, because we must be close to said pavillion, right again??

Hope everthing went alright today with your child support case. :grouphug:

Ooh, Kenny sure makes a scawry dino!! Love the look!!

YourMajesty said:
2xcited....I'm going to need to side with you on the cherry twizzlers...I love them. I'm pretty sure they are 100% dried organic cherry fruit.

Sounds good to me---if you say so, cuz, you're the boss, ya know.

YourMajesty said:
I told him I would just take a girls trip....I'm just not sure with who....

Again, sounds good to me----who's in?? Shall we start the planning process??

YM---so DS snitched on you to your mom?? Nice.
Okay, I am reading way to much Plum---and now I know. Some instances---a couple of weeks ago, my mom and I were driving and were supposed to meet my dad for dinner and we got a wee bit lost. We ended up in a not so hot area and watta ya know--I spotted a bail bonds office. :teeth: :lmao: I looked for Ranger, babe. :rolleyes:
I see a cop car or a Ducati and think maybe it's Morelli. :rolleyes1
Last night at work, there was a helicopter circling the shopping area next to us. It circled at least 45 minutes. I just kept thinking that I was in the middle of one of Steph's encounters.
Must go read now--just started #7 re-read.

MImom---sounds like you'll be a busy girl this year. And good luck to Matt and his football.

DznyFan said:
2x2s - LOVED the story of your grandma!! We are on schedule for Chicago, but no clue as to what we're going to eat in St. Louis. As much as we'd like to stop and eat, if there's any road construction slowing us down, we're likely to stop at a drive thru as to save time!

Yeah, at least granny wasn't carrying. :teeth:

About the St. Louis construction thing----um yeah, good luck with that. Orange barrels everywhere. Maybe you'll be just waving at the Arch as you go by to save time. :wave: Have a good time in Chicago (and seeing Wicked :thumbsup2 --a real thumb) and have a safe drive.

Okay, your DD's stalker friend is just creepy!!! Tell her to be careful and always be with another person. Sorry, don't mean to scare you as her mom but this just freaks me out.

Donna---thanks for all of the lovely and healthy breakfasts, but you better believe your booty I will be eating Tonga Toast and/or everything else come October. Don't ask how I'll feel afterwards, though. :crazy2:
Aawww, that's so sweet that Nathan is playing the man of the house and watching out for his momma. :goodvibes
My sister and her family have once again declined the WDW trip. So, I changed our ADR's back to the original, or should I say as close as I could to the original. I felt nasty, but it was only a day after they announced they were staying and I was already asking her, "wow, that's great....but.....are you still going to WDW, because if not I need to change some things, NOW". I know the kids are disappointed, but I'm sure they will go down soon.

Your MIL story made me shed a tear. sniff sniff-----that and your ticker of the past. :guilty:

Oh Lyzziesmom---are you excited yet?? Too excited to sleep, you say?? :teeth:
How did you get your haircut?? I'm sure you will share pics when you get back. I know about the frizzball thing. The St. Louis humidity makes mine grow bigger and bigger. I scare myself some mornings when I look in the mirror. :crazy:
The owl-a-melon was neato torpedo. yes, I just said that because I am one of the long lost Brady kids. Here's a story, of a lovely lady. Who was bringing up three very lovely girls. All of them had hair of gold, like their mother, the youngest one in curls.

I don't blame you a bit on the ponchos. They just get icky after a rain. Better to be well prepared.

Oh, and I know the LOOK very well!!! "you want to change WHAT??" :furious:

Ash---you have more patience that me, girl. I would have given up by now on the game. In fact, I probably would have never figured it out!!??

Amber--good luck to you with your refund. I would just keep on them!!! Is the TA being nasty??
1000 POSTS :dance3: :dance3: :banana:

Pr. Pix---so glad you guys are okay. I really don't know how you do it. I suppose you get used to it just like we are with the tornadoes.
Nice to have a day off though, huh.??
Have fun at school and be safe. :grouphug:

Well, I don't think I am a hoot tonight. Must sleep. I have a dr. appt. tomorrow that I would rather not go to because I have a really bad feeling she will have to raise meds levels and I don't wanna. stomp stomp. I know--be a big girl, Pin-cess.

night night

Lyzziesmom---will you be checking in tomorrow?? Or shall I say HAVE A WONDERFUL TIME now?? Be safe and have a wonderful trip if I don't get to talk to you before you leave. Tell Lyzzie and Emma to give Mickey a hug from me. :) princess:
Crud, typed out a post & then lost my connection.

I won't be on much, if at all, tomorrow during the day since I'll be training my temp replacement and I don't think the boss would appreciate if I train her to DIS! I'll probably check in after work and quite possibly very early (like 4am) on Friday morning, just to catch up before I leave. I have a feeling it'll take me a week to catch up when I get back!!

Turning in now, nighty night!
DonnaLeah said:
Hi, Lyzziesmom!!! :wave2: Got all the packing done? Any last minute ADR changes? :rolleyes1
Are the girlies in bed? Nathan's only been up once tonight. I expect him to make an appearance any minute.:|

Oh my Donna...my DS does this too...2-3x before he goes to sleep and then at least once where he's really asleep but still worried about something so I just guide him back to bed. :teeth:
lyzziesmom said:
Crud, typed out a post & then lost my connection.

I won't be on much, if at all, tomorrow during the day since I'll be training my temp replacement and I don't think the boss would appreciate if I train her to DIS! I'll probably check in after work and quite possibly very early (like 4am) on Friday morning, just to catch up before I leave. I have a feeling it'll take me a week to catch up when I get back!!

Turning in now, nighty night!

Well...if your temp is really nice you could give her the website and have her join after hours. :rotfl2: One more day to go.... :cheer2: :woohoo:
Hey 2xcited...you know how we freak out around here when you are missing.

I'm here, I'm here.

:teeth: :teeth: :teeth: :teeth:

Wow, the Pin-cess has NEVER been so popular.

Merci. :smokin:
Geez, I get ready to go to bed and then you all come crawling out of the woodwork! Where were you a few hours ago when I was bored off my patootie at work? Huh??? Or should I say... Hunh.

Speaking of which, I'm 1/2 way through the 3rd Plum book and I don't know if it's because of the cousin named Vinnie or what, but I keep picturing Marisa Tomei as Ms. Plum, if she'd eat something and gain a pound or twenty.
Lyzziesmom---you're absolutely positive you don't need luggage carriers??

Because you have LOTS of volunteers.
Nicole...hope everything goes well with your surgery. I'll be thinking about you and will say a prayer for you. :sunny: I'm sure you are looking forward to getting back to normal. :goodvibes

Hey 2xcited...I see you just posted... :wave:
YourMajesty said:
Oh my Donna...my DS does this too...2-3x before he goes to sleep and then at least once where he's really asleep but still worried about something so I just guide him back to bed. :teeth:
Do we have the SAME kids??? I'm starting to get concerned here!!! :rotfl2:
2xcited2slp said:
Lyzziesmom---you're absolutely positive you don't need luggage carriers??

Because you have LOTS of volunteers.

Luggage carrier, babysitter, parentsitter... I don't care what you call yourself, as long as you can pay your own way I can smuggle you into my room! But you'll have to sleep with Emma, and that girl is all elbows and toenails at night.
Goodnight lyzziesmom, 2xcited2slp and YourMajesty :worship: . See you at breakfast!!!!
2xcited2slp said:
Lyzziesmom---you're absolutely positive you don't need luggage carriers??

Because you have LOTS of volunteers.

Really....2xcited is right...you must have a ton of luggage for such a long trip...there's no way you guys should have to handle that luggage all on your own. I can be at the airport in 4 hours if I don't stop to use the bathroom. 2xcited...how long does it take you to get to the KC airport?
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