Who is destashing in 2010?

Destashed the Halloween decorations , will put away tomorrow. Prob down to only two boxes , I had four boxes full.

Next up to destash Christmas decorations !!!! I have an attic full .

So far this year got rid of all baby stuff and gone through most of my clothes and all of DS8 clothes . Plowed through our holiday and arts n crafts closet and underneath front bathroom cabinets. Have a recliner full of toys to go this week and already sent most books in the house to the used book store. I have a credit of about 80.00 there . YAY!!

Only thing left I think is Christmas decorations and the DVD and VHS collections. Will be a nice big deduction due to all the donations I made once tax time comes around . : )
How is the 'destash the garage by the end of October' goal?

DH took care of most of it, I still need to deal with some cardboard and some cans of paint.

Got a bit sidetracked dealing with clothing that needed 'repairs' or hemming. Lost some weight and had to destash the closet again AND replenish it with stuff that fits (via Goodwill.)

Just 2 months left to destash in 2010!

This year is flying by so fast!

I found a to-do list tucked inside a book. Top entry, de-clutter. Date: '06! :laughing:

I have made a lot of progress in some areas. Others not so much. It's that constant state of gathering and purging for the kids that can get muddled.
Only thing left I think is Christmas decorations and the DVD and VHS collections. Will be a nice big deduction due to all the donations I made once tax time comes around . : )

I have donated all my unused DVD's and VHS's along with some music CD's to my local library and they were happy to receive them.
Sold another 60 comics this evening. Only made about 40 dollars but that is 60 less comics in the house!!!! and 40 more dollars towards WDW 2011!!!!:goodvibes:cool1:

Now if I could only sell the 700 I still have left!!!
This year is flying by so fast!

I found a to-do list tucked inside a book. Top entry, de-clutter. Date: '06! :laughing:

I have made a lot of progress in some areas. Others not so much. It's that constant state of gathering and purging for the kids that can get muddled.

ROFL! Well, I think it's time to finish up so you can cross that off your list! :thumbsup2 That always makes it to my list too so I think next year I'm going to make it more specific since a total declutter seems unlikely here. The seasons & kid stuff makes it hard to feel done.

I did not meet the Oct. garage deadline but it looks better. I still need to paint 1 chair & another coat of stain on the table leaves. Recycle some paint cans & donate or store a few items. DH cleared out & pushed around some stuff so it's better but not done. I will move my garage deadline to before T-day & hang a group of pictures stored in the garage before the Dec. holidays.

Sold another 225 comic books!! Only made 108.50 but it is more money and less comics!!!:woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:
Well, I took the plunge this week and did some serious wardrobe de-stashing. As I had said previously - I had over one hundred pieces of clothing that did not fit. I had been saving them for "when I lost the weight". I decided to allow myself to keep TEN items and get rid of the rest. That resulted in 5 Hefty bags worth of donations. :eek:

I then went through my spring/summer items and pared down the "multiple/similar" items. 3 more Hefty bags.

The fall/winter clothes were next - anything I didn't remember wearing last year and more "multiples/similars" were donated. 3 more Hefty bags.

I don't know what happened next - I was overcome by the de-cluttering bug and managed to fill up an additional 4 Hefty bags of purses/totes/shoes/scarves/gloves/socks/pj's/etc.

15 total Hefty bags worth of donations :cool1:

(At the suggestion of a PP, my current fall/winter wardrobe will be monitored with hangers. As I wear each item, I will face the hanger the other way. At the end of the winter, I will easily be able to see what items didn't get worn and will donate them at that time.)

I also put together 3 Hefty bags of towels, quilts, and blankets. They are in my car and will dropped off to my local animal rescue group over the weekend.

I am on a roll now - so this weekend when I put my Halloween decorations away, I'm going to go through my Christmas decorations and try to pare those down.

So glad I found this thread - and so happy that it has been active all year long :)

-- Laura

The recent post on "minimum wardrobe for women" had me thinking - I have waaaaay too many clothes and don't know what to de-stash and what to keep.

Basically I have two separate issues ...

#1: I have a ton of clothes that don't fit. My problem is that I am between two different sizes. When I go shopping, one size is usually a too big and the other is too tight. I always play the "I can lose 20 pounds, I've done it before, I can do it again" card and buy the smaller size.

Needless to say, I have not lost the 20 pounds and have an entire (no lie, at least 100 pieces) wardrobe of clothes that don't fit. :sad2:

What do I do? The problem is that I do have room for them - so they are not encroaching on my living space. I have a huge closet in my basement's utility room. I keep all of the clothes back there.

I plan on moving within a year or so - do I just keep them and say "whatever fits when I moves comes with me and the rest gets sold/donated"? Or do I just bite the bullet and get rid of them now? :confused3

#2: When I do find things that I like (and fit), I tend to buy one in each color. For example, Target had these cute one-pocket t-shirts last year. I bought one in black, gray, white, brown, and navy. I did wear them - that's not the issue. This year, Target had them again. I bought SIX more - in different colors.

I must have 50 solid-color t-shirts :scared1: (Not to mention the 15 floral patterned t-shirts from last year, or the dozen v-necks from another shopping trip).

Where do I start - in terms of paring down?

I'm currently out of work - so this would be the perfect time to tackle this project - but I don't know where to begin :confused:

-- Laura
Well, I took the plunge this week and did some serious wardrobe de-stashing. As I had said previously - I had over one hundred pieces of clothing that did not fit. I had been saving them for "when I lost the weight". I decided to allow myself to keep TEN items and get rid of the rest. That resulted in 5 Hefty bags worth of donations. :eek:

I then went through my spring/summer items and pared down the "multiple/similar" items. 3 more Hefty bags.

The fall/winter clothes were next - anything I didn't remember wearing last year and more "multiples/similars" were donated. 3 more Hefty bags.

I don't know what happened next - I was overcome by the de-cluttering bug and managed to fill up an additional 4 Hefty bags of purses/totes/shoes/scarves/gloves/socks/pj's/etc.

15 total Hefty bags worth of donations :cool1:

(At the suggestion of a PP, my current fall/winter wardrobe will be monitored with hangers. As I wear each item, I will face the hanger the other way. At the end of the winter, I will easily be able to see what items didn't get worn and will donate them at that time.)

I also put together 3 Hefty bags of towels, quilts, and blankets. They are in my car and will dropped off to my local animal rescue group over the weekend.

I am on a roll now - so this weekend when I put my Halloween decorations away, I'm going to go through my Christmas decorations and try to pare those down.

So glad I found this thread - and so happy that it has been active all year long :)

-- Laura

Wow that is wonderful! Good for you! It must feel great!
Very inspiring!:thumbsup2
I think I'm going to tackle my closet this weekend, yet again :)
Well, I took the plunge this week and did some serious wardrobe de-stashing. As I had said previously - I had over one hundred pieces of clothing that did not fit. I had been saving them for "when I lost the weight". I decided to allow myself to keep TEN items and get rid of the rest. That resulted in 5 Hefty bags worth of donations. :eek:

I then went through my spring/summer items and pared down the "multiple/similar" items. 3 more Hefty bags.

The fall/winter clothes were next - anything I didn't remember wearing last year and more "multiples/similars" were donated. 3 more Hefty bags.

I don't know what happened next - I was overcome by the de-cluttering bug and managed to fill up an additional 4 Hefty bags of purses/totes/shoes/scarves/gloves/socks/pj's/etc.

15 total Hefty bags worth of donations :cool1:

(At the suggestion of a PP, my current fall/winter wardrobe will be monitored with hangers. As I wear each item, I will face the hanger the other way. At the end of the winter, I will easily be able to see what items didn't get worn and will donate them at that time.)

I also put together 3 Hefty bags of towels, quilts, and blankets. They are in my car and will dropped off to my local animal rescue group over the weekend.

I am on a roll now - so this weekend when I put my Halloween decorations away, I'm going to go through my Christmas decorations and try to pare those down.

So glad I found this thread - and so happy that it has been active all year long :)

-- Laura

Wow, awesome job!! I think you will be very happy you just got rid of stuff instead of hanging on just in case. It will be much more fun to buy all new stuff if you decide to change sizes. I struggle with keeping stuff that "I might get into if I xxx" too. Some stuff I had kept for much too long was outdated when I went through it so I figured it was better not to keep too much.

I did declutter the kitchen counters today but need to vacuum. All these great stories are motivating me to finish my next project. The garage is still waiting so I think I'll tackle that before it's too cold and want to be able to post that it's finished.
Wow, awesome job!! I think you will be very happy you just got rid of stuff instead of hanging on just in case.

Exactly - and that is also why I chose to donate it instead of attempting to sell anything on Craigslist. The longer it sat in my house - the higher the chances were that I'd look through the bags "just in case"! ;)
I just filled up 3 large trash bags with clothes for the clothing drive at my work on Monday. I also found 3 coats for the used coat drive at DS's school. I'm so glad to see this stuff GO!
Glad I came back to this thread.. early on in the year I did some destashing and was happy with the results.. I got sidetracked and stopped.. with only this month and next to go, I decided to pick back up and clean out the house a little at a time.. I no longer am working, so during the week I can get some of this done, where I didnt have time for it before...

My goal is to be done with my bedroom and closet by next weekend.. this is a feat in itself!! but it's a goal..

Good luck to everyone else on their goals this week..
Here's a little motivation for us...complete the sentence...

Destashing makes me....
or, Destashing makes me feel.....
I decided to tackle the attic today. I started at 11 am and just finished. Between the sorting, stacking, filling 25 (yes 25!) extra large trash bags, walking up and down the stairs to bring them out to the back, my back and legs feel like I spent the day at Disney LOL!! I also went through 6 trunks of baby clothes with my dd. She ended up keeping about 1 trunk full for when she has children. I can't believe I saved everything from her whole baby and toddler years. I thought I would be having more children, but didn't. I will be donating about 6 trash bags full of the clothes to the thrift shop next Saturday. I wanted to do it today, but used up the whole case of bags on the garbage! Tomorrow I will try and finish. All I can say is thank goodness for daylight savings time tonite..I get an extra hour of sleep after today:thumbsup2
I was able to get started today.. I went thru some clothes in my room and got 1 1/2 trash bags of clothes out so far.. they are waiting by the door so that I can put them in the back of my car tomorrow.. I plan on making a run and dropping off on Tuesday, everything that I have up to that point, just so I can get it out of here.. :thumbsup2 Its a start!!
I decided to tackle the attic today. I started at 11 am and just finished. Between the sorting, stacking, filling 25 (yes 25!) extra large trash bags, walking up and down the stairs to bring them out to the back, my back and legs feel like I spent the day at Disney LOL!! I also went through 6 trunks of baby clothes with my dd. She ended up keeping about 1 trunk full for when she has children. I can't believe I saved everything from her whole baby and toddler years. I thought I would be having more children, but didn't. I will be donating about 6 trash bags full of the clothes to the thrift shop next Saturday. I wanted to do it today, but used up the whole case of bags on the garbage! Tomorrow I will try and finish. All I can say is thank goodness for daylight savings time tonite..I get an extra hour of sleep after today:thumbsup2

This is my continuing issue. Not baby clothes but anything or everything one of our kids may need when moving out. And those days are coming way sooner than I'd like :(
I wrote about this months ago here with some good ideas, but it still continues. I did donate a ton of stuff but there's much more. And its hard to get rid of everything when I know one of the kids will need similar stuff. They can't get all new stuff in their first place, can they? :rolleyes1
Sold another 46 comics on a comic book website this morning!!!

That is another 30 dollars for WDW fund for next Aug!!!! AND less stuff in my house!!!

Hopefully more will sell soon!!!

How is everyone else doing with their de-stashing???
Forgot ot mention that we sold our glider chair to the in-laws this week. That is another 50 dollars for the WDW fund.

The chair was just taking up space in the upstairs bedroom and not being used, so out it went!!
This is my continuing issue. Not baby clothes but anything or everything one of our kids may need when moving out. And those days are coming way sooner than I'd like :(
I wrote about this months ago here with some good ideas, but it still continues. I did donate a ton of stuff but there's much more. And its hard to get rid of everything when I know one of the kids will need similar stuff. They can't get all new stuff in their first place, can they? :rolleyes1

Yes they can LOL, not my responsibility to furnish my oldest's new place lol. I happily helped him shop garage sales, thrift stores and kept my eyes open for great clearance sales. I just could not and will not save everything just because the kids might could use it later.

: )

Destashed a bit more, more books off to the used book store last week. Finally decided I don't need to keep all of DS8 toddler board books. Just kept 5 or 6 special ones and off with the others.

Some Christmas stuff has left, but still need to get into attic and pull the rest out.

So now how do I destash my Dept 56 village pieces. I don't put them in this house because I don't have the space anymore . : ( . Maybe by next Christmas I will be ready to sell. I just can't do it yet LOL. They are all in attic so , so at least not underfoot.


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