Why a Gay Board

Please forgive me for barging in - but the harping on the low post count was getting to me. My last WDW trip was in 2000 - and I "reregistered" in anticipation of our Nov. 06 trip. My DH is not a Disney nut(so sad) . Often I don't log in and very seldom post. I just meandered over to this board - so happy to see such sweet , eloquent people! I think it is an important board to have & God bless all of you for being such a great support system for one another. So anyway, did not mean to "troll" just wanted to remind you that low posts doesn't mean low interest or little knowledge on Disney ( I've been at least 10 times - would go yearly). The DIS boards are great and that is why I came back again because you just can't get this info or fellowship anywhere else! Thanks everybody! Okay - I'll meander back over to resorts now.
midwestdee said:
Please forgive me for barging in - but the harping on the low post count was getting to me. My last WDW trip was in 2000 - and I "reregistered" in anticipation of our Nov. 06 trip. My DH is not a Disney nut(so sad) . Often I don't log in and very seldom post. I just meandered over to this board - so happy to see such sweet , eloquent people! I think it is an important board to have & God bless all of you for being such a great support system for one another. So anyway, did not mean to "troll" just wanted to remind you that low posts doesn't mean low interest or little knowledge on Disney ( I've been at least 10 times - would go yearly). The DIS boards are great and that is why I came back again because you just can't get this info or fellowship anywhere else! Thanks everybody! Okay - I'll meander back over to resorts now.

My thoughts exactly Midwestdee. A low or no post count doesn't always mean a troll. Sure, sometimes it does, but not always. Like anything else, we all have to start somewhere!

And don't meander back to the resorts board and not come back! Sit, chat, get to know the folks here!
Well I can't speak to all of the original posters views, it has been my experience, that those who complain about things like a gay board as being special treatment, have do difficulty in calling for a ban on gay marriages, gays in the military, gays teaching in school, gays adopting children etc. etc. "Special" treatment of gays is fine to them in these and many other situations.

When the day comes when all of these topics become non-issues, then the gay board will no longer be necessary. So I guess if the gay board bothers you, lobby for gay marriage, gays in the military, gay adoptions etc. etc. and once there is truely equal treatment of gays, then we can talk about doing away with the gay board.
midwestdee said:
Please forgive me for barging in - but the harping on the low post count was getting to me. My last WDW trip was in 2000 - and I "reregistered" in anticipation of our Nov. 06 trip. My DH is not a Disney nut(so sad) . Often I don't log in and very seldom post. I just meandered over to this board - so happy to see such sweet , eloquent people! I think it is an important board to have & God bless all of you for being such a great support system for one another. So anyway, did not mean to "troll" just wanted to remind you that low posts doesn't mean low interest or little knowledge on Disney ( I've been at least 10 times - would go yearly). The DIS boards are great and that is why I came back again because you just can't get this info or fellowship anywhere else! Thanks everybody! Okay - I'll meander back over to resorts now.

I think what those of us who were speaking of the low post count are saying is....it seems suspicious to us that someone with such a low post count would pick this board to post first...and especially to ask a question such as the one asked. It has absolutely nothing to do with low interest or no knowledge about Disney. I've seen several poster s recently who have post counts below 10 or 20, but yet seem to have great knowledge of WDW. I also believe that we meant no harm in our statements. I just smell something funny and I say what I think....sometimes that doesn't always work well for me :rolleyes2 :goodvibes
Sheesh...I thought gay meant happy!! Guess I'm in the wrong place :rolleyes:

Seriously though...you all handled this maturely and with more sensitivity shown to the OP than I ever would have. You have taught me a lesson about reverse tolerance.
As a big chested blonde woman could someone please pm me when they open that new board - I'm feeling slightly discriminated against :rotfl2:
p.s. as a 'straight' I've no problem with posting here and when I've joined in any of your discussions you lot seem a whole lot happier than the majority on the Us community board so I guess gay does mean happy after all!
Hi carol, I guess I'll also have to be notified I'm blonde, but big chested?? I dunno how "big" is big? :rotfl2:

seroiusly though I am new to the dis and I enjoy reading the posts on all of the boards. I also applaude you all for your great responces to the OP. :goodvibes
2Princes2Princesses said:
This is kind of strange, but I read this thread today because the title caught my eye and annoyed me a bit....then I got this email from a friend about 20 minutes ago:

I am the boy who never finished high school, because I got called a *** everyday

I am the girl kicked out of her home because I confided in my mother that I am a lesbian.

I am the prostitute working the streets because nobody will hire a transsexual

I am the sister who holds her gay brother tight through the painful, tear-filled

We are the parents who buried our daughter long before her time.

I am the man who died alone in the hospital because they would not let my
partner of twenty-seven years into the room.

I am the foster child who wakes up with nightmares of being taken away from the two fathers who are the only loving family I have ever had. I wish they could adopt me.

I am not one of the lucky ones. I killed myself just weeks before graduating
high school. It was simply too much to bear.

We are the couple who had the realtor hang up on us when she found out we wanted to rent a one-bedroom for two men.

I am the person who never knows which bathroom I should use if I want to avoid getting the management called on me.

I am the mother who is not allowed to even visit the children I bore, nursed,
and raised. The court says I am an unfit mother because I now live with another woman.

I am the domestic-violence survivor who found the support system grow suddenly cold and distant when they found out my abusive partner is also a woman.

I am the domestic-violence survivor who has no support system to turn to because I am male.

I am the father who has never hugged his son because I grew up afraid to show affection to other men.

I am the home-economics teacher who always wanted to teach gym until someone told me that only lesbians do that.

I am the woman who died when the EMTs stopped treating me as soon as they realized I was transsexual.

I am the person who feels guilty because I think I could be a much better person if I didnt have to always deal with society hating me.

I am the man who stopped attending church, not because I don't believe, but
because they closed their doors to my kind.

I am the person who has to hide what this world needs most, love.

I am the person ashamed to tell my own friends im a lesbian, because they
constantly make fun of them.

I am the boy tied to a fence, beaten to a bloody pulp and left to die because
two straight men wanted to "teach me a lesson"

This is why there is a gay board....because these things happen every day in our society.

This completely broke my heart. :sad1:

I am so sorry that some of you have to deal with this. I hope someday very soon it won't have to be like this.

Love ya, mean it.
I am straight, but honestly, the people here are more open, and nice. I think this is more of the "We will accept you for what you are" area than anything else. That is a good place to be in my book. :thumbsup2 I am different from most in this section, yet they, every single time I have posted, have accepted me and my differences.

I also agree with the other guy that posted earlier. It is sad that there HAS to be a "gay" message board. People love who they love, not sure why we have to label them.
pepperw23 said:
I am straight, but honestly, the people here are more open, and nice.

Thanks. Wish your son a "happy birthday" from all of us. Just remember, only 3 more years before he can drink legally and then you really have to worry. :-)

BTW, remind him to register to vote. It is necessary for the health of our Republic.

majortom said:
Thanks. Wish your son a "happy birthday" from all of us. Just remember, only 3 more years before he can drink legally and then you really have to worry. :-)

BTW, remind him to register to vote. It is necessary for the health of our Republic.


I told him, and he said Thank You. He has already registered to vote...So proud. So far DS does not like drinking, he is too in to his baseball, but I am not naive, College is going to change him...sniff sniff.

Have a great day.
what is an OP?

BTW .. those are my daughters in the avatar. My partner and I will be celebrating 15 yrs together this May while we are at WDW. Neither of my father's 3 or 4 marriages (I think he was married before marrying my mother .. not sure) lasted past 10 years.
Congratulations on 15 years, and your two beautiful daughters.

OP stands for Orignal Poster, the person who posted the first post of the thread.
Turbovtec93 said:
So are big chested blonde women.

I just saw this topic on the board, and although I am straight, I have some close gay friends. I believe the OP was :stir: .

I think that discrimination happens for all people, although who are not big-chested blonde women may think this is silly, it is very true. People assume they are dumb, or easy, or lazy, etc.People are very judgemental, although certain groups DEFINATELY bear the brunt of more outward discrimination. It is very sad.

I just saw the topic, and although I haven't gotten through the thread I've been very impressed at the composure of the respondents, when it could be inferred that the OP came to pick a fight.

Wouldn't a world with no need for differentials (race, sex, class, orientation) be nice?
xcountryusa said:
Why do we need a site just for gays?

If we are going to have boards based on sexual preferences I want one for guys who like big chested blonde women.

Why do gays need to be treated different?

1st, if you don't care for it, do come into the thread, now you could always buy out the owner of the dis boards and take it over then remove the gay board that's an option,

2nd, if you have to ask then you don't really need to be in here,

have a disney day
i think some people posts things just to get a rise out of others, that or they are just trying to increase their number of posts.
HappyLawyer said:
1st, if you don't care for it, do come into the thread, now you could always buy out the owner of the dis boards and take it over then remove the gay board that's an option,

2nd, if you have to ask then you don't really need to be in here,

have a disney day

Pssssssstttt.... the owner of the entire DIS is gay!
delswife said:
This completely broke my heart. :sad1:

I am so sorry that some of you have to deal with this. I hope someday very soon it won't have to be like this.

Love ya, mean it.

Thanks for your kind words Robin.

Have a great day.


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