Why is no one talking about the tragedy?


Oct 26, 2000
I saw a post asking people about what people who are cancelling are doing and no one responded. I see lots of posts since them about Tv's to rent, Christmas plans, etc, but it doesnt seem as though those on this board are talking about the tragedy and how it has or will change your Disney plans. I was planning to go Columbus Day weekend to that next Thursday. I am hoping to hear from people who were at the park when it was evacuated Tuesday, or people who have been in the last few days, or even people who are planning to go Columbus Day weekend. Please post and give me some insight on if this event and whatever actions the U.S. will take in retaliation has or will affect your plans and advice on if we should go!
P.S.-I know that this is a national tragedy, and it may seem trivial that people are thinking about Disney at this time, but I know now that life is so fragile and if I can give that memory to my 2 children(my almost 3 yr old especially) then I would love to do it.
The VAST majority of the threads discussing the recent tragic events are over on the Community Board - little else has been discussed there since Tuesday. The other boards are getting only a little traffic and generally only threads which relate to the particular boards they are posted on.

I encourage you to visit the Community Board for the insight and information you are seeking.
Ive been planning our Columbus Day trip since Dec. Ive been reading these boards every chance I get, taking notes, etc. Last weekend I eve started packing our suitcases. My 9yr son and I will be at the airport 21 days from right now. I have stopped reading anything pertaining to the trip. No more note taking. Not getting any of my notes organized. We are still planning on going that week. I did just get tranqs from my doc. Im scared crapless to be on that plane. I havent flown in 5 years and now Im looking at 4 flights - 2 in Oct and I have 2 booked for Dec. Im glad I read what I did when I did because I may not be doing much vacation planning from here on out.
I also found some threads on the Parks and Attractions board, I find the Community board moves way to fast for me, I just don't have the time to devote to reading the posts, and when I do and go back to check them out again they are 3 or 4 pages away! I was hoping for some hints family-wise which is why I posted on this board, oh well
Disnee Dad says......................GO! And continue to plan. In fact add an extra character meal, or buy some extra gifts. Do not let some cowardly puke take away your fun. It is time for a firm resolve we have not seen since 1941. This is a war that started a few years ago, but in a way we denied it, or refused to admit it. THERE CAN BE NO DENYING IT NOW! Osama Bin Laden is history, he got in the big shot and his followers will have a martyr soon because we are going to cut off the head of this terrorist organization. Then, if Bush is smart, we cut off the legs and arms. And everytime they start to regrow we cut them off. This will be a long war, and we will be attacked again. But as we slowly weaken the terrorists, their attempts will become smaller and smaller, and liberty and freedom will prevail. Sorry I got carried away, but the main point is we must not let them change our lives at all,(except for more security measures which I am all for). We are flying on November 9, and while I don't like to fly, I am looking forward to this trip, because at some point, either in Orlando or when we get home to Sacramento I am going to get a defiant feeling, that they didn't change my life at all.
We are going September 22!! I won't let TERRORISM stand in my way. I am resolved to have an enjoyable time and give a memory to my children. I am praying for the victims of this tragedy, and will continue prayer, we will go on this trip in memory of them and live our vacation for them..........something that the victims should have also lived long enough to do. We are also flying from Maine to Boston to Baltimore to Orlando, yes, I would be nuts if I said I wasn't scared but we have 4 children to be brave for.
We are leaving today(driving) for our trip. My big concern now is the weather down there. I don't know what to expect.
I agree with the other poster, I usually come on this board for tips for people with families specifically. I actually dont even know how to get to the community board. But the Parks board helped a little. However, everyone is talking about flying really. We are driving and I am specifically concerned about Disney being a target. It is one thing to say that the terrorists win if we dont continue on with our plans, and another thing to be oblivious to the fact that we there may be another incident of terrorism soon and that Disney may be a target due to its place in Americana and also the amount of people there. Can someone speak to this?
You know, my inintial thought was that WDW would be a target, but think of what they hit. A specific building with high high density. WDW has alot of people, but they are spread out all over the place and it isn't peak season. NOw with the rains, etc. I am not too worried about that. IT seems they targeted places that would shut down the country economically and politically, not places that are there only for enjoyment of the people. ALSO, WDW has visitors from all countries. I think they tried to target places that were mostly or all Americans.
You gave me some food for thought, thanks. I see you are supposed to go in September, is your trip still on? How do you, or others who havent cancelled, deal with your family members begging you not to go(in laws, grandparents, friends)? Am I a bad mom for putting my kids at risk in this shaky time? Do you think Columbus Day will have any significance as far as terrorists?
I will add to the question about family members, My niece (mid 20s) was scheduled to travel with us -when I called yesterday to say we had cancelled she said her parents would be relieved, in all the thinking of my children I hadn't given any thought to their worries, I felt terrible. My sister called to tell my children she loved them and me how relieved she was we weren't going. She also related how upset my father had been that we might be flying; "that's 4 of my grandchildren". My Mom called to tell the children that she loved them and knew they were disappointed but was glad they were not flying right now. Sometimes we forget how our lives are intertwined with others and how much joy our children give to others, if people are telling you not to go remember it is with love.
We are going truescorp. We had planned on driving from the beginning since there are 7 of us and that is alot of plane tickets.
My parents haven't said anything about not going, but rather reassured me that it would be fine and that we should go, that life needs to go on.
I think it is a safe time now. Terrorists want to strike out of surprise. We expect it now. My biggest worry right now, like I said, it the weather down there and driving.

To get to the Community Board (or any of the MANY other boards here on the DIS) you can use several methods. You can click at the top of the page where it says "The Disney Discussion Forums" which will take you to page listing all of the forums - the Community Board is about 2/3 of the way down or so. You can also scroll to the bottom of the page where it says Forum Jump - click on the down arrow (right past where it says Disney for Families) to see a list of all the boards. Click on the one you want (again Community Board is about 2/3 of the way down) and if you don't automatically transfer to the selected board then click on Go.

In case you haven't made your way to some of the other boards, there is a HUGE amount of information concerning resorts, restaurants, the Disney cruise line, trip repots, transportation issues etc. I highly encourage you to visit these boards if you have not yet as they will add considerably to your planning information. While the Family Board is great, it does not get nearly the "traffic" that many of the others boards do and therefore I find myself venturing to the other boards for the majority of my trip planning information.

Good luck to all of you making these diffcult traveling decisions in the near future and best wishes for safe travel!!
I totally agree with Disnee Dad!!!!! I was there in Disney when this Tragedy to our Nation took place. At the same time, mother nature decided to add a little spice to our trip too!!!! NOTHING stopped my family from enjoying our much earned and needed vacation. On Tuesday, we were afraid that the parks would not open in time for us to enjoy.... but they did reopen the very next day. We did not let terrorists stand in the way of our right to freedom. We got on that plane to go home. Yes, I held my husband a little tighter then normal on the plane... that does not mean I have forgotten those who didnt surivive. They were on my mind every minute in the air. But it did not stop me. Do not let this stop you. If everyone stops then we will be defeated. There were some Disney employees fearing the loss of jobs if people stop coming. We cant do that to our fellow Americans. Go!!!! Enjoy!!! and Live!!!! Do not let your rights be taken from you!!!!!
I think WDW can be a target, or why would they bother to shut down the whole entire WDW and also USF/IOA? Maybe now is not a good time to hit WDW cause it is a slow season and very less visitors. But it is sad to think that it is possible they can target WDW when it is at its peak season where thousands and thousands of people all over the world and incuding the international. I don't think the terrorists are just looking for Americans, I think at this point they don't care who they target as long as they target the US where it is saturated with thousands people. I just hope and pray that it will never happen.
I am still reeling from the attacks and it saddens me deeply, but the best thing that I can do to help my country right now is to continue on, business as usual as our President has asked us to do. It very encouraging to see that others are doing this as well.

If you want to read DISers comments about the terrorists then I would recommend the Community Board. If you find a thread that interests you, then subscribe to it so that everytime a comment is added you will be notified via email.

As for flying versus driving, for me and my son, I feel that flying is much safer than strapping him in a car seat and driving alone for an 18 hour round trip.
I was in DW from 9/9 to 9/22 with my son-in-law, daughter, and 3-yr. old granddaughter - as well as some other members of my son-in-laws family. We were in Animal Kingdom at the time of the terrorist attacks and as soon as the park announced that it was closing I told my son-in-law that something very VERY serious was happening as DW has only closed down 1 other time in 30 years - in 1999 when a hurricane was too close to the Orlando area. I truly believe that DW (as well as the other theme parks) either felt - or were notified by the police authorities - that there WAS some imminent danger or they never would have vacated all the parks. Having said that, my next concern is that once the US begins their retaliation we will see even more iminent danger as unfortunately there will be innocent children killed in Afghanistan and if they choose to retaliate against us, what better place to find millions of children in one specific area? There is already grave concern over the fact that many of these terrorist have tried to obtain crop dusting planes in Florida presumably so they would be able to spread some kind of biological or chemical warfare. I do NOT believe there is any iminent danger right now, but once we actually go to war I would be very leery of being anywhere that might be singled out as a target. As far as "letting the terrorists win" by changing plans, not flying, etc., it's not a matter of them "winning" but rather a matter of everyone making the choices they feel comfortable with. We did not fly back as planned - we kept the rental car and drove all the way back to upstate New York as there was just too much uncertainty still surrounding the Orlando area in regards to terrorists at large, bomb threats at the airport, an unruly passenger who had to be removed from a plane headed for New York, etc.. Had we not had a 3-yr. old with us I MIGHT have flown back, but I can't say for sure.. All I know is that whenever I'm faced with a situation such as this I always follw my "gut" feelings and my "gut" told me not to get on that plane.. All my life my mother has told me that "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" and until my instincts tell me otherwise I will continue to live my life a little more cautiously. Eventually I will fly again. Eventually I will return to DW again.. But for now, I will practice "an ounce of prevention"..
We are leaving in 7weeks and will admit I am a little scared BUT I refuse to let these people get what they want by keeping me from living my life. If I do that then that means they won.


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