Why Not Make It Three??? Or maybe FOUR?!?!? Or just MAYBE FIVE!!!!!

We had some shopping to do now and boy did we make that happen.

Tyler was happy to see the NBA store open but the Experience was not yet.


He did not buy anything. So we moved on the Disney Style and looked around.


We headed in and out of stores.


Tyler loves Stance so we stopped in there and got some socks. We got a Venom ones, Marvel ones, and something we cannot remember that on the receipt is called "Wright", Tyler got Drip Rainbow socks and Indianapolis Colts socks. The saved $5.90 with the Annual Pass...the service in there is awesome...socks are high priced but they are cute,well made, and it seems there is always some type of sale going on. It was 1:26pm. Then we made our way over to World of Disney, I'm sure stopping along the way.


We did some damage at World of Disney....Skye for some socks and key chains for friends and a Starbucks Parks Mug for herself. Ty got a Grape Soda bottle cap key chain, socks, and a T-shirt. I got my Ariel Mug and red leggins with Mickey ears all over them, We also got a two t-shirts. We ended up saving about $62.00 with our Annual Pass Discount. We did find that some places were ok with Skyler having a school ID and not a drivers license or State ID and others gave her a hard time. I guess not a lot of 15 year olds pay for themselves with their own Annual Pass. It was 2:40pm.


Of course she had to fill her cup...LOL! But we had things to do first. So we moved on towards the Star Wars Trading Post where Tyler bought a shirt...saved $7.00 with thee AP and we moved on. It was 2:58pm. We headed to Goofy's Candy Company where we got two slushies, some sour worms (Skye was mad they did not have any of her favorite gummies!), Cheddar Popcorn, and some bulk gummies (that were no where near as freah as the pre-packaged ones she was looking for). We saved $6.90 with the annual pass and it was 3:13pm. Tren-D was next. Skyler got a pack of patches (Emperors New Groove ones) and something else and I cannot figure out what it was. She saved $8.00 with the Annual Pass and it was 3:22pm. We moved on to the Marketplace Co-Op where we got a t-shirt and the kids got phone cases...Skye got Disney snacks and Tyler got the Haunted Mansion one. They saved $19.99 and it was 3:31pm. Skye then filled her cup (which you get a $.10 discount for doing) with Venti Iced White Tea Lemonade with no sugar, plus raspberry syrup, and peach juice. There is no Annual Pass savings here. Her total was $6.02. It was 3:43pm. We were getting a bit hungry again so we stopped at YeSake for a Grilled Chicken - Choose between Jasmine Rice Bowl or Seasonal Greens as a base, then add your choice of Toppings and Sauces...we got chicken rice bowl with leaf lettuce, tempura crunch and teriyaki.


This was not our stop for eating though so we took it to go. The service was fast and efficient. Out total was $8.62 with a $.90 AP discount.

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Skyler opted to go to the Mac & Cheese Food Truck...big surprise right? She got the Six-Cheese Crunchy Macaroni & Cheese - topped with crunchy Cheese Puffs.


She took that to go also. There was no Annual Pass discount here...total was $8.00 it was 4:14pm.
I wanted to go to Bongos so we headed over there to eat. We ordered and them Ty went to run back to a couple of shops he wanted to go to while we waited. Skye and I found a seat and we have a show to watch.



Since Bongos Cuban Cafe is actually closed now, I cannot access the menu but I ordered the Cuban Sandwich with french fries.


Tyler ordered the Cheese Flatbread...


We also ordered the Cappuccino...


We all enjoyed our food. It was a nice day out so sitting outside at Disney Springs was a nice goodbye to our favorite place. I was only able to finish about half of my sandwich but everyone else ate all of theirs. Our little friend had some friends and we got to watch some pretty aggressive squirrels jump on tables and steal people's food.







We all enjoyed our food and everyone finished theirs except me, my sandwich was huge! I ate about half. Our total was 28.76 and there was no annual pass discount.

Somewhere along the way Skyler got her new backpack and wallet lanyard form Vera Bradley. She took it out sometime after getting it and discovered that some of the stitching was coming out so they exchanged it for her. She put all the loot we had gathered in it for ease of carrying. While we were waiting for the food at Bongos (which did take a bit of time) Cary and Tyler went back to the Star Wars Galactic Outpost for a Porg and a couple of magnets. They saved $7.19 with the AP Discount. They also went to the Super Hero Headquarters and got Snap Band Baby Groot. The discount there was $4.00. Then they met us back at Bongos to eat. We had a super fat squirrel find a huge french fry and then lay down on a chair to eat it. We laughed our butts off at that...we just found it super hilarious! Plus, when do you ever see fat squirrels in Florida?!?!?!

After we finished eating we headed to the van to head north. We did not expect to stay this late so we were not sure how far we'd get tonight.
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So we said our goodbyes to Disney World and headed North. We drove until I was too tired to drive any more. We found a Hampton Inn & Suites in Tifton, GA at around 9:30pm. We found a nearby Taco Bell and swung through the drive through before heading to check in. It was a cute little, small town feel hotel.










It was really nice hotel, everyone was friendly. They had to send someone out to clean out the pool in the morning so we could swim. They were right out there and quickly cleaned up the water and we were able to swim a little before we had to shower and get back on the road.

The rest of the ride home was uneventful and soon we were back in Illinois counting down to our next vacation.
So, I just had Wendy cancel our June trip. So now our countdown is at 67 days...so we're sad...and happy we still have a trip planned...could be worse.
Also from Illinois (Central) and also normally drive. We are supposed to be checking in on June 1... prepared for the worst but hoping for the best. This trip was for my son’s HS graduation and 18th birthday (May 31). We are still going to Florida for the rocket launch, beach, and if nothing else Disney Springs.
Also from Illinois (Central) and also normally drive. We are supposed to be checking in on June 1... prepared for the worst but hoping for the best. This trip was for my son’s HS graduation and 18th birthday (May 31). We are still going to Florida for the rocket launch, beach, and if nothing else Disney Springs.

It's so fun to hear of people near you living the same thing...

We really really really did not want to cancel but so far all i am hearing is open at Disney Springs is an Ice Cream shoppe and like 2 other restaurants. And we were thinking we could enjoy parts of Central Florida we don't usually get to but figured it was too much unknown to be spending that much money. So we collectively decided July would be better. If nothing else, more of Central Florida will be open so even if parks don't get open by then, other things should be...but we're hoping for parks!

Have fun and Happy Birthday and Congrats to your son!
Probably a good idea to cancel but still disappointing. Hopefully there will be more open in July and smaller crowds. I would love to go this summer but my husband is diabetic so we have to be really careful with this virus.
So...Christmas 2019 Vacation...

Our dates were December 19, 2019 through January 3, 2020...At All-Star Movies from December 21, 2019 through January 1, 2020. We spent the first night at DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Orlando at Sea World. We had weeded down our ADRs shortly after our July trip so we wouldn't feel as tied down to appointments. Let's see how it all went, shall we?

So Tyler had to work at Game Stop that evening so we were all packed up, I had slept a few hours prior to leaving. We stopped at Little Caesars for cheap pizza for dinner on the way down and headed to Game Stop to pick Tyler up. At 10:48pm we were officially on our way. We stopped at a rest stop in Effingham, IL at 1:35am for a potty break and then kept trucking, or vanning? We stopped for gas in Farina, IL at 2:06am. We entered Kentucky at 3:49am. We were in Tennessee at 4:58am. We stopped for gas at 7:05am in Manchester, TN. We entered Georgia at 8:08am, were back in Tennessee at 8:12am, back to Georgia at 8:26am. I love that stretch of road in there!




We hit a little traffic through there and then around Atlanta but nothing too bad compared to traffic we have hit on other trips. We stopped for gas in Sparks, GA at 12:56pm. We entered Florida at 2:33pm ...








...and arrived at Double Tree at 7:30pm. I had mistakenly not taken my GPS off of "avoid tolls" so it took us a super long, boring, back road way. It took us much longer than it should have. So by the time we arrived, we were ready to get out of the car!

The parking was weird here so we were a little lost at first. Eventually we found the self park lot and pulled our stuff we needed just for the night in with us to check in.



We were given a room in the Tower Conference Center on the 17th floor. The tower was directly behind where we checked in so Cary pulled the van around to a closer spot and me the the kids headed up. We were wowed by the hotel and we really liked it!









Our view...





We changed into bathing suits and headed to the hot tub.
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We headed down to the hot tub...which was on the opposite end of the resort. There was a pool we were right near but no hot tub there...and that's what I wanted!








This was my destination and the kids' was right next door. They did have to go back to the lobby for clubs and t it was free to play.


I relaxed for a while in the hot tub. There was another family there for a little bit but they left soon after we arrived. The kids played one round of golf and then Skye jumped in the hot tub for a bit. We were all ready to head for food and bed. On the way back we found a pool table.


And a huge chess game...



The counter service restaurant was Alberto's Pizzeria. We were not in the mood to go up and get dressed and to go sit in the full service restaurant so we ordered at Alberto's. While they waited for the food I went up to the room to get showered and changed.

By the time I was done showering they were back with food.

Skyler ordered Hot Wings...


She said they were really good and had a lot of meat on them. Tyler finished them for her. There were 10 or 12 in there...not sure. It was plenty for one person, and apparenty that person's brother...LOL.

I ordered the Kale and Sausage Soup...


It was really good...a bit spicy but I like that. It was a large bowl and filled me up!

Tyler got the Meatball Sub...


There were five medium sized meatballs in there and they both really enjoyed them. They were gooey with cheese and the bread was slightly crispy on the outside, like toasted, but soft inside. They were both happy with their choice.

Skyler also got a Vanilla Bean Frappucchino (that we don't have a picture of??? Slacking already!)...that she said was definitely NOT Starbucks but it was ok. And for dessert we all had our Double Tree Chocolate Chip Walnut Cookies that we got at check in.


We checked out at 9:08pm...the total was $43.61 and we felt it was a good price for the good food we ate!

I took a few pics of our cool view...wished we knew what we were looking at.



We all pretty much crashed after that...it had been a long couple of days...and the fun was just starting!

Here's the view in the morning...

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December 21, 2019 (Saturday)

The alarm was set for 7:30am but I couldn't sleep so I was up around 6am. I showered and attempted to get into Photobucket but I couldn't. The weather today was supposed to be a high of 75 degrees and a low of 66 degrees today...so a nice relief form the last few trips we have takes that were hotter than the surface of the sun! It was 67 degrees at 6:44am. I did already have my receipt from Double Tree and an email from DIsney saying our room was not ready yet. Skye was up around 7:30am and Ty around 7:45am. We had Mickey Mouse Club House on in the background as we got redy and packed up to leave. We left Double Tree at 8:36am.

We drove over to All-Star Movies and parked in the check-in lot.


We headed in to make sure our bands were activated and to see if there was any way to get into a room now....and we found that "S" is for Skyler...


Everything was in order but a room wasn't ready and there wasn't one they could give now. I did mention my request to be in Herbie...and she said she thought I'd be pleased. We checked out the lobby and the gift shop.


We decided to head out for the day and the plan was Hollywood Studios. We were in line for a bus at 9:46am and we were on a bus pulling out at 9:58am...Skye and me sitting but Ty was standing. It's not a long ride and by 10:09am we were being let off at stop #24.
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We headed to the entrance loving the view of the gondolas. We were able to see them last trip but they were not taking people yet so this was the first time seeing them run with people on them! I am torn by these. I mean in some places they look really cool...like heading into a theme park. They are a neat reminder that you are at Disney World when you are driving in and can see them gliding above you. But there are other places that they are more of an eye sore. They also were not running early enough to get guests from their hotel in the morning to a park for rope drop...yet, they had recently lessened the bus transportation from the resorts with a station (yet the cost to stay at that resort went up???). So we had mixed feelings...but think they are really fun coming into Hollywood Studios!


We got to the gate at 10:17am and Skye and I headed through the no bag line while Ty waited to have backpacks checked.



He did not take long and we were soon heading in along Hollywood Boulevard!






We headed over to Animation Courtyard to see what was up. Tyler found Vampirina last time we were here (he actually has a Vampirina Magic Band for the next trip! LOL) so we had to go see her!



She liked Skye's "claws", I mean nails...



She was fun, even with big kids who hardly know who she is...LOL! After visiting her we headed around in front of Voyage of the Little Mermaid...


And over to wait in the short line (which ended up being a little longer than it looked and the Tyler was in a hurry to get to see the new world so they were bugged!) to see a couple of other friends. Luckily there was a lot to look at in there and a family with a couple of funny little boys in front of us to entertain Skyler.




Skye is still saying she is boycotting this ride...she loved the Great Movie Ride and hates this version of Mickey and the gang! She is getting a fast pass and she will ride...although she says while we are riding she'll go get some Starbucks...LOL!



And then it was finally our turn!





I don't have the final pics because they were of all of us on the photopass so I'll post them all later. They played around with Sully loving Tyler because he is so tall like him and Mike loving Skyler because she is so short like him! They posed us and put us where they wanted us. It was fun and we did not feel like we were being rushed out at all!

Then we wound up at An Incredible Celebration.


Where Edna Mode had no line but they were fixing a part of the wall in the line so they had us wait a sec...

She was fun and we got to hang a bit since no one else was out there. Pics are on Photopass so I'll post later. Outside was a big empty courtyard so we took some pics!


Mr Incredible showed up with a trail of kids following him in line. He would walk someplace and pose and flex but was not stopping for pictures with individuals...soon he has a hug crowd around him so we moved on.

We were walking past Market and saw something that looked awesome so we stopped!

We got a Snow Flurry Slush with a clip light up Olaf...



OK, so, it was really cool looking in the picture. There were three people working this stand and no line. They were not busy. We stood there in front of a register waiting to order. When she finally came over (and yes, they had all seen us standing there) she kind of was snippy. We ordered the orange one...there was a blue one too. She asked if we wanted whipped cream...um, duh! And the picture above was the finished product she handed over the counter. Yep, that is exactly what it looked like when she made it. And she did not ask us if it was ok with us to have a mound of whipped cream hanging over the edge that was about to crash to the ground any minute if we did not scarf it down immediately. She did not apologize for handing over a messy, not at all what it looked like in the picture, treat. She shoved it in Skyler's hand and turned her back. WOW! And before she handed it to her Skyler had to remind her that we ordered and paid for a light up Olaf. Being the first interaction of our trip, I did not make a big deal of it...did not want to start it off on a bad foot but really!?!? Now, it tasted good even though we could not allow much of the whipped cream to melt into the slush so I guess that is really all that mattered but i expect more from Disney. We paid $11.50 for that ugly but tasty concoction. It was 11:31am.
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So we continued into Toy Story Land and came up to the Photopass in front of the giant Woody with the sign. There was not a line so we hopped over there to get our pic taken. Well, so far we were not doing well with cast members because this girl as SO crabby! First off, the spot to stand was exactly in the spot with the MOST sun so we could not see her and she was trying to tell us to move over and up without talking to us from as far away as she was. I think she was already frustrated because the family in front of us has a young boy and an infant girl and the little boy was not listening and was done with picture taking...it was funny to watch but I could sympathize with those parents (even though my kids were picture fiends!). But the photographer was not doing anything to help the situation. Not that that is her job but usually the photographer tried to get a good pic so helps. Then when she finally used her mouth, she was frustrated with us for looking dumb because she wouldn't talk! So the pic that should have been super cute, is us squinting in the bright sun and not feeling very happy after being treated poorly by the photographer. UGH...whatever...not worth getting mad about.


I'll post that beauty later...LOL! We headed in further ...



We walked through to Galaxy's Edge...this was our first time seeing the gate open!!!















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I got the text that our room was ready at 11:42am. But we had things to do before heading back.

We were getting hungry and there was no line at Docking Bay 7 so we headed in there. The set up is really fun and it has a lot of seating in and out doors. We all placed our orders and Skye and I headed to find a seat. We found a table just outside the doors to the side. It was nice weather for eating outside so we texted Tyler where we were.

We decided to order three things and share them so we could sample. The first thing was the Batuuan Beef Pot Roast - Braised Beef Pot Roast, Cavatelli Pasta, Wilted Kale, Mushrooms...


We also ordered the Smoked Kaadu Pork Ribs - Sticky Pork Ribs, Blueberry Corn Muffin, Cabbage Slaw.


And the third was the Endorian Fried Chicken Tip Yip - Crispy Chicken with choice of Vegetable Mashed Potatoes with Herb Gravy or Macaroni and Cheese and Roasted Vegetables.


They were all super good...and there were at least pieces of all of them that we all liked! Ty loved the ribs. Skye loved the chicken and mac & cheese...I think people might have been fighting over the mac & cheese...LOL. I really liked the pot roast with the pasta mixture under it.

We also ordered dessert... the Oi-Oi Puff - Raspberry Crème Puff and Passion Fruit Mousse.



This was also really good and enjoyed by all...we might have licked the plate...no we didn't!

It was nice to eat off of real plates with real utensils. There were cast members walking around offering to take dishes and such that you were done with. All in all we really liked this place and think its a great addition to the park. We had brought pop and water with us in the backpack so we did not have to buy drinks. Our total was $61.73 so it was on the more expensive side but it was really good and we were full with just the three meals and a dessert. it was 12:01pm when we paid. We took our time eating and we did not feel like people were stalking our table at all. We will definitely return.

We headed in to explore some more.



While in the market place area Tyler needed popcorn...so we stopped at Kat Sakas Kettle and he for the outpost mix in an MS6. It was a sweet and spicy mix...red was spicy and purple was sweet.


UMMMM...the spicy was gross...hot and gross! I think we eventually picked out all the sweet one and the spicy went in the garbage...yuck! Not one of us liked it. It wasn't even that is was too hot...it was just a bad
flavor. But the bucket was super cute! It was $21.29!

We walked the marketplace some more...


...and Skyler fell in love with this...


Her name is Porgita and Panama loves her...but Skyler trys to break up their love all the time...she says Panama is not good enough for her...ya, we're weird! She was $17.03 (she got a $4.00 AP discount).

We headed back the way we had come since we were getting close to our first fast pass time.



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It was now time to head to our first fast pass...it started at 12:55pm...so we headed that way.



After our ride through Andy's room we headed back the way we had come...


I believe she was trying to mimic the face Porgita was making...LOL! We came across the Green Army Men playing games in front of the big Buzz...


And we headed back into Galaxy's Edge.

We really loved the whole land...and we are not even huge over the top Star Wars fans...I mean we like it but I don't even thing we have all seen all of the movies...we keep saying we're going to sit down and have an epic Star Wars a thon but so far we haven't...maybe that should be soon!

We had fast passes starting at 2pm at Star Tours so we headed there and pretty much walked right on.



And we got the same old scenes we have had before. We thought for sure we'd get ones from the new movie but nope...we love this ride but we were kind of bored since we keep hearing about the tons of combinations you can ride and we get the same five or six we have gotten since they started doing this version of the ride. We did get Skye's favorite ending through so that was fun!

We headed up Grand Avenue and stopped in to see Olaf with no wait, just one family already in when we arrived. Olaf is always fun and he was really liking Porgita! Olaf oesn't sign anymore, he gives a blue circle card with his face drawn on it and his signature. Those pics are on Photopass so I'll post later.

I love the decorations around and in Echo Lake so we stopped for some pictures there.


We decided to head out to get settled in to our room so we shopped through the stores on the right side (walking towards the exit) of Hollywood Boulevard on the way out. It was crowded in some of them but we hardly ever buy on the first day so we were just looking around.

As we saw the Gondolas while walking to our bus we decided to take a ride so we hopped on...no wait...walk up the ramp and into our own car. This was really neat! Skyler was a bit squeemish...you know, the girl who now rides all roller coasters without issue, ya, she was squeemish. Especially when the wind would blow or we'd go over a roller...LOL...we were laughing at her...Tyler took a video to Snap. She wasn't really scared, she was laughing at herself too!









We took it to Caribbean Beach, got off, then got right back on going back to Hollywood Studios. At this point everyone, including the chicken, wanted me to see if we could change out reservations for June (which no longer exist) to Caribbean Beach since that seems to be a major hub for the Gondolas and it really is a neat way to travel!
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So tomorrow is fast pass day for July. I have no clue what to get when. We're trying to be less hooked to plans but I do have the hours (as they are put out now) and they are not great summer time hours so wondering if that will be part of the crowd control. But we either want to do fast passes early or late. So that we can either arrive early and leave if we want to after our fast passes to go swim or go to Disney Springs or whatever for the rest of the day. Or we want to be able to wake up whenever, swim or mini-golf (which we have never done in The World) or go to Disney Springs or whatever before having to get to a park for our fast passes.

I did make ADRs as soon as I changed the dates because we were well into our 180 days and did not have any problems getting things we wanted, although we were pretty flexible, and most of them are for lunch. I know some places have lunch specials and the annual pass discount is most often at lunch time. And that works for arriving early at a park. Not so much for staying late but as it gets closer, we can change them if we want to.

For ADRs I booked...

7-18-2020 @ 2:30pm at Homecomin' (planning our evening at Animal Kingdom) NEW
7-19-2020 @ 1:40pm at Beaches & Cream (planning Hollywood Studios that day) Kitchen Sink only!
7-20-2020 @ 11:15am at Yak & Yeti (so back at Animal Kingdom) FAVORITE
7-21-2020 @ 12pm at Brown Derby (so back at Hollywood Studios) NEW for Cary/we have only been once
7-22-2020 @ 5pm at California Grill (planning late at Magic Kingdom) FAVORITE
7-23-2020 @ 11:30am at Spice Road Table (Epcot) NEW and I am the only one excited for this!

7-24-2020 @ 11:35am at Skipper Canteen (Magic Kingdom early)
7-25-2020 @ 11:30am at Tiffins (Animal Kingdom)
7-26-2020 @ 11:30am 50s Prime Time (Hollywood Studios)
7-27-2020 @ 8pm at Raglan Road (Typhoon Lagoon)
NEW although I have booked and cancelled many times
7-28-2020 @ 12:05pm at Nine Dragons (Epcot)
7-29-2020 @ 8pm at Sebastian's Bistro (Blizzard Beach)
7-30-2020 @ 12pm at Chefs de France (Epcot)
7-31-2020 @ 11am at The Plaza (Magic Kingdom)
8-1-2020 NONE yet.

The only thing I wanted that was not available was Sci-Fi instead of 50s but it wasn't available for any day and I heard people on some facebook sites saying they were not able to get it for various days either so I am wondering if it is closed for some reason.

We were really looking forward to the new Space 220 but who knows if it will be open (if anything is open!).

I like to plan a lunch for our departure day but not sure where yet so I may just leave it and check when we get there.

So putting this all out there like this, I guess I do have a sort of plan so I guess this helped!
OK so this morning I was making Fast Passes and I got eight of our fifteen days done, mostly Animal Kingdom and Hollywood Studios and then it started telling me I had reached my limit of fast pass (just me so far as I did not want to remove me just in case i messed something else up) and would not let me make anymore. We should have been able to make all of them...although, our passes expire on July 29, 2020 so I am wondering if that is part of my problem...although the ones I made were NOT the first eight and the one i was trying to make was not in the last three days (which would be the days after our pass expires). I tried this afternoon hoping it was a glitch and would be corrected but it's not so I guess I am going to have to call about it. But I really do not want to do them over the phone...I'm not that decisive or organized. So I am hoping it is something they can fix and I can get on my way. I'm not in too much of a hurry since they days I still need to do are mostly towards the end off our stay and are at Magic Kingdom and Epcot but I still want them just in case.
From there we headed to the bus stop and were on our way at 3:07pm.


We found that "T" is for Tyler. We brought everything up to Buildong 7 (Love Bug) room #7845. It was not too far from the parking lot but it was into the bend of the building so we did not actually look out at a parking lot. It was around the back side but it's not like we were there looking out the window a lot.



I am not crazy about these rooms. I like carpet better...but I get that it is easier to take care of these floors. With four people in a room, we never put the bed up...but I get that if there were a couple, it would make the room feel much bigger to only have to have one bed. As the trip wore on, the room felt smaller and smaller. We unpacked and decorated. We had brought a bunch of pop and food, mostly snacky stuff because they always want to snack when we get back to the room at night. We save a ton not buying much pop at Disney...it's a pain getting it all there but after that, it's worth it.


We always bring our own comfy throws. Partly so we all have blankets and partly because all the white is really boring!


We had a Toy Story spinny thing that looked really cool inside our room and out but boy did that thing go through batteries...so by half way though our trip it was out. We filled the fridge and the shelves...like seriously, we were NOT going to starve this trip!



Our light up Olaf claimed the top spot near the star on the tree and Henry claimed the popcorn bucket.

We decorated the door too!


And our window...



As we were doing the decorating people were walking by giving the thumbs up through the window or telling us how pretty it all was when we were outside. We were pleased...but i wish we had been on the courtyard side so it would have been seen more...I love seeing how people decorate their windows! Our side of the building seemed pretty quiet.

We headed back out at about 5:45pm.




We have officially decided Fantasia is our favorite section at All - Star Movies (we have not stayed in Toy Story but just the location puts Fantasia over Toy Story).


We wanted to recreate an old picture but we couldn't remember where they were or how they were posed. Here's the original...


I cannot get it to post the right way though...BOO! You get the idea though.





The arm of Tyler's glasses had broken on the way down so we stopped in Donald's Double Feature for some super glue...I probably would have paid a buck at home but $2.99 was less than I thought we'd pay for it! We looked around quickly and right sat 6pm a bus for Hollywood Studios pulled up!
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Ok so I called and it was because all of my June fast passes had not fallen off. AP holders with a resort stay are allowed 14 days withing a 60 day time span. He was able to get all of my June fast passes cancelled. I then addressed that my AP would expire on July 29, 2020 and he had someone add a fast pass key card to my account that would allow me to make the fast passes for the days my pass would have been expired since once Disney World opens back up the expiration date will automatically adjust (supposedly).

So I went back in and was able to make up to July 30...I was even able to make one for July 30. And then on the second one it told me I was at my fast pass limit again...UGH!


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